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Your search resulted in 776 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

A novel method for assessing radial variation in termite resistance of timber
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11005
Australia has many timbers whose heartwood is highly resistant to fungal and termite attack; however, changing public policies have resulted in restricted access to many native forests where these species are found. Plantations of these same species are expected to replace these resources, but there are questions concerning whether timber from these trees will have the same resistance as the nati...
S Kleinschmidt, R McGavin

They might be boring: pests of timber-in-service deserve more attention
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11007
Insects affecting timber-in-service, particularly bostrichid borers and termites, are among the most frequently intercepted organisms at international and national borders, associated with wood packaging, wooden furniture and artefacts, and timber and timber products. There are more than 25 non-native insect species in the Bostrichidae, Ptinidae, Cerambycidae and Kalotermitidae, and at least 12 no...
H F Nahrung, F Tovar, A Carnegie

Natural durability of 9 tropical species suitable for round wood timber building: fungi and termites laboratory screening tests
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11013
In numerous tropical forest species, wood properties are poorly described and wood is under-valorized. Especially very few is known about small diameter trees although they may be used, directly as round wood, in construction timber building. A selection of abundant species was done and characterization tests were performed to assess their usability as building material. The aim of this work was t...
M Leroy, K Candelier, J Damay, J Bossu, R Lehnebach, M-F Thevenon, J Beauchene, B Clair

Glued laminated poles - Progress report after 43 years of testing
2023 - IRG/WP 23-20692
In 1979, a number of glued laminated poles treated with CCA and creosote were placed in a greenhouse in Uppsala, in the Simlångsdalen test field in south-western Sweden and in a power lane in Vuollerim in northern Sweden, in order to study their resistance against biological degradation. The test poles were treated in a two-step process. All laminations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were first...
J Jermer, M Westin, N Terziev

Effect of Moisture Cycles and Timber Treatment on the Performance of Screwed Connections
2023 - IRG/WP 23-20694
The impact of moisture in timber structures is associated with the deterioration of timber, and loss of mechanical performance. Methods have been developed to treat timber using chemicals to inhibit deterioration, however, water intrusion has much more immediate effects on the mechanical properties of timber associated with swelling and shrinkage of the wood. The effects of moisture on the mechani...
L Yermán, M Xiao, Z Yan, L-M Ottenhaus

Geopolymer as a fixation method for tannin-based wood preservatives
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30774
This study aims to test if a second step impregnation with a geopolymer solution can fix Colatan GT10, a commercial extract rich in tannins, to wood, reducing their leaching and improving their performance as wood preservatives. Scots pine sapwood specimens of 40×10×5 mm3 were impregnated with Colatan GT10 tannin mix, geopolymer, and as combined treatment Colatan GT10 with subsequent geopolymer ...
Y M López-Gómez, A Barbero-López, A Haapala

Suitability of boron preservative treatment of minor species as framing in New Zealand buildings
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30778
The inclusion of alternative species to radiata pine, predominantly exotic species, in the building code (NZS 3602) raises questions as to whether they require preservative treatment and, if so, whether they can be adequately treated using current industry processes. Early research with boron indicated that the dip/diffusion method for green timber would give adequate preservative retention in sa...
D Page, I Simpson, T Singh

Identifying compatible waterborne timber preservatives and fire retardants for use in a VPI system: a practical approach
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30796
To enhance the use and suitability of timber in all applications in both exterior and interior settings, timber typically needs to be treated with a preservative and/or a fire retardant chemical. Combining fire retardants with preservatives into a single treatment process has been a long-term aim of researchers in the timber preservative industry because of the significant logistic and economic ad...
R Robinson, S Meldrum

Outdoor performance of Tanalith® K treated timber: Dimensional stability and corrosivity towards metal fasteners
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30798
This study was carried out to investigate dimensional stability and corrosivity towards metal fasteners in radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) treated with Tanalith® K to Hazard class 4 (H4) retentions in comparison with chromated copper arsenic (CCA) treated timber. For corrosion test, untreated and treated matched specimens were prepared from Australian-grown radiata pine, tested with mild stee...
G Rassam, J Hague, D Humphrey

