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Your search resulted in 254 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Tropical In-Ground Durability of CCB-treated Keruing and other Structural Sarawak Timbers after 8 – 10 Years Exposure
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30439
The heartwood of 12 mainly low-durability native timber species of Sarawak [4 Dipterocarpus (Keruing) species, Anisoptera grossivenia (Mersawa kunyit), Canarium apertum (Seladah), Dacryodes incurvata (Seladah laut), Dryobalanops oblongifolia (Kapur kelansau), Mesua macrantha (Mergasing), Podocarpus micropedunculatus (Kayu cina), Shorea compressa (Engkabang langgai), and Pterospermum javanicum (Ba...
A H H Wong, Ling Wang Choon

Water repellency and dimensional stabilIty of wodd treated with waterborne resin acids/TOR
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40364
Wood used in above ground applications such as decking undergoes undesired dimensional changes leading to the lumber warping, cupping, splitting, etc. This is a major concern to consumers but it can be reduced by treating lumber with a water repellent. The ability of resin acids, hydrophobic compounds naturally present in southern yellow pines, was examined as a possible water repellent. A wate...
T P Schultz, D D Nicholas, J Shi

Durability of some alternatives to preservative-treated wood. Progress report 2: Results from field tests after 5 years’exposure
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30442
A number of alternatives to preservative-treated wood have been tested according to EN 252 (stake test) and a specially designed ground-proximity field test, the latter in Sweden as well as in Hawaii, USA. Seven untreated wood species and four alternative wood treatments labelled as environmentally friendly (acetylation, linseed oil, heat treatment, vinyl polymer) were included in the study. Four ...
M-L Edlund, J Jermer

Performance of softwood preservative treated stakes after 4 years exposure in-ground to decay fungi and termites in tropical Australia
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10643
This field study was based on the 1993 IUFRO method and designed as a graveyard (in-ground) test in the tropical region of the Northern Territory to examine the efficacy of novel preservative formulations developed as alternative protection for softwood timber against decay fungi and termites for Hazard Class 3 and 4. This study was supported by the Forest and Wood Products Research and Develop...
B M Ahmed (Shiday), J R J French, S R Przewloka, P Vinden, J A Hann, P Blackwell

A step towards a better understanding of fungal colonization of modified wood - QRT-PCR studies
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10653
The area of wood protection is in a period of change. New wood protection systems have been developed while their mode of action remains insufficiently understood. The development of molecular methods provides potential tools to investigate the interaction between modified wood and decay fungi. One small step to tackle some of the unsolved questions about the mode of action of modified wood is tak...
G Alfredsen, A Pilgård, A Hietala

Whole-of-house protection from subterranean termite attack and damage after four years of field exposure
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10665
This study reports the condition of the whole-of-house termite protection test in tropical Australia after four years. The study was designed to provide maximum protection to whole-of-house timbers in a natural situation posing the highest hazard from subterranean termite populations. The houses were constructed either on concrete slabs or suspended floors using untreated and treated timber fram...
B M Ahmed (Shiday), J R J French, S R Przewloka, P Vinden, J Hann, C Y Adam

Comparison of laboratory and natural exposure leaching of copper from wood treated with three wood preservatives
2008 - IRG/WP 08-50258
Standard and non-standard laboratory and field leaching tests were used to compare copper leaching from wood treated to above ground and ground contact specified retentions for three wood preservative systems, CCA-C, ACQ-D and a micronized copper formulation with quat DDAC as co-biocide. Copper leaching was highest for the ACQ formulation. Percent leaching was lowest for the micronized copper sy...
P A Cooper, Y T Ung

Natural Durability Variations of Malaysian Timbers from Sarawak after 26 Years Exposure by Stake Test
2009 - IRG/WP 09-10704
An extensive graveyard stake test site was established in 1977 in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia, to evaluate the in-ground durability of 132 Sarawak wood species, mainly hardwoods. Test samples were planted at 100 x 50 cm spacing. Authenticated wood specimens from 3 trees of each of 132 species were processed into 20 replicated outer heartwood (or else undifferentiated heartwood) stakes of 19 x 19 x 457...
A H H Wong, Ling Wang Choon

