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Your search resulted in 537 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

A suggested method to ascertain the toxicity of wood preservatives against the house longhorn beetle
1976 - IRG/WP 271
This abstract is given to let IRG members know about a method sometimes used in the Institute for Wood Technology in Sarajevo for obtaining rapid information on the toxicity of insecticides and ready made wood preservatives against the house longhorn beetle, which is the most common insect found attacking timber roof constructions in houses in Yugoslavia. In this method, 8-10 months' old ...
N Vidovic

Diffusion of chromium and fluoride in Rentex treated creosoted pole sections
1991 - IRG/WP 3659
A chromated fluoride preservative was applied by injection to the groundline regions of creosoted distribution pole sections and these were erected at a filed site in Scotland. Wood samples were recovered for chemical analysis at one week, two, five and twelve months after treatment. Small sample mass and destructive nature of the analysis necessitated modification of an alkali fusion technique to...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, B King, H J Staines

Preservative treatment of two bamboo species Borak (Bambusa balcooa Roxb) and Talla (Bambusa tulda Roxb) by Boucherie method
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40262
Bamboo is widely used as a construction material in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. It is perishable in nature and highly susceptible to the attack of borer, termites and fungi. As a result, bamboo products do not last long. This short life of bamboo is increasing demand thereby increasing pressure on our homestead and natural reserve of bamboo. For this reason, it is needed to make the bambo...
M N Islam, A S M A Huda, A K Saha, S M Mithue

Soil-bed decay resistance evaluation of strandboards treated with preservative at different points of the manufacture process after 18 months exposure
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40230
Strandboards were treated with a copper-boron water-based preservative at different points of manufacture process namely, green strand diffusion, vacuum, spray application in the resin blender and post manufacture heat and cold quench. Preservative was applied to achieve five different retentions (0, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 kg m-3). The modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity were assessed before expo...
G J Goroyias, M D C Hale

Effect of soil type and moisture content on soft rot testin
1986 - IRG/WP 2270
Several soils of different types were tested at a range of moisture contents for their suitability for use in a soil burial soft rot test. Their effectiveness was assessed by weight loss in CCA treated and untreated beech and birch outerwood. A horticultural loam (John Innes No. 2) was the most appropriare soil in terms of amount of weight loss caused, tolerance to changes in soil moisture content...
S M Gray

The fate of salt preservatives in facility yard soils and decontamination of soils and drainage waters
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-25
Extensive studies during the past 10 to 15 years revealed that noticeable amounts of preservative components may be released in the environment by dripping off or by rain prior to fixation unless adequate precautions are taken. Therefore, soil and groundwater contamination especially from chromium-VI compounds but also from other inorganic and organic constituents exist in impregnation plants, pos...
R-D Peek, H Klipp, K Brandt

Comparison of performance of wood preservatives in laboratory and field tests of treated commodities
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20010
The purpose of laboratory tests for evaluating efficacy of wood preservatives is usually to establish toxic values against standard strains of wood decay fungi. Exposure conditions are usually chosen as optimal for fungal growth. Toxic values so determined serve as a guide as to expected performance of the preservative in field stake tests or in above ground exposure tests. Test material is select...
M E Hedley

Preservative treatment of Gollah cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana) by soaking method
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40197
The feasibility of preservative treatment of gollah cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana (Griff.) Mart.) by soaking method was tested in the present study. Cane samples of 1m, 2m and 3m long were soaked with 10% borax and boric acid solution. The study revealed that adequate dry salt retention (DSR) in the above samples could be obtained in 3 days, 4 days and 5 days of soaking, respectively. Within these...
M Younus-uzzaman, K Akhter, M H Chowdhury

Resistance to decay of particle boards: Presentation of a test method
1986 - IRG/WP 2260
The experimentations were undertaken on particle boards 35 and 50 mm thick. The rot resistance tests were carried out on specimens whose dimensions were 600 x 75 x 35 mm³ for particle boards 35 mm thick and 800 x 75 x 50 mm³ for particle boards 50 mm thick according to a method derived from the one described in the documents IRG/WP/2214 and IRG/WP/2243. Two exposure periods were used: 12 and 16 ...
G R Y Déon, N Trong

