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Your search resulted in 1142 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Chemically modified tannin and tannin-copper complexes as preservatives for wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30271
The efficacy of Mimosa tannin, chemically modified tannin, and tannin-copper complexes as wood preservatives was studied. When the tannin-ammonia-CuCl2 solutions were impregnated into wood specimens in a one-step procedure, a large quantity of the tannin-copper complex was fixed in the specimens. Little of the complex was leached from specimens by a weathering treatment, and these specimens showed...
H Yamaguchi

Preservation of coppice wood for the fabrication of glued beams or panels
1987 - IRG/WP 3427
In this survey we will examine the specific problems concerning the conservation and the preservation of timber (issued from trunks of small diameter corresponding to products of clearings or coppices) destined for the fabrication of solid reconstituted elements. Thus for six metropolitan species of wood, we first characterized the biological deteriorations which occur after felling and their kine...
G R Y Déon, R Schwartz

The movement of iron into field test stakes
1987 - IRG/WP 2284
Failed and sacrificial stakes recovered from the Westham Island field test site were examined for their iron content. Varying amounts were recorded, which were greatest in the failed stakes. The possible role of the iron taken up by the below ground portion of the stakes, in accelerating the decay process and/or the preservative leaching is under investigation. The reaction of the iron with the ch...
J N R Ruddick, P I Morris

Performance of preservative-treated rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) in Goa and Kochi waters (west coast of India).
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20104
Performance of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) against biodeterioration, when pressure-treated with Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) and Copper-Chrome-Boric (CCB) and exposed in Mandovi estuary (Goa) and in Kochi waters for a period of 32 months and 9 months respectively, has been discussed. The control panels were completely destroyed within a period of 4 to 6 months at both the localities. The resist...
L N Santhakumaran, M V Rao

Copper based wood preservative - A new approach using fixation with resin acids of rosin
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30249
Copper soaps with carboxylic acid groups of resin acids of rosin were shown to be potential long-term wood preservatives. The principle involved is the attachment of copper to the network formed by the inorganic part of the preservative (rosin) through the -COOH groups. The mechanisms of fixation have been studied, and it has been shown that this association could be obtained : (1) by forming the ...
C Roussel, J P Haluk, A Pizzi, M-F Thévenon

A spectroscopic investigation of copper ethylenediamine fixation in wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20160
The fixation reaction which take place between copper ethylenediamine (Cu-en) solution and wood were expolored using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The FTIR spectra revealed that copper reacts with the carboxylic acid and phenolic groups in wood to form stable complexes. The copper ethylenediamine complexes formed in wood were identifie...
Xiao Jiang, J N R Ruddick

Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1985 - IRG/WP 2241
A field test method has been developed for evaluating the susceptibility of wood products to termites in protected situations above ground. In this method fungal attack on the wood products is minimal, though decay has been observed in conjunction with termite attack in some specimens. Preliminary results from exposure of replicate wood samples treated with preservatives in Florida to Reticuliterm...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski

Determination of toxicity data for preservatives against Basidiomycetes by measuring the reduction in compression strength of wood
1988 - IRG/WP 2297
Blocks of Pinus radiata D. Don were treated to 12 retention levels with CCA and NaPCP. These were exposed for 12 weeks in agar jars to the dry rot (brown rot) Serpula lacrymans (Schum. ex Fr.) S.F. Gray. After mass loss determination, the same blocks were tested for reduction in compression strength parallel to the grain. Using both these parameters, together with interpolated 6 week strength loss...
J Wazny, J D Thornton

Protection of cellulose string with biocide/water repellent mixtures
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30148
Protecting cellulosic materials in soil contact poses a formidable challenge. Many soil inhabiting bacteria and fungi that cannot degrade wood can nevertheless rapidly depolymerize cellulose once its protective lignin matrix is removed. As a result, cellulose based materials are rarely used in direct contact with soil. One exception, however, is the use of cellulose string to support climbing vine...
A B Chang, J J Morrell

The resistance of timbers to impregnation with wood preservatives
1979 - IRG/WP 3137
It is anatomical structure which determines liquid flow rate within different timber species. This cannot be deduced from properties such as density or rate of growth, and can only be found by experiment. A standard test has been in use at the Princes Risborough Laboratory for many years, employing a pressure-impregnation treatment, and a large number of timbers have been studied. The test consist...

A comparison of analytical and visual techniques used for assessment of weathering properties of chromium and copper azole treated timber
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20023
The weathering properties of preservative treated timber were studied by measuring surface lignin loss and by microscopic examination after weathering, and results were related to qualitative assessments of visual appearance after weathering. Measurement of relative rates of delignification of untreated and preservative treated timber obtained by FTIR analysis, and weight loss determined on thin v...
J A Cornfield, M D C Hale, G Fettis

The fixation of copper in Pinus sylvestris using the sodium salts of two polyhydroxycarboxylic acids
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3706
As part of the research concerned with the development of fixed, copper based preservatives, the salts of polyhydroxycarboxyIic acids, have been used in copper sequestration studies and fixation trials in Pinus sylvestris splinters. Selected compounds have been shown to be effective sequestrants at low concentrations allowing alkaline solutions to be formulated. Leaching trials following a 48 hour...
M Bacon, J A Cornfield

Copper tolerance of various Antrodia vaillantii isolates
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10406
Copper based preservatives have been extensively used in the field of wood preservation. However, several brown-rot fungi to be tolerant to copper and consequently, efficacy of copper based wood preservatives may not be sufficient. Copper tolerance is especially by some fungi that are closely aligned to or included in genus Antrodia. The highest copper tolerance was found at some strains of wood r...
F Pohleven, A Malnaric, M Humar, C Tavzes

