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Your search resulted in 581 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The effect of wood moisture content and rod dosage on movement of boron through Douglas-fir heartwood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30431
The potential for moisture sorption by boron rods following application to wood to affect subsequent boron diffusion was investigated in small Douglas-fir blocks conditioned to 30, 60 or 90% moisture content (MC). MCs tended to decline over the 180 day test period, but there was no evidence that the rods acted to draw moisture away from the wood. As expected, boron movement tended to increase with...
Y Cabrera, J J Morrell

Treatment of Selected Lesser Used Timber Species against Subterranean Termites using Heartwood Extracts from Teak (Tectona grandis) and Dahoma (Piptadeniastrum africanum)
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30434
Lesser used timber species represent a valuable material for all-purpose uses but the problem is that most of them are not durable. They have, for this reason, been treated with all manner of chemicals to enhance their natural durability, especially in the tropics. Often, most of these chemicals pose a threat to the environment. Currently, one probable measure of avoiding such a threat to the envi...
A Asamoah, C Antwi-Boasiako

The Effect of Solar Radiation on the Surface Checking of Wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40356
The aim of this research was to investigate whether exposure to solar radiation increases the checking of wood exposed to the weather, and examine the causes and spectral dependency of such an effect. Lodgepole pine samples were exposed outdoors under filters which transmitted selected regions of the solar spectrum while allowing other weathering factors to act on samples. Surface checking in samp...
P Evans, K Urban

Micro-Distribution of Metals in Wood Treated with a Nano-Copper Wood Preservative
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40360
The microdistribution of copper in southern pine treated with a newly-developed nano-copper wood preservative was examined to determine if it differed from that reported for wood treated with conventional copper-based wood preservatives. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) in combination with x-ray microanalysis (EDX) revealed the presence of nano-sized copper and iron particles i...
H Matsunaga, M Kiguchi, P Evans

Water repellency and dimensional stabilIty of wodd treated with waterborne resin acids/TOR
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40364
Wood used in above ground applications such as decking undergoes undesired dimensional changes leading to the lumber warping, cupping, splitting, etc. This is a major concern to consumers but it can be reduced by treating lumber with a water repellent. The ability of resin acids, hydrophobic compounds naturally present in southern yellow pines, was examined as a possible water repellent. A wate...
T P Schultz, D D Nicholas, J Shi

Comparative Laboratory Leaching Test Methods to Study Post-Treatment Storage Period Impacts on CCA Leachability and Fixation in Treated Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis) Heartwood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20376
Three laboratory leaching test methods were compared to determine the effects of different post-treatment storage fixation periods on leachability/fixation of CCA components from treated kempas (Koompassia malaccensis) permeable heartwood. End-sealed test wood blocks of permeable were treated with CCA to target retention of 5.6 kg/m3, immediately stored to fix at ambient conditions for 0 and 48 ho...
A H H Wong, H C Lai

Influence of ring width and wood density on durability of oak heartwood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10639
Oak (Quercus sp.) is considered as one of the most durable European wood species. The most important factor influencing oak durability was extractive content. In our work, we were interested in if oak-wood durability is affected by ring-width and related density. Therefore, oak heartwood specimens made of boards with different ring widths were exposed to five different fungal species Daedelea quer...
M Humar, P Oven, F Pohleven

A hypothesis on a second non-biocidal property of wood extractives, in addition to toxicity, that affects termite behavior and mortality
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10638
While it is has long been recognized that heartwood extractives affect termite behavior, the exact cause and relationship between total extractives, extractive types, and termite resistance remains unclear. Generally, researchers have proposed that the extractives are toxic and/or repel termites. We propose, based on the well known fact that many extractives have excellent antioxidant properties...
T P Schultz, K Ragon, D D Nicholas

Performance of softwood preservative treated stakes after 4 years exposure in-ground to decay fungi and termites in tropical Australia
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10643
This field study was based on the 1993 IUFRO method and designed as a graveyard (in-ground) test in the tropical region of the Northern Territory to examine the efficacy of novel preservative formulations developed as alternative protection for softwood timber against decay fungi and termites for Hazard Class 3 and 4. This study was supported by the Forest and Wood Products Research and Develop...
B M Ahmed (Shiday), J R J French, S R Przewloka, P Vinden, J A Hann, P Blackwell