Field evaluation of CCA movement in sap-displaced copper chrome arsenic treated softwood poles
1989 - IRG/WP 3539
Commercial sap-displaced UK grown Scots and Corsican pine, and Sitka and Norway spruce poles were exposed in a field site at Dundee, Scotland and radial distribution profiles of CCA monitored prior to implantation and after subsequent field exposure. Results show that groundline levels of all preservative elements were higher after 1 and 2 years field exposure compared with those recorded prior to...
S D Hainey, G M Smith, A Bruce, P D Evans, B King, H J Staines

The effectiveness of three tributyltin compounds in beech against soft rot fungi using a soil-bed technique: A preliminary report
1986 - IRG/WP 3390
The effectiveness, towards soft rot fungi, of bis (tributyltin) oxide, tributyltin ethanesulphonate (TBTES) and benzyltributylammonium tributyldichlorostannate in both leached and unleached beech stakes is compared to that of a CCA preservative (Tanalith CT 106), using a soilbed technique. In addition, the effect of test solvent (water or toluene) on the performance of TBTES is evaluated. Total ti...
R Hill, A H Chapman, B Patel, A Samuel, J K Carey

Soil termiticides: A review of efficacy data from field tests
1987 - IRG/WP 1323
This paper reports efficacy data from the field evaluation of various soil termiticides by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Gulfport, Mississippi. These chemicals, which include a number of chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate, pyrethroid, and carbamate insecticides in a range of concentrations, have been in long-term tests at seven field sites. Data are reported for the gro...
J K Mauldin, S C Jones, R H Beal

Use of mixed populations of microflora to control sapstain on radiata pine
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10427
Most methods of biological control in the wood products field have focused on the use of single species of fungi or bacteria to control sapstain or decay. The approach taken in this study involved applying soil microorganisms, in combination with nutrients and various adjuvants that collectively form the biological control system. Radiata pine branch discs, autoclaved or fresh, were dipped in ...
C Chittenden, R Wakeling, B Kreber

Patterns of decay in CCA-treated horticultural post populations - A fungus cellar simulation
1986 - IRG/WP 1286
The distribution of decayed posts in 10-, 14-, and 18-year-old vineyards supported a hypothesis to explain variability in intensity of decay found among posts in New Zealand horticultural properties. The development of decay patterns between samples in a simulated vineyard plot established in the Forest Research Institute fungus cellar gave additional support to the hypothesis that decay within la...
M E Hedley

An investigation of the factors influencing the rate of deterioration of timber samples due to microfungi in laboratory tests
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20116
An investigation was performed into the comparative performances of test 1 (vermiculite burial) and test 2 (soil burial) as described in ENV 807. Two test preservatives were used - copper naphthenate and propiconazole. Copper chromate was included as a reference preservative. The wood species used was beech (Fagus sylvatica). Test 1 was performed using both a mixed inoculation of the five stipulat...
I J Herring, D J Dickinson, S M Gray, J K Carey

Soil treatment tests with the three products of boric acid for the prevention of the hyphal growth of Serpula lacrymans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3693
Laboratory soil treatment tests were conducted for the evaluation of fungicidal or fungistatic effect of boric acid products against Serpula lacrymans. Boric acid products tested were the following three: a thickened boric acid solution in triethanolamine, boric acid-silica gel complex granules, and a nonwoven fabric laminated with a polypropylene film and coated with boric acid granules on one si...
S Doi, A Yamada, Y Mineki, M Mori

Laboratory studies of CCA-C-leaching: influence of wood and soil properties on extent of arsenic and copper depletion
2002 - IRG/WP 02-50186
The extent which a wood preservative leaches is important for efficacy studies and environmental concerns. However, little information exists on the effect soil properties have on leaching. This study investigated leaching of stakelets which had been cut from five different southern yellow pine (SYP) sapwood boards then treated with CCA-C to a target retention of 6.4 kgm-3 (0.4 pcf). All stakel...
D Crawford, R F Fox, D P Kamden, S T Lebow, D D Nicholas, D Pettry, T Schultz, L Sites, R J Ziobro

