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List of fungi in soft-rot tests
1975 - IRG/WP 105
This list gives information on the terrestrial and marine species and strains of fungi tested for soft-rot ability in pure culture with data on their decay activity in untreated wood. An index of the timber species tested is added. The compilation is based on 1) the list of soft-rot fungi of the former OECD Group (Doc.No. 27/DAS/CSI/M/559), Oct. 1968, prepared by R. Rösch and W. Liese, 2) informa...
G Seehann, W Liese, B Kess

Studies on the fungicidal effectiveness of a petroleum derived product as a creosote alternative
1986 - IRG/WP 3384 E
This work, appears first because of the necessity to find out a profitable use for a residual product of the petrol pyrolisis, and second, because the lack of high natural durability wood used until now-a-days to build posts and sleepers in creosote lacking countries. Our main objective was pointed to the characterization of this new product and to find out the effectiveness against the wood-destr...
A M Navarrete, M T De Troya

Methods to determine the efficacy of three water repellent additives in waterborne preservatives
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30142
The paper describes the methods used to determine the efficacy of three different water repellent additives in waterborne preservatives. The wooden samples used are pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) that are treated with 9 different waterborne preservatives in retention for hazard class 3 (above ground commodities). There are two sample sizes exposed, cladding boards (19 x 148 mm) w...
F G Evans, B Nossen, K M Jenssen, L R Wilhelmsen, G Fuglum

Efficacy of hexaflumuron as a bait-toxicant in the field using a transferred nest of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10379
A natural nest of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki was transferred into the field test site, and monitoring stations were installed around the nest buried back in the ground in January, 1995. Following estimation of foraging populations [271,200o}49,600 (July - October, 1996); 142,600o}19,600 (April - July, 1998)], bait applications were conducted twice. Termites came back to the stations in spring,...
K Tsunoda, Y Hikawa, T Yoshimura

A field evaluation of modified and unmodified alkylammonium compounds
1987 - IRG/WP 3436
Laboratory soil block studies of alkylammonium compounds (AAC's) at Forintek and other research establishments have shown that they can prevent decay by standard wood-destroying fungi. Their performance in field tests, however, has been disappointing. Following investigation of possible causes for this poor field performance, stakes treated with modified AAC's were installed at W...
J N R Ruddick

Accelerated testing for out of ground contact using natural biological preconditioning: Part 2
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20108
Small blocks of scots pine sapwood were treated, buried in vermiculite and exposed to natural microbial colonisation during outdoor exposure prior to laboratory decay testing. An EN 84-type leach trial was carried out on unexposed samples. Periodic microbial isolations, moisture content, permeability and weight loss tests were also conducted. The experiment ran for 12 months. The colonisation of t...
S Molnar, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy

Laboratory evaluation of AC 217,300 as a termiticidal dust
1983 - IRG/WP 3247
Laboratory bioassays are described with the amidinohydrazone, AC217,300, a candidate termiticide to replace arsenic trioxide in termite control. When used as a dust and topically applied, AC217,300 was toxic to Coptotermes acinaciformis and Mastotermes darwiniensis. Although arsenic trioxide dust causes faster mortality in Coptotermes acinaciformis than AC217,300 dust, the latter has lower mammali...
J R J French, P J Robinson

Effectiveness of wood preservatives and treatments against marine borers in Philippine waters
1976 - IRG/WP 416
A 5-year exposure test was conducted on the effectiveness of wood preservatives and treatments against marine borers in Philippine waters. Air-dried heartwood samples of apitong (Dipterocarpus grandiflorus) 76.2 x 88.9 x 609.6 mm³ (3 x 3.5 x 24 in³) in size were pressure treated with coal tar creosote and two types of CCA (copper/chrome/arsenic) and CuCZA (copperized chromated zinc arsenate) wat...
F R Siriban, M G Laxamana, P G Mata

