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Your search resulted in 729 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Serpula lacrymans, The Dry Rot Fungus and its Tolerance towards Copper-based Wood Preservatives
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10555
Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen : Fries) Schröter, the dry rot fungus, is considered the most economically important wood decay fungus in temperate regions of the world i.e. northern Europe, Japan and Australia. Previously copper based wood preservatives were the most commonly used preservatives for pressure treatment of wood for building constructions. Because of a suspicion about tolerance toward cop...
A C Steenkjær Hastrup, F Green III, C A Clausen, B Jensen

Leaching characteristics, decay and termite resistance of treated wood with boron compounds, N'-N-(1,8-Naphthalyl) hydroxylamine (NHA-Na), and hydroxynaphthalimide (NHA-H)
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30307
Despite many advantages of boron wood preservatives, boron itself does not adequately protect wood in ground contact and exterior applications because its natural diffusibility and susceptibility to leaching. As a result of previous studies to limit or decrease boron leaching, several fixation systems have been developed. In this study, we evaluated the effects of N'-N-(1, 8-Naphthalyl) h...
S N Kartal, Y Imamura

Ability of chitosans to limit wood decay under laboratory conditions.
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30339
Chitosans have recently been explored for controlling a number of plant pathogenic fungi and have shown some promise for controlling stain fungi on wood. The potential for using chitosans either alone or in combination with copper sulfate to protect wood from fungal decay was explored using maple veneers. Chitosan treatment reduce weight losses caused by two brown rot and one white rot fungi, howe...
M Maoz, J J Morrell

Description of a trial with wood preservatives against marine wood boring organisms
1975 - IRG/WP 412
Wood situated in sea water along the Atlantic coasts of the Nordic countries is attacked by marine wood boring organisms. Timber constructions in these waters therefore must be preservative treated. In order to evaluate the effect of various preservatives against marine wood borers, the Nordic Wood Preservation Council (NWPC) organized a rather extensive trial in 1972. In the absence of and while ...
E Norman, B Henningsson

A comparison of the leaching resistance of diammine-copper complexes and copper carbonate precipitated in wood
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30158
Previous studies have shown that during treatment of wood with ammoniacal copper solutions, both simple copper precipitates and diammine-copper complexes are formed. The objective of the present study is to determine the relative importance of both forms of copper, on such aspects as preservative leachability and biological performance. In the current experiment, the leachability of copper carbona...
Xiao Jiang, J N R Ruddick

Preservative effect of cellulose insulation material against some mould fungi and brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana in pine sapwood
1991 - IRG/WP 1484
The influence of mineral wool and loose-fill cellulose wool on biodeterioration of pine sapwood was studied. The test fungi were mould fungi Aspergillus versicolor, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Penicillium sp. and Aureobasidium pullullans and brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana. Cellulose wool inhibited the growth of mould fungi on the face of wood contacted with insulation material at RH of 97 an...
H Viitanen

A marine borer test with water-borne preservatives
1980 - IRG/WP 452
The use of preservative treated timber in sea-water where marine borers are active is of great economic importance, since untreated wood immediately will be damaged. Vacuum/pressure treated timber has been tested in several marine exposure trials on the Swedish west coast since the 1930s (Hager 1941, Hultman 1949, Sandstrom 1951, Nylinder-Norman et al. 1974). Since new interesting materials or pre...
B Henningsson, E Norman

Preservation of robinia wood (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stakes by vintners
1982 - IRG/WP 3194
This work discusses decay resistance of robinia wood to fungi Trametes versicolor (L.ex Fr.) Pil. and Coniophora puteana (Schum. ex Fr.) Karst., and also the possibility of influencing its resistance by means of chemical protection. The results showed that natural resistance of robinia wood to these two different agents of wood decay is not the same. It is much less resistant to the fungus Conioph...
R Benko

