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Your search resulted in 494 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Detection of termite attack in wood using acoustic emission
1989 - IRG/WP 2331
Acoustic emission (AE) is the elastic wave produced by the strain energy released in the process of fracture of a material and propagates through it. The object of this report is to detect AEs produced by the termite activities and to evaluate the possibility of using an AE monitoring test to nondestructively detect the termite attack in wood. It was revealed that AEs were detected from the specim...
Y Fujii, M Noguchi, Y Imamura, M Tokoro

Distribution and genetic variation of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Portugal
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10581
The genus Reticulitermes has a Holartic distribution and is widely represented in southern Europe. It is established in Portugal, across the full range of ambient environmental conditions, using different types of wood resources, as available, and nesting ubiquitously in many types of soil. Sequencing of part of the mtDNA COII gene revealed that all the specimens sampled on a N-S transect of the c...
T Nobre, L Nunes, P Eggleton, D E Bignell

The “wire-loop slicing technique” for the rapid field collection of large numbers of Coptotermes acinaciformis termites from above-ground mound colonies
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10583
This technique of rapidly slicing through an above-ground C. acinaciformis mound colony with a steel wire-loop attached to a vehicle allows the collection of large numbers of termites. The sliced mound topples onto a tarpaulin arranged on the ground, the outer wall layers break away in large segments, and the carton materials incorporating the termites are readily collected and transferred to larg...
B M Ahmed, J R J French

Study of new wood preservatives from biological origin and low toxicity against wood decay organisms (fungi and termites)
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10600
Wood as an organic material is likely to be attacked by living organisms if no protecting treatment is applied to improve its durability. The biological agents, which in Spain, due to its specific climatologic, cause major damage to wood, are the stain fungi, the rot fungi and the subterranean termites. The commercialisation of the products actually used to treat wood against fungi and to treat t...
M T Troya, M J Prieto, F Rubio, D Lorenzo, J J Teixidó

Re-sealing cut ends of envelope-treated softwood framing timber to protect against damage by the Australian subterranean termite Coptotermes acinaciformis: A revisitation
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20335
The claim that Australian Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) do not appear to initiate damage on timber from the end grain, thereby negating the need for treating exposed cut ends of softwood framing material (35 ? 90 mm) which has a repellent Tanalith? T envelope, was further investigated. Specimens of commercial Pinus radiata D.Don framing timber (untreated) and Pinus elliottii Englem. (untrea...
B C Peters, M Lenz, J W Creffield

Laboratory bioassay and field trial on imidacloprid and cypermethrin as glueline treatments for softwood plywood
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30405
The effectiveness of imidacloprid and cypermethrin as glueline treatments for protecting phenol formaldehyde (PF)-bonded Pinus radiata (radiata pine) plywood from attack by subterranean termites was evaluated both in the laboratory and field. Imidacloprid was evaluated in two plywood constructions (19 ply x 1.6 mm-thick veneers and 5 ply x 3.2 mm-thick veneers) whereas cypermethrin was evaluated i...
J W Creffield, D K Scown

On the reasons of Prunus africana natural durability
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10611
Analysis of Prunus africana heartwood extractives was studied with the aim of understanding the reasons for its high natural durability. Soxhlet extractions of wood powder using different solvents were carried out. Effect of each extracts at different concentrations was evaluated on the growth of several fungi among which Coriolus versicolor, Poria placenta, and Aureobasidium pullulans. Results sh...
F Mburu, S Dumarçay, M F Thévenon, P Gérardin

Accelerated assessment tests of new termiticides
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20353
One of the biological agents, which cause major damage to wood in Spain, is the subterranean termites. The systems used for controlling termites don’t eradicate them, and the products presently used to treat wood against them, due to their toxicity and their persistence in the environment, could be prohibited in the near future in Europe as consequence of the 98/8/EC Directive (usually called t...
M T Troya, M J Prieto, D Lorenzo, F Rubio

