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Your search resulted in 852 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Decrease of the antidecay resistance of beech wood treated with organotin fungicides after its natural ageing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30185
The antidecay resistance of beech-wood samples (120 x 8.5 x 8.5 (MM)) treated with tributyltin fungicides gradually decreased due to prolongation of their natural ageing: tributyltin fungicides (TBTO, TBTS, TBTCA, TBT-DEDTK were applied by pressure impregnation technique in ethanole solutions (c = 0. 1%, 0.33% or 1%); treated beech-wood samples were naturally aged without their contact with grou...
L Reinprecht

Study of the degradation of retified wood through ultrasonic and gravimetric techniques
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40030
One of the non-polluting processes that increase the natural durability of wood is a thermal treatment in an atmosphere poor in oxygen, producing what is normally denominated "retified wood". In this study the validity of a non-destructive technique (ultrasound) in order to determine the biodegradation suffered by wood across time has been studied. For this reason, the behavior of a wood species (...
D T De Troya, A M Navarrete

Resistance of Teak, Balau, keruing and Chengal Wood species against marine borers attack
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10513
Wood samples of Teak (Tectona grandis) , Keruing (Dipterocarpus alatus),Yellow Balau (Shorea laevis) and Chengal (Balanocarpus heimii) were treated by Creosote, using Ruping method. The dimension of samples were 200 x 75 x 20 mm and the retention were 188, 186, 331, 40 kg /m3 respectively. Both treated and untreated samples were installed in sea water (Mahshar in Persian gulf and Bandar Torkman an...
A Rezanejad

Treatment of wood-based panel products with volatile borate
1990 - IRG/WP 3616
The paper presents recent developments in the use of volatile borate esters for the preservative treatment of wood based board materials. Several advances on previous reports are discussed. In laboratory studies, treatment times of approximately ten minutes at 20°C on boards at equilibrium moisture content provided full penetration and retentions of 1% wt/wt boric acid. Biological tests have been...
P Turner, R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

Microwave conditioning of Pinus radiata D. Don for preservative treatment
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40182
This paper reviews the effect of pressure steam conditioning on the permeability and treatability of green radiata pine heartwood and the potential for substituting microwave conditioning for steaming. The penetration of liquids into radiata pine occurs mainly in the radial tissue. The permeability of green radiata pine improves following steam conditioning by blowing out the soft radial tissue. T...
P Vinden, G Torgovnikov, J Romero

Sampling rates and the probability of detecting defective treatment in the sampling of preservative treated timber
1987 - IRG/WP 2277
When attempting to enforce standards of penetration and retention set for treated timber, the regulating authority must establish a sampling or inspection scheme which will prevent large quantities of substandard product entering the market. On the other hand, the scheme should not penalise treaters for the small quantities of such material which are inevitably produced by any industrial process. ...
M J Kennedy, L E Leightley

A study of decay type variability in variously treated Fagus sylvatica and Pinus radiata field test stakes exposed at a vineyard for 30 - 45 months
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10271
Pinus radiata test stakes were treated with 10 kg/m3 of CCA plus 4 lower retentions in a geometric series of 1.5. Fagus sylvatica was treated with 15 kg/m3 and 2 lower retentions. Both timber species were also treated with equivalent retentions of various new generation preservatives (P. radiata was also treated with creosote). Whilst these stakes were exposed at 11 sites in New Zealand (NZ) and 2...
R N Wakeling, A P Singh

Treatment of wood with formaldehyde. Acid catalysis of the reaction between formaldehyde and wood
1980 - IRG/WP 3146
Formaldehyde reacts with the free OH-groups in wood forming cross-linking bonds. The reaction can be brought about without any catalyst but in that case the activation energy is very high and high temperatures and long reaction times are needed. Normally, the reaction is catalysed by different acids. Acid catalysts, however, tend to degrade the cellulose and the wood matrix causing reduction in th...
T Vihavainen, K Piispanen, P Mansikkamäki

Practical consequences of the clarification of the chemical mechanism of CCA fixation to wood
1983 - IRG/WP 3220
Practical consequences derived from the chemical investigation of the mechanism of fixation of CCA to the wood constituents are discussed. Among these, formulas for the calculation of the time of hexavalent chrome fixation are presented. Furthermore, three parameters are shown to be important to the long-term effectiveness of CCA-treated timber: (i) the temperature of treatment, (ii) the initial p...
A Pizzi

Serviceability modeling-Predicting and extending the useful service life of FRT-plywood roof sheathing
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20210
One of the most, if not the most, efficient methods of extending our existing forest resource is to prolong the service life of wood currently in-service by using those existing structures to meet our future needs (Hamilton and Winandy 1998). It is currently estimated that over 7 x 109 m3 (3 trillion bd. ft) of wood is currently in service within the United States of America (PATH 1999). Research ...
J E Winandy

Recent developments in the treatment of sawn spruce by double vacuum impregnation
1978 - IRG/WP 3114
The timbers used for building purposes in the U.K. and on the Continent of Europe are mainly softwoods. The two types of wood most used are redwood (Pinus sylvestris) and whitewood (Picea abies or Picea sitchensis). Other species are used to a lesser extent when considerations such as a long length requirement or width requirement demand the use of, for example, hemlock, Douglas fir or Parana pine...
C T Kyte, L D A Saunders

Assessment of dehydrogenase activity, fluoride content and total chromium content of soil profiles exposed to preservative treated wood within a model system
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10015
The development and prospective use of a closed model system to facilitate study of a number of indicators of environmental impact of wood preservatives laboratory conditions has been described (IRG/WP/2395-92). Chemical analysis of leachate samples collected from drained soil profiles containing creosoted pole sections remedially treated with a chromated fluoride preservative indicated small incr...
G M Smith, D C R Sinclair, A Bruce, H J Staines

