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Your search resulted in 3220 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Antifungal properties of metabolites produced by Trichoderma isolates from sawdust media of edible fungi against wood decay fungi
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10051
Trichoderma isolated from a sawdust medium of Pholiota nameko produced filtrates which had antifungal activities to four wood decay fungi tested on the agar plates. Filtrates produced from another isolate, from a sawdust medium of Lentinus edodes, had antifungal activities only to the white rot fungi, Coriolus versicolor and Pycnoporus coccineus. These results did not agree with those from earlier...
S Doi, M Mori

Wood preservation in Portugal
1985 - IRG/WP 3325
This report deals with the forest potential of Portugal and its timber industry and outlines the evolution of wood preservation in the country. The main hazards to timber in service are noted and the timbers used classified according to their natural durability and treatability. The wood preservatives used are detailed with estimates of the total consumption of the different types. Addresses are l...
D De Sousa Castro Reimão, R Cockcroft

Natural durability, density and extractive contents of 42 wood species of Bangladesh.
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10490
Natural durability, density and major extractive contents of 42 lesser used or unused wood species of Bangladesh have been studied. Correlation analysis between these properties has been performed. It has been shown that natural durability of these species neither explained by water soluble nor by alcohol benzene extractive contents. Density has a weak but significant positive correlation with dur...
S Akhter, K Akhter, S C Das

Resistance of various wood species against decay by Coniophora cerebella (Pers) Duby and Lenzites trabea (Pers) Bres
1976 - IRG/WP 142
Both fungi, Coniophora cerebella and Lenzites trabea, are important destroyers of timber. Coniophora often occurs inside buildings and Lenzites trabea has been observed on southern facades of buildings, on balconies and window frames. In most instances that we investigated coniferous timber had been decayed. But both species are known to attack also various hardwoods. For this reason tests similar...
O Wälchli

Silafluofen, a new insecticide against wood-boring insects and termites
1991 - IRG/WP 3666
Hoe 084498 (proposed common name: Silafluofen) is a new insecticidal compound from Hoechst Aktiengeesellschaft and has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as an insecticide against wood-boring insects and soil termites. Various tests in official institutes indicate a good activity against several wood-boring insects and soil termites. The active ingredient is resistant to weathe...
G Rustenburg, C J Klaver

Preservative ability of wood to be fixed hydroxyl apatite substituted for antimicrobial metals
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30272
We succeeded in forming hydroxy apatite (HAp) in wood. HAp is non-toxicity and safe. Preservative ability of the wood, which substituted one part of Ca of constituent element of this HA p for antibacterial metals was measured. When Ca was substituted for Ag or Zn, mass loss in decay by brown-rot fungus F. palustris was restrained in about 50% (Ag) ~30% (Zn) of value of control specimen. However, w...
Y Haruhiko, I Sumaru

Some recent studies on the marine wood-borers of the west coast of India
1982 - IRG/WP 486
Occurrence and distribution of marine wood-borers along the west coast of India from Mangalore to Kandla are presented together with the distribution pattern of all the molluscan and crustacean wood-borers so far reported from India coasts. The survey, conducted for the first time along this coast, revealed the presence of 14 species of Teredinidae, 2 species of Pholadidae, 3 species and one varie...
L N Santhakumaran

Studies on the resistance of DMDHEU treated wood against white-rot and brown-rot fungi
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10566
Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) modified with the textile finishing agent 1,3 dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylen urea (DMDHEU) has shown to improve durability against the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor. In a mini-block test, the weight loss over eight weeks of incubation decreased with increasing weight percent gain (WPG) of DMDHEU. At 25% WPG, no significant weight loss was observed, while untrea...
P Verma, C Mai, A Krause, H Militz

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis of CCA treated wood
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3700
Ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir wood sections were treated with CCA preservative. To elucidate the mechanism of fixation of the CCA, the wood surface was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). CCA treatment increased C1 (carbon bonded to carbon and/or hydrogen) and decreased C2 (carbon bonded to one oxygen) in XPS C1s spectra, both in unextracted and pre-extracted sections. This sugges...
J N R Ruddick, K Yamamoto, P C Wong, K A R Mitchell

Destaining wood sapstains caused by Ceratocystis coerulescens
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10159
Fungal sapstain does not reduce the strength of wood, but it does discolor the wood, detracting from its appearance and decreasing the value of wood and wood products. The purpose of this investigation was to assess whether wood sapstain caused by Ceratocystis coerulescens could be destained and existing growth eradicated. The hydroxyl radicals generation under optimized conditions destained the s...
S C Croan

Environmental risk assessment of treated wood - A mesocosm study
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-8
In order to evaluate the environmental impact of treated poles, we have developed physical models (mesocosms) containing around 250 kg of natural soil and a treated pole. On the top of each mesocosm, a spraying mechanism, which can distribute ultrapure water through several nozzles, was built. On the lower part of each mesocosm, a small tank, which can contain some litres of leachate, was placed...
P Marchal, F Poly

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 6: Report of third inspection (24 months) in Australia
1980 - IRG/WP 456
This report presents the results of the third inspection of the IRG/COIPM International Marine Test specimens installed at the Goat Island Marine Biological Station of the Maritime Services Board of New South Wales, in Sydney Harbour. The inspection was completed on 5th December, 1979, after 24 months exposure. As on previous occasions, this inspection was carried out in conformity with the provis...
J Beesley

Tendency of the preservative use for impregnation industries in Japan
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-05
In Japan, since 1997, the acceptable limit of the arsenic in the waste water become to 0,1 mg/l and the additional regional severer restriction can be established. In this reason, Japanese wood preservation industries intend to use other than CCA, like DDAC, ACQ, Tanalith CuAz, copper-naphthate and zinc-naphthenate, as replacing from CCA. In Jan-June 1997, the share of CCA preservatives was less t...
K Suzuki