Evaluation of natural durability of solid wood and mixed heartwood-sapwood Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) plywood against Basidiomycete fungi
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10645
The aim of this research was to study the response of mixed plywoods composed of durable heartwood and non-durable sapwood to fungal attack. For this purpose, the species of Cupressus sempervirens (cypress) was chosen for its well-known durable heartwood. The evaluation of durability of plywood panels against fungi was done according to ENV 12038 and the fungi used were Coriolus versicolor (CV) an...
F Faraji, M F Thévenon, N Lemenager, B Thibaut

Characterization of protein patterns from decayed wood of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) by proteomic analysis
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10654
The primary biotic decomposers of wood belong to the basidiomycetes. The members of this group can attack and biodegrade both wood in the forest and in service. By the time wood decay is visible, there has already been a significant loss of strength. The identification of basidiomycetes and other organisms on wood only tell us what is present, not what is actively decaying the wood. When organisms...
Young-Min Kang, L Prewitt, S Diehl

Utilizing Cypress to improve the decay and termite resistance of OSB panels
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10658
OSB panels were manufactured with mixture of pine and cypress heartwood and lignin and tannin based resins in order to propose an eco-friendly wood composite. The resistance of OSB panels was tested against Reticulitermes santonensis according to the EN 118 and EN 117 standards and field tests methods. OSB made from cypress showed more resistance against the tested termite, the resistance decrease...
N Amusant, O Arnould, A Depres, R H Mansouris, T Pizzi, C Baudassé

A comparison of rates of decay and loss in stiffness of radiata pine and Douglas fir framing lumber
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20378
Stiffness loss with time was recorded for untreated radiata pine and Douglas fir framing size lumber and preservative treated radiata pine which dad been pre-inoculated with Oligoporus placenta, a brown rot decay fungus isolated from decaying untreated radiata pine framing. Between stiffness measurements, samples were contained in a plastic tank located outside at ambient temperature. Index of Con...
M Hedley, D Page, J van der Waals

Development of a Weatherometer to Accelerate the Surface Checking of Wood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20388
There is significant interest in developing preservatives that are better at preventing wood from checking. Currently, however, there is no accepted test methodology for accelerating the development of checks in wood samples so information on the effectiveness of treatments at restricting checking can be obtained more quickly. This paper describes the development of a new type of weatherometer (Ac...
R Ratu, P D Evans

Treatment of Selected Lesser Used Timber Species against Subterranean Termites using Heartwood Extracts from Teak (Tectona grandis) and Dahoma (Piptadeniastrum africanum)
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30476
Lesser used timber species represent a valuable material for all-purpose uses. However, most of them are not durable. They are, for effective utilization, often treated with all manner of toxic synthetic substances to enhance their natural durability, especially in the tropics where conditions favour their deterioration. Most of these toxic synthetic substances often pose a threat to the environme...
A Asamoah, C Antwi-Boasiako, K Frimpong-Mensah

Micro-Distribution of Micronized Copper in Southern Pine
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30479
For copper-based preservatives to be used in ground contact, penetration of copper into the cell wall is believed to be important to protect the wood from soft rot fungi. Preservatives containing soluble copper are known to do this. It is not known whether preservatives containing particulate copper will also migrate into the cell wall in sufficient quantities to control soft rot decay. An AWPA st...
R Stirling, J Drummond, Jun Zhang, R J Ziobro

Surface Characteristics of Southern pine treated with Eastern red cedar oil
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40393
Treatment of wood with various chemicals play an important role on their surface characteristics including as roughness and hardness for further processing such as finishing and machining. The objective of this study is to evaluate surface roughness of Southern pine (Pinus taeda L.) treated with oil extracted from eastern redcedar (Juniperus viginiana L.). Both tangential and radial surfaces of...
S Hiziroglu

