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Your search resulted in 460 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Assessment of the Inhibition of wood decay fungi by volatile organic compounds identified from Trichoderma spp.
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10302
Previous research identified five volatile organic compounds produced by Trichoderma spp. that may be inhibitory to wood decay fungi. The effects of four of these volatile organic compounds, 2-propanone, 2-methyl-1-butanol, heptanal and octanal were tested over a range of concentrations against four selected wood decay fungi. The fungi were incubated in malt extract broth under appropriate conditi...
S N Humphris, R E Wheatley, A Bruce, C Payne

Moisture content development in lap-joints of different wood species in outside exposure trials
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20143
Lap-joint trails (following European Standard EN 12037) were set up with 11 different softwood and hardwood species. Half of the number of the lap-joint specimens were coated with an alkyd coating. The moisture development has been followed during a 19 months period. In this paper, the out comes of different moisture contents evaluations are presented. The results show, that the moisture content o...
H Militz, M Broertjes, C J Bloom

Permanence of permethrin and bifenthrin in framing timbers subjected to hazard class 3 exposure
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30383
End-sealed Pinus radiata specimens measuring 235 x 90 x 35 mm were treated using a modified Lowry schedule with permethrin or bifenthrin in white spirit to Hazard Class 2 (H2) retentions. After conditioning, the specimens were exposed at 45o on north facing racks near Melbourne (Australia). Samples of the specimens were taken before installation, and after three and six months exposure. Analyses o...
A C Hunt, D G Humphrey, R Wearne, L J Cookson

Assessment of untreated Papua New Guinea timbers against subterranean termites. Final report
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10041
Four years after the exposure of eight timber species of varying density against subterranean termites in a field trial, Kwila was still generally sound while Taun, Malas and PNG Walnut were beginning to be attacked slightly to moderately. Calophyllum, Kamarere, PNG Beech and White Cheesewood were severely attacked and failed. Results after the period of exposure shows that Kwila rates highly as t...
H C Konabe, M Rokova

Assessment of residual retentions in creosote treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) poles after 45 years ground contact service in the Lemstervaart in the Dutch polder
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50022
In a project funded by the Water State Authorities (RWS) and the Noordoostpolder Water Board, the residual retentions in ten creosote treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) poles were examined after 45 years ground contact service along a canal (Lemstervaart) in the Dutch Noordoostpolder. The Lemstervaart location was selected due to the fact that the poles involved had been originally treated and ...
P Esser, W L D Suitela, A J Pendlebury, H Visscher

A preliminary assessment of the costs of termite activity in Australia: A discussion paper
1983 - IRG/WP 1207
A preliminary assessment has been made of the economic importance of termite activity in Australia and this paper is intended to serve as a starting point in discussing this topic. Damage to timber in service represents their greatest area of economic importance in urban and rural environments. Costs resulting from termite activity include timber replacements in buildings, railway sleepers, transm...
J R J French

Notes on a wood preservation industry in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
1987 - IRG/WP 3405
This paper deals with a descriptive account on the development of a wood preservation industry in Medan, North Sumatera (Indonesia). The industry was established in 1974 when the State Owned Electicity Corporation decided to use wooden power poles for their distribution network in North Sumatera province. However, the use of wooden power poles was discontinued in 1981, so as the preservation indus...
N Supriana, A Murad

The performance of metal-chromium-arsenic formulations after 32 to 38 years' in-ground exposure in Australia
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30240
Two trials of metal-chromium-arsenic preservatives were exposed in-ground in Australia. In Trial 1, Pinus radiata stakes treated with Boliden K.33, Boliden S.25, Celcure A, Tanalith C and Tanalith CA were installed at Sydney and Narrandera in 1961/1962. In Trial 2, P. radiata and Eucalyptus regnans sapwood were treated with Celcure A, Celcure A21-N, Celcure A 21-O and Tanalith CA (new) and install...
G C Johnson, J D Thornton, J Beesley