Recycling of CCA treated wood in the US
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-08
The production of CCA treated wood has increased dramatically in recent years. Previous estimates of the volume of treated wood to be removed were based on the assumed service life of the material, generally 20 to 25 years. This study based on a survey of contractors installing treated decks, determined that the actual service life of these decks is much shorter than their assumed functional servi...
J McQueen, J Stevens, D P Kamdem

Effect of leaching temperature and water acidity on the loss of metal elements from CCA treated timber in aquatic applications. Part 1: Laboratory scale investigation
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50046
In order to investigate the applicability of current prestandard leaching test methods, a series of experiments has been performed on CCA impregnated wood dealing with the influence of pH, temperature and agitation of the surrounding water. The leaching method used in this first part of the investigation is the European prestandard drafted by CEN/TC38/WG11, a short term dynamic leaching test under...
G M F Van Eetvelde, R J Orsler, G E Holland, M Stevens

Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1986 - IRG/WP 1300
This paper provides an update on the results from an above ground field test evaluating the effectiveness of wood preservatives against subterranean termites. Results for the one and two year inspections of treated southern pine sapwood exposed in Hawaii to Coptotermes formosanus are presented. Chromated copper arsenate is providing excellent protection as is the pyrethroid deltamethrin. Borate an...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski

Examination of preservative-treated Pinus sylvestris using electron paramagnetic resonance
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3710
EPR is currently being used to help elucidate the nature and extent of the chemical reactions occurring between wood and copper based timber preservatives. In the work reported here treated Scots pine samples were examined at room temperature and in the frozen state. Plots of the electronic parameters A|| vs. g|| were found to be a useful index of the electronic properties of the various formulati...
A S Hughes, R J Murphy, J F Gibson, A J Cornfield

Interaction of copper-amine complexes with wood: Influence of copper source, amine ligands and amine to copper molar ratio on copper retention and leaching
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30203
The absorption and leachability of copper in copper amine (Cu-EA) treated wood are influenced by the formulation and the composition of copper amine treating solutions. The sources of copper used, Cu(OH)2, CuCO3, CuSO4 and Cu(NO3)2, in the copper amine complex formulation affect the leachability of copper. Data show that copper amine from CuSO4 and Cu(NO3)2 treated wood has less copper loss during...
Jun Zhang, D P Kamdem

Penetration and absorption of water-borne preservatives in conifers from the Western United States: A preliminary report
1988 - IRG/WP 3475
The treatment of most softwoods from the western United States with waterborne chemicals poses a major challenge. Although many of these species are commercially treated with waterbornes, there is considerable debate about their treatability. At present, there is little or no information on the treatability of western wood species with waterborne chemicals. The lack of accurate treatability inform...
S Kumar, J J Morrell

The microbial ecology of treated birch stakes in a soil-bed
1983 - IRG/WP 1209
The microbial ecology of small birch stakes exposed in soil beds in two Fungus Cellars was investigated. Patterns of fungal colonisation and decay initiation are described in untreated birch and copper fluosilicate-treated stakes. Results are based on fungal isolation onto selective media and direct light microscopical observations of decay features. In untreated stakes there was a rapid build-up ...
C P Clubbe

Less pollution due to technical approaches on accelerated steam fixation of chromated wood preservatives
1988 - IRG/WP 3487
Steaming of freshly treated wood at 100°C to 120°C initiates a spontaneous fixation of copper-chromate-containing wood preservatives. For the performance, a suitable anticorrosive equipment is necessary. Good results can be achieved using a separate steaming equipment which allows a rapid heating of the wood. While warming-up, in the wood some preservative solution extends and can be partly extr...
H Willeitner, R-D Peek

Influence of water soluble extractives on CCA fixation and leaching performance of red maple and red oak
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30133
We have observed several peculiarities in relation to CCA fixation in red maple and red oak woods such as high variability in fixation rates and leaching performance in maple and precipitate formation in solutions expressed from CCA treated red oak wood blocks at different stages of fixation. We have postulated that the extractives could be the factor of influence, as this has already been reporte...
T Stevanovic-Janezic, P A Cooper, Y T Ung

Depletion of preservatives from treated wood: Results from laboratory, fungus cellar and field test
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-07
This paper compares results of preservative component losses using a range of test procedures with several different water-borne preservatives. The data shows that laboratory leaching tests are in some cases comparable to, but in other cases significantly underestimate preservative component losses when compared with field or fungus cellar depletion tests. The results also suggest that preservativ...
L Jin, A F Preston

Leaching of Copper from ACQ treated wood exposed above ground
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50219
The leaching of chemicals of ACQ Type C treated wood exposed above ground for 16 months was studied. Commercially treated Hem-fir boards (Tsuga heterophylla Raf. and Amabilis fir Forb) of 37.5 mm by 87.5 mm were used. The amounts of chemical leached monthly by the rainfall were determined and the leachate was collected and analyzed. Also, the environmental factors influencing the leaching were ...
P A Chung, J N R Ruddick

LCA examination of preservative treated timber products and alternatives; initial results
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-04
Co-operative development of an LCA methodology suitable for application to preservative treated products has been carried out, based on scoping assessments of two products, CCA treated fenceposts and creosote treated distribution poles. The general results of these scoping exercices are described, based on the CCA case study. These include the identification of critical stages in the life-cycle on...
W Hillier, R J Murphy, D J Dickinson, J N B Bell

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