The development of a field testing technique using Coptotermes lacteus mounds in Australia
1985 - IRG/WP 1270
A method to rapidly screen potential bait substrates placed around Coptotermes lacteus mounds is described. A perforated P.V.C. conduit is buried in a shallow trench in a rectangular arrangement around an active mound. Seven P.V.C. holders containing cork baits are inserted vertically into the conduit around the mound. Within three weeks following installation of the baits around five mound coloni...
J R J French, P J Robinson

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - To determine the effect of timber substrate on the efectiveness of different preservatives in sea-water: Coding scheme
1976 - IRG/WP 420
It was agreed in Wildhaus on 15 May 1976 that preparations for the test detailed in Document No: IRG/WP/414 should commence immediately, but that initially only two water-borne preservatives should be used - a copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) and a copper/chrome/boron (CCB) formulation respectively. PRL, England (R Cockcroft) would be responsible for supplying only the reference species treated with th...

Termite physical barriers: update on retrofitting Granitgard™ around 'mock-up' buildings after five years
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10226
This field experiment was installed five years ago (March 1992) to evaluate the effectiveness of graded crushed granite stone, commercially marketed under the name Granitgard™, as a physical barrier when retrofitted around 'mock-up' buildings. The field site is located at Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee region of north-west Victoria (360 km from Melbourne), and there are eight ...
J R J French, B M Ahmed

A field trial to assess the potential of antisapstain chemicals for long-term protection of sawn radiata pine
1986 - IRG/WP 3375
Seven chemical formulations were tested as antisapstain treatments for freshly sawn radiata pine sapwood (90x50 mm²). Each formulation was used with and without a water-repellent additive and was sprayed on to 1 m long boards. The boards were then stacked into "mini" packets and stored unprotected from the weather for 6 months. Haipen 50w (at 0.2 or 0.4% active) and NaPCP (1% active) plus 1.5% bo...
J A Drysdale

Microbial ecology of treated Lap-joints exposed at Hilo, Hawaii for 24 months
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20107
This paper is a continuation of previous work reported in IRG/WP 96-20089 by Molnar et al. (1996) in which Lap-joints, made from Southern yellow pine and treated with ACQ, DDAC or propiconazole were sampled over 12 months exposure at Hilo, Hawaii. 18 and 24 month samplings have since taken place and are reported here. TnBTO treated Lap-joints made of scots pine which were exposed later as a standa...
S Molnar, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy

Collaborative soft rot tests: Specific gravity loss resulting from soft rot
1973 - IRG/WP 227
It was proposed at the 5th meeting of Working Group II of the IRG in June 1973 in Lahti, Finland, that the specific gravity (swollen volume basis) of test blocks used in the IRG Collaborative Soft Rot Tests should be determined on all the blocks at the completion of the exposure period. Specific gravity determined on the basis of the oven dry weight and water swollen volume was selected because (1...
C R Levy

The use of organic wood preservatives in ground contact and the suitability of laboratory test procedures to determine their efficacy
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20175
Organic fungicides, such as propiconazole, have proven to be highly effective when used as a co-biocide in recently developed wood preservative formulations. They have however been ineffective when used as a stand alone preservative, particularly when used in ground contact (European Hazard class 4). Previous research, using the test methods of ENV 807 (1993), provided conflicting evidence regardi...
I J Herring, D J Dickinson

A simple field apparatus for measuring relative gaff penetration and assessing the effect of additives for improving pole climbability
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20187
A simple apparatus for measuring and comparing the relative "hardness" of utility poles is described. This "slide-hammer" gaff penetration apparatus was designed as a field testing unit to measure the depth of gaff penetration into test poles after application of a uniform and reproducible force to the gaff. The apparatus is simple to use in both the laboratory and field. Data is provided for resu...
A R Zahora

Co-operative tests concerning the influence of solvent and drying method on the toxic limit of wood preservatives against Coniophora cerebella
1972 - IRG/WP 216
In the working group II of the IRG it was agreed that more knowledge was necessary concerning the influence of the solvent on the toxic limit of organic solvent types of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. A test program was drawn up and after discussion in the mentioned working group the final program was accepted by the co-operating institutes in 1969. In the test program two fungicides, ...
T Hof