Service Life Prediction of Wood Claddings by in-situ Measurement of Wood Moisture Content: Status after 5 years of Outdoor Exposure
2009 - IRG/WP 09-20401
The Danish Technological Institute is in co-operation with industry partners running a project aiming at predicting the service life of different wood protecting systems. The project focuses on examining the moisture reducing effect of different protecting systems for timber claddings and the ability of these to maintain the appearance of the surfaces, when the wood is used in service class 3 (EN ...
E Tang Engelund, B Lindegaard, N Morsing

Durability and fungal colonisation patterns in wood samples after six years in soil contact evaluated with qPCR, microscopy, TGA, chitin- and ergosterol assays
2009 - IRG/WP 09-20402
There is a need to establish new objective and sensitive methods for early detection and quantification of decay fungi in wood materials. Molecular methods have proven to be a useful tool within wood protection issues, however, this field is still poorly explored and so far relatively few have used these methods within the field of wood deterioration. Among the techniques used in the indirect quan...
A Pilgård, G Alfredsen, I Børja, C Björdal

Evaluation of exposure conditions for wooden facades and decking
2009 - IRG/WP 09-20408
During their functional life, building components are exposed to moisture and other environment stress conditions in numerous ways. This is a fact that should be taken into account during manufacture, product development, designing and work execution of building components. For wood material, moisture stress and biological factors like mould and decay fungi are often critical in cladding and decki...
H Viitanen, T Toratti, R Peuhkuri, T Ojanen, L Makkonen

Laboratory and above ground exposure efficacy of silicon-boron treatments
2009 - IRG/WP 09-30510
The study deals with silicon compounds, namely tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), phenyltriethoxysilane (PhTES) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) at concentrations of 23, 16 and 10% in combination with 1.2-1.5% boric acid. The aim with the study was to combine the chemical approach with the necessary biological tests of the impregnated wood. The tested silicon-boron combinations ensured mass loss less than ...
N Terziev, D Panov, A Temiz, S Palanti, E Feci, G Daniel

Postia placenta gene expression during growth in furfurylated wood
2010 - IRG/WP 10-10734
Modified wood can provide protection against a range of wood deteriorating organisms. But we still lack information about why the modified wood is protected from microbial attack. Several hypotheses have been put forward for the mode of action against wood decaying fungi, including inhibition of action of specific enzymes, but they still need further testing. In this study gene expression of the b...
G Alfredsen, C G Fossdal

Determination of a fixation time of wood preservatives: A discussion paper
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20436
The intention of that paper is to initiate a discussion on the basis of a French method in combination with a German approach regarding the need of a method for the determination of a fixation time and especially to obtain input as well as ideas concerning a possible test design. Since no harmonised European approach exists up to now concerning the determination of a fixation time, CEN TC 38 (2009...
E Raphalen, E Melcher

Service life prediction of wooden components – Part 1: Determination of dose-response functions for above ground decay
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20439
Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Douglas fir heartwood (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) specimens were exposed in double layer field trials at 24 different European test sites under different exposure conditions (in total 28 test sets). The material climate in terms of wood moisture content (MC) and wood temperature was automatically recorded over a period of up to eight years and compar...
C Brischke, A O Rapp

Service life prediction of wooden components – Part 2: Impact of material, exposure and design details
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20440
Dose-response functions permit to estimate the moisture and temperature induced decay potential for any wooden building component and exposure, and thus the service life to be expected. In part 1 of this series dose-response functions were established as a result of double layer field trials carried out at 24 European test sites over up to eight years. Using them makes it no longer necessary to co...
C Brischke, B Lauenstein, M Bilstein, T Bornemann, A O Rapp

