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Occurrence, prevention and repair of Dry Rot
1990 - IRG/WP 1439
Information about the frequency, detection, identification and repair of Dry Rot attacks (Serpula lacrymans) is summarized from 13 European countries. Based on 28 completed and returned questionnaires it appears that Dry Rot attacks are recognized in all countries participating, and that there is an appreciable similarity in the frequency of attacks and methods of detection and identification. How...
A P Koch

Termite and decay resistance of particleboard composed of white cypress pine and radiata pine
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10200
Phenol-formaldehyde bonded particleboard was manufactured from blends of non-durable radiate pine (P. radiate) and heartwood of the naturally durable species, white cypress pine (C. glaucophylla). Board specimens were subjected to bioassays using two termite species, M. darwiniensis and C. acinaciformis, and the basidiomycete fungi, C. puteana and P. ostreatus, and the durability of specimens was ...
P D Evans, J W Creffield, J S G Conroy, S C Barry

Attempt for developing a new method for above ground field testing of wood durability
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20199
Field testing remains the most appropriate way for evaluation of wood preservatives or natural durability of wood species. Above ground tests are designed to answer specific questions concerning the outdoor utilisation of wood. Such methods supply additional information and confirm or reject preliminary laboratory results. The European standard (ENV 12037, "lap-joint") for assessment of the durabi...
N Terziev, M-L Edlund

Initial results and observations of a model system to assess the efficacy and environmetal impact of preservative treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-02
The development of a closed model system for the laboratory assessment of the efficacy and environmental impact of a chromated fluoride remedial treatment for creosoted distribution poles has been described (IRG/WP/2395-92). The model consists of a precipitation apparatus above a treated pole section positioned in a soil profile from which leachate was collected via a series of simulated field dra...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, H J Staines

A modified method to determine the toxic values of chemicals against Lyctus africanus (Lesne) by larval transfer method (laboratory method)
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20309
Lyctus africanus (Lesne) is the commonest species widely distributed by trade throughout India. It is one of the most important insect pest attacking logs, branchwood and and practically every kind of manufactured wooden article that contains sapwood. Presently, in India many short rotation and alternate timbers are being used for making many finished products .The inclusion of sapwood containin...
R Muthukrishnan, O K Remadevi

Experiences with penetration of copper-based wood preservatives
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20233
In the Nordic countries there is a long tradition of result type based specifications for preservative-treated wood. A common Nordic standard for treated pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood was published in 1976. After a revision in 1989 this standard, then named INSTA 140, defined four classes of treated wood: M, A, AB and B. Treaters producing according to this standard had to be affiliated to a qualit...
J Jermer, F G Evans, I Johansson

International comparison of three field methods for assessing the in-ground termite resistance of materials - highlights after two years
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20157
First-year results of a comparative study, evaluating the in-ground termite resistance of a range of materials, including CCA and ACQ-treated timbers, using the below-ground exposure, ground contact and graveyard methods against diverse termite faunas were provided in IRG/WP/98-20132. Further annual inspections have confirmed early trends and identified notable differences between sites and method...
M Lenz, J W Creffield, A F Preston, B M Kard, C Vongkaluang, Y Sornnuwat

Wood protection by surface treatment of two borate preservatives, TIM-BOR® and BORA-CARE®, for the formosan subterranean termite and eastern subterrean termite
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10044
TIM-BOR® (disodium octaborate tetrahydrate: DOT, Na2B8O134H2O) and BORA-CARE® (40% DOT in ethylene glycol) are two borate products marketed for treating wood in use by brushing or spraying onto the wood surface. The active ingredients presumably diffuse into wood by the 10-15% existing wood moisture. Few data, however, are available to demonstrate the diffusion rate. Su & Scheffrahn (1991) s...
M Toroko, N-Y Su

Reaction of osmium tetroxide with a diphenolic compound as a model substance for demethylated lignin
1986 - IRG/WP 1303
By using caffeic acid as a model substance for diphenolic moieties of demethylated lignin it was found that electron dense particles called by the authors "osmiophilic particles" in former papers are reaction products of OsO4 with the model substance. By these products it is possible to indicate the enzymatic demethylation of lignin taking place during wood decay. The appearance of the electron de...
K Messner, E Srebotnik

Natural decay resistance of some lesser-used tropical hardwoods from Ghana
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10438
Ghana is a tropical African country that is rich in diverse timber species. In order to reduce over-exploitation of the popular timber species and increase the resource base for the wood industry, lesser-used or lesser-known timber species are being promoted locally and for export. To do this successfully, it is essential to determine the physical, mechanical and biological properties of these tim...
S A Amartey, F R Hanson

Developements in the EEC on the regulation of wood preservatives
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50016
There is a wide variation in the regulation of wood preservatives within the EEC, ranging from product by product authorization under persticides legislation to controls via standards, or simple compliance with basic requirements on classification packaging and labelling. During the past two years the commission of the European Communitiesn has worked on a proposal concerning the placing on the ma...
K Atkinson

Laboratory evaluation of borate formulations as wood preservatves to control the subterranean termite coptotermes acinaciformis (isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Australia
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30266
The termiticidal efficacy of Borocol (sodium octaborate tetrahydrate), boric acid, bore-ester-7 and tri- methyl borate was evaluated in laboratory bioassays against Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt). Seasoned sapwood blocks of Pinus radiata D. Don, and Eucalyptus regnans (F. Muell) were impregnated with the various borate compounds. There were marked differences in mass loss and mortality rate ...
B M Ahmed, J R J French, P Vinden

