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Your search resulted in 1504 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Biological resistances of wood-metaborate composites using the borax solution system
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30259
Combinations of wood and metaborate composite were prepared from sapwood specimens of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and the borax and metallic salts system using the diffusion-penetrated process. Wood-metaborate composites were produced as follows: water-saturated specimens were first impregnated by a saturated borax solution and then diffuse-penetrated with Zn2+, Ca2+, or Pb2+ solution. B...
Liang Lin, T Furuno

A new concept for the evaluation of wood durability for out of ground contact using accelerated L-joint testing
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20123
Since the wood preservation sector is developing in favour of defining exactly the utilization of wood products and preservation techniques as a function of the envisaged hazard class, more in particular the hazard classes 3 and 4 (EN 350) there is obviously a need for a test method evaluating natural durability for out of ground contact applications. Based on the L-joint test as described in the ...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

European standardization for wood preservation. Progress report 91-92
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2398
Since the IRG 22 conference in Kyoto, CEN/TC 38 Plenary met twice in relation with several working group meetings. 5 upon 6 of the interpretative documents have been prepared by adhoc groups of the Standing Committee for Construction within the scope of the 89/106/EEC directive on Construction Products. The expected requirements attached to wood preservation are both requirements 1) and 3): 1) mec...
R Hüe

Effect of Oil Content on The Performance of Wood Treated with Pentachlorophenol
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30324
This paper details a five-year study on southern pine treated with pentachlorophenol in oil at various oil contents. Results from field stake tests at two Gulf Coast test sites are presented. Both biological efficacy and preservative depletion data are discussed. Results suggest that increasing oil content leads to better performance of wood treated with pentachlorophenol. Test results indicat...
H M Barnes, T L Amburgey, M G Sanders

Biodetioration and strength reductions in preservative treated aspen waferboard
1983 - IRG/WP 2195
Experimental aspen waferboards, bonded with liquid or powdered phenol formaldehyde resins and treated by various methods with a wide selection of preservatives, were tested for fungal resistance in accelerated laboratory trials. Mold growth on the surface as well as weight and strength losses due to the actions of decay fungi were determined. Testing of board strength after decay in high and moder...
E L Schmidt, H J Hall, R O Gertjejansen, R C De Groot

Fungal decay resistance of Rubber wood treated with heartwood extract of Rosewood
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30367
Alcoholic extract of Dalbergia latifolia heartwood was studied for its toxicity towards wood decaying fungi. Rubber wood blocks were treated with this extract to three different retention levels (0.1%, 0.2% & 0.5%) and the treated wood blocks were assessed for their resistance towards two white rot and two brown rot fungi. Treated blocks showed improved resistance over the control blocks. At 0...
A K Sethy, H C Nagaveni, S Mohan, K T Chandrashekar

Investigations on testing with soft rot fungi by the vermiculite-burial method
1972 - IRG/WP 215
With the object of developing a test method to determine the effectiveness of wood preservatives against soft rot attack, tests have been carried out with pure fungal cultures using vermiculite as the substrate for untreated and preservative impregnated wood blocks. In these tests the suitability of common commercial, simple disposable beakers was proved successful as a substitute for the glass bo...
W Kerner-Gang, M Gersonde

Increased biological durability differs for traditional wood preservation and new non-biocidal systems (NBS)
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20212
Wood preservation is a way to increase the biological durability of wood by the addition of chemical components with a biocidal effect. The effect of such treatment is clearly concentration dependent. At distinct levels of fungicide concentration fungi are killed or inhibited in their enzymatic functioning to provide nutrients. The toxic limits allow decision-makers to provide treating prescriptio...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

A comparison of the diffusion of boron from two types of solid preservative rods into the heartwood of 3 Eucalypt pole species
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30227
The ability of boron to diffuse from polyborate and boron/fluoride rods through the heartwood of three eucalypt pole species (blackbutt, red ironbark and spotted gum) was examined. The aim was simply to determine the effects of rod type, wood species and time on the longitudinal diffusion of boron in eucalypt heartwood. Rapid diffusion of boron from polyborate or boron/fluoride preservative rods o...
P J Beutel, P D Evans

