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Your search resulted in 927 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Work programme of CEN/TC 38 (May 1995) - Durability of wood and derived materials
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20069
Standardization of the characteristics of natural or conferred durability of wood and its derived materials against biological agents, including the characteristics of protection products and associated processes to obtain this durability. This applies in particular to: - the identification of hazard classes; - the test methods (wood preservatives as treated wood and wood based materials) and inte...
R Hüe

Chlorothalonil: A new ground contact wood preservative
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3712
Extensive investigations have been conducted in recent years on the performance of chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) as a ground contact wood preservative. Efficacy information is presented on a soil block test with 11 Basidiomycetes, a fungus cellar evaluation, above-ground field testing against termites in Australia and Hawaii, and ground-contact field stakes installed in Florida (9 ...
P E Laks, T L Woods

Some Experiences with Stake Tests at BAM Test Fields and in the BAM Fungus Cellar Part 2: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Moduli of Elasticity (MOE)
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20320
In routine in-ground stake tests of wood preservatives at the BAM test field Horstwalde and in the BAM fungus cellar periodical determinations of both static moduli of elasticity (MOE) on the basis of bending tests and dynamic MOE on the basis of the vibration method were performed as a possible method for the assessment of fungal attack. As expected from other publications, the absolute values of...
M Grinda, S Göller

Relationship of wood durability and extractives
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10493
The durability of the following five wood species, Zelkova carpinifolia, Ulmus glabra, Pterocarya fraxinifolia, Carpinius betulus and Acer laetum, were studied. Wood blocks were exposed to Coriolus versicolor under laboratory conditions according to DIN 52176 standard. After 16 weeks incubation the heart wood of Z carpinifolia showed 2,19 % weight loss, U glabra 41,69 %, C betulus 45,64 %, A laetu...
S M Kazemi

A laboratory technique to measure the performance of preservative treated hardwoods in ground contact
1982 - IRG/WP 2172
A laboratory technique to measure the performance of preservative treated timber in ground contact is described. It uses partially sealed blocks of timber which are treated, leached and sawn into small stakelets for soil exposure in a fungal cellar. Performance is monitored by the loss of static bending strength with time, and a simple apparatus for measuring the deflection of a stakelet under a l...
E F Baines

Remedial ground-line treatment of CCA poles in service. A final report after 60 months' testing
1989 - IRG/WP 3534
Remedial treatment of CCA treated utility poles of Pinus sylvestris with incipient decay was carried out in 1983 and the results of chemical and microbiological analyses 6 months after treatment were reported in Document No: IRG/WP/3388 while microbiological studies 12 and 28 months after treatment as well as chemical analyses of poles treated with boron rods or boric acid paste 28 months after tr...
B Henningsson, H Friis-Hansen, A Käärik, M-L Edlund

The field performance of CCA-C treated sawn refractory softwoods from North America
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40085
Approximately 15% of the total volume of wood treated in the United States consists of difficult to treat softwoods known as "refractory softwoods". The long term positive performance record of CCA treated sawn material is based upon the testing of yellow pine sapwood stakes with only limited field data available for sawn refractory softwoods. As a result, the existing North American wood preserva...
M J Richards, W S McNamara

Wood preservation in Portugal
1985 - IRG/WP 3325
This report deals with the forest potential of Portugal and its timber industry and outlines the evolution of wood preservation in the country. The main hazards to timber in service are noted and the timbers used classified according to their natural durability and treatability. The wood preservatives used are detailed with estimates of the total consumption of the different types. Addresses are l...
D De Sousa Castro Reimão, R Cockcroft

Some recent studies on the marine wood-borers of the west coast of India
1982 - IRG/WP 486
Occurrence and distribution of marine wood-borers along the west coast of India from Mangalore to Kandla are presented together with the distribution pattern of all the molluscan and crustacean wood-borers so far reported from India coasts. The survey, conducted for the first time along this coast, revealed the presence of 14 species of Teredinidae, 2 species of Pholadidae, 3 species and one varie...
L N Santhakumaran

A field method for determining the above-ground resistance of wood and wood products to attack by subterranean termite
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20035
A method for determining the above-ground resistance of wood and wood products to subterranean termites in the field is described. Termites are aggregated in 20-litre steel drums, each containing a highly susceptible timber substrate. At the centre of each drum, specimens of the test material under evaluation are sandwiched, using circular sections of wire mesh, between two layers of the substrate...
J W Creffield

Evaluation of wood durability by laboratory test - A new equation to predict wood durability
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20230
To estimate the wood durability in a short term, periodical weight determination was carried out in a laboratory test. This test provided the results comparable to those of the field test and the fungus cellar test, but it required much more jobs in comparison to the usual accelerated laboratory test. To save the time and jobbing for this method, a new equation was devised from simple two assumpti...
I Momohara, K Yamamoto

Combustion properties of Alder wood treated with some new environment friendly natural extractives. Part 1. Effect of Natural Tannins on the Combustion Properties
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40234
Powders of the brutia pine bark, sumach leaves, acorn, gall-nut and boric acid and borax which are known as potential environment friendly wood preservatives were impregnated according to ASTM D 1413-88 in order to determine their combustion properties. A commercial treatment compound, Tanalith-CBC, was also used for comparison. The results indicated that the natural extractives did not have an...
Ü C Yildiz, A Temiz, E D Gezer, S Yildiz

