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Your search resulted in 677 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Diffusion of chromium and fluoride in Rentex treated creosoted pole sections
1991 - IRG/WP 3659
A chromated fluoride preservative was applied by injection to the groundline regions of creosoted distribution pole sections and these were erected at a filed site in Scotland. Wood samples were recovered for chemical analysis at one week, two, five and twelve months after treatment. Small sample mass and destructive nature of the analysis necessitated modification of an alkali fusion technique to...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, B King, H J Staines

Preservative treatment of two bamboo species Borak (Bambusa balcooa Roxb) and Talla (Bambusa tulda Roxb) by Boucherie method
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40262
Bamboo is widely used as a construction material in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. It is perishable in nature and highly susceptible to the attack of borer, termites and fungi. As a result, bamboo products do not last long. This short life of bamboo is increasing demand thereby increasing pressure on our homestead and natural reserve of bamboo. For this reason, it is needed to make the bambo...
M N Islam, A S M A Huda, A K Saha, S M Mithue

A non-pressure method of protection based on hurdle theory to control the spectrum of internal environmental factors which affect the decay of poles in soil contact
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20005
A field trial was conducted to establish whether superficial barrier linings on poles in soil contact could function as environmental hurdles against the growth of biological agents and thus provide preventative methodology to preclude premature failure of vineyard poles under flood-irrigation. Assessment after 52 weeks exposure to the prevailing conditions and sub-tropical environment showed that...
A A W Baecker

Supercritical fluid treatment: Effects on bending strength of white spruce heartwood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20008
The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on wood strength were evaluated using white spruce heartwood, a species known to be especially susceptible to collapse during exposure to higher pressures. The effects of pressures of 2000 or 3600 psig and temperatures of 40 or 80°C were evaluated using 30 or 60 minute exposure periods. No significant differences were noted in modulus of rupture or modu...
S M Smith, J J Morrell, E Sahle-Demessie, K L Levien

Waterborne preservative treatability of tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K.Koch)
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40112
Eastern larch or tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K.Koch) lumber from New Brunswick, Canada was evaluated for preservative treatability with chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C) and ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA). The fixation and leaching characteristics of CCA-C treated tamarack sapwood and heartwood were also evaluated. CCA-C penetration into both sapwood and heartwood was poor. ACA fully penet...
A Taylor, Y T Ung, P A Cooper

Soil-bed decay resistance evaluation of strandboards treated with preservative at different points of the manufacture process after 18 months exposure
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40230
Strandboards were treated with a copper-boron water-based preservative at different points of manufacture process namely, green strand diffusion, vacuum, spray application in the resin blender and post manufacture heat and cold quench. Preservative was applied to achieve five different retentions (0, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 kg m-3). The modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity were assessed before expo...
G J Goroyias, M D C Hale

On the resistance of consolidated ancient wood against Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen: Fr.) Schroeter
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10348
Structural timbers and other wood objects of cultural value in historical buildings and museums are often attacked by wood-destroying fungi. The aim of conservators is to preserve such damaged timbers and prevent further biodeterioration by impregnation with consolidants. There is little knowledge of the resistance of consolidated timber and art objects to a new attack by wood-destroying fungi. Br...
W Unger, A Unger, U Schiessl

Field testing of nootkatone and tetrahydronootkatone wood treatments against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30308
A component of Alaskan yellow cedar, citrus oil, and vetiver oil, nootkatone, and its derivative, tetrahydronootkatone, were tested for their potential as wood treatments against Coptotermes formosanus. Wood treatments dipped in 1% and 5% nootkatone and tetrahydronootkatone in ethanol or vacuum impregnated (5% only) were tested in a natural setting using termite infested bald cypress trees along t...
K E Nix, G Henderson, R Laine

Interim balance after 20 months of lap-joint exposure
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20164
The application of natural resins and integrated resin systems to improve the performance of Pinus sylvestris was assessed in a lap-joint test according to DIN V ENV 12037 (1996). Lap-joints of Pinus sapwood were exposed at the test field in Hamburg (Germany) in May 1997. The treated lap-joints were assessed with regard to the performance of the resin treatments out of ground. The exposure of lap-...
M Sailer, A O Rapp, R-D Peek, A J Nurmi, E P J Beckers

Modification of wood by graft treatment
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40257
New water-repellent systems for wood are needed to improve the weathering characteristics. This study found that treatment of wood with chemical grafting systems imparted substantial water repellency. Different direct oxidative grafting systems were examined. Specifically, KMnO4, Fe(NH4)(SO4)2·12H2O, Fe2(SO4)3·5H2O, and (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 were used as initiators and styrene as the monomer. All the...
M M Morshed, D D Nicholas, C Pittman Jr, T Schultz

Preservative treatment of Gollah cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana) by soaking method
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40197
The feasibility of preservative treatment of gollah cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana (Griff.) Mart.) by soaking method was tested in the present study. Cane samples of 1m, 2m and 3m long were soaked with 10% borax and boric acid solution. The study revealed that adequate dry salt retention (DSR) in the above samples could be obtained in 3 days, 4 days and 5 days of soaking, respectively. Within these...
M Younus-uzzaman, K Akhter, M H Chowdhury

Solidification - A viable option for the safe disposal of CCA treatment plant wastes
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-21
Treatment plant operations generate small quantities of waste materials contaminated with wood preservatives - for example, sludges, contaminated sawdust, yard dirt. A practical system involving the immobilisation of such wastes has been established to assist the operators to safely dispose to landfill sites. The results of cold water and hot dilute acid leaching regimes are described, which simul...
M R Gayles, D Aston