Emerging wood nanotechnologies towards sustainable application and preservation
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40959
Wood is one of the most abundant biomaterials on earth and has been used for construction historically. Although existing wood composites are commercially successful, materials development has not targeted nano-structural control of the wood cell wall, which could extend the property range. The high porosity and permeability of wood scaffold provide excellent opportunities for material infiltratio...
Q Fu, T Singh, D Elustondo, M Sorieul

Longitudinal tensile shear properties of polyurethane-bonded preservative-impregnated Eucalyptus grandis laminates subjected to varied simulated climatic conditions
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40967
Bonding process adaptations have yielded improvements in the adhesive bonding of Eucalyptus grandis wood for manufacturing hardwood laminates. However, there are still concerns over the adhesive-bond performance, particularly preservative-impregnated E. grandis laminates, under exposure to varying climatic conditions. These concerns could limit the implementation of E. grandis laminates, especiall...
A A Alade, C B Wessels

Effects of preservative impregnations on wettability and surface free energy properties of Eucalyptus grandis wood
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40978
Wettability and surface free energy (SFE) are crucial parameters for evaluating the adhesion thermodynamics of solid surfaces. Hence, this study investigated the effects of copper azole (CA) and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) preservative impregnations on Eucalyptus grandis wood wettability and SFE. Wettability was determined in terms of contact angles with polar (water) and non-polar (dii...
A A Alade, C B Wessels, H Stolze, H Militz

Multi-scale Experimental Study on Self-sustained Smouldering of CCA-treated Timber Poles
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40988
While it is accepted that appropriate treatment with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) will extend the design life of wood markedly, there are concerns regarding the effect of treatment on fire performance. Smouldering combustion in CCA-treated timber infrastructure can self-sustain, destroying the timber elements, as the chromium and copper present in the CCA can act as catalysts of the smouldering...
W Wu, L Yerman, J J Morrell, F Wiesner

Environmental Benefits of Wood Preservation
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50377
Over the past decade or two, many people have become significantly more aware and concerned about the global environment and the health of our planet. Building with wood products from sustainably managed forests carries significant environmental benefits. The ability of a growing tree to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and sequester the carbon is beneficial in the role of combating rising CO2 levels...
A Siraa

Towards a microactuator-sensing network for the structural health monitoring of wood
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50380
Timber structures decay over time with degradation in their structural integrity. Changing environmental conditions, varying loads, exposure to moisture or insect attacks lead to changes in their vibrational response behaviour. Here we present a low-cost device used as a triggered exciter to enable the monitoring of the structural integrity of timber bearers or even power poles in electricity netw...
S Oberst, S Sepehrirahnama, C Nerse, Z Brodzeli, J C S Lai, M Mankowski, T Atkinson, R Arango, G Kirker, T Evans

End-of-life options for engineered wood products / Treated timber in a circular economy
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50383
Australians are excellent consumers of products. These products ultimately end up as waste materials and need to go somewhere. Australia produces around 28 million tons of waste per year with around 50% currently ending up in landfill, including a significant amount of timber, engineered wood products (EWP’s), and preservative treated wood (PTW). Limited landfill capacity, increasing costs, and ...
H Brooke

Australian timber durability research needs
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50385
Australia was once a world leader in timber durability research, but prolonged disinvestment resulted in a gradual decline in capacity. Forest and Wood Products Australia recognized this problem and supported the development of the Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life to help reverse this decline and begin to educate the next generation of Australian researchers. The Centre is a collabor...
J J Morrell

Recent experiences in the protection of wooden cultural heritage in Europe with a novel wood preservative with vegetal extracts–permethrin-azole mixture
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11027
The paper presents recent treatment experiences in Europe for the preservation of cultural heritage with the bio-based gel-emulsion solution XILIX® containing SYNERKEM® technology, whose higher diffusion capacity has been proven (up to 8 mm pyrethroid penetration into the wood). This gel-emulsion is already authorized and marketed as preventive and remedial wood preservative in Europe for more t...
D Messaoudi, A Robert, A H H Wong

