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Your search resulted in 67 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Site characteristics impacting historic waterlogged wood: A review
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10344
Survival of waterlogged wood from hundreds and in rare cases millions of years presents scientists with a unique opportunity to examine wood specimens which, due to select properties of the wood itself and/or the depostional environment, have not been completely degraded. Although degradation patterns of various types of microbial wood decay have been studied in detail, the site parameters of the ...
B A Jordan, E L Schmidt

Termite field evaluations in hawaii: A brief review of methods and issues
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10131
The severe termite hazard in Hawaii, principally due to the presence of the Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki), has long required the use of preservative-treated lumber in building construction. This hazard has also favored and stimulated field research in Hawaii on methods of protection from termite attack, including evaluation of soil insecticides and treated wood und...
J K Grace

Methods for improving preservative penetration into wood: a review
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40227
Pressure treatment technologies have been available since the mid-1830's, but the processes used for wood treatment are still largely unable to overcome the fundamental limitations of flow through semi-permeable pit membranes. Instead, methods have arisen that attempt to improve treatability of the wood including incising, compression rolling, through boring, or radial drilling. Other a...
J J Morrell, P I Morris

Environmentally benign wood preservatives based on organic biocide antioxidant combinations: A brief review of laboratory and field exposure results and discussion of a proposed mechanism
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30335
The combination of various organic biocides with commercial antioxidants generally increased the biocides’ efficacy 2-3 fold against wood-destroying fungi in short-term laboratory decay tests, and some positive results have been obtained after 2-4 years of outdoor exposure. The two antioxidants principally examined, propyl gallate and butylated hydroxytoluene, are low cost and, since both are f...
T Schultz, D D Nicholas, W Henry, C Pittman, D Wipf, B Goodell

Review of current wood preservation in Turkey
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30315
The aim of this study was to find out the current potential of the Turkish wood preservation industry, and to make some suggestions for its further proceeding, because the forest products potential and the geographical location combined may give to the wood preservation industry in Turkey a great advantage for exportation treated wood materials to the Middle East Countries. In this study, therefo...
I Usta

A review of the efficacy and uses of deltamethrin for wood preservation
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30105
The synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin, is one of the most active insecticides available for protecting and curing wood from attack by beetles and termites. Freshly felled trees can be protected against bark beetles by spraying to run off with a 0.025% Al solution (K-Otek EC25) with negligible leaching. Alternatively, sawn timber may be dipped in a 0.0125% Al solution for short to medium term prote...
A J Adams, J L Lindars

A review of the implementation of results-based standards for preservative treated timber
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20156
European standards for the specification of preservative treated timber are written in terms of the results achieved in the commodity by the treatment process. This is described in terms of penetration and retention of preservative. Results from a study on the commercial application of this approach in the UK show the difficulties associated with applying the new European standards; particularly w...
E D Suttie, A S Hughes, R J Orsler

Bacterial degradation of wood cell wall: A review of degradation patterns
1990 - IRG/WP 1460
Information from bacterial degradation studies of 60's and 70's was reviewed by Nilsson in 1982. The application of electron microscopy to this area in recent years has provided much useful information and has eliminated earlier scepticism among workers about the ability of bacteria to degrade lignified wood cell walls. Studies using transmission electron microscopy together with...
A P Singh, J A Butcher

Glue-line additives for protecting plywood. A review
1978 - IRG/WP 2102
The conclusions of this review are: 1) Insecticidal glue-line additives can be used satisfactorily to protect plywood against insect attack. 2) It is uncertain, in spite of some claims, wether fungicidal glue-line additives can be similarly used to protect plywood against fungi under damp conditiones. There is a need for further work to validate the mycological tests that may be used to investigat...
R Cockcroft

The use of fumigants for controlling decay of wood: a review of their efficacy and safety
1989 - IRG/WP 3525
Volatile agricultural chemicals (fumigants) such as chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane) and sodium n-methyldithiocarbamate have been used in the United States for controlling internal decay of large dimension wood products for over 20 years. This usage has been concentrated in the electric utility industry, but fumigants are increasingly applied to protect bridge timbers, marine piling, and even ...
J J Morrell

A review of the current status of the estimation of emissions from preserved wood and their use in the environmental risk assessment of wood preservatives under the Biocidal Products Directive
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-7
A review and update of the status of the issues concerning the estimation of emissions from preserved wood (e.g. amendments to the proposed ‘OECD Guidelines’), and the environmental risk assessment of wood preservatives under the Biocidal Products Directive (e.g. compartmental sizes, emissate ecotoxicity testing)....
E F Baines

Blue stain in timber in service. Progress review of Sub-group collaborative tests - 1981/82
1982 - IRG/WP 2178
Following from the discussions after reporting Document IRG/WP/2146 at the Meeting in Sarajevo, 1981, it was decided that 1.) more precise definition was needed of the artificial weathering schedules used in the work - participants to re-check Table 8 and send further details or amendments to Dr Bravery; 2.) a further test employing a wider range of chemicals was necessary using a smaller range of...
A F Bravery, D J Dickinson

EN 152: Is this Standard Relevant for today’s Wood Preservatives? A Critical Review.
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20331
The paper critically reviews the Blue stain test method described in EN 152 including possible test variables. Whereas EN 152 has been successfully used for solvent borne wood preservatives, it appears that the methodology is not suited for modern water borne products, where the majority fail. The paper will show that there exist different quality claims not concordant with EN 599-1 within diff...
B Jensen, F Imsgard, J Larsen