Assessment of treated wood leachates genotoxicity with a bacterial test
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50089
Genotoxicity is known as the damage caused by environmental stressors (biological, chemical and physical) on the genetic material of an organism. This toxicological effect can be assessed by a lot of biological assays and especially by bacterial tests. These tests are frequently performed on environmental samples or on pures substances and are in that case, strongly correlated to the carcinogenic ...
P Marchal, C Martin

A non-pressure method of protection based on hurdle theory to control the spectrum of internal environmental factors which affect the decay of poles in soil contact
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20005
A field trial was conducted to establish whether superficial barrier linings on poles in soil contact could function as environmental hurdles against the growth of biological agents and thus provide preventative methodology to preclude premature failure of vineyard poles under flood-irrigation. Assessment after 52 weeks exposure to the prevailing conditions and sub-tropical environment showed that...
A A W Baecker

Soil-bed decay resistance evaluation of strandboards treated with preservative at different points of the manufacture process after 18 months exposure
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40230
Strandboards were treated with a copper-boron water-based preservative at different points of manufacture process namely, green strand diffusion, vacuum, spray application in the resin blender and post manufacture heat and cold quench. Preservative was applied to achieve five different retentions (0, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 kg m-3). The modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity were assessed before expo...
G J Goroyias, M D C Hale

Subterranean termite attack potential in field test sites: assessment methods and field characterization
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10472
To assess subterranean termite attack potential in the field and seasonal variations, trials were set up in each of two managed silvicultural plantations, of Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus pinaster, respectively. Termite occupancy in lying dead wood was evaluated by an adaptation of the line-intersection method, and attack potential in soil was assessed by a system of stakes inserted into the groun...
T Nobre, L Nunes, L Brinca, D E Bignell

Effect of climate, species, preservative concentration and water repellent on leaching from CCA-treated lumber exposed above ground
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50178
Few studies have examined leaching of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) from treated wood in above ground exposures due to the assumption that leaching is less severe compared to wood in continuous contact with soil or water. However, a significant portion of CCA treated wood is used for above ground applications, exposing considerable volumes of the preservative to precipitation and potential leach...
J L Taylor, P A Cooper

Leaching amount of wood preservatives from treated wood in different size during outdoor exposure for 6 months
2000 - IRG/WP 00-50160
Eighteen impregnated specimens with CCA, ACQ, and BAAC preservatives were subjected to a outdoor leaching test. Test specimens, 10 x 10 x 25 cm3, 5 x 10 x 25 cm3, 2 x 10 x 25 cm3 in size, were cut from Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica). Both of end surfaces were sealed with a silicone sealer in the half number of specimens. Total leaching amounts of copper from the open-end ACQ specimens of 10...
K Yamamoto, S Motegi, A Inai

Chromium in wood preservation: Health and environmental aspects
1978 - IRG/WP 3120
The majority of water-borne salts in current use contain hexavalent chromium, usually as dichromate or chromium trioxide. In about 1913 it was suggested that chromates, phosphates or borates could be added to the sodium fluoride and dinitrophenol mixtures then in use in order to inhibit corrosion. Dichromates were found to be most suitable and the resulting mixture known as Thriolith and later Tri...
T R G Cox, B A Richardson

Interim balance after 20 months of lap-joint exposure
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20164
The application of natural resins and integrated resin systems to improve the performance of Pinus sylvestris was assessed in a lap-joint test according to DIN V ENV 12037 (1996). Lap-joints of Pinus sapwood were exposed at the test field in Hamburg (Germany) in May 1997. The treated lap-joints were assessed with regard to the performance of the resin treatments out of ground. The exposure of lap-...
M Sailer, A O Rapp, R-D Peek, A J Nurmi, E P J Beckers

Evaluation of outdoor weathering performance of modified wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20296
Interlace treated, oil treated, silicon treated as well as untreated Scots pine samples have been exposed outdoors. For evaluating the samples on their long term performance an internal standard had been developed. Parameters to be determined were the uptake of liquid water (submersion test), weight variation during exposure, crack performance, surface roughness and colour change. This paper disc...
Y Schulte, S Donath, A Krause, H Militz

