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Your search resulted in 3832 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Permatek IM 30 as a termiticide treatment for veneer-based wood products
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30325
Permatek IM 30 is a termiticide designed for incorporation into wood products during manufacture. Whereas existing approved products in Australia are based predominantly on synthetic pyrethroids carried in solvents, Permatek IM 30 is based on imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide. The formulation has very low mammalian toxicity, is free of VOCs, and has been successfully tested as a glueline ...
J Doyle, K Webb, W R Rae, A F Siraa, J Malcolm-Black

Biological control of sapwood-inhabiting fungi by living bacterial cells of Streptomyces rimosus as a bioprotectant
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1564
The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of antifungal activity of living bacterial cells for the protection of wood against sapwood-inhabiting fungi. The following sapwood-inhabiting fungi were selected: sapstain --Ceratocystis coerulescens, Ceratocystis minor, Ceratocystis pilifera, and Aureobasidum pullulans; mold fungi --Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp, and Trichoderma spp. L...
S C Croan, T L Highley

Comparative study of blue stain resistance of various types of wood stains after artificial and natural weathering
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2411
For the determination of the protective effectiveness of a preservative treatment against blue stain in service, artificial weathering has been proposed as an alternative for the natural weathering period of 6 months in the European standard EN 152. Research on a range of products and on complete finishing systems for external joinery was conducted during 1986-1990. It revealed that the decisions ...
J Van Acker, M Stevens, M Nys

Effect of leaching temperature and water acidity on the loss of metal elements from CCA treated timber in aquatic applications. Part 1: Laboratory scale investigation
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50046
In order to investigate the applicability of current prestandard leaching test methods, a series of experiments has been performed on CCA impregnated wood dealing with the influence of pH, temperature and agitation of the surrounding water. The leaching method used in this first part of the investigation is the European prestandard drafted by CEN/TC38/WG11, a short term dynamic leaching test under...
G M F Van Eetvelde, R J Orsler, G E Holland, M Stevens

Neem leaves, a potential source for protection of hardwood against wood decaying fungus
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30370
Neem leaves are widely recognized for their insecticidal, pesticidal, fungistatic and fungitoxic ability. The present study is to investigate the efficacy of neem leaves extractives against wood destroying microbes, a brown and a white rot. Neem leaves extractives prepared in various solvents such as petroleum ether, acetone, ethanol, methanol and hot water were tested at a concentration levels of...
S Dhyani, S Tripathi, V K Jain

Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1986 - IRG/WP 1300
This paper provides an update on the results from an above ground field test evaluating the effectiveness of wood preservatives against subterranean termites. Results for the one and two year inspections of treated southern pine sapwood exposed in Hawaii to Coptotermes formosanus are presented. Chromated copper arsenate is providing excellent protection as is the pyrethroid deltamethrin. Borate an...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski

Compatibility of deltamethrin with wood adhesives
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30031
This work presents the studies conducted on the compatibility of deltamethrin when mixed with wood adhesive to manufacture plywood in order to protect the wood against wood-borers insects and termites. The following types of adhesive were tested: PVA, Urea-formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde and a formulation based on tannin. The experiments were made in the adhesive manufacturers' laborato...
A M F Oliveira

The action of siderophores isolated from Gloeophyllum trabeum on the structure and crystallinity of cellulose compounds
1991 - IRG/WP 1479
Low molecular weight, high affinity iron-binding compounds (siderophores) were isolated from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum. The compounds were shown to be inducible by iron starvation and could be purified by ultra-filtration, ethyl acetate extraction, column chromatography and preparative HPLC. The isolated compounds were shown by analytical and immunological techniques to be produced...
J Jellison, V Chandhoke, B Goodell, F Fekete, N Hayashi, M Ishihara, K Yamamoto

IRG marine wood preservation questionnaire
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10089
During the IRG meeting at Bali of the working party on marine borers, participants decided to update the status of marine wood preservation around the world. This information will help reveal what areas are the major problems in need of attention, show what practical industry solutions or practices are in use, and give an idea of the research directions that different groups are pursuing. This que...
L J Cookson

Algal growth resistance of paints for coating of wood; a laboratory study
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10213
Twelve paints were tested for resistance against algae. In addition, one algicidal compound commercially used for remedial treatments of algal growth on paints was tested for its effectiveness for prevention of algal growth. An agar diffusion bioassay was employed in which paint films on filter paper discs were placed on mineral salt medium and sprayed with an algal suspension containing a mixture...
J Bjurman

Life Cycle Assessment of borate treated wood
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-12
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is being used increasingly around the world by decision-makers to help incorporate the environmental component of sustainability into their activities. U.S. Borax regularly assesses how its products contribute to sustainable development. Using data gleaned from LCA of its products, the company recently completed its first ISO 14040 compliant cradle-to-grave LCA of lum...
M J Manning

Interaction of copper-amine complexes with wood: Influence of copper source, amine ligands and amine to copper molar ratio on copper retention and leaching
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30203
The absorption and leachability of copper in copper amine (Cu-EA) treated wood are influenced by the formulation and the composition of copper amine treating solutions. The sources of copper used, Cu(OH)2, CuCO3, CuSO4 and Cu(NO3)2, in the copper amine complex formulation affect the leachability of copper. Data show that copper amine from CuSO4 and Cu(NO3)2 treated wood has less copper loss during...
Jun Zhang, D P Kamdem

The microbial ecology of treated birch stakes in a soil-bed
1983 - IRG/WP 1209
The microbial ecology of small birch stakes exposed in soil beds in two Fungus Cellars was investigated. Patterns of fungal colonisation and decay initiation are described in untreated birch and copper fluosilicate-treated stakes. Results are based on fungal isolation onto selective media and direct light microscopical observations of decay features. In untreated stakes there was a rapid build-up ...
C P Clubbe