Surface treatment of cross-laminated timber to improve water repellency and UV resistance
2024 - IRG/WP 24-20716
Cross-laminated timber (CLT) has emerged as a revolutionary building material, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional construction methods. By layering and bonding multiple layers of wood at right angles, CLT creates a robust and versatile structural element capable of supporting significant loads while promoting eco-friendliness and design flexibility. However, despite its numerous adv...
M Chen, S Uphill, J Hilsenbeck, A Hughes

Potential of heartwood extracts as wood preservatives combined with linseed oil in 8-year above-ground and in-ground field trials
2024 - IRG/WP 24-20719
The current study assessed the efficacy of heartwood extracts from Tectona grandis, Dalbergia sissoo, Cedrus deodara, and Pinus roxburghii, combined with linseed oil, as protectants for two non-durable wood species against termites and decay fungi. Stakes measuring 45.7 × 1.9 × 1.9 cm and blocks measuring 12.5 × 3.75 × 2.5 cm of the sapwood of southern pine (Pinus sp.) and cottonwood (Populus ...
M E Mankowski, G T Kirker, B Hassan

Evaluation of vacuum borate treated spruce or pine CLT in an above ground protected test in southern Mississippi
2024 - IRG/WP 24-41001
Cross laminated timber (CLT) has become a popular wood composite in large building applications that were previously limited to concrete and steel. To extend service and prevent biological attack, chemical protectants are often applied to wood. Cross laminated timber panels are not typically treated, in part due to a lack of data on efficient and effective methods for treating large panels. Ther...
M E Mankowski, A Taylor, G T Kirker

Assessment of historical pilings from Lisbon
2024 - IRG/WP 24-41004
The renovation and rebuilding of areas in Lisbon has led to work on buildings constructed in the Pombaline downtown district. These buildings were constructed on wooden pilings, as a means of stabilising unstable soils and transfer the loads from buildings to soils with adequate bearing capacity. These methods also increased the resilience of the reconstruction works to future possible earthquakes...
D Jones, S Duarte, J A J Huber, L Nunes

Evaluation of mass timber materials for military and commercial trailer decking
2024 - IRG/WP 24-41009
In this study, CLT trailer decking was manufactured to current military trailer decking specifications, verified using PRG320 performance criteria, and treated with either waterborne or oil borne wood preservatives. Preliminary results show adequate uptake of preservative solution and subsequent testing shows minimal effect due to treatment. Field durability tests are also being conducted of treat...
G Kirker, A Senalik, X Wang, K Ohno, R Arango, M Mankowski, X Xie, J Eskola, N Kamprath, S Karwaczynski, M Weaver

Performance of Douglas-fir cross laminated timber (CLT) subjected to elevated humidity in a ground proximity field test for 6 years
2024 - IRG/WP 24-41010
The ability of insecticidal soil drenches or spray-on insecticide/fungicide treatments to protect mass timber elements exposed in a high moisture environment but out of direct soil contact was assessed using a modified AWPA ground proximity test established in 2017. Three-ply Douglas-fir CLT pieces measuring 305 x 355 x 105 mm (L x H x W) were installed at the Harrison Experimental Forest (HEF) (S...
M E Mankowski, J J Morrell, T G Shelton, G T Kirker

Evaluating the potential for re-using timber from deconstructed sea defence groynes from the Bournemouth groyne field
2024 - IRG/WP 24-50397
In the shadow of a looming climate crisis, the modern age construction industry is evolving. The for implementing sustainable practices has never been greater and the potential role of the circular economy is front and centre. It can play a pivotal role in transforming the industry by promoting sustainable practices which emphasise the need to reduce consumption of natural resources. Re-using timb...
J R Williams

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