Anti-fungal properties of pyrolytic oils derived from softwood bark
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30218
Thermal decomposition of balsam fir and white spruce mixed bark residues at 450°C and under vacuum (< 20 kPa abs.) results in high yields of pyroligneous liquors rich in phenolic content. This vacuum pyrolysis process has been scaled-up to a pyrolysis plant with a feed capacity of 3.5 t/h of softwood bark, which is the largest plant of this type in the world. The pyrolytic aqueous condensates ...
D Mourant, Dian-Qing Yang, Xiao Lu, C Roy

Evaluation of white-rot fungal growth on Southern Yellow pine wood chips pretreated with blue-stain fungi
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10349
White-rotting basidiomycetes do not colonize on southern yellow pine. This study seeks to reduce the resinous extractive content of southern yellow pine by treating it with blue stain fungi. The mycelial growth of wood-inhabiting ligninolytic white-rot fungi can be achieved on pretreated southern yellow pine wood. Aureobasidium, Ceratocystis, and Ophiostoma spp. removed 70% to 100% of the extracti...
S C Croan

Fungal decay of acrylate treated wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30357
Natural durability of wood species is variable. Chemical wood preservatives, such as biocides are necessary for extension of their service life. Many methods have been developed to increase the resistance of wood and wood products against wood-destroying organisms during the last years. The most frequently used methods are chemical and thermal modification of wood. In wood modification the basic c...
Z Tiralova, L Reinprecht

Biological degradation resistance of wood acetylated with thioacetic acid
1983 - IRG/WP 3223
Chemically, modification of wood is being considered as an alternative to conventional preservation by toxic chemicals. Acetylated wood has been reported to be quite resistant to most biodegrading organisms at weight percent gains (WPG) around 15-19. The conventional acetylation techniques with acethic anhyrdride result in generation of acetic acid. However, acetylation with thioacetic acid overco...
S Kumar, S C Agarwal

Three years of field tests with "Lignomer" stakes in ground contact
1981 - IRG/WP 3166
The "Lignomer" (Wood Polymer Composite) is a material obtained during the polymerisation of various monomers or its mixtures in wood. As laboratory tests have shown, this material is characterized by a high resistance against biological deteriorating agents. The laboratory investigations on the durability of various materials against biological deterioration are in many instances extended by field...
K Lutomski

After 18 years, preservative dipping and brush treating continue to provide protection to shingles of western wood species
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30156
The presence of residual preservation in dip-treated and brush-treated shingles of various species from the western United States was assessed 18 years after installation using Aspergillus bioassays. The performance of western redcedar (Thuja plicata) was compared to western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) and western larch (Larix occidentalis). Untreated shingles of a...
T C Scheffer, D J Miller, J J Morrell

A comparative analysis of Coniophora olivacea (Fr. ex Pers.) Karst. and Coniophora puteana (Schum. ex Fr.) Karst. test strains
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20004
Investigations were carried out to compare pure cultures of Coniophora olivacea (Fr. ex Pers.) Karst. used as a test fungus in Australia and other Pacific countries, and Coniophora puteana (Shum. ex Fr.) Karst. which is used in Europe. Comparisons included morphology, growth rate and dry mass of mycelium, decay capacity, influence of temperature, toxic value of CCA and quaternary ammonium compound...
J Wazny, L J Cookson

Tropical In-Ground Durability of Structural Sarawak Hardwoods Impregnated to High Retention with CCA-salts, CCA-oxide and FCAP after 20 Years Exposure
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30384
Statistical analysis (ANOVA) was conducted on durability (termite and decay combined) rating data collected over 20 years exposure period of over 140 species of Sarawak timbers with altogether 30,000 stake specimens, at the Forest Department’s Sibu “graveyard” stake test sites from 1977. About 20 replicated stakes were pressure-treated to refusal with 10% g/ml concentration of up to 3 CCA-sa...
Wang Choon Ling, A H H Wong