Remedial ground-line treatment of CCA poles in service. Results of chemical and microbiological analyses 6 months after treatment
1986 - IRG/WP 3388
CCA-treated poles in service with incipient internal soft rot were remedially treated by inserting borate rods, brushing with a boron/glycol solution and injecting boric acid paste, copper/creosote paste or a commercial product (DFCK paste). The spread of active chemicals in the treated zone as well as the change in microflora have been studied with time. After six months chemicals had spread to m...
B Henningsson, H Friis-Hansen, A Käärik, M-L Edlund

Determination of ethanolamine in impregnated wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20198
Leaching of copper based preservatives from wood is usually prevented by adding chromium compounds to copper containing formulations. It seems that suitable substitutes for chromium fixation agents may be amines. In this paper, we report our results on interactions between copper(II) octanoate and ethanolamine (C2H7NO, 2-aminoethanole) with wood or its components. A part of ethanolamine from a woo...
M Humar, M Petric

Soil bed studies of the dimensional stability of composite products
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40134
The influence of boron and isocyanate resin on the dimensional stability of high moisture resistant particleboard was assessed after burial in a soil bed for one month. The samples were treated with two levels of a boron compound and coated in isocyanate resin. The samples were randomly placed in a fungal cellar in soils of two different water holding capacities. Weight differences and dimensional...
K M Filcock, P Vinden

Fungal remediation of CCA-treated wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50210
This study evaluates oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated wood by three brown-rot fungi, Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus and ten mold and staining fungi, Aspergillus niger, Aureobasidium pullulans, Gliocladium virens, Penicillium funiculosum, Rhizopus javanicus, Ceratocystis pilifera, C. peceae, Alternaria alternata...
S N Kartal, Y Imamura

Recycling of treated timber by copper smelter
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50030
A preliminary trial was carried out to see whether copper smelting process is able to recycle CCA treated timber. As a result of the first trial almost a full recovery of both copper and arsenic was achieved. Recovered metals were utilized in manufacturing CCA preservatives. The energy bound in wood is utilized in the flash smelting process and the burning gases are fed to the sulphuric acid plant...
A J Nurmi, L Lindroos

The non-uniform uptake of chromium and copper during the impregnation of wood using the example of a CCB-salt
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20137
The correct impregnation of wood requires among other things a regular control of the concentration of the treating solution as this and/or its stoichometric composition can change as a result of the impregna-tion process and the treated wood. The preferential uptake of individual wood preservative components by the wood is of particular importance in this connection. Dipping and vacuum impregnat...
P Jüngel, E Melcher, R-D Peek

Copper naphthenate-treated Southern Pine pole stubs in field exposure: - Part 1: Gradient & biodeterioration analysis 12 years after treatment
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30242
Naphthenates have been used for the preservation of timber and cellulose since their original identification in Russia in the early 1880's as part of a series of petroleum characterizations. Later work in the development of copper naphthenate as a heavy-duty preservative for poles led to the development of various treating cycles similar to other oil-borne systems. Recent work concerning ...
H M Barnes, M H Freeman

Copper linoleate: A new low toxcity wide spectrum, heavy duty wood preservative
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30082
Copper linoleate, a "fixed" copper soap has been developed and evaluated in South Africa over a 30-year period. The initial product, an organic solvent based preservative has been tested in pine poles against termites and fungi. Results indiate that the product has performed well against existing heavy duty wood preservatives such as CCA and creosote in long term field trials (30 years). The paper...
D Conradie, P Turner, W E Conradie, A J Pendlebury, T Pizzi

Environmental fate of copper-based wood preservatives in different soil substrates - Part 2: Study of the metal sorption and migration potential under simulated rainfall
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-21 b
In order to examine the potential environmental impact of spillages of the saltborne wood preservative CCA in treatment plants, four large scale experiments are set-up so as to follow the water transport and ion mobility in various field soils. A plastic container is filled with a sand, silt, clay and potting soil, made up at their respective bulk density and wetted to a given moisture content. U...
G M F Van Eetvelde, R Hartmann, J M Mwangi, H S Öztürk, M Stevens

