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Your search resulted in 1426 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Comparison of decay rates of preservative-treated stakes in field and fungus cellar tests
1980 - IRG/WP 2135
With the exception of acid-copper-chromate, zinc-chrome-arsenate, and sodium pentachlorophenoxide, the relative performance of preservatives in the fungus cellar was similar to that in the field....
M E Hedley

Collaborative soft rot test: Amended test method
1972 - IRG/WP 208
The initial draft of a standard test method (Document IRG/WP/201) was discussed at the meeting in Brussels in 1971. It was agreed that a revised draft should be prepared and that the Princes Risborough Laboratory (formerly FPRL) should conduct a trial test using the method as a preliminary to the main collaborative test....
J G Savory

Accelerated wood decay in a soil bed test under greenhouse conditions compared with a stake test under field condition
1991 - IRG/WP 2384
The rate of decay of oak, beech, Douglas fir, pine and spruce stakes in an outside test field were compared with the decay rate of the same species in a greenhouse soil-bed test. Strength loss after four and six months respectively was measured by determining the compression strength parallel to the grain. The results show that all species, strength loss in the greenhouse was 2 to 4 times higher t...
J E Polman, S G Michon, H Militz

Wood preservation in the Australian beekeeping industry
1988 - IRG/WP 3473
This paper reports the results of a survey of Australian commercial beekeepers working 200 or more hives in June/July 1985. Nine hundred and forty seven apiarists were asked to participate and to provide information on their wood preservation methods, painting procedures and maintenance of bee boxes. Three hundred and eighty-four apiarists returned completed questionnaires (41%). The main wood pre...
P J Robinson, J R J French

Effect of sterilization method on germination of spores of wood decay fungi observed by contact agar block method
1978 - IRG/WP 2117
Previous studies of germination of spores of wood decay fungi on wood have generally concluded that method of wood sterilization has little significant effect on germination response. This study expands the numbers of test fungi as well as number of sterilization methods employed to determine the influence of sterilization method on spore germination response of decay fungi. Germination was assess...
E L Schmidt, D W French

Report on the status of collaborative experiments within the Sub-group on Basidiomycete tests
1983 - IRG/WP 2194
This report summarises the results of co-operative work carried out within the Sub-Group on Basidiomycete tests up to December 1982. The principle findings are recorded in the Conclusions Section. Work intended between IRG-13 in Turkey and IRG-14 in Australia is cited under Future Programme. An Annex provides a response sheet for existing and new participants to notify their contributions....
A F Bravery

A laboratory soil-block decay evaluation of plywoods edge-treated with preservatives
1982 - IRG/WP 2174
Preservative-treated plywood used under conditions or severe decay hazard frequently has its original, or cut edges, protected by the application of a field-cut preservative. This study uses a laboratory test method to compare the efficacy of four commercial preservative treatments against two commonly occurring brown-rot fungi. The results are not meant to indicate the service life of such treate...
R S Smith, A Byrne

Combined effects of the treatment of wood with formaldehyde
1978 - IRG/WP 3117
Treatment of fibrous materials with reagents in a vapor phase is neither new nor unique. Numerous examples exist in literature of vapor phase experiments on cellulose fibers and fabrics, and on wood. For many years the textile research and industry have used vapor phase processes for the treatment of textiles. The chemical modification of cellulose is based on different types of reactions e.g. est...
M Stevens, J Schalck

Collaborative soft rot tests: Results of analyses of soil samples
1976 - IRG/WP 263
C R Levy

Groundline treatments for poles - Wedding Bells S.F. test site layout
1983 - IRG/WP 3259
R S Johnstone

The influence of building design on wood decay
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10339
The cheapest and most effective way to prevent wood decay is to KEEP THE WOOD DRY! You and I know that, but we often forget and attempt a preservative solution to a problem better solved with good design and construction. It's also the answer to a frequently missed exam question in my Architecture class. Just as caulking is a poor substitute for proper design, so preservative treatment sh...
W W Wilcox

