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Your search resulted in 3388 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Comparative field performance of CCA and CCA-water repellent treated Southern pine lumber
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30089
This paper describes the field performance of end-matched southern pine boards treated with either CCA type C or CCA type C containing an emulsion water repellent (WR) additive. Boards were either kiln or air-dried after treatment, constructed into decks, and exposed for over 3 years at Harrisburg, NC. During this exposure, matched boards were monitored for internal moisture content, cupping at mi...
A R Zahora

Semi-Solid State Bioremediation of CCA-Treated Wood Using Malted Barley as a Nutrient Source
2002 - IRG/WP 02-50184
Bioremediation processes for recovery and reuse of CCA-treated wood invariably increase the cost of any secondary products manufactured from the remediated fiber. Microbial remediation using either bacteria or fungi has been shown to remove heavy metals from CCA-treated southern yellow pine (SYP). In a two-step remediation process utilizing oxalic acid extraction and the metal-tolerant bacterium...
C A Clausen

Observations on the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-borers with special reference to the West Coast
1981 - IRG/WP 468
The paper highlights the economic importance of the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-destroying agencies. The annual loss involved is to the extent of over 94 million rupees. Thirty-nine spectes and one variety of woodborer have so far been recorded from India, of which Bankia campanellata, Bankia carinata, Bankia rochi, Dicyathifer manni, Lyrodus pedicellatus, Teredo clappi, T...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain

Strategies for popularizing wood preservation technologies. Role of Extension Support Division of IWST
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40313
Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST) has made several extension efforts to popularise the wood preservation technologies developed by various institutes of Indian Council of Forerstry Research and Education (ICFRE) by conducting demonstration programmes, exhibitions, workshops, trainings, audio visual displays and distributing semi-technical literature on different subjects published in...
A M Kanfade, S C Gairola, P K Aggarwal

Effect of nutrient regimes, temperature, pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of selected bioprotectants against wood staining fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1551
The effect of nutrient regimes, incubation temperature, media pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of four potential bioprotectants (Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas cepacia, Bacillus subtilis, and Trichoderma harzianum) against wood staining fungi were evaluated using small ponderosa pine samples over a four week period. Incubation at 32°C resulted in slight increases in the degree of...
J J Morrell, C M Secton

Some studies on fungal deterioration of rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis)
1980 - IRG/WP 2140
For the sreening of anti-stain chemicals trials with selected agricultural fungicides and new chemicals were carried out. Botryodiplodia theobromae, Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. were used at test organisms. For testing the durability of rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis) suitable local rotting fungi (Basidiomycetes), based on high degrading power, which may later be employed in standard tests...
A Sujan, A G Tan, M Stevens

Experiences with the OECD guideline proposals for the estimation of emissions from preservative-treated wood in the environment
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50209
The practicability of 2 CEN proposals for OECD guidelines on the estimation of emissions from preservative treated wood by laboratory methods for either wood held in storage after treatment and for wooden commodities that are not covered, and are not in contact with ground (guideline 1) or wooden commodities that are not covered and are in contact with ground, fresh water or seawater (guideline 2...
U Schoknecht, R Wegner, E Melcher

Strategies for enhancing usage of treated wood in Indian context
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40305
India constitutes 2% of the world’s forest area but it has to support over 15% of the human and nearly 14% of the cattle population and therefore forests in India are under immense biotic pressure. The main concern today is the rate at which avoidable factors or man made threats accelerate the process of forest degradation and to evolve measures to check the same. Man made threats include expl...
P K Aggarwal, S C Gairola

Detection of methanogenic bacteria in mining timber
1988 - IRG/WP 1352
Methane explosions in gold mines have been attributed to spontaneous ignition of methane/air mixtures. Biogenesis of methane in the heartwood of diseased trees has been shown, but never in timber in service. Studies were therefore undertaken to establish whether methanogens were present in wooden pit props. Core samples were removed by Pressler increment borer from props in disused areas 2,600 m d...
L D Abraham, K Westlake, R I Mackie, J F Putterill, A A W Baecker.

Preliminary studies of the performance of iron chelators as inhibitors of brown rot (Coniophora puteana) attack
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10185
This paper describes experiments to examine the proposal that the presence of iron is essential for brown rot fungi to utilize hydroxyl radicals remote from the hyphae as a means of converting the wood into a food source. reliminary test results are presented from trials using three different iron chelators impregnated into Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood blocks. Their relative effects on th...
E D Suttie, R J Orsler, P M Wood

A collaborative test to determine the efficacy of polyurethane coatings on wood samples in the marine environment. 3rd Interim Report
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10046
The results of al long-term marine trial to assess the protective effect of polyurethane coatings on wood samples exposed at different sites around the world are reported. The condition of samples exposed in the sea for up to 88 months was generally sound, although instances of marine borer infestation were reported at two sites. At one site, mechanical damage of a non-biological nature is believe...
R A Eaton

Wood kiln drying. Simple process of material treament or soft method of preservation? (Le séchage arificiel du bois. Simple opération de traitement du metériau ou méthode douce de préservation?)
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-14
Among the processes enabling to extend wood durability, kiln drying can be considered as a treatment and soft preservation method. Dry woods are naturally durable provided they are not subject to important retaking of the moisture. Drying thanks to the application of temperatures from 50 to120°C enable to execute a thermic treatment which kills grubs and mushrooms to ensure a sterilization that c...
F More-Chevalier

Field Trials with mini-stakes
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20244
In 1995 an extensive field test program with wood mini-stakes, 8 x 20 x 200 mm, was started. In these trials a large number of parameters are being evaluated, including several new wood preservatives, differently chemically modified woods and natural durability of various wood species. The test sites are three fields in Sweden for in-ground and “close to ground” testing, one subterranean termi...
M Westin, A O Rapp, Y S Hadi, T Nilsson

