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Your search resulted in 776 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

On the laboratory use of X-rays in timber decay evaluations
1981 - IRG/WP 2144
The paper reports the results of laboratory experiments on the X-raying of some Pinus radiata sapwood blocks infected with Serpula lacrymans to determine the effect of density and moisture content on the absorption of X-rays by wood. It is concluded that with increasing moisture content there is a very marked increase in time required to pass a constant quantity of X-rays through a test block and ...
J D Thornton, J W Creffield, O Collett

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 18. Report of seventh inspection (72 months) in Australia
1984 - IRG/WP 4108
This report includes the results for the 72 month inspection of the IRG/COIPM International Marine Test installed in Sydney Harbour. Although, overall, attack by teredinid and limnorid borers have been most commonly encountered in test specimens at this site, slight attack, mainly by sphaeromatids, has recently been initiated on some hitherto unattacked treated Alstonia scholaris and Pinus sylvest...
L J Cookson, J E Barnacle

A review of incising as a means of improving treatment of sawnwood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40019
The use of incising, perforation of the wood surface, is increased because of the need to treat refractory wood species. This paper reviews the development of incising and shows how the required incising patterns can be determined and specified. Most of the development has been in the area of toothed-roller incisors because of their rapid throughput. Needle, Laser, drill and water jet incisors hav...
P I Morris, J J Morrell, J N R Ruddick

Preservative treatment of green timber by diffusion
1984 - IRG/WP 3291
The preservative treatment of green timber by diffusion is reviewed together with criteria which influence the economics of the process. New process options are described which should overcome some of the technical and economic disadvantages of double diffusion. These include the use of coagulating agents which increase the viscosity of the preservative solution and facilitate treatment by momenta...
P Vinden

Chemical treatment of ten Amazonian timber species of low natural durability
1991 - IRG/WP 3640
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of 10 amazonian wood species of low natural durability, to treatment with CCA preservative (2% concentration): it was concluded that all species studied are easily treated with this preservative. The sapwood showed high absorption and total penetration. The heartwood is relatively easy to preserve, exception to Parkia nitidae (Fava), Quale...
C S Neta, B F Vianez

Laboratory tests on the natural durability of timber methods and problems
1984 - IRG/WP 2217
In literature a large variety of test methods is mentioned to examine the natural resistance of timber against fungal attack. This concerns the kind of sampling as well as the test procedure, the test fungi, the duration of test, and the classification of the resistance according to the test results. These variations, however, are of great influence on the test result. Long term exposure will lead...
H Willeitner

Notes on a wood preservation industry in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
1987 - IRG/WP 3405
This paper deals with a descriptive account on the development of a wood preservation industry in Medan, North Sumatera (Indonesia). The industry was established in 1974 when the State Owned Electicity Corporation decided to use wooden power poles for their distribution network in North Sumatera province. However, the use of wooden power poles was discontinued in 1981, so as the preservation indus...
N Supriana, A Murad

Differential susceptibility of living and dead timber to colonisation by sapstain and mould fungi
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10288
Field studies have revealed that when timber is irradiated (i.e. killed) it is more susceptible to colonisation by mould fungi than sapstain fungi. By comparison, freshly sawn timber shows very little mould colonisation, tending to be colonised by sapstain fungi. It appears, therefore that the physiological state of the wood may influence the pattern of colonisation. A laboratory trial was underta...
J R Williams, D J Dickinson, J F Webber

The effect of pretreatments on the impregnation of air-dried sawn Belgian spruce
1988 - IRG/WP 3490
In general the impregnation of airdried spruce results in a variable treatment and limited penetration. This is the result of pit aspiration that occurs during drying of the spruce sapwood and heartwood. Spruce timber is becoming of greater importance in Belgium and hence research for better treatment of this vulnerable wood species is needed. Squared airdried timber of different dimensions were e...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

Blue stain in timber in service. Results of further IRG collaborative tests to compare different artificial weathering systems
1981 - IRG/WP 2146
The previous work described in Document No IRG/WP/286 examined 3 preservatives (1% phenyl mercury succinate - PMS, 5% pentachlorophenol - PCP and 1.5% Preventol A4 - PA4) subjected to 5 different artificial weathering systems (BAM Xenotest, Cuprinol Marr, EMPA Xenotest, Gori Atlas and PRL Marr) and after natural weathering at 5 sites (BAM, Cuprinol, EMPA, Gori and PRL). Results showed good correla...
A F Bravery, D J Dickinson

Wood Preservation in the United Kingdom
1979 - IRG/WP 385
This is only the first of several reports in English currently being prepared about wood preservation in Europe. The report deals with the extent of industrial impregnation and the number of impregnation plants in use today in Great Britain. Timbers which are treated for various end uses and their life expectancies are discussed. The market for wood preservatives, the size of the motorway fencing ...
R Cockcroft

The effect of water storage on the cell-structure of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) with reference to its permeability and preservation
1970 - IRG/WP III 3A
Commercial treatment trials with full sized transmission poles have shown that water storage considerably improves the permeability of Sitka and Norway spruce. These results were confirmed by laboratory measurements which showed that in the sapwood of ponded Sitka spruce there is a vast improvement in permeability in all three grain directions. Heartwood permeability does not seem to be affected t...
J A Dunleavy, A J McQuire

A methodology for the life-cycle assessment of treated timber products
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-01
Using case studies of CCA-treated motorway fenceposts and creosote-treated electricity transmission poles, the paper suggests an approach to evaluation of the overall environmental impact of treated timber products, utilising the emerging systems analysis method of life-cycle assessment (LCA). The development and application of LCA methodologies to date is reviewed and the key features identified....
S R Smith, R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