The treatment of Douglas fir fence posts: specification and compliance using new European standards
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20178
New European standards for the preservative pre-treatment of timber require the results of the treatment process to be specified and subsequently verified by examination of the treated timber for penetration and retention of the preservative. For penetration, the standards are restrictive in that there are only a limited number of options available to the specifier. Thus for ground contact service...
R J Orsler, H Derbyshire

Need to develop processing technologies (for value addition) of the species evaluated for their properties and uses
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40307
The demand of timber in India for different industrial as well as domestic applications is ever increasing mostly due to urbanization and industrialization. This demand can only be met either from the imported timber or from the plantation resources outside the reserved and natural forests. There are a number of timber species grown under plantation forestry have their heartwood refractory to any ...
S R Shukla, S K Sharma, Y M Dubey, P Kumar, R V Rao, K S Shashidhar

Evaluation of outdoor weathering performance of modified wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20296
Interlace treated, oil treated, silicon treated as well as untreated Scots pine samples have been exposed outdoors. For evaluating the samples on their long term performance an internal standard had been developed. Parameters to be determined were the uptake of liquid water (submersion test), weight variation during exposure, crack performance, surface roughness and colour change. This paper disc...
Y Schulte, S Donath, A Krause, H Militz

Investigation of the suitability of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) for thermal modification
2004 - IRG/WP 04-40275
In this study the suitability of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) was examined for thermal modification. Comparative experimental investigations were performed with silver fir and Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) after thermal treatments. Besides properties, which characterize the quality of heat treatments, like dimensional stability and resistance against fungal attack, strength properties of the...
C Brischke, A O Rapp

An appraisal of the vertical distribution of attack of untreated and treated wood by warm water sphaeromatids at some tropical sites - A discussion paper
1986 - IRG/WP 4124
Examples of the vertical distribution of burrows of warm water sphaeromatids relative to tide levels and mud line from sites in India, Papua New Guinea and tropical Australia are discussed in detail. These data show clearly that these animals concentrate their attack of resistant natural wood or resistant treated wood in the tidal zone, particularly around Mean Sea Level. Supportive evidence from ...
J E Barnacle, L J Cookson, C N McEvoy

Comparison of variable, constant and fluctuating pressure methods
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40212
The objective of this work was to evaluate potential improvements in pressure treatment arising from the use of a control valve. A constant pressure of 1035 kPa was compared to the conventional variable pressure method where the pressure is allowed to drop to 860 kPa as the solution is absorbed by the wood. A fluctuating pressure method (FPM) where the pressure cycles between 1000 and 1070 kPa was...
S M McFarling, P I Morris

Soil treatment tests with the three products of boric acid for the prevention of the hyphal growth of Serpula lacrymans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3693
Laboratory soil treatment tests were conducted for the evaluation of fungicidal or fungistatic effect of boric acid products against Serpula lacrymans. Boric acid products tested were the following three: a thickened boric acid solution in triethanolamine, boric acid-silica gel complex granules, and a nonwoven fabric laminated with a polypropylene film and coated with boric acid granules on one si...
S Doi, A Yamada, Y Mineki, M Mori

Durability aspects of (hydro)thermal treated wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40160
Samples of several wood species were treated in a two steps process, subsequently hydrothermal and dry heat-treated, by the so-called PLATO-process and analysed for their resistance against fungal attack. Both PLATO-treated and dry heat-treated specimen were prepared and analysed, in order to study the influence of moisture during hydrothermal treatment of wood. The resistance against all of the s...
B F Tjeerdsma, M Stevens, H Militz

A field trial of water repellents as anti-sapstain treatment additives
1987 - IRG/WP 3417
The assessment of water repellents as anti-sapstain treatment additives has been included in a recent FRI research programme investigating improved surface protection of New Zealand Pinus radiata. Laboratory work has shown variation in water repellent effectiveness with chemical type and subsequently a field trial was established to examine the performance of selected water repellent/anti-sapstain...
J A Drysdale, D V Plackett

Resistance of borate-treated lumber to subterranean termites in the field
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10255
Borate-treated wood samples were tested for their resistance against subterranean termites in the field. Wood samples (10.5x10.5x40cm3) of western hemlock were pressure impregnated with disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) and didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC), and assigned into two groups on the basis of boron contents:high retention (1.5-2.2%BAE) and low retention(O.7~1.3%BAE). Eight rep...
K Tsunoda, A Adachi, T Yoshimura, A Byrne, P I Morris, J K Grace

Further progress towards a cleaner creosote treatment - Summarised report
1984 - IRG/WP 3304
This document provides an up-dated progress report on our development of pigment emulsified creosote (PEC) used as a cleaner alternative to conventional high temperature creosote. A range of commodities (both hardwood and softwood) has now been satisfactorily treated in pilot plant and full scale commercial operations. Both brown (PEC 30B) and white (PEC 30W) formulations have been used. In additi...
H Greaves, C-W Chin, J B Watkins

An optimum schedule for treating radiata pine
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40105
New Zealand grown radiata pine was treated with copper chrome arsenate preservative using Bethell process. Four different treatment schedules were tried. Keeping the duration of pressure stage constant (either 15 minutes or 45 minutes) and increasing the duration of vacuum (from 15 minutes to 30 minutes) or keeping the duration of vacuum stage constant (either 15 minutes or 30 minutes) and increas...
R Gnanaharan, D R Page

Preservative treatment of common timbers and bamboos of Bangladesh for rural electrification infrastructure
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40104
Researches revealed new treatment grades, treatment groups, grading groups, natural durability grades, strength groups and a new preservative combination for remedial treatment and sterilization of most common timbers and bamboos of Bangladesh. The obtained findings are applicable for equivalent timber species having equivalent climatic condition. Sapwoods are always perishable and timbers with wh...
A K Lahiry

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