Bethoguard; A new wood protecting fungicide for use in metal free ground contact wood preservatives
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30301
Research has identified the limitations in both the spectrum of activity and permanence of organic biocides placed in wood in high hazard environments, particularly in the absence of heavy metals such as copper. More specifically, the control of soft rot decay in wood in soil contact has proven to be most problematic. The new organic biocide, Bethoguard; an oxathiazine, has demonstrated excellen...
S C Forster, G R Williams, M Van Der Flaas, M Bacon, J Gors

Assessment of the biocontrol potential of a Trichoderma viride isolate in a field trial
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10252
A field trial has been set up near Dundee, to assess the biological control potential of a Trichoderma viride isolate T60. This isolate has been shown in laboratory tests to be particularly effective in protecting wood against certain basidiomycete decay fungi. Wood was treated with T60 spores using vacuum-pressure impregnation in a pilot preservation plant. Scots pine and Sitka spruce stakes wer...
H F Brown, A Bruce

Soft rot - Soil burial - Tests. Influence of the addition of nitrogen compounds to the soil on wood decay by soft rot
1972 - IRG/WP 213
The decay of wood specimens buried in soil is influenced by various factors. Decisive are the water content, the content of organic substances, the pH-value, the content of mineral nutritive salts, nitrogen content, etc. of the soil. These tests were carried out in order to investigate if the decay of wood in the soil will be influenced by additions of various nitrogen-compounds in different conce...
O Wälchli

Leaching tests on CCA-treated wood using inorganic salt solutions
1984 - IRG/WP 3310
Pinus radiata sapwood treated to approximately 10 kg/m³ with Tanalith NCA or Tanalith C-type CCA preservatives was ground to a fine powder and samples were then leached with solutions of calcium chloride, calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, or a mixture of potassium di-hydrogen orthophosphate and di-potassium hydrogen orthophosphate, at 0.03M-1.00M solution concentrations. Leached wood samples we...
D V Plackett

Suitability of different termite species for laboratory testing
1982 - IRG/WP 1159
Different termite species were tested in the laboratory to evaluate the effectiveness of insecticides and wood preservatives in wood against termite attack. Determined were the optimum group size and composition, the matrix (vermiculite) volume and its moisture content. Choice feeding tests with fully impregnated wood blocks which are carried out according to a modified EN 117 procedure for Reticu...
U Kny, H Kühne

Examination of power poles by computerized tomography
1980 - IRG/WP 2142
The technique known as computed axial tomography (CAT or CT) has become widely known because of the success it has achieved in medical imaging and diagnostics. It has now been used to give non-destructive crosssectional pictures of a variety of industrial objects, including wooden power poles, with a spatial resolution of about 1 mm (0.04 in.). It is obvious the benefits that would be derived from...
J A Taylor, I L Morgan, H Ellinger

A novel method for evaluating the performance of water repellents
1987 - IRG/WP 2279
Application of water repellent formulations to timber surfaces offers protection from the weather, reducing degrade and movement. A novel test method has been developed to evaluate the comparative efficacy of such formulations when samples are exposed to weather. The method uses sapstain free sapwood of defect free, untreated, seasoned Radiata pine, (Pinus radiata D. Don.) Water Repellency was det...
A R Moffat

Sub-group on Basidiomycete tests: Experimental programme and schedule of participants
1980 - IRG/WP 2145
The objectives of this IRG COLLABORATIVE BASIDIOMYCETE TEST are to compare results and assess reproducibility of a miniaturised wood block toxicity test when undertaken by different workers in different laboratories. The co-operative scientists and institutes are: Dr K Messner from Vienna (Austria); Dr R S Smith from Forintek (Canada); Mr J Hansen from Sadolins (Denmark); Mr B Jensen from Gori (De...
A F Bravery

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