Wood plastic composites from modified wood; Part 1 - Conceptual idea, mechanical and physical properties
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40338
Wood plastic composites, WPCs, are rapidly taking shares from preservative treated wood on the decking market. However, the long term performance of the WPC products in this application is uncertain. Therefore, in an attempt to increase the long term performance and durability, the substitution of the unmodified wood component with modified wood has been studied in the work presented in this paper...
P Larsson Brelid, B K Segerholm, M Westin, M E P Wålinder

Permethrin: A Critical Review of an Effective Wood Preservative Insecticide
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30413
Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid used in the wood preservation industry. The generally favorable environmental profile of pyrethroids coupled with their high efficacy led to their wide substitution of the chemically resistant organochlorines dieldrin, lindane, and chlordane formerly used for protection of buildings against wood destroying organisms. Much of the research on performance of perm...
M H Freeman, D N Obanda, T F Shupe

A Review of Wood as Material and Source of Innumerable Products
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10662
As we known that “wood –which is a source of innumerable pruducts (Tsoumis, 1968)– is a fascinating and challenging material (Dinwoodie, 1975)”, and hence, “an understanding of the basic properties of wood and of the factors that affect its serviceability is vital background for the preservation of wood structures (Sherwood, 1986)”. This paper therefore presents an overview of structru...
I Usta, R Despot

The role of chromium in wood preservatives under BPD - a review and the current situation in Europe
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30468
Already during the IRG-meeting in Trømso a paper was presented to give an overview regarding the situation on chromium (JÜNGEL et al. 2006). Already in that year there was an increased attempt to achieve a science-based correct and harmonised solution in Europe regarding the chromium-question by the European Commission. Nevertheless the competent authorities (CAs) and the industry were similarly...
P Jüngel, S Hellkamp

A Comprehensive Review of Copper as a Biocide, with a Focus on Micronized Copper
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30486
This paper reviews the wood preservative biocide active ingredient copper and delvers into new and previously unpublished data regarding the new micronized formulations which are now in vogue and widespread use in N. America in all residential treated lumber markets. Included in this review is the overall discussion of copper containing formulations used for pressure treated wood used over the las...
M H Freeman, C R McIntyre

Review of candidate graded particle barrier testing methods in Australian Standard (AS 3660.3 – 2000): Assessment criteria for termite management systems
2009 - IRG/WP 09-20417
The Australian Standard (AS. 3660.3 – 2000) for assessment of candidate graded particle termite barriers is reviewed and suggestions for amendments are made. Areas requiring amending in light of current biological knowledge involve the inclusion of proprietary or patented systems rather than generic types; selection of test termites in the genus Coptotermes; duration of test periods; and inadequ...
J R J French, B M Ahmed (Shiday), B L Schafer

A theoretical-industrial correlation and perspective on copper-based wood preservatives - a review of thermodynamic and kinetic aspects on copper-wood fixation mechanism
2009 - IRG/WP 09-30499
Copper was and it will continue to remain one of the key active component in wood protection industry. Over the past decades, a significant effort from R&D teams in industry, academia and research institutes was directed toward understanding the copper-wood fixation mechanism, optimising the copper retentions in the wood and reduce leaching in order to maximized performance, prolong the lifetime o...
R Craciun, M Maier, J Habicht

Extensive review of fire-retardant wood composites researches
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40471
The increased demand for public safety has led to greater interest in fire retardant materials in the recently years. Legislation relating to safety in the home, in work locations, on transport facilities and in public places continues to produce new regulation. There is average 524 thousand structure fires occurred every year in US, 3757 civilian in death, about 20 thousand civilian in juries, di...
Zhilin Chen, Zhiyong Cai, Feng Fu

A review of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) as its Importance and Breeding
2010 - IRG/WP 10-10717
Foresters tend to concentrate on those species which are the easiest to handle silviculturally, and which will produce the greatest volume of generally useful wood in the shortest time. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), which is a softwood species from the western seaboard of North America with a range extending from southern Alaska to northern California, is one of the pioneer specie...
I Usta, R Despot

A Review on Conditions for Decay Initiation and Progression
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20444
This paper reviews the key publications available on service life prediction of exterior wood applications, critical conditions for decay initiation and progression, and the impact of decay on wood strength. While it is helpful to use climatic data to predict general trend of decay potential, more precise decay initiation and progression information is required by hygrothermal modeling for its dam...
Jieying Wang, P I Morris

Natural compounds: A review of their use for wood protection
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30545
A lot of research in the field of wood protection has focused on natural compounds but very few of these have been implemented by industry. This review is an attempt to bring together information from selected area of work: - A brief review of the work done on natural products as organic biocides for wood protection. - Table containing information on natural products, their use as organic biocid...
T Singh, A P Singh

A Critical Review and Survey of the US Wooden Pallet Industry: Focusing on Market Segmentation & N. American Trends
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40545
This paper reviews the history and current and predicted future use values in N. America. Included in this work is historical data on rationality and wood species used to manufacture wooden pallets in the USA and an ongoing current market survey sent to the 1000 largest manufacturers and re-manufacturers in the USA based on SIC Code 2448(Standard Industrial Code Classification). Although CHEP, the...
M H Freeman

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