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Your search resulted in 199 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Effects of concentration and temperature of CCA and CCB on wood strength of Turkish fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.)
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40450
The purpose of this study was to present evidence for the effects of concentration and temperature of solutions of water-borne preservatives (chromated copper arsenate, CCA and chromated copper boron, CCB) on the static bending properties (modulus of elasticity, MOE and modulus of rupture, MOR) of Turkish fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). Wood samples were mechanically tested after a mild full ce...
I Usta, M Hale

Barefoot-heat-impact of oil-heat-treated wood: An important thermal property of decking boards
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40458
In this study the phenomenon of sensual heat impression was examined, when walking with bare feet on sun exposed wood based decking boards. A suitable method for measuring the heat flux from decking boards into an artificial foot was developed. The method and measuring device is described as well as results from measuring three different decking board materials: Oil-heat-treated spruce (OHT), untr...
A O Rapp, C R Welzbacher, C Brischke

Estimating the heat treatment intensity through various properties of thermally modified timber (TMT)
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40459
The suitability of different measures for prediction of the heat treatment intensity was investigated. Therefore, the resistance to impact milling (RIM), the lightness L*, the equilibrium moisture content (EMC), the anti swelling efficiency (ASE) and the total amount of soluble carbohydrates (TSC) of heat treated specimens were correlated with corresponding fungal resistance achieved by heat treat...
C R Welzbacher, C Brischke, A O Rapp

Morphological and Impregnability Properties of Narrow-Leaved Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) Wood Taken From Plantations with Different Spacings
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40475
Narrow-Leaved Ash, an important hardwood in Turkey, (Fraxinus angustifolia) is one of the fast growing species. In Turkey, several plantations have been established for 40 years. Narrow-Leaved Ash grows very fast and produces 25 (m3/year) mean increment. Except for eucalyptus and poplar, this increment is the highest compared to the other imported fast growing wood species. Until 1980, the spacing...
C Güler, H Ibrahim Sahin, S Sen

Service life prediction of wooden components – Part 1: Determination of dose-response functions for above ground decay
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20439
Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Douglas fir heartwood (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) specimens were exposed in double layer field trials at 24 different European test sites under different exposure conditions (in total 28 test sets). The material climate in terms of wood moisture content (MC) and wood temperature was automatically recorded over a period of up to eight years and compar...
C Brischke, A O Rapp

Impact of climate change on wood deterioration - Challenges and solutions for cultural heritage
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20441
Deterioration of wood in cultural assets follows the same physiological mechanisms as in modern structures. Therefore rules and data for prediction of service life derived from old wooden structures can be used to model the service life of recent wooden structures and vice versa. The latter is done in this paper: From experimental test set ups in the field spread over Europe, climatic data, wood t...
C Brischke, A O Rapp, M Hasan, R Despot

Profiling fungal community in wood decay ecosystem by Denaturing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20443
A DNA-based fingerprinting technique, Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (DHPLC) was developed to profile fungal communities colonizing indoor timber. Molecular fungal diversity was assessed using amplification based on the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS1) rDNA of 74 wood samples collected from infected buildings in France. Due to its high sensitivity, the PCR-DHPLC technique was ...
S Maurice, G Le Floch, M Le Bras-Quéré, J P Rioult, G Barbier

Onset of mould growth – the effect of climate variability and different geographic locations
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20446
This paper presents a study on how climate conditions at numerous locations in Sweden affect the risk of onset of mould on wood sheltered outdoors. The results indicate that the risk is clearly higher in the south compared to the north of Sweden. These differences are mainly explained by colder and dryer winter periods in the north which is unfavorable for development of mould. The results also sh...
M Häglund, T Isaksson, S Thelandersson

Copper nanoparticles in southern pine wood treated with a micronised preservative: Can nanoparticles penetrate the cell walls of tracheids and ray parenchyma?
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30547
This study tests the hypothesis that copper nanoparticles can penetrate the cell walls of southern pine wood treated with a micronised preservative. We examined the nanodistribution of particles in tracheid and ray parenchyma cell walls using state-of-the-art HR (High Resolution)-TEM and HR-STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope)-EDX. These devices are capable of atomic-scale resolution. ...
H Matsunaga, Y Kataoka, M Kiguchi, P Evans

Direct estimation of the durability of high-pressure steam modified wood by ESR-spectroscopy
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40508
Heat generated persistent free radicals have been detected by electron spin resonance measurement of thermally modified wood, prepared by high pressure superheated steam treatment. The specific density of these radicals have been correlated with the durability against basidiomycetes, as measured by the European standard EN113 test. In the lower range of specific radical densities, the found correl...
W Willems, A Tausch, H Militz

Kinetic Water Vapour Sorption of Sitka Spruce at Variable Temperature Using the Parallel Exponential Kinetics Model
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40512
In this study the water vapour sorption of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bongard) Carr.) was measured using a Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS) apparatus and then analysed using the parallel exponential kinetics (PEK) model. The water vapour sorption rate of wood quickly increased when the relative humidity was changed. With the elapse of time, the sorption rate gradually decreased within any specif...
Yanjun Xie, C Hill

Lignin blocking effects on weathering process of wood plastic composites
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40529
The weathering of wood–plastic composites (WPC) causes discoloration which affects their aesthetic aspects. It has been proved that these discolorations are due to lignin degradation. Effects of blocking the susceptible structure of lignin assessed by chemical treatment such as acetylation and methylation are reported in this study. Surface chemical change of wood plastic composite (WPC) formula...
P Darabi, A Naghi karimi, S Ahmade Mirshokraie, M-F Thévenon

