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Your search resulted in 3832 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Scale-up of a chemical process for copper-based preservative-treated wood wastes recycling
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50286
In recent years, the development of appropriate wood waste disposal options has been encouraged by severe regulations and expensive fees associated with wastes landfilling or burning. An efficient and economically attractive leaching process was developed at laboratory scale (200 mL) for CCA-, ACQ- and CA-treated wood wastes recycling. This leaching process consisted of three leaching steps of 2 h...
L Coudert, L Gastonguay, J F Blais, G Mercier, P Cooper, P Morris, A Janin, N Reynier

Liquefaction - a functional way to manage CCB containing post-consumed wood?
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50288
The need for increased use of renewable resources put quite some attention to liquefaction of biomass, including wood. Several possible applications of liquefied wood as an alternative to petroleum based derivatives have been considered in recent years. In this paper, possibilities of wood liquefaction to manage post-consumed CCB (copper, chromium, boron) containing wood are considered, with a foc...
M Petrič, F Budija, D Hrastnik, M Humar, B Lesar

Tar-oil uptake vs time in immersion treatment of short pine posts: A simple technique applicable to rural communities of Papua New Guinea
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40608
Pinus caribaea and Araucaria cunninghamii logs ca. 100 mm in diameter were shortened to lengths 25-30 cm, conditioned to at/below fibre saturation point (FSP) for immersion/dip treatment using a hot- and- cold bath open- tank process. Before oven-drying and subsequent treatment, individual test specimens were numbered, their green weights and volumes, and dry weights recorded for basic density, vo...
B K Gusamo, R Tulo

Wood protection in the Sierra Nevada National Park, Venezuela
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50290
The use of wood without the respective protection inevitably leads to its replacement. When this wood is used in a national park call attention to public opinion because the consequences generated by the very short life service, and replacement is required, means more wood not preserved, rapidly deteriorated in a constant repeated cycle. This becomes an environmental problem, especially when the ...
O Erazo, O Encinas, Y Molina

Classifying white rot decay resistance of some hardwoods from Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia and correlations with their tropical in-ground durability
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10788
White rot wood decay under Malaysian (humid tropical) terrestrial conditions pose more serious threats to the in-ground service life of hardwoods than other common fungal decay types. A study is made on decay resistance variation for a total combined list of 30 Peninsular Malaysian and Sarawak timber species (plus 6 exotic reference temperate commercial woods for comparison) using the laboratory s...
A H H Wong, J M E Jem, Lai Jiew Kok

Effect of growth rate and radial position on the natural durability of Douglas-fir
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10791
In terms of natural durability, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) fame owns to the favourable characteristics of centuries-old trees harvested in old-growth North American forests. The properties of wood coming from plantations harvested between 50 and 100 years-old are likely to be different. In such stands, plantation density and thinning intensity may have a large impact on the...
C Pollet, J-M Henin, B Jourez, J Hébert

Analysis of decay progress anisotropy by X-ray computer tomography
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20501
Wood has a serious handicap as structural materials that it is vulnerable to decay by fungi. A weather exposed bridge has a possibility of an abrupt fall down, and wooden houses with heavily decayed structural members are easily destroyed by large earthquakes. To avoid such damages, a new predicting method on the decay progress in timber structures, and also its strength losing behavior along with...
K Maeda, M Ohta

Field-testing of Norway Spruce Claddings with Monitoring of Moisture Content, Material Temperature and Microclimate
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20502
The physical function of a cladding is to protect the interior construction. Under normal circumstances the performance requirements can be met for a very long time, meaning that the technical service life of a wooden cladding can be very long. Since the cladding is a major part of the facade, it also has visual requirements that may define the aesthetic service life, and often it is much shorter ...
G I Vestøl, L Ross Gobakken

Mould growth on wood-based materials – a simulated in-service study
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20503
Ten different wood-based materials including preservative-treated wood, fire retardant-treated wood, modified wood, WPCs and untreated references of pine sapwood and spruce were placed in three different environments (an attic and two crawl spaces) for a period of 26 months. Mould growth was analysed at five to seven month intervals in an effort to map the growth development. The relative humidit...
G Bok, P Johansson, J Jermer

Copper naphthenate treatment for wood pols - a review and update
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30600
This paper reviews copper naphthenate (CuNap) and its utility as a treatment for wooden utility poles. One of the principal reasons that CuNap has gained market acceptance, in addition to its efficacy against decay fungi and wood-destroying insects, is its low mammalian toxicity. CuNap is a well-proven non-restricted use preservative, used extensively and specified for environmental reasons by ut...
J A Brient, M H Freeman

Study of the use of organosolv lignin as bio-preservative of wood
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30603
The service life of wood depends on the species, use and environmental conditions of exposure. The treatment of wood protects it against degradation by xylophagous agents, enhancing the durability of material up to 10 times, and reducing the deforestation around 12.5%. In this way, the use of treatments is necessary because increases the service life of material and protect against xylophagous age...
P S B dos Santos, A Garcia, P H G de Cademartori, D A Gatto, J Labidi

Termite resistance of wood impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde (PF) modified boron compounds
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30604
In order to investigate the effect of phenol-formaldehyde (PF) modified boron compounds on termite resistance of two main plantation-grown wood species, namely, Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.), laboratory termite tests and field tests were carried out according to AWPA standard E1-97 and AWPC protocols/2007. Different concentrations of b...
Jinzhen CAO, Liping YU, Xuexiang HE

First report on the termiticidal activity of extracts of Annona squamosa (Annonaceae) seeds and on its active constituent squamocins
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30605
Termites inflict severe damage on wood commodities and impede usage of several forest species. The biological metabolites could potentially replace synthetic termiticidal products which are becoming more restricted to use. Annona squamosa is well known for its edible fruits - tropical custard apple. Annonaceous tetrahydrofuran acetogenins have attracted much interest due to their broad range of bi...
T S Djenontin, N Amusant, P H Ducrot, D C K Sohounhloué, D Pioch

