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Chemical evaluation of borate treated pine sapwood attacked by the subterranean termite Coptotermes acinaciformis
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20003
Sapwood of hoop (Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex D. Don) and slash (Pinus elliottii Englem.) pines were treated by Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) to provide test specimens. The concentration of boron was defined by chemical analyses of the timber, in the zone of primary attack by the termite being bioassayed. A common method of definition of preservative retention, weight uptake of preservative...
A R Moffat, B C Peters

An investigation of the effects of pre-steaming on the treatment of sawn spruce timber with Celcure A, a copper/chrome/arsenic preservative
1981 - IRG/WP 3180
Difficulties in the treatment of spruce using standard vacuum/pressure techniques with both water-borne and organic solvent preservatives are well known. The growth characteristics of spruces (Picea spp) make them attractive candidates for forestry schemes. In 1975 the UK Forestry Commission had about 400 000 hectares, about 20% of total UK forest area, planted with Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)...
C R Coggins

Modified Wood – Methods, testing and applications: Outcomes of the EU-Thematic Network
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40268
In the last decade, interest in the development of wood modification systems has increased in Europe. Alongside several industrial initiatives for heat treatments, there have also been scaling up and pilot plant projects for chemical wood modification. Between 2000 and 2003, the European Commission funded the "Thematic Network on Wood Modification". This paper will feature the modification process...
D Jones, W Homan, J Van Acker

Selective chromate elimination from the storage-drainage-water of a wood impregnation plant
1980 - IRG/WP 3153
With the Enviro-Chrom-Ex process it is possible to eliminate ecologically and economically hexavalent chromium (chromate) from water selectively. The process which is based on the principle of selective ion exchange works with different chromate concentrations and under the presence of other ions, irrespective of the water hardness. The values of water-offtake reach 0.1 mg CrVI at maximum, causing...
O Wälchli, R Ott, R Hugener, E Graf, B Lieberherr

A method for the preliminary assessment of timbers for their treatability with preservatives under pressure
1977 - IRG/WP 3100
President Maurice Fougerousse has provided the following references to a IUFRO report, published in English, French and German, which may be of interest to IRG members: 'A method for the preliminary assessment of timbers for their treatability with preservatives under pressure', PANS Vol 23, No 2, 153 158, June 1977. 'Une methode d'evaluation preliminaire de l...
M Fougerousse

Possibilities of improving the oscillating pressure method
1991 - IRG/WP 3668
Studies on the dynamics of pressure changes in wood during impregnation revealed no significant effect of fast pressure changes for green spruce as used by OPM (IRG/WP/3615). The following experiments were carried out on several hundreds of spruce palisades to examine the modification of single procedure parameters of common use OPM and to record the effects on the impregnation result with the aim...
S Goetsch, R-D Peek

Effect of treating process on efficacy of CCA in a laboratory decay test
1990 - IRG/WP 3628
Test samples of Pinus radiata sapwood measuring 40x40x500 mm³ were treated with a range of concentrations of the copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) formulation "Tanalith C" using Rueping (empty cell), Lowry (empty cell) and Bethell (full cell) treatment processes. Samples were then reduced to 40x40x7 mm³ test blocks and exposed to the decay fungus Coniophora puteana using an agar/block technique. Repl...
M E Hedley, K Nasheri, J G Van der Waals

Boron treatment methods for lyctid susceptible hardwoods growing in Tasmania
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30168
A survey of existing boron plants that treat to protect hardwoods from attack by lyctids in Australia showed that hot and cold bath, and vacuum pressure impregnation (vpi), were the two most common methods employed. In experimental work, two of the treatment methods, vpi and dip diffusion, were used to treat seasoned and green messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua) and blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon). The t...
L J Cookson, D Scown, K McCarthy

Preservative treatment and field test monitoring of spruce pole stock: Pressure and diffusible chemical treatments
1990 - IRG/WP 3605
One hundred and forty four spruce (test species) and southern yellow pine (reference species) poles were variously treated by center boring, incising, or kerfing, followed by pressure treatment with CCA and/or diffusible preservatives. The diffusible preservatives included NaF/creosote, borax and ammonium bifluoride. The poles were set at a test site and evaluated for preservative distribution and...
B Goodell, A J Pendlebury

Raising of the grain and deformation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) treated with water-borne preservatives
1987 - IRG/WP 3456
In Sweden partial impregnation to 10 mm depth of the pine sapwood (class B in the Nordic preservation standard) of joineries was introduced during the seventies. To avoid product quality problems, organic solvent-based systems have been used. However, the Swedish industry today has problems with organic solvents, mainly for environmental reasons. We have studied raising of the grain and deformatio...
G Hägglund, T Sebring

Discoloration of pressure impregnated wood caused by Amorphotheca resinae
1990 - IRG/WP 1438
Amorphotheca resinae Parbery with the anamorph Cladosporium resinae (Lindau) von Arx & de Vries is a cosmopolitan fungus known from aviation kerosene, hydrocarbon contaminated soil and creosoted timbers. In Denmark it causes heavy discoloration on wood treated with waterborne chromate-containing preservatives e.g. CCA-oxide type. The teleomorph produces small spherical fruitbodies widespread o...
F Rune, A P Koch

The suitability of high pressure sap-displacement for the retention of UK grown spruce and pine
1990 - IRG/WP 3595
The concentration and radial distribution of copper, chrome, arsenic (CCA), and the moisture content and depth of radial checking in UK grown, field exposed spruce and pine poles treated by high pressure sap-displacement are examined. The concentration of CCA elements in samples obtained from increment cores is similar in Norway spruce, Scots pine and Corsican pine but is significantly lower in Si...
P D Evans, S D Hainey, A Bruce, G M Smith, B King