The influence of the location of a wood defect on the modulus of elasticity determination in wood durability testing
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20287
This study investigates the influence of the location of a wood failure in stakes upon elastic changes observed in beech specimens with the resonance vibration technique. Natural failures were simulated by artificially created defects at different locations of the test stake. The results indicate that the location of an attack in a stake is important for the measurement outcome. When the attack is...
L Machek, H Militz

L-joint trials: Part 1: Observations on the process of colonisation and decay
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20250
The first trials using the small L-joint, later adopted for use in BS EN 330 and AWPA Standard E9-97 were exposed at BRE in 1975 but all were assessed destructively during the early stages of exposure. The longest running trial which included replicates for long-term exposure will have been exposed for 20 years in July 2002. This paper provides an overview of the results of testing during that p...
J K Carey

Biofumigation of sapstaining fungi using natural products
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10428
Control of deep-seated fungal infections in raw logs of radiata pine continues to be a challenge for achieving consistent and satisfactory protection of high value logs destined for export markets. To develop solutions for this problem, a study was undertaken to investigate inhibition of spore germination and growth of sapstaining fungi by volatiles released from a selection of natural products. ...
B Kreber, C Chittenden, R N Wakeling

Venezuelan net of test fields for the study of the effectiveness of treatments of non commercial timbers from natural tropical forests
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20318
A net of 13 tests fields were established in Venezuela for the study of the effectiveness of the CCA and CCB treatment in secondary or non commercial woods from natural forests, two woods from fast growth plantations wee included for promote them as treated timber mainly for fence posts uses. Partial results after two years are presented and discussed the preliminary results obtained both in field...
O Encinas, N Mora

Preservative treatment of different thatching materials for low cost housing
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40144
Preservative treatment were made in seven different roofing materials with Copper-Chrome-Boron (CCB) at different concentration by soaking process. These were paddy straw, wheat straw, jute stick, sungrass, ulu grass, sugercane leaf and Nipa fruticans. It was observed that retention of preservative chemicals varies from species to species at the same concentration. From the service test it was obs...
K Akhter, M Younusuzzaman, M H Chowdhury

In-ground field test of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood and heartwood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30336
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood and heartwood stakes treated with CCA-C and creosote were tested for one- year in a field plot in Bartın region in Turkey. Scots pine heartwood stakes had lower preservative retention than sapwood stakes. Bending strength of the stakes was decreased after impregnation and one-year field test. While the bending strength of untreated sapwood was 93....
H Sivrikaya, H Hafizoglu

Performance of borate-treated sill plates (dodai) in a protected, above-ground field test in Japan
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30278
This document is supplemental to the previous IRG document (IRG/WP 2000-30239). An experiment to simulate the dodai (sill plate) of the Japanese houses was conducted at the termite field test site of the Wood Research Institute in Kagoshima, Japan where two economically important subterranean termite species [Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe)] are established. DOT...
K Tsunoda, A Adachi, A Byrne, P I Morris, J K Grace

NIR spectroscopy for rapid estimation of decay resistance
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20294
In Scandinavia Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is an important commercial tree species. Its heartwood has traditionally been used in constructions exposed to risk of decay. In a laboratory experiment Scots pine wood specimens sampled from inner heartwood, outer heartwood and sapwood were exposed to the brown rot fungus Poria placenta. In general outer heartwood was more resistant than inner heart...
P O Flæte, E Ystrøm Haartveit

Evaluation of the european standard ENV 12038 for durability testing of plywood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20237
The latest improved version of the standard ENV 12038 drafted as document N44 by CEN Technical Committee 38 (WG 7 - WG 23) is used to evaluate the effect of wood composition and structure on plywood durability. The method described is based on the agar-block test of the EN 113 standard used for the determination of the efficacy of wood preservatives and the assessment of the natural durability of ...
J Van Acker, M Stevens, E De Clercq

Durability of surface coating systems. Mycologg - an accelerated mycological test.
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20301
Field testing and natural aging/degradation of test sample, e.g. coated wooden surfaces is a slow process. Accelerated tests focus on mechanical properties, water uptake or sometimes stain fungi. Artificially weathered coated panels are not easily compared with naturally aged panels, and show the importance of involving the biological component among the degrading facors. It is a need for acce...
L Ross Gobakken, J Mattsson, B Jacobsen, F G Evans

On the occurrence of Phialophora species in preservative treated wood in ground contact
1977 - IRG/WP 163
Phialophora is a fairly large genus comprising about thirty described species. They are widespread in very diverse environments, such as soil, sea water, wood and wood pulps. Some species are known as parasites on plants and animals, including man. Phialophora species were early known for their ability to produce blue stain in timber. Later it was discovered that several species were able to produ...
T Nilsson, B Henningsson

Rapid loss of lignin at wood surfaces during natural weathering
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2390
Thin veneers of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) were exposed to natural weathering over a period of 30 days. Incident UV radiation was monitored at the test site. FTIR internal reflectance spectroscopy was used to study the chemical changes taking place at the veneer surface during weathering. Spectra obtained show that after only 3 days exposure there was substantial delignification at veneer...
P D Evans, K J Schmalzl, A J Michell

Assessment of residual retentions in creosote treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) poles after 45 years ground contact service in the Lemstervaart in the Dutch polder
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50022
In a project funded by the Water State Authorities (RWS) and the Noordoostpolder Water Board, the residual retentions in ten creosote treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) poles were examined after 45 years ground contact service along a canal (Lemstervaart) in the Dutch Noordoostpolder. The Lemstervaart location was selected due to the fact that the poles involved had been originally treated and ...
P Esser, W L D Suitela, A J Pendlebury, H Visscher

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