Insectos xilofagos que dañan la madera de edificios historicos de Morelia, Michoacán, México
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10673
Pine lumber in buildings in the historic center of Morelia that exhibited signs of attack were collected between 1999 until 2007. Four species were identified from this material. Two species were in the order Isoptera: Incisitermes marginipennis Latreille (Kalotermitiidae), Reticulitermes serratus Mendez (Rhinotermitidae), while the others were from the order Coleoptera: Calymmaderus oblongus (Go...
C M A Jurado Vargas, J Cruz de Leon

Seasonal response of feeding, differentiation, and growth in the eastern subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in Wisconsin
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10604
In termites, differentiation plasticity in undifferentiated Reticulitermes progresses with growth stages from larvae to workers, which may then differentiate into soldiers, winged nymphs, or neotenics. Although studies have been done on seasonality of the termite life cycle, data appears to vary from location to location. Reticulitermes populations in Wisconsin appear to behave slightly differentl...
R A Arango, F Green III, G R Esenther

Determination of the lethal dose of fipronil for workers of Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10616
This document is a combination of two articles previously submitted to the journal, Sociobiology. Lethal dose of fipronil was determined in two experiments: topical application and contact with treated sandy loam. In the topical application the toxicity of fipronil was evaluated against workers of a laboratory colony of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. Fipronil was applied by the microsyringe to t...
K Tsunoda, R Yamaoka

Potentiality of use extracts from Tetraclinis articulata like biocide against wood destroying organisms: Reticulitermes santonensis
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30418
Screening trials were conducted to determine the antitermitic and antifungal properties of essential oil and methanolic extractives obtained from Tetraclinis articulata heartwood. Extract-treated cellulose pads were used to evaluate antitermitic activity and complete termite mortality was obtained with the essential oil: the threshold is situated under 5% (v/v). Standardised tests according Europe...
F El hanbali, N Amusant, F Mellouki, M Akssira, C Baudasse

Effect of ozone treatment on survival of termites and wood decay fungi
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40365
There is increased concern about the potential for transport of invasive pests on or in untreated wood. Current regulations utilize heating or fumigation as mitigation tools, but both have drawbacks that have stimulated interest in new phytosanitation methods. Ozone fumigation has been shown to control insects, fungi and bacteria on a variety of agricultural products. Systems for the controlled g...
A M Taylor, L J Mason, J J Morrell

Development of boron/linseed oil combined treatment as a low-toxic wood protection. Evaluation of boron fixation and resistance to termites according to Japanese and European standards
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30448
Combinations of boric acid as a first step of treatment and linseed oil as a second step have been performed in order to enhance boron retention to leaching and wood resistance to termites. Classic leaching and termites resistance standards are inappropriate to evaluate this combination which can be considered as both a wood core preservation treatment and a coating. Japanese Industrial Standard...
F Lyon, M-F Thevenon, Y Imamura, J Gril, A Pizzi

Some studies on natural resistance of different trees and prevention of infestation by termites through use of industrial effluents at Karor, Layyah, Pakistan
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10637
The experiments were conducted to determine natural resistance/susceptibility in woods of Jaman (Syzygium cumini), Kikar (Acacia nilotica Willd.), Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.), Poplar (Populus deltoids), Semal (Bombax ceiba) and Sufaida (Euclyptus camaldulensis) against subterranean termites’ infestation at Karor, Layyah, Pakistan. Wood stakes of these trees (30x12x3cm) were buried in soil a...
S Ahmed, M Arshad Ejaz, M Asam Riaz, A Hussain

A hypothesis on a second non-biocidal property of wood extractives, in addition to toxicity, that affects termite behavior and mortality
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10638
While it is has long been recognized that heartwood extractives affect termite behavior, the exact cause and relationship between total extractives, extractive types, and termite resistance remains unclear. Generally, researchers have proposed that the extractives are toxic and/or repel termites. We propose, based on the well known fact that many extractives have excellent antioxidant properties...
T P Schultz, K Ragon, D D Nicholas

Performance of softwood preservative treated stakes after 4 years exposure in-ground to decay fungi and termites in tropical Australia
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10643
This field study was based on the 1993 IUFRO method and designed as a graveyard (in-ground) test in the tropical region of the Northern Territory to examine the efficacy of novel preservative formulations developed as alternative protection for softwood timber against decay fungi and termites for Hazard Class 3 and 4. This study was supported by the Forest and Wood Products Research and Develop...
B M Ahmed (Shiday), J R J French, S R Przewloka, P Vinden, J A Hann, P Blackwell