Evaluation of ACQ-D treated Chinese fir and Mongolian Scots pine with different post-treatments after 20 months of exposure
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30530
The performance of alkaline copper quat-type D (ACQ-D) treated Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.) and Mongolian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris Linn. var. mongolica Litv.) stakes after 20 months exposure in Chengdu and Guangzhou of southern China were evaluated according to AWPA standard E07-07. The ACQ-D treatments used two concentration levels (0.5 and 1.0%) and four different post-treatme...
Lili Yu, Jinzhen Cao, Wei Gao, Haitao Su

Mobility of Copper from MCQ in Shell-Treated Wood Exposed Above Ground
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30534
Most Canadian treated decking in service has been given just a thin shell of preservative treatment but it has still performed very well. This is because copper migrated into checks and prevented germination of basidiospores on the freshly exposed untreated wood. Unlike soluble copper systems, MCQ has its copper primarily in the form of small basic copper carbonate particles. For MCQ to be effecti...
R Stirling, P I Morris

Ecological methods and products for wood protection used for restoration and conservation of built heritage cultural assets to increase natural durability and duration of exposure in open air museums
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40506
Wood is a perishable material, hygroscopic and fuel, which cause attention to selecting the wood species that is going to be exhibited in relation to humidity and soil. With variable depending on its humidity and moisture from the atmosphere or soil, wood is a good living environment for fungi and insects, but suffer biodegradation processes and dimensional changes. Observations over time on wood ...
M Pruna, D Purice, D Dumitru Copacean

Testing of decay resistance of sapwood and heartwood of thermally modified Scots pine and Norway spruce
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40523
Thermal modification at elevated temperatures changes the chemical, biological and physical properties of wood. One of the main targets of thermal modification is to increase the biological durability and decay resistance of wood. Although the effects of thermal modification on wood have been widely studied, the significance of sapwood and heartwood on the resistance of thermally modified wood has...
H Viitanen, S Metsä-Kortelainen

Deterioration of wooden heritage in outdoor exposure in Romania
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40535
The paper contains a study of the deterioration of wooden heritage in Romania, in outdoor exposure. Romania belongs to the few countries having a rich heritage of this kind. A quantitative image of this heritage reveals the 1,350 objectives transferred and reconstructed in 16 open-air museums, over 1,500 wooden churches, more than 4,000 buildings and technical facilities, historical monuments ...
L Bucşa, C Bucşa

Basidiomycete colonization of Scots pine sapwood quantified by qPCR and TGA
2011 - IRG/WP 11-10750
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is an important softwood species in Northern Europe and is frequently used as material for various wood protection systems. In Europe, EN 113 is the standard basidiomycete laboratory durability test method, using mass loss as evaluation criteria. In this paper quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to characterize coloniza...
G Alfredsen, S Bollmus, T K Bader, K Hofstetter

The effects of acetylation level on the growth of Postia placenta
2011 - IRG/WP 11-10751
To understand the defence mechanisms utilized by decay fungi when exposed to different wood protection systems the study of gene expression can give us some answers. When the DNA sequences are known, primers can be designed to detect transcripts of genes with gene products related to basic cellular processes and hyphal growth. The characteristic gene products induced in different fungi by differen...
A Pilgård, G Alfredsen, C G Fossdal, C J Long II

Quantification of four dark colored mould fungi by real time PCR
2011 - IRG/WP 11-10754
Coated wooden claddings in building facades are widely used in the Scandinavian countries, and are often preferred to other materials. Wood is facing increasing competition from other materials that are less labor intensive at the construction site and materials with less demand for maintenance thru service life, and makes further development of wooden claddings essential. Growth of discoloring mo...
E Larnøy, L Ross Gobakken, A M Hietala

Quantitative design guideline for wood outdoors above ground applications
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20465
This paper describes the background and principles behind an engineering design guideline for wood in outdoor above ground applications, i.e. use class 3 according to EN 335. The guideline has been developed in the European research project WoodExter and can be seen as a first prototype for a quantitative design tool in the area of wood durability. It is based on a defined limit state for onset of...
S Thelandersson, T Isaksson, E Suttie, E Frühwald, T Toratti, G Grüll, H Viitanen, J Jermer

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