A short note on the subject of pretreatment decay in wood
1984 - IRG/WP 1245
The paper reviews five national standards for wood utility poles and some literature that concerns the problems of pretreatment decay. Finally it is proposed to form a new sub-group to study that problem....
J A Taylor

The dry rot fungus and other fungi in houses. Part 3
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10083
J Bech-Andersen

Étude in vitro de la colonisation et de la dégradation structural du bois de hêtre par Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quélet
1976 - IRG/WP 158
L'attaque du bois de Hêtre par Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quélet, agent de pourriture fibreuse blanche est étudiée après des périodes d'exposition à ce champignon variant de 15 jours à trois mois. L'observation des premiers stades, c'est à dire de la colonisation du bois par les filaments de champignon est faite en microscopie optique, puis au fur et à m...
D Dirol

The performance of wood preservatives in soil-bed soft rot tests
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20007
Testing the efficacy of wood preservatives in soil is recognised as a fundamental part of the assessment of long-term wood protection in ground contact. Laboratory based tests can provide a hazardous environment in which a preservative can be challenged by a range of micro-organisms. This paper presents the results of tests carried out to investigate the performance of wood preservatives in a wet ...
G R Williams, S Caswell

Results from soft rot tests in vermiculite jars
1976 - IRG/WP 272
T Vihavainen

Draft of a monographic card for "Pole Fungus A". A paper for dicussion
1974 - IRG/WP 124
L Harmsen

Soil-bed studies
1982 - IRG/WP 2181
This paper discusses factors affecting the design and use of a soil-bed....
P Vinden, J G Savory, D J Dickinson, J F Levy

A deflection test for monitoring decay in miniature beams
1986 - IRG/WP 2269
A laboratory apparatus for assessing decay in small stakes is described. It involves the measurement of deflection in a static bending apparatus using a displacement transducer linked to a microcomputer. Measurements are non-destructive, rapid, accurate and automatic and decay can be assessed repeatedly over long time periods....
S M Gray

Effects of the anaerobic wood decay bacterium Clostridium xylanolyticum on unbleached Pinus and Eucalyptus pulp
1991 - IRG/WP 1506
Clostridium xylanolyticum has been shown to produce extracellular enzymes capable of degrading wood. The present work was conducted to quantify growth on various lignocellulosic substrates and degradation of pulped wood fibre. In the latter tests Clostridium xylanolyticum was incubated at 35°C under anaerobic conditions in a medium containing 0.2% (w/v) peptone and 4% (w/v) unbleached Pinus and E...
G D Shelver, U Matai, W Van Wyk, A A W Baecker

Decay resistance of resin treated wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30206
Selected natural resin systems were evaluated for their potential as wood protecting agents according to standard test procedures. As indicated by the European standard EN 599 both a Basidiomycete test according to EN 113 and a ENV 807 soil bed test were carried out. Six resin treatments were tested using 3 concentration or treatment levels. Using the biocidal activity criteria as usually applied ...
J Van Acker, A J Nurmi, S M Gray, H Militz, C Hill, H Kokko, A O Rapp

On the use of % weight loss as a measure for expressing results of laboratory decay experiments
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2394
It is suggested that careful consideration should be given for the presentation of data from laboratory decay experiments, especially when comparisons are being made from experiments involving wood blocks of varying densities. Percent weight loss can be used for comparisons of durability even if wood blocks vary in density. It is suggested that the absolute weight loss for a given volume (g/cm³) ...
T Nilsson, G F Daniel

Translation of CEN Letter to Mr R Cockcroft dated 24 November 1980
1980 - IRG/WP 2147
G Castan

The performance of glue laminated railway ties after 40 years of service in the main line track
1989 - IRG/WP 2325
Two series of horizontally glue laminated ties made of a softwood body and topped with a hardwood lamination were creosoted and installed in 1947 in a tangent and a curved main line track. The tests are now 40 years old and the excellent condition of the ties of these two series suggest that a service life of 50-60 years can be expected....
J P Hösli, E E Doyle, C P Bird, T Lee

Results of collaborative work on laboratory soft rot testing
1989 - IRG/WP 2341
S M Gray, D J Dickinson

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