Utilizing Cypress to improve the decay and termite resistance of OSB panels
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10658
OSB panels were manufactured with mixture of pine and cypress heartwood and lignin and tannin based resins in order to propose an eco-friendly wood composite. The resistance of OSB panels was tested against Reticulitermes santonensis according to the EN 118 and EN 117 standards and field tests methods. OSB made from cypress showed more resistance against the tested termite, the resistance decrease...
N Amusant, O Arnould, A Depres, R H Mansouris, T Pizzi, C Baudassé

Natural durability of fast growth plantation Eucalyptus grandis Hill, ex Maiden
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10660
One of the fast growing species cultivated in Uruguay of mayor economical importance is Eucalyptus grandis. Physical and mechanical properties of juvenile and mature wood from different regions have been deeply studied. However, since no scientific data of natural durability of this specie has been reported, natural durability of E. grandis from two sites (Rivera and Rio Negro) was evaluated. Two ...
S Böthig, A Sánchez, J Doldán

Quercetin - a potential compound of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) leaves exhibiting activity against wood decaying fungi and termites
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30463
Azadirachta indica A.Juss. is widely recognized for its medicinal, insecticidal, pesticidal and anti-microbial property. Methanol extract of neem leaves revealed marked anti-fungal activity when subjected to malt-agar and soil block bioassay against wood destroying brown (Oligoporus placentus) and white rot (Trametes versicolor). The extract also revealed marked termicidal property when subjected ...
S Dhyani, S Tripathi

Laboratory evaluation of four benzoylphenylureas against two species of Reticulitermes Holmgren, 1913 (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from Southwest Europe
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30472
The use of benzoylphenylureas in baits for the control of termite pest is currently increasing. The chemical compounds used have been tested mainly with American termites. The effectivity against non-American termite species must be analyzed because the worldwide use of those compounds. In this paper four benzoylphenylureas (hexaflumuron, diflubenzuron, triflumuron and noviflumuron) have been test...
M Gaju-Ricart, M Urbano-Luque, R Molero-Baltanás, C Patiño-Martínez, C Bach de Roca

Termites y otros insectos xiliofagos en bienes arquitectonicos monumentos nacionalos de Colombia
2009 - IRG/WP 08-10679
The incidence of termites and other wood destroying insects was surveyed in ten historical buildings in Colombia. The most common insects were termites (Kalotermes, Cryptotermes, Heterotermes), although numerous decay organisms were also detected, including beetles (Anobium, Lyctus, Cerambycids) and various wood decaying fungi. Structural wood elements were classified according to the degree of a...
M G Ramírez

Australian trials on the efficacy of micronized copper
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30480
Alkaline copper quat (ACQ) is an established wood preservative that is formulated with solubilised copper in amine solvent. This paper describes three separate trials in Australia that investigated whether substituting soluble copper with micronized copper affects performance. ACQ and micronized copper quat (MCQ) gave similar performance in Pinus radiata against four brown-rotting fungi in a soil-...
L J Cookson, J W Creffield, K J McCarthy, D K Scown

A Comprehensive Review of Copper as a Biocide, with a Focus on Micronized Copper
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30486
This paper reviews the wood preservative biocide active ingredient copper and delvers into new and previously unpublished data regarding the new micronized formulations which are now in vogue and widespread use in N. America in all residential treated lumber markets. Included in this review is the overall discussion of copper containing formulations used for pressure treated wood used over the las...
M H Freeman, C R McIntyre

Performance of dip and pressure treated wood in termite ground proximity exposures in Hilo, HI, and Colombia
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30491
A number of preservative systems were evaluated for their ability to control termite attack when applied as both dip and pressure treatments. With dip treatments, better performance was observed with southern pine than spruce-pine-fir using the same solution strength treatment, probably as a result of the about 50% greater uptake with southern pine and associated deeper preservative penetration. B...
P Walcheski, A Zahora

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