Effectiveness of CCA-C and CCB preservatives after a 30 years stake test
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30606
The objective of this experiment was to assess the durability of four pine species treated with waterborne preservatives. In order to determinate this, a stake field test, following the IUFRO (International Union of Forestry Research Organizations) recommendations, was installed at Experimental Station of Luiz Antonio (21º 32’ S and 47º 42’ W), State of São Paulo, Brazil. Species under t...
I PJankowsky, E S Lepage, C Salvela, J M Vidal, S Takeshita

Microwave Treatment of Frozen Wood Packaging Material
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40609
As part of the wood packaging material (WPM) regulation in international trade, the dielectric heating (DH) is soon to be included in ISPM15 (IPPC 2009) as an approved phytosanitary treatment. It has been considered that when using dielectric radiation (i.e. microwaves or radio-frequencies), reaching 60°C or more throughout the entire profile of the wood during at least 60s (i.e. 60°C/60s) ensur...
J-M Henin, A Bauduin, V Leemans, M Leyman, B Jourez, J Hébert

Wood Aging. Characteristics of aged Hinoki wood from Japanese historical buildings
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40610
Wood has always played a major role in Japanese traditional culture. More than 90% of buildings listed as a National property or a nationally important cultural property of Japan are constructed with wood. In the ancient capitals Kyoto and Nara, many traditional wooden buildings were inscribed as World Cultural Heritage of the UNESCO. The most famous and the world’s oldest wooden construction st...
M Yokohama, S Kawai

Development of a quality control assessment method to predict properties of heat treated wood
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40611
Heat treatment has been used to improve properties of non durable European species. Chemical modification of some of the wood components provides improved dimensional stability and biological performance against decay fungi while mechanical properties such as modulus of rupture are reduced. Quality control of commercially made thermally treated wood is one of the major challenges to allow its indu...
M Chaouch, K Candelier, S Dumarcay, A Pétrissans, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin

Effect of preservative treatment on mechanical performance of round and square poles made of small diameter Scots pine
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40612
A growing proportion of harvested Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) timber originates from the first or second commercial thinning stands. There is a need to find economically viable and high quality wood products that can be manufactured from this raw material. Small log volume means not only demands of increased efficiency for material handling in logistics and manufacturing processes, but also c...
V Möttönen, R Stöd, K Heikkilä, H Heräjärvi

Protective nanoparticle coating reducing water absorption of wood species
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40614
Nanoparticle coatings were deposited onto different tropical wood samples for controlling the surface hydrophobicity. The styrene(maleimide) nanoparticles were synthesized in aqueous dispersions under pure conditions or in combination with 70 wt.-% palm oil. A first evaluation of the non-coated wood surfaces indicates a high dependence between the water contact angles, the average surface roughnes...
P Samyn, A Paredes, G Becker, H Van den Abbeele, L Vonck, D Stanssens

Wood-leather panels – A biological, fire retardant building material
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40615
The poor flame retardant properties of wood-based products are among the severest obstacles, hindering its use in the commercial building sector. Recently, some attempts to improve the fire properties, relying on inflammable salts or reactive halogen compounds, have been presented, although they either cause problems with machining or embody harmful compounds (halogen derivates). In this paper, ...
S Wieland, U Stöckl, T Grünewald, S Ostrowski, A Petutschnigg

Activities of moulds on wood as a function of relative humidity during desorption and absorption processes
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10794
Three different types of indoor moulds: Penicillium brevicompactum, primary colonizer; Alternaria tenuissima, secondary colonizer and Trichoderma harzianum, tertiary colonizer, grown on wood were measured for their activities under different relative humidity levels. The activities were measured by isothermal calorimetry. The activities of the moulds changed with the change of the relative humidit...
Yujing Li, L Wadsö

Influence of a pulsed electric field on the growth of surface fungi
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10795
The colonization of mold and staining fungi are not only an aesthetical problem. Blue stain fungi are able to penetrate paint films. Maintenance of coatings on wood are time consuming and costly. A new approach uses a pulsed electric field (PLEOT) in order to protect wood against surface fungi. This technology is evaluated in non-sterile laboratory conditions on different coated and uncoated Scots...
M Starck, A Treu

Detection of Aureobasidium as the dominant fungus on coated wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10796
Wood is often covered with a coating in order to protect the surface. Unwanted dark mold growth on paint covered surfaces in external conditions is a familiar phenomenon. Simple microbial techniques have commonly been used to determine the dominant fungal species present in the discoloured area, for example morphological analysis of microscopic preparations of fungal pieces sticking to an adhesive...
E J Van Nieuwenhuijzen, M F Sailer, R A Samson, O C G Adan

Preliminary evaluation of degradation patterns in wood samples from the Yenikapı shipwrecks
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10798
The uncovering of several shipwrecks during the excavation of the Marmaray Rail Tube Tunnel Project in Istanbul provides an important opportunity to evaluate waterlogged woods buried for centuries. Identification of these woods showed that a variety of species was used in the ships. One shipwreck (a galley) from the Yenikapı Marmaray was examined using electron microscopy. The micrographs rev...
C Köse, A M Taylor

Communities of mold fungi on flooded building materials
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10799
A small building built to residential code was flooded using farmland pond water to a depth of two feet at Tuskegee University. The building was drained and left enclosed for an additional three weeks. A total of 168 material samples were removed either immediately after opening (wet) or seven months after flooding (dry). Wall materials sampled included fiberglass batt insulation, gypsum wallboard...
F Skrobot III, H Aglan, S V Diehl

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