PCP in aquatic environments arising from historic contamination at wood processing and preservation sites
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-14
Three different studies are reported that assess the impacts of Pentachlorophenol (PCP) in aquatic environments arising from its historic use at sawmilling and wood preservation sites. These studies involved New Zealand wood processing facilities, and collectively they aimed to measure the transport of PCP from sawmill sites into the aquatic environment, determine the background environmental conc...
J S Gifford, P N McFarlane, M C Judd, S M Anderson

Present status of using treated wood and private house owner’s expectations in Bangladesh
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30329
In a developing country like Bangladesh more than 80 % of the total population lives in rural areas where building materials are mainly comprised of wood, bamboo, thatch grass, golpata, etc. All these materials, being cellulosic, are easily infected by deteriorating agencies like fungi, termites, beetles etc., as climatic condition of the country is ideal for their thrive. This is a great wastage ...
M A Islam, A K M A Bosunia, S C Ghosh, M O Hannan, A K Lahiry

A model for attack at a distance from the hyphae based on studies with the brown rot Coniophora puteana
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10104
In timber infested by brown rot fungi, a rapid loss in strength is attributed to production of hydroxyl radicals (HO·) at a distance from the hyphae. The immediate precursor is Fenton's reagent (Fe(II)/H2O2), but the pathways leading to Fe(II) and H2O2 have remained unclear. Cellobiose dehydrogenase, purified from cultures of Coniophora puteana, will couple oxidation of cellodextrins to ...
S M Hyde, P M Wood

A 53-year old field trial to evaluate the performance of a range of chemical treatments on eucalypt poles
1989 - IRG/WP 3526
Hardwood pole stubs of Eucalyptus maculata, Eucalyptus pilularis, Eucalyptus saligna and Eucalyptus paniculata were examined for termite attack and fungal decay after 53 years in ground contact. The trial compared eight different chemical treatments with untreated pole stubs of the four species investigated. Untreated Eucalyptus paniculata, a Class I durability species, performed particularly well...
R S Johnstone, R A Eaton

Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis - a threat to copper-treated wood
1983 - IRG/WP 4100
This paper presents the first reported attack by the crustacean marine wood-borer Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis of CCA treated eucalypt piles. The attack occurred after 12 years service of the piles in the River Derwent at Hobart, Tasmania. Attack by both this borer and Limnoria tripunctata Menzies is also reported in CCA treated softwoods and hardwoods over periods ranging from 5 to 22.9 years...
J E Barnacle, L J Cookson, C N McEvoy

FAROX, a novel insect growth regulator for use against wood-boring insects
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30080
The active ingredient in FAROX - fenoxycarb - is a novel insect growth regulator for preventive use against wood-boring insects (Hylotrupes, Anobium and Lyctus). FAROX has the same biological effect as a natural insect growth factor produced by the insect itself. FAROX is tailor-made for insect control; it attacks at the points where the insect should normally be changing its form and blocks these...
A R Valcke

The biocidal efficacy of sulphates against basidiomycetes
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30192
Copper sulphate is used for the preservation of wood since decades. However, if copper sulphate is not combined with a compound it can be leached up to 50% and more from the treated wood. Previous results for leached wood indicated that the loss of biological efficacy against soft rot corresponds to leaching of copper. For basidiomycetes, however, the effectiveness decreases much more rapidly. The...
H Leithoff, E Melcher

Depletion of preservatives from treated wood: Results from laboratory, fungus cellar and field test
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-07
This paper compares results of preservative component losses using a range of test procedures with several different water-borne preservatives. The data shows that laboratory leaching tests are in some cases comparable to, but in other cases significantly underestimate preservative component losses when compared with field or fungus cellar depletion tests. The results also suggest that preservativ...
L Jin, A F Preston

Preliminary observations of the effect of growth ring orientation on the surface checking of flat sawn Southern pine decking
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20313
Checking in decking timber is a serious defect and methods of reducing its severity are required to ensure that wood can compete with alternative decking materials. The first aim of this research was to test the hypothesis that flat sawn Southern pine decking boards with growth rings oriented concave to the exposed surface will develop less severe checking when exposed outdoors than similarly expo...
K Urban, P D Evans

Leaching of Copper from ACQ treated wood exposed above ground
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50219
The leaching of chemicals of ACQ Type C treated wood exposed above ground for 16 months was studied. Commercially treated Hem-fir boards (Tsuga heterophylla Raf. and Amabilis fir Forb) of 37.5 mm by 87.5 mm were used. The amounts of chemical leached monthly by the rainfall were determined and the leachate was collected and analyzed. Also, the environmental factors influencing the leaching were ...
P A Chung, J N R Ruddick

The use of low cost X-ray fluorescence instruments in the determination of copper chromium and arsenic in preservative treated wood
1987 - IRG/WP 2278
Internal quality control in timber treatment plants can be pursued by analysis of preservative treatment solutions and treated timber. Treaters must proceed with costly and lengthy analyses through analytical laboratories. An alternative approach for the timber treater, is to use low cost analysers (L.C.A.'s) based upon x-ray fluorescence. Detailed comparisons have been made between stand...
J Norton, L E Leightley

Isolation of a gene from the melanin pathway of the sapstaining fungi Ophiostoma piceae using PCR
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10219
To prevent sapstaining fungi from discoloring wood, it is necessary to determine what factors affect the biosynthesis and characteristics of the pigment(s) and to identify the genes involved in the pathway. Using inhibitors and heterologous DNA probes from Alternaria alternata, we suggest that melanin, the pigment of Ophiostoma piceae, is produced by the dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) pathway. Recentl...
R Eagen, J Kronstad, C Breuil

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