An environmental aspect relating to leachability of CCA from hardwood and softwood poles in Bangladesh
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50167
Leachability of CCA and the service performance of 8 softwood and 5 heartwood poles in service after 5 to 17 years in Bangladesh have been studied. The study included determination of retention of CCA-C in outer 6 mm zones at groundline (GL) and above groundline (AGL) along with the observation of decay and conditions of soils. The mean leaching of CCA-C derived from retention differential at GL a...
A K Lahiry

Pentachlorophenol and tributyltin oxide - the performance of treated Pinus radiata after 12 years' exposure
1986 - IRG/WP 3361
Pinus radiata samples were impregnated with a range of light organic solvent preservatives and copper/chrome/arsenic salt and exposed with no surface coating both in and above ground for 12 years. Inspection of the test samples revealed that some formulations of light organic solvent preservatives will give good fungal protection and reduce splitting in Pinus radiata exposed externally without a s...
R S Johnstone

Co-operative research project on L-joint testing. Sampling after 18 months exposure
1984 - IRG/WP 2233
In September 1983, Document No: IRG/WP/2208 was distributed giving guidance on sampling after 8 months exposure (due 1 December 1983 for those L-joints exposed on schedule on 1 April 1983), and including tables on which to record the test results. No major problems have been notified to Princes Risborough Laboratory concerning the sampling method. It is therefore proposed that the next sampling, a...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

Environmental fate of copper-based wood preservatives in different soil substrates - Part 1: Screening of the metal adsorption potential
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-21 a
In treatment plants, spillage of wood preservatives onto soil may be of environmental concern. This potential soil contamination served as an objective for a screening study. Three different mineral soils, a mineral substrate and two horticultural substrates are examined for their sorptive potential of copper through mixing with wood preservative solutions. Depending on the soil/substrate charact...
G M F Van Eetvelde, J M Mwangi, F Tack, R Hartmann, M Stevens

Efficacy of copper:propiconazole and copper:citrate systems in ground contact exposure at a site with copper tolerant fungi
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30305
Southern yellow pine (SYP) sapwood field stakes were treated with copper alone (ammoniacal copper carbonate, ACC) at four levels, or three levels of copper (1.6, 3.2, or 6.4 kgm-3, as CuO), air-dried, then re-treated with propiconazole in a light organic solvent at 0.07, 0.3, or 0.7 kgm-3 retentions. In a separate study, SYP field stakes were treated with three levels of ACC to give 6.7, 13.4 or ...
D D Nicholas, T Schultz

A test method to simulate above-ground exposure
1978 - IRG/WP 2112
The simulated above-ground exposure technique described is worthy of consideration as a simple procedure to determine the relative decay resistance of preservative-treated wood exposed to a moderate decay hazard. The method may readily be modified to allow testing of other materials such as plywood by simply enlarging the slots cut in the modified feeder strips. The method by no means completely s...
J A Butcher

Evaluation of teak sawdayst Tectona grandis L Fil as a potential source to obtain a natural wood preservative in Colombia
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30356
Plantation Teak (Tectona grandis L. Fil) has been tested as a possible source of natural wood preservatives due to the known excellent durability of old-growth teak wood. Field tests (ground proximity termite and above ground simulated decking exposures) were established in Colombia in April 2003 at two different test sites with different climates (Tropical Dry and Rain forest). Teak heartwood ex...
A Castillo, Y Cabrera, A F Preston, R Morris

Evaluation of the biocide diffusion from treated wood in indoor air. Bibliographic study
1990 - IRG/WP 3584
Within the frame of the risk assessment of the wood preservation products for the Health, the treated wood risk particularly when it is installed in dwellings becomes most important. The European directive "Building materials" (89/106/CEE) mentions the basic requirements with the buildings must comply. Annexe l states in particular that "the building must be conceived and built in order not to bec...
A Pichard

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