Report on the burning of wood treated with wood preservatives containing copper, chromium and arsenic
1976 - IRG/WP 379
Mixtures of copper, chromium and arsenic salts are used extensively in the UK to preserve timber. This report is concerned with the fate of these metals when timber treated with these salts is burned. A large percentage of the arsenic present in the timber is shown to be volatilised during combustion and the potential environmental implications of this are assessed by comparison with the release o...
A J Dobbs, C Grant

A collaborative test to determine the efficacy of polyurethane coatings on wood samples in the marine environment. 2nd Interim Report
1990 - IRG/WP 4161
The results of a collaborative international test to evaluate the performance of elastomeric polyurethane coatings of wooden test samples exposed in seawater at 13 sites around the world are reported. The samples have been exposed at sites with known infestations by molluscan and/or crustacean wood borers. Performance data for up to 4 years exposure at some sites is presented providing information...
R A Eaton

Leaching of Arsenic from Mulch Made from Recycled Construction and Demolition Wood
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50232
Mulch made from recycled construction and demolition (C&D) wood has been reported to contain chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood and potentially release arsenic in the leachate by rainfall. Such recycled wood mulch is commonly masked with iron-oxide colorant, which is known to combine with arsenic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of arsenic leaching from C&...
T Shibata, H M Solo-Gabriele, T G Townsend, B Dubey

Evaluation of fungal remediation of creosote treated wood
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-25
Biotechnological remediation of creosote treated wood may be of interest in connection with novel recycling processes. White rot fungi and/or their ligninolytic enzyme systems are supposed to be valuable tools for such processes. This paper reports about results achieved when creosoted wood was treated in solid substrate fermentation with selected white rot fungi after different extraction procedu...
K Messner, S Böhmer

Field stake test assessment with the Pilodyn
1980 - IRG/WP 2136
The Pilodyn, which was originally developed to estimate the degree of soft rot in wooden poles, was thought to have potential for giving a quantitative measure of the extent or depth of decay in field test stakes. In the present work a 2-joule Pilodyn with 2.0-mm diameter pin was used in an attempt to limit depth of pin penetration (to 10-15 mm) without reducing scale sensitivity. The results show...
M E Hedley, R W Naish

Evidence for wood cell wall degradation by the blue stain fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10077
Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat., a world wide ubiquitous polyfagus sapstain fungus, was found able to destroy the cell walls of birch fibres (Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) but not Caribbean (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barr. and Golf.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tracheids. The fungus caused characteristic erosion of fibre cell walls similar to soft rot type 2; destruction of the S1 - S2 int...
O Encinas, G F Daniel

Low-toxicity DNBP wood preservatives
1987 - IRG/WP 3408
Low and very low toxicity single compound preservatives of both excellent insecticidal and fungicidal activity for interior, extrior and ground-contact applications are presented. These are ester derivatives of alkyl dinitrophenols, in particular of 2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol (DNBP) and 2-sec-octyl-4,6-dinitrophenol. These esters, of much lower toxicity than DNBP impart to the treated timber co...
A Pizzi, W E Conradie, A Jansen, R Vosloo

Influence of pre-swelling conditioning on swellometer results for CCA and water repellent additive treated wood
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20125
The pre-test moisture content and conditioning history of wafers cut from wood treated with CCA and an emulsion water repellent additive can dramatically influence swelling curves generated using a standard swellometer apparatus. The rate of water uptake and swelling increased significantly as wafers were dried to lower moisture contents prior to immersion swelling. The pre-swelling conditioning h...
A R Zahora

A technique for determinging the efficacy of wood preservatives for partially treated timber
1988 - IRG/WP 2322
A technique is described for determining the efficacy of wood preservatives either for certain wood species where a full penetration cannot be achieved by normal vacuum-pressure methods or for more permeable species to look at efficacy of treated zone in preventing decay of an untreated core. Both sapwood and heartwood planks of spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) were treated by CCA ...
A J Nurmi

A comparison of inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy and neutron activity analysis for the determination of concentrations in wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10048
As wood decays the ionic composition changes, with increases often being seen in the concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and sometimes K. The concentration of eight cations in red spruce sapwood and heartwood samples was determined independently by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP) and by neutron activation analysis (NAA) as part of an effort to standardize our analytical procedures and c...
J Jellison, J Connolly, K C Smith, W T Shortle

The new National Directive on wood preservation in the Netherlands
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-03
In the Netherlands the major part of treated timber is sold under the KOMO-certificate. The National Directive for vacuum pressure treated timber on which certification is based, is currently being revised. The new National Directive will contain a code of good practice including maximum leaching figures. It incorporates quality requirements for treated timber, existing legislative requirements an...
W J Homan, J K B Kwisthout, J Dubelaar

Volatile losses of wood preservatives
1973 - IRG/WP 236
The purpose of the work we have undertaken so far has been to try to quantify the volatile losses which occur in treated timber, and to examine some of the factors which influence these losses. The preservative compound chosen for the initial part of the programme was the contact insecticide g-BHC. This was attractive for several reasons, not the least of which was that specific and sensitive anal...
J W W Morgan, D F Purslow

Comparative performance of several ammoniacal copper preservative systems
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30151
The efficacy of several ammoniacal copper-based wood preservative systems was evaluated in this study. The selection of potential co-biocides was based on the results of an agar plate test. Following this, the most promising systems were evaluated in a standard field stake test. Good correlation was found between the agar plate and field stake test results. Of the preservative systems tested, copp...
D D Nicholas, T Schultz

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