Control of termite attack using a trapping method and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring a case study at an electric power plant
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10224
To prevent subterranean termites (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe) from invading the buildings of an electric power plant and to control their attack, artificial traps were buried around the buildings. The attack of the termites in and around the traps was monitored by detecting acoustic emissions (AE) generated by the feeding behavior of the workers. The cylindric...
Y Fujii, Y Imamura, E Iwatsubo, S Yamamoto

Leaching of preservative components from pine decking treated with CCA and copper azole, and interactions of leachates with soils
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50171
Radiata pine decking was treated with CCA and copper azole preservatives to Australian H3 retention using conventional and modified Bethel schedules, and air-dried. Treated decking boards and durable hardwood controls were subjected to leaching in weather-exposed decks, and matching 19mm cubes were leached in extended AWPA E11-97 lab tests. Deck runoff and E11 leachate water was analysed after rai...
M J Kennedy, P A Collins

Strategies for popularizing wood preservation technologies. Role of Extension Support Division of IWST
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40313
Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST) has made several extension efforts to popularise the wood preservation technologies developed by various institutes of Indian Council of Forerstry Research and Education (ICFRE) by conducting demonstration programmes, exhibitions, workshops, trainings, audio visual displays and distributing semi-technical literature on different subjects published in...
A M Kanfade, S C Gairola, P K Aggarwal

Effect of nutrient regimes, temperature, pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of selected bioprotectants against wood staining fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1551
The effect of nutrient regimes, incubation temperature, media pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of four potential bioprotectants (Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas cepacia, Bacillus subtilis, and Trichoderma harzianum) against wood staining fungi were evaluated using small ponderosa pine samples over a four week period. Incubation at 32°C resulted in slight increases in the degree of...
J J Morrell, C M Secton

Environmental fate of copper-based wood preservatives in different soil substrates - Part 1: Screening of the metal adsorption potential
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-21 a
In treatment plants, spillage of wood preservatives onto soil may be of environmental concern. This potential soil contamination served as an objective for a screening study. Three different mineral soils, a mineral substrate and two horticultural substrates are examined for their sorptive potential of copper through mixing with wood preservative solutions. Depending on the soil/substrate charact...
G M F Van Eetvelde, J M Mwangi, F Tack, R Hartmann, M Stevens

Wood kiln drying. Simple process of material treament or soft method of preservation? (Le séchage arificiel du bois. Simple opération de traitement du metériau ou méthode douce de préservation?)
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-14
Among the processes enabling to extend wood durability, kiln drying can be considered as a treatment and soft preservation method. Dry woods are naturally durable provided they are not subject to important retaking of the moisture. Drying thanks to the application of temperatures from 50 to120°C enable to execute a thermic treatment which kills grubs and mushrooms to ensure a sterilization that c...
F More-Chevalier

A test method to simulate above-ground exposure
1978 - IRG/WP 2112
The simulated above-ground exposure technique described is worthy of consideration as a simple procedure to determine the relative decay resistance of preservative-treated wood exposed to a moderate decay hazard. The method may readily be modified to allow testing of other materials such as plywood by simply enlarging the slots cut in the modified feeder strips. The method by no means completely s...
J A Butcher

Toxic values derived from EN 113 tests - are they determined by the virulence of a test fungus? - Results from a round robin test -
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20176
The virulence of Coniophora puteana BAM Ebw. 15, the obligatory test fungus on softwood in tests according to EN 113, is known to be rather inconstant at least in some laboratories. The mass losses of untreated Scots pine sapwood blocks in an EN 113 test may range from below 20% to up to more than 50%. Possible reasons for these differences as well as the impact of a low virulence on the toxic val...
H Leithoff, R-D Peek, H V Borck, R Goettsche, H Kirk, M Grinda

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