The treatment of sawn whitewood with organic solvent wood preservative
1982 - IRG/WP 3192
The impregnation schedules approved in the UK for the treatment of sawn European whitewood (Picea abies) with organic solvent borne preservatives result in comparitively high loadings relative to the limited depth of penetration they achieve. Results are presented, which show how substantial reduction in the overall loading may be achieved without concomitant reduction in penetration. A model for ...
L D A Saunders

Appearance of PEC-treated poles in service
1985 - IRG/WP 3323
Poles treated with conventional high temperature creosote (HTC) are banned for use in Australia by the major union handling them. Pigment emulsified creosote (PEC) is an acceptable alternative because it provides much dryer and cleaner commodities than does HTC. More than 5000 poles have so far been treated with PEC and many are being installed into service. The brown pigmented PEC 30 B has given ...
H Greaves, C-W Chin, K J McCarthy, J B Watkins

Remediation of pentachlorophenol- and creosote-contaminated soils using wood-degrading fungi
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50021
Microbiological treatment of hazardous wastes has generally been associated with the use of bacteria. During the past decade a significant body of evidence has accumulated that demonstrates that fungi, in particular white-rot fungi, have the ability to degrade a wide range of hazardous organic compounds (xenobiotics) and thus might also be useful for treatment of materials contaminated with these ...
R T Lamar, T K Kirk

Wood Preservatives Science Issues: US EPA’s Perspective
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-2
The USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), Antimicrobials Division (AD), regulates the use of chemicals registered as wood preservatives in the United States. An overview of the registration and re-registration process is presented. The wood preservatives data requirements include toxicological, human exposure, ecological, and environmental fate data. A detailed discussion of wood preservati...
N Elkassabany

Feasibility study for a dedicated pressure treated wood waste management system
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-22
For the creosote treated wood coming out of service, it has been estimated an amount of 200 000 t per year for the next twenty years, and 100 000 t per year afterwards. With a limited number of actors, mainly SNCF (as producer and as user), no importations, and available energy recovery options, it appears possible for setting a dedicated wood waste management system, if the SNCF agrees to. For t...
C Cornillier, I Buda, E Heisel, G Labat

The rate of losses of creosote from power transmission poles during storage
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-24
The purpose of this work was to study the rate of losses of creosote from power transmission poles and its consequences on the expected life of the poles stored for a long period in horizontal position. Apart from this main target of the study, the results could allow a rough estimate of the load of creosote substances on the soil especially when the poles are stored and this load accumulates over...
Z Vassou, A Satanakis, C Koutsikopoulus, J Petinarakis

Supplementary experiment to the main trial (IRG/WP/367, 384) to determine the performance of preservative treated hardwoods with particular reference to soft rot
1977 - IRG/WP 3101
The field experiment being carried out by the IRG (described in document IRG/WP/367) is designed to obtain information on the performance of a preservative in different hardwoods in ground contact. A total of 57 timber species is being examined and 36 different field sites are involved representing a complete range of climatic conditions. IRG document WP/384 describes the treatment details of the ...
F W Brooks, C R Coggins, D J Dickinson

Incorporation of phenyl boronic acid treatment with vapor phase formalization
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40083
Phenylboronic acid (PBA) treatment was incorporated with vapor phase formalization (VPF) in order to increase dimensional stability and boron fixation as well as enhancement of biological resistance. Five and ten hours VPF were applied after PBA treatment as 0.34, 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00% concs. aqueous solutions. Anti swelling efficiency (ASE) attended to 71% in specimens impregnated with 0.50% PBA s...
M K Yalinkilic, S Yusuf, T Yoshimura, W-Y Su, K Tsunoda, M Takahashi

An evaluation of the potential of ion mobility spectrometry for detection of organic wood preservative components in solutions and treated wood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20038
For the disposal of wood waste under ecological sound conditions information about its hazardous potential is required. Until now, no highly sensitive rapid analytical methods are available for the detection of wood preservatives under industrial process conditions. Preliminary experiments showed that Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) could be a promising method for rapid detection of organic preser...
A Voss, J N R Ruddick, W J Homan, H Militz, H Willeitner

Bioprocessing preservative-treated waste wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-50145
Disposal of preservative-treated waste wood is a growing problem worldwide. Bioprocessing the treated wood offers one approach to waste management under certain conditions. One goal is to use wood decay fungi to reduce the volume of waste with an easily managed system in a cost-effective manner. Wood decay fungi were obtained from culture collections in the Mycology Center and Biodeterioration res...
B Illman, V W Yang, L Ferge

Safe application of copper-chrome-arsenate preservatives
1975 - IRG/WP 377
All wood preservatives contain biologically active substances and must, by design, be in some measure toxic to man. There is nothing fundamentally difficult, however, about using a wood preservative with complete safety. It depends on knowing the risks to health and/or the environment, which the preservative may present, and planning application accordingly. In this paper we examine these and othe...
I N Stalker, P B Cornwell

Initial results and observations of a model system to assess the efficacy and environmetal impact of preservative treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-02
The development of a closed model system for the laboratory assessment of the efficacy and environmental impact of a chromated fluoride remedial treatment for creosoted distribution poles has been described (IRG/WP/2395-92). The model consists of a precipitation apparatus above a treated pole section positioned in a soil profile from which leachate was collected via a series of simulated field dra...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, H J Staines

Comparative life cycle assessment of Swiss railroad sleepers
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50117
The results of an environmental LCA carried out on railway sleepers made of prestressed concrete, sectional steel and creosote impregnated beech as used on main lines of Switzerland's railways are presented. All extractions from and insertions into the environment which were connected with the manufacture, use and disposal of the different types of sleeper were inventoried and assessed, i...
T Künniger, K Richter

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