Variation in biological performance of CCA caised by preservative application method
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40072
A series of laboratory studies to investigate the influence of treatment application method on CCA performance in Cosican pine has been completed. Biological decay tests, such as serial exposures, were used to induce decay in wood at preservative retentions of up to 10 kg/m³ CCA salts. Significant differences in performance of the preservative against either brown, white or soft rot decay fungi w...
P R Newman, R J Murphy

The influence of extractives on the natural durability of selected Ghanaian hardwoods
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10530
A study of the durability of Nauclea diderrichii, Nesogordonia papaverifera, Corynanthe pachyceras and Glyphaea brevis in laboratory and field tests showed the first three species performed well against a range of fungi and termites. Sapwood of C. pachyceras also performed well against these biodeteriogens. The role of extractives in conferring natural durability was assessed. Total extractive con...
C Antwi-Boasiako, A J Pitman, J Barnett

Specifying preservative-treated resistant timber: Conforming to European Standards
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20235
The most common construction timbers used in the UK are of low natural durability and, generally, resistant to preservative treatment. These include species of spruce, hemlock and fir. However, their characteristically limited and non-uniform uptake of preservatives may still confer sufficient protection to give satisfactory durability performance in terms of biological resistance. This paper desc...
E D Suttie, A F Bravery, T B Dearling

Cleistanthus collinus (Roxb.) Benth. ex Hook. f. and Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R. Br. -- two timbers with promising durability under marine conditions
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10552
During the course of natural durability studies on indigenous timber at Visakhapatnam harbour, two species, namely, Cleistanthus collinus (Karada) and Wrightia tinctoria (Dudhi) were found to resist marine borer attack for reasonably longer periods. The panels of C. collinus completely resisted borer attack for 9 months but became susceptible to teredinid attack thereafter. The teredinids gradua...
M V Rao, M Balaji, V Kuppusamy, K S Rao

The role of mechanised harvesters in the dissemination of fungal inoculum into radiata pine logs in New Zealand
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10426
A joint research programme has been initiated between Forest Research, New Zealand and Forintek Canada Corp., Canada, to determine the role of mechanical tree harvesters on disseminating fungal inoculum into logs. Mechanical harvesters cause loosening and removal of bark and also damage the surface of the wood with their feed rollers leaving indentations up to several centimetres deep. Results ...
D O’Callahan, B Kreber, A Uzunovic

Influence of the decay of spruce chips by the selected fungi on their chemical structure and the pulp properties
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10510
The paper focuses on changes in the weight and in the molecular structure of spruce chips submitted to long-term storing as well as to medium- and long-term model rotting degradation caused by some chosen fungi identified at storing processes on the pile. For the model decay of chips under laboratory conditions during 3 or 6 weeks the white-rot fungi: Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Heterobasidion an...
R Solár, L Reinprecht, A Geffert, F Kacík

Decay potential of various New Zealand Phlebiopsis gigantea strains using a soil block method
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10309
The objective of the current study was to determine the decay potential of different strains of Phlebiopsis gigantea using Pinus radiata and European Fagus sylvatica, respectively. A soil block method was used to determine mass weight loss of P. radiata and F. sylvatica following 10 weeks incubation with different strains of P. gigantea. For comparison, Trametes versicolor, Postia placenta, Gloeop...
B Kreber, J G Van der Waals

Cavitation bacteria
1984 - IRG/WP 1235
A form of bacterial wood degradation is described. The term "cavitation bacteria" has been coined in order to describe the discrete cavities that are formed within the wood cell walls. The bacteria observed within the cavities appeared to be polymorphic with rounded as well as filamentous forms recognised. TEM studies suggest that the bacteria produce diffusable wood-degrading enzymes. Cavitation ...
T Nilsson, A P Singh

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