Supercritical fluid treatment: Effects on bending strength of white spruce heartwood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20008
The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on wood strength were evaluated using white spruce heartwood, a species known to be especially susceptible to collapse during exposure to higher pressures. The effects of pressures of 2000 or 3600 psig and temperatures of 40 or 80°C were evaluated using 30 or 60 minute exposure periods. No significant differences were noted in modulus of rupture or modu...
S M Smith, J J Morrell, E Sahle-Demessie, K L Levien

The quantitative determination of quaternary ammonium compounds in treated timber – results of an extended ring test
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20240
The determination of quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) by means of a 2-phase-titration or photometry is a well established procedure for the quantification of cationic detergents in aqueous solutions. It is known that this analytical principle can also be used for the measurement of QAC extracted from treated timber. However only few information are available concerning the reproducibility or th...
E Melcher, C Bornkessel, J Gunschera, R Hamberg, H Härtner, H-N Marx, U Schoknecht, J Wittenzellner

Chromium in wood preservation: Health and environmental aspects
1978 - IRG/WP 3120
The majority of water-borne salts in current use contain hexavalent chromium, usually as dichromate or chromium trioxide. In about 1913 it was suggested that chromates, phosphates or borates could be added to the sodium fluoride and dinitrophenol mixtures then in use in order to inhibit corrosion. Dichromates were found to be most suitable and the resulting mixture known as Thriolith and later Tri...
T R G Cox, B A Richardson

Utilization of coconut timber from north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Part 1: Durability
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30044
Coconut timber from non-productive plantations is a byproduct of an agricultural crop and, by the same token, constitutes a renewable resource which may serve as a complement to or, at least in part, as a substitute for traditional timbers in local markets. Its more extensive utilization is expected to contribute to the conservation of tropical rain forests. Export of coconut timber and/or wood pr...
R-D Peek

Using preservative treated timber in the built environment of the Sydney Olympic Games
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-01
Sydney was awarded the right to host the Games of the XXVII Olympiad by a vote of the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Monte Carlo on 23 September 1993. Up to 10 200 athletes and approximately 5 100 technical officials from 200 countries are expected to participate in the Sydney 2000 Games. Approximately 15 000 media representatives from around the world are expected to come...
H Greaves, J Norton

Comparative natural resistance of eighty-two timber species to damage by marine borers at Goa (India)
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10139
Natural bioresistance of eighty-two species of Indian timbers to attack by marine wood-borers has been presented based on data collected from test panels exposed in Goa waters (west coast of India) for periods ranging from five to thirteen months. All the timber species, except Artocarpus gomeziana and Pterocarpus santalinus, were completely destroyed within a short period of three to six months. ...
L N Santhakumaran

Status of wood preservation industry in India
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30388
The paper traces the history of wood preservation industry in India, listing various mile stones for creation of treating capacity. The preservation industry developed with the development of rail road system on the line of most other developed countries. The most popular wood preservatives are CCA, CCB, ACC, Creosote and recently LOSP have also appeared in the market. The major users of CCA is th...
S Kumar

Controlling marine borer attack of timber piles with plastic wraps
1981 - IRG/WP 479
Plastic films 20 to 40 mils thick have been used for many years to wrap creosoted timber piles in service to protect them from attack by marine borers. As long as the wrap remains undamaged, this procedure provides complete protection to the pile. Properly applied, wraps generally provide protection for 25 yeara or longer. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene (PE) films are specially formulat...
F Steiger, G Horeczko

The difficult choice of the preservation industry when changing to more environmentally acceptable products
2000 - IRG/WP 00-50156
Until recent years the preservation industry in Norway had no problems with the environmental authorities. However, during the last three years the pressure has increased, and the authorities' solution to restrict hazardous chemicals is to introduce green (environmental) taxes for the products containing these chemicals, and also for the pressure-treated wood. The preservation industry ac...
F G Evans

Tributyltin compounds in wood preservation: Health and safety aspects
1986 - IRG/WP 3396
The toxicity of organotin compounds of the general formula RnSnX(4-n) depends strongly on the type of organic substituent R and on the degree of substitution n. The residues X, not bound through a tin-carbon bond, are however of much smaller influence. Furthermore, there is evidence that hydrolysis of tributyltin esters will occur under environmental as well as under physiological conditions to TB...
H Schweinfurth, P Günzel, H A B Landsiedel, R Lang, R Reimann, C Schöbel, F Siegmund

Influence of carboxylic acids on LEACHING of copper amine based preservatives
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30365
The importance of chromium free preservatives is increasing. Leaching of copper from wood preserved with such solutions is still higher compared to leaching from wood impregnated with copper chromium ones. In order to decrease leaching, different carboxylic acids (octanoic, 2-etilheksanoic, decanoic) were added to copper/amine/boron aqueous solutions. Experiment of leaching of copper from Norway s...
M Humar, P Kalan, F Pohleven

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 3: Report of first inspection of samples at Lae, Papua New Guinea
1978 - IRG/WP 446
Samples for the international marine test were placed on frames numbered I to VII. Frames numbered VII of both CCA and CCB trials are being stored dry in the laboratory at F.P.R. & D.C. Frames I to VI of both trials were suspended in the sea at Lae Harbour (Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea) on 6th December 1977. The first inspection of the CCA trial was carried out on 8th June 1978, at which ...
S M Cragg, C R Levy

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