Preliminary investigation of biological resistance, water absorption and swelling of thermally compressed pine wood panels
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40396
Wood can be modified by compressive, thermal and chemical treatments. Compression of wood under thermal conditions is resulted in densification of wood. This study evaluated decay and termite resistance of thermally compressed pine wood panels at either 5 or 7 MPa and at either 120 or 150?C for one hour. The process caused increases in density and decreases in thickness of the panels; however, lab...
Ö Ünsal, S N Kartal, Z Candan, R Arango, C A Clausen, F Green III

Bending Properties of Southern Pine Treated with Micronized Preservative Systems
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40414
This study indicates that treatment of southern pine with micronized copper systems have no deleterious effect on the residual strength property values. No statistical differences between wood treated with micronized systems and water-treated controls were noted when means were compared using either Tukey’s test or S-N-K mean comparison tests. Using the more discriminating Least Squares anal...
H M Barnes, G B Lindsey, J Hill, M Pompeo, R Hodge

Effects of planning and sanding on penetration and retention properties of some softwood species treated with copper azole
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40410
This work investigates the effect of some woodworking treatments on penetration and retention properties of four different (scotch pine—SP, Siberian scotch pine—SSP, Siberian larch—SL, and oriental spruce—OS) heartwood species with the waterborne preservative copper azole (CBA-A). A 2.4% active ingredient solution of CBA-A was applied for use in vacuum/pressure treatment of the heartwood s...
Ü C Yildiz, S Yildiz

Control biológico de la mancha azul en madera aserrada de Pinus radiata D. Don.
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10681
Radiata pine wood is highly susceptible to the attack of sapstaining fungi promoting a discoloration which results in important economical losses. The use of chemicals, a customary procedure to prevent its occurrence is becoming nowadays, due to environmental concern, a more questionable practice. The biological control of blue stain fungi with albino isolates of the Ophiostoma genera appear to ...
J Navarrete, A Segura, P Martínez, R Vera, C Segovia, P Herrera, L Reyes, D McNew, T C Harrington, R L Farrell, J M Thwaites, B Held, R A Blanchette

Prolongación de la vida util de la madera de Pino Caribe de plantaciónes con sales CCB
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30482
Three concentrations of CCB were evaluated for their efficacy to protect Caribbean pine against fungal attack. Standardized laboratory tests (EN 113) were used to assess CCB effectiveness against a white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor), and a brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum. After 12 weeks, treated cubes of Caribbean pine exposed to the brown-rot fungus had between 2-8% weight losses while ...
A P Sanabria Sanabria, R Arévalo

Estudio comparativo entre postes de Eucalyptus saligna Smith, Pinus caribaea Morelet (pino macho) y Hormigón
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40436
As consequence of the Energy Revolution and the amplification of the communication networks, Cuba carries out significant expenditures of foreign currencies in the import of public service posts. It is presented in this work a synthesis of the current problem in Cuba of the public service posts (PSP), since as answer to the stocks of improvement of the national Electric System, the demand of this ...
C Sosa Suárez, I D Velázquez Viera, K Manzanares Ayala

Comparison of laboratory and natural exposure leaching of copper from wood treated with three wood preservatives
2008 - IRG/WP 08-50258
Standard and non-standard laboratory and field leaching tests were used to compare copper leaching from wood treated to above ground and ground contact specified retentions for three wood preservative systems, CCA-C, ACQ-D and a micronized copper formulation with quat DDAC as co-biocide. Copper leaching was highest for the ACQ formulation. Percent leaching was lowest for the micronized copper sy...
P A Cooper, Y T Ung

Natural Durability of Some Heartwood from European and Tropical African Trees against Marine Organisms
2009 - IRG/WP 09-10682
This study aims to investigate the natural marine durability of some tropical and domestic wood species in marine environment. A total of 33 tree species, comprising 18 European and 15 tropical originated trees were exposed to marine conditions in 6 meters depth for a period of 14 months at east and west Black sea, Mediterranean, Aegean, and Marmara coasts. The results indicated that wood species...
S Sen, H Sivrikaya, M Yalçın

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