A field method for determining the above-ground resistance of wood and wood products to attack by subterranean termite
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20035
A method for determining the above-ground resistance of wood and wood products to subterranean termites in the field is described. Termites are aggregated in 20-litre steel drums, each containing a highly susceptible timber substrate. At the centre of each drum, specimens of the test material under evaluation are sandwiched, using circular sections of wire mesh, between two layers of the substrate...
J W Creffield

Evaluation of bacteria for biological control of wood decay
1990 - IRG/WP 1426
Laboratory soil-block and agar-block tests were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of bacteria as biological control agents against 5 brown-rot and 3 white-rot fungi. Pretreatment of Southern pine and sweetgum with a bacterial solution prevented decay in agar-block tests. However, the bacteria were generally ineffective in preventing decay in Southern pine, Douglas-fir, sweetgum and yellow popla...
R Benko, T L Highley

Evaluation of chlorpyrifos and fungicides alone and in combination for control of insects and fungi in wood and wood composites
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30187
Wood composites are rapidly being adapted for use in exterior applications. The incorporation of a preservative system to prevent fungus and insect attack is necessary with most exterior composites. Research studies were reviewed pertaining to organic preservative systems based on Lentrek* insecticide wood treatment which contains the active ingredient chlorpyrifos alone and in combination with te...
M P Tolley, P E Laks, R Fears

Evaluation of wood durability by laboratory test - A new equation to predict wood durability
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20230
To estimate the wood durability in a short term, periodical weight determination was carried out in a laboratory test. This test provided the results comparable to those of the field test and the fungus cellar test, but it required much more jobs in comparison to the usual accelerated laboratory test. To save the time and jobbing for this method, a new equation was devised from simple two assumpti...
I Momohara, K Yamamoto

Why did Japan replace CCA by alternatives?
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50215
Since chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was technically introduced into Japan in 1963, CCA was used for extending service life of various wood commodities, especially sill plates (dodai) in Japanese houses. However, the problem on the disposal of CCA-treated wood waste became public and related industry concern, and questionnaire survey conducted by Japan Wood Preservers’ Industry Association ind...
H Ishida, T Ito, M Yamai, H Matsusaka, K Tsunoda

Degradation features of waterlogged archaeological compression wood
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10258
The degradation characteristics of waterlogged archaeological compression wood excavated in South Korea were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Degradation of Pinus compression wood occurred mainly in the inner part of S2 layer. In contrast, the outer part of S2 layer remained relatively intact. CLSM and TEM showed the erosion type of ...
Yoon Soo Kim, A P Singh

A study on the pressure impregnation of Eucalyptus globulus fence-posts with CCA preservatives. Part 2
1989 - IRG/WP 3514
This paper describes the second part of a study on pressure impregnation of Eucalyptus globulus fence-posts with CCA preservatives presented at the IRG 19th Meeting. Fence-posts of three diameter classes, were treated, considering only one treatment schedule. The results show possibility of vacuum-pressure impregnation of blue gum fence-posts, with diameter less than 9 cm, though mainly by longitu...
L Nunes, D De Sousa Castro Reimão

Protection of southern pine using N,N-Napthaloylhydroxylamine: Field tests, soft-rot cellars and aquatic bioassay leach testing
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30204
Recent environmental restrictions are limiting the use of broad-spectrum biocides for wood preservation. There is an urgent need for new, sharply targeted, environmentally benign wood preservatives. N'N-Napthaloylhydroxylamine (NHA), a water-soluble calcium-precipitating agent, has been shown to inhibit decay by brown-rot and white-rot fungi in soil-block tests and prevent damage by Easte...
D M Crawford, F Green III

Effectiveness of the new chemical wood preservative Borosol 9? against a house longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30355
Chemical wood preservative Borosol 9, consisting of boric acid - alkanolamine complex, is a new wood preservative with proven efficacy against wood decay fungi. However, we were interested in its efficacy against larvae of house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus). Thus, experiment according to the EN 46 procedure was performed. Specimens made of Norway spruce wood (Picea abies) were ...
G Babuder, M Petric, F Cadež, M Humar, F Pohleven

Suitability of cyfluthrin in wood protection
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3735
Cyfluthrin, a well-known and in agriculture and household widely used insecticide based on synthetic pyrethroides, is evaluated now concerning its suitability as insecticide in wood protection. An overview about the physical and chemical properties is given. Test results in accordance with European standards show the high efficacy and broad-spectrum activity of Cyfluthrin against wood rotting inse...
H-U Buschhaus

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 14: Report of fifth inspection (48 months) in Australia
1982 - IRG/WP 484
This report presents the results of the fifth inspection of the IRG/ COIPM Internatlonal Marine Test specimens installed in Sydney Harbour in December, 1977. This inspection took place on 9th December, 1981, just 48 months after the specimens were installed. Earlier reports have contained full details of the treatment and installation of the specimens as well as results of all previous inspections...
J Beesley

Fungitoxic effect of the quaternary ammonium compounds preservatives against Basidiomycetes by using agar-plate and agar-block methods
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30118
Results of investigations on the fungitoxic value of three versions of wood preservatives based on the quaternary ammonium compounds (lauryldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, lauryldimethyl-benzylammonium bromide and alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride) and borates in relation to the wood destroying fungi have been presented. The agar-plate (screening) and agar-block method were applied. A wide ran...
J Wazny, P Rudniewski

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