L-joint trials: Part 1: Observations on the process of colonisation and decay
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20250
The first trials using the small L-joint, later adopted for use in BS EN 330 and AWPA Standard E9-97 were exposed at BRE in 1975 but all were assessed destructively during the early stages of exposure. The longest running trial which included replicates for long-term exposure will have been exposed for 20 years in July 2002. This paper provides an overview of the results of testing during that p...
J K Carey

A note on the distribution of copper-chrome-boric (CCB) along the culm length of freshly felled bamboo treated by modified Boucherie process
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40317
Preservative treatment of green and dry bamboo poses severe problems. A number of bamboo/ wood preservatives (Chemical formulations) for the destroying organism like fungi, borers and termites etc. In this paper we reported preliminary results of treatment of fresh green round bamboo attached with baranches by modified Boucheri process. Sample full length of an Indian species of bamboo Dendrocalam...
R Lal, C N Vani

Metal Leaching from Pressure Treated Wood in Sanitary Landfill Leachate
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50220
Pressure treated wood products contain heavy metals to prevent biological decay. Scrap treated wood from construction activities and demolished structures containing treated wood are typically disposed in landfills. To examine the potential mobility of metals from pressure-treated wood disposed in landfills, wood samples were leached using leachate from lined landfills and the concentrations of ar...
B Dubey, T G Townsend, H M Solo-Gabriele

Development of wood retification process at the industrial stage
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-16
Wood is a natural composite material which exhibits outstanding properties from the technical as well as from the ecological point of view. However, it is an anisotropic, hygroscopic material sensitive to biological attacks. We have to stabilise and preserve it if we want to ensure its market shares faced with competing synthetic material, whilst taking the new environmental rules into account. T...
P Gohar, R Guyonnet

Applications of the shower test. Part A: Results from CCA type C treated wood: influence of fixation process
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50009
This report outlines the results of shower tests conducted on CCA type C treated wood. The results indicate the inherent good fixation of CCA type C, as judged by the leaching limits within the Environmental Regulations. The shower test has proven to be a useful quality control and research test. It determines reasonably accurately the leaching under simulated conditions and, admittedly from a lim...
W J Homan, H Militz, D A Lewis

Trial to determine a suitable schedule for radial and longitudinal treatment of plug samples by comparison of changes in the fluid retention and the treated area
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40211
A full-cell process was carried out using different treatment schedules for radial and longitudinal samples because of the anisotrophy of flow. When timbers are impregnated with preservatives much better penetrations are obtained via the end grain than laterally (across the grain). Therefore, suitable schedules for radial and longitudinal flow directions were determined in an trial experiment usin...
I Usta

A novel solvent penetration assessment technique for wood preservativation treatments using waterborne systems
1990 - IRG/WP 2346
Solvent and hence solute (a.i.) penetration during any wood preservation treatment cycle and the flow pathways taken by the solvent in the wood are crucial elements in determining the adequacy of any treatment. Inadequate solvent penetration into specimens or an inappropriate tissue throughflow pattern during impregnation will markedly affect the distribution pattern achieved by many non-diffusibl...
A J Pendlebury, J Coetzee, E Sorfa, A Botha

The use of spruce for transmission poles
1973 - IRG/WP 326
A series of preservative treatments with creosote using Lowry and Rueping schedules was undertaken. From these treatments the most suitable impregnation conditions for water stored Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) transmission poles were determined. Preservative distribution and permeability values for poles of both species were used to decide the optimum season and ...
J A Dunleavy, D J Balfe, J P Prendergast

A note on te seasoning, preservative treatment and suitability of debdaru (Polyalthia longifolia Benth & Hooker.) for poles
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40056
The main work is to determining the suitability of Debdaru (Polyalthia longifolia Benth.) as poles from Government and Village forests are investigated. The poles of Debdaru are easily treatable with CCA preservative by full-cell pressure method, but difficult to dry (air & kiln). Proper quality control must be maintain from procurement to treatment, specially during physical selection & d...
G N M Ilias, M D Rokib-ul-Hafiz

Water-storage for improving the permeability of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40129
The viable bacterial counts in sapwood and intermediate wood of sugi bolts increased immediately after floated in a fresh water pond. Bacterial invasion into the heartwood was not detected apparently during water-storage for 36 weeks, although a few bacterial species have inhabited in freshly-cut heartwood samples. The bacterial species isolated from the water-stored bolts were almost Gramnegative...
S Ohta, S Doi

Penetration and distribution of styrene in pressure treated hardwoods
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40094
A styrene impregnation method was used to compare liquid distribution in several species as affected by flow direction, sapwood/heartwood, and method of impregnation. Twenty-five mm ( 1") cubes were cut from the sapwood and heartwood of red maple (Acer rubrum), white birch (Betula papyrifera), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), red oak (Quercus rubra), ...
P A Cooper, T S Janezic, U Srinivasan, A Omidvar

The relationship between the electrical resistance and fixation of water-borne CCA salts and pressure-treated wood
1991 - IRG/WP 3657
Two investigations at 22°C and 30°C have been carried out. The electrical resistance in the treated wood and chemical analyses of the remaining amount of unfixed copper, chromium and arsenic were investigated. Samples impregnated with water were used as references. To hold the samples moist during the investigation, each sample was wrapped in a polyethylene plastic foil immediately after impregn...
F G Evans, B Nossen

The effect of pretreatments on the impregnation of air-dried sawn Belgian spruce
1988 - IRG/WP 3490
In general the impregnation of airdried spruce results in a variable treatment and limited penetration. This is the result of pit aspiration that occurs during drying of the spruce sapwood and heartwood. Spruce timber is becoming of greater importance in Belgium and hence research for better treatment of this vulnerable wood species is needed. Squared airdried timber of different dimensions were e...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

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