The mechanism of leaching of copper-chrome-arsenic preservatives from treated timber in saline waters
1976 - IRG/WP 374
A mechanism for the leaching of copper-chrome-arsenic preservatives is proposed on the basis of theoretical calculations and experimental studies using timber subjected to a range of water types of different ionic compositions. Complex formation by copper (II) and chromium (III) with chloride and hydroxide ions is shown to affect the leaching rate. Of even greater importance is the salt effect on ...
J Irvine, S-E Dahlgren

Marine trial progress report
1980 - IRG/WP 453
In May 1977 and May 1978, tests of new chemical formulations for the protection of timber in the sea were installed in Mt. Maunganui Harbour. Investigation into new preservatives for such usage was urgently required since it had been found that there was progressive leaching of copper from copper-chrome-arsenate treated marine piles which could lead to a reduction in their service life. Hochmann (...
A F Preston, C M Chittenden

Respiratory response of the wood boring teredinid, Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages) to copper stress
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10528
Wood boring teredinid molluscs engulf most of the wooden particles scrapped by them while actively boring into wood, obtaining nourishment for their metabolic activities. In order to protect the wooden structures from the biodeteriorating activity of such organisms, the wood is treated with different chemical formulations to prolong their service life. Copper chrome arsenic (CCA) is one such woo...
V Kuppusamy, M Balaji, M V Rao, K S Rao

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 21: Report of eighth inspection (7 years) in Australia
1985 - IRG/WP 4119
This report tabulates the seven year (86 month) inspection results, obtained on 28 Fabruary l985, of the IRG/COIPM International Marine Test at Goat Island, Australia. This test was installed in December 1977. The results are given in Tables 1-6. Table 7 lists the number of marine borers identified from blocks (2 cm and 6 cm long respectively) cut from the ends of specimens removed at the previous...
L J Cookson, J E Barnacle

Boron treatment methods for lyctid susceptible hardwoods growing in Tasmania
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30168
A survey of existing boron plants that treat to protect hardwoods from attack by lyctids in Australia showed that hot and cold bath, and vacuum pressure impregnation (vpi), were the two most common methods employed. In experimental work, two of the treatment methods, vpi and dip diffusion, were used to treat seasoned and green messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua) and blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon). The t...
L J Cookson, D Scown, K McCarthy

Microbial decomposition of salt treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-22
Specialized microorganisms which are able to convert fixed inorganic preservatives from treated wood into water soluble components are investigated. A number of brown rot fungi like Antrodia vaillantii have been isolated from cases of damage and examined under unsterile conditions with CCA-, CCB-, CCF- and CC-treated wood at retention levels of at least 50% higher than recommended for wood in grou...
R-D Peek, I Stephan, H Leithoff

Application of (n-a)-radiography for determination of boron in wood impregnated with boron-containing antispetics
1975 - IRG/WP 351
The method of (n-a)-radiography for quantitative determination of boron is based on creation of defective regions (tracks) in a polymer (the detector), which form during passage of a particles through the detector, these particles being produced in the reaction 10B(n, a)7Li when the test specimen in contact with the detector is irradiated with neutrons. Etching of the detector with an appropriate ...
N A Dubinskaya, M Ya Tsel'millere

Degradation of lignin model compounds with coordinated copper in the presence of peroxide
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10282
A novel diffusible system capable of decomposing lignin model compounds with copper, coordinators and peroxides has been proposed. When pyridine was used as a copper coordinator, two synthetic dyes, Poly-R and RBBR were intensively decolorized with Cu(II) and H2O2 in aqueous solutions at room temperature. Although reactions with Cu(II) and H2O2 produce a strong oxidant, hydroxyl radical, via a Fen...
K Koller, K Messner, T Watanabe

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