Effects of global climate change on mould growth - Interactions of concern
2010 - IRG/WP 10-50270
An evident change in climate the last decades has been recorded, and combined effects of increased CO2, elevated temperature and altered precipitation regimes have been observed to represent a change to the fundamental drivers within ecosystems. Growth of moulds, both in nature and on man-made constructions and objects, will most likely increase due to changes in the climate. The survival, the rep...
L Ross Gobakken

Chapter 7 - Treatment processes of bamboo
2010 - IRG/WP 07-10635-07
For adequate penetration and retention of preservatives in woody bamboos at green, dry, solid and sliced conditions different possible and applied treatment processes have been described along with their classifications. The treated bamboo can be used as building materials; the sufficient treatability ensures its long-term best utilization at ground contact and indoor. All the processes descr...
A K Lahiry

Ambient-temperature borate dip-diffusion treatment of green railroad crossties
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40556
In the USA, borates are increasingly being applied prior to air seasoning and creosote treatment of railroad ties (railway sleepers). Borates are typically applied to green ties by vacuum pressure application at 1 to 10% disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) concentration or by traditional dip-diffusion treatments at elevated temperatures. Higher temperatures are used to maintain the 30 to 50% so...
Jae-Woo Kim, A M Taylor, C Köse

Effects of microclimate, wood temperature and surface colour on fungal disfigurement on wooden claddings
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20490
Wooden claddings are common in façades in Norway, and Norway spruce (Picea abies) is the most frequently used species. The cladding is a major part of the facade, and it has visual requirements that may define the aesthetic service life. The visual changes that occur during weathering can be colour changes, abrasion or wear, blistering, flaking, and even cracks in the wood or coating, but more of...
L Ross Gobakken, G I Vestøl

Accessibility of Wood Cell Walls to Well-defined Platinum Nanoparticles
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20494
Copper nanoparticles are found in the walls of parenchyma cells in southern pine sapwood treated with a micronised wood preservative, but they are absent from tracheid walls. Hence, we hypothesized that small nanoparticles can penetrate the walls of unlignified parenchyma cells, but are excluded from lignified tracheid walls. This paper tests this hypothesis by treating pine sapwood with an aqueou...
H Matsunaga, Y Kataoka, M Kiguchi, P D Evans

Effects of oil types and treatment temperature on the properties of wood subjected to thermal modification in oil medium
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40574
The effect of the use of oil as a medium of heat transfer during thermal modification of different species of wood has been widely investigated with different results accruing with regards to the various end-use properties of the materials. However very little have been done on the effect of oil types as well as its interaction with treatment temperature on the resultant properties of the material...
L Awoyemi, M M Apetogbor, A A Oteng-Amoako

Influence of heat treatment intensity on the structural integrity of 14 timber species
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40586
Thermally modified timber (TMT) is characterized by improved durability and dimensionally stability, but strength properties, especially the dynamic ones, are compromised at the same time. Because dynamic standard tests require high efforts and time, the high-energy multiple impact (HEMI) –test was developed for the fast and reliable characterisation of the structural integrity of TMT, showing a...
C R Welzbacher, C Brischke, G Maier

Field-testing of Norway Spruce Claddings with Monitoring of Moisture Content, Material Temperature and Microclimate
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20502
The physical function of a cladding is to protect the interior construction. Under normal circumstances the performance requirements can be met for a very long time, meaning that the technical service life of a wooden cladding can be very long. Since the cladding is a major part of the facade, it also has visual requirements that may define the aesthetic service life, and often it is much shorter ...
G I Vestøl, L Ross Gobakken

High-throughput sequencing highlighted contrasted pioneer fungal communities associated to coniferous and deciduous wood preservation assays
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10800
Studying the fungal communities in the wood, in particular during the first events of the colonization, and the factors that underlie the dynamics of fungal species assemblages remain a challenge in ecology, because of the absence of fructification during the pioneer steps of wood degradation. The use of Next-generation DNA sequencing methods, which produce massive volumes of data, provided new pe...
Y Mathieu, A Dassé, I Le Bayon, M Kutnik, L Harvengt, E Gelhaye, M Buée

Use of Acoustic Emission (AE) to detect activity of common European dry-woodboring insects: some practical considerations
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10803
Old house borer (Hylotrupes bajulus), Furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum), and Deathwatch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) are common dry-woodboring insects occurring throughout Europe. With the aim to prevent unnecessary use of biocidal products, to protect valuable wooden elements and objects from unwanted influences, and to have a more objective method, SHR has started to study the use of acous...
J G M Creemers

The resistance of high performance acetylated wood to attack by wood-destroying fungi and termites
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40621
The resistance of high acetyl solid timber (Accoya) and medium density fibreboard (Tricoya) to attack by wood-destroying fungi and termites was investigated under both laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory studies were conducted in Japan, New Zealand and USA. Field studies were conducted in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and UK. The results of the laboratory and field studies agains...
J Alexander, J Hague, M Roberts, Y Imamura, F Bongers, E Suttie

Changes in mechanical and chemical properties of wood exposed outdoors
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20550
The aim of this study was to investigate differences in certain mechanical and chemical properties of three different wood species (common beach (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and copper-ethanolamine (CuE) impregnated Norway spruce (Picea abies)) that were exposed in use class 3 (CEN, 2006) for periods between 4 and 30 months. The results show, that changes in the investigated me...
N Thaler, C Brischke, D Žlindra, V Vek, M Humar

The effect of preservative treatment on mechanical strength and structural integrity of wood
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30667
The use of wood for demanding construction applications is increasing in Europe. Wooden constructions are frequently designed of susceptible conifer wood, which is endangered by wood decay fungi in wet applications. Therefore in many cases treating wood with preservatives is unavoidable to ensure the desired service life. However, chemical treatment of wood can result in changes of its mechanical ...
M Humar, D Kržišnik, C Brischke

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