Detection and estimation of Hylotrupes bajulus L. wood damages by ultrasonics
1990 - IRG/WP 2350
To evaluate the validity of the ultrasonic application in the detection and evaluation of wood damages produced by Hylotrupes bajulus L. larvae, some laboratory tests were made with small wood samples. The pulse through transmission method was used. The transit time of ultrasonic pulses in transversal sections, radial and tangential, of the samples was measured. The increment of the transit time o...
G Prieto

The identification of organic compounds in wood using thermal desorption GC-MS - possibilities and limitations
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20224
There is a clear need for the analytical characterisation and identification of organic compounds and their derivatives in different phases especially in timber. In this context the paper describes a rapid and powerful gas chromatographic method for the determination of insecticides, biocides and "other" organic substances in treated and/or modified wood. The main advantage of this procedure is th...
P Jüngel, E Melcher

Chitosan for wood protection - state of the art
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30378
The aim of this paper was to give a state of the art description of chitosan as a wood protecting agent. Chitosan is a metal free natural compound derived from crustacean shells and is under evaluation as an environmentally benign wood protecting agent. Information from journals states that chitosan may act both fungistatically and at higher concentrations, as fungitoxic, but the mode of action is...
M Eikenes, G Alfredsen, E Larnøy, H Militz, B Kreber, C Chittenden

Differences in pH, electrical resistance, cation composition and NIR spectra of red spruce wood during early stages of brown rot degradation
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10449
Red spruce sapwood was exposed to degradation by the brown rot fungi Coniophora puteana, Postia placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Serpula lacrymans for 0, 1, 2 or 3 weeks using a modified soil block assay design. Average weight losses over time ranged from 0-8.9% during this time period. Detectable changes in pH, electrical resistance and cation compostion were observed in the wood as early as 1 ...
J Jellison, S Kelley, B Goodell, D Hui, A Ostrofsky

Fungal siderophores and their rôle in wood biodegradation
1990 - IRG/WP 1442
Iron and other metals such as manganese, play an important role in the metabolic functions of fungi that cause wood deterioration. These transition metals are also found in, or associated with, the extracellular fungal enzymes shown to be directly involved in the decay process. Recently our research group was able to show that siderophores (low molecular weight biological chelators) are produced b...
J Jellison, B Goodell, F Fekete, V Chandhoke

The need for realism in wood preservation research. A key address
1983 - IRG/WP 3254
The approval of a chemical for use as a timber preservative and the design of in service retention requirements represents an act linking fundamental research and commercial timber preservation. How difficult is it to translate figures generated through controlled experimentation into working specifications and how confident can we be in the methods used to provide such figures? The chairman of Wo...
L E Leightley

Evaluation of teak sawdayst Tectona grandis L Fil as a potential source to obtain a natural wood preservative in Colombia
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30356
Plantation Teak (Tectona grandis L. Fil) has been tested as a possible source of natural wood preservatives due to the known excellent durability of old-growth teak wood. Field tests (ground proximity termite and above ground simulated decking exposures) were established in Colombia in April 2003 at two different test sites with different climates (Tropical Dry and Rain forest). Teak heartwood ex...
A Castillo, Y Cabrera, A F Preston, R Morris

Adequate preservative treatment of kiln dried Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium for tropical and subtropical wood poles
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40075
The Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium round timbers kiln-dried at EMC and full cell pressure treated with CCA-C ensured requisite penetration and adequate dry retention (30 kg/m³ or 4% w/w). The sufficient inherent strength, seasoning property, treatability of sapwood and heartwood equivalent to 44% of radius, natural durability of heartwood, and field investigation on service performan...
A K Lahiry

Färbeverfahren zur Unterscheidung von Holzzonen mit unterschiedlichem Absorptionsvermögen, insbesondere bei Fichtenholz (Picea abies Karst.). [Staining method for distinguishing zones of wood with different absorption behaviour, particularly in spruce (Picea abies Karst.)]
1980 - IRG/WP 3163
A simple regressive staining method for crosscut wood surfaces is described. Phloroglucinol-hydrochloric acid serves as stain; flowing water and a solution of sodium carbonate are used for development and fixation of a picture showing the differences of absorption. Hydrophobic zones and, contrary to this, zones with a high water content can also be shown. Comparing green spruce wood before and dur...
S Cymorek

Recent development in North American industrial wood preservation plants
1988 - IRG/WP 3467
After remaining static for many years there have been a number of changes in plant design and treating cycles in recent years. This has been particularly true in the USA where few restrictions are placed on plant treating cycles by specifications; since only results type specifications are used. It is also important to realize that the AWPA Specifications for Southern Yellow Pine only call for tre...
J F Bridges

Tebuconazole - A new triazole fungicide for wood preservation
1990 - IRG/WP 3629
The main cause of economic damage to timber and millwork worldwide are Basidiomycetes (brown and white rot). After testing a wide range of triazole derivatives for their effectiveness against decay fungi, Tebuconazole, a triazole compound, was selected. The physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological data of this substance are described. Tebuconazole is unleachable, light-stable, heat-sta...
R Gründlinger, O Exner

Some aspects of testing water repellents
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40113
Several test methods are used to determine the efficiency of water repellent treatments on wood. The most common are: contact angle measurement, swelling rate of samples immersed under water and, the increase in mass of wood samples with time or after a fixed period of time either fully immersed under, or partially immersed in or floating on water. In this paper, some fundamental aspects of the l...
D Lukowsky, M Farnow, T Rypstra

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