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Your search resulted in 838 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Bibliographical study: Decontamination of wood and soils polluted by pesticides used in wood preservation: focus on Bioremediation methods using microbes
2013 - IRG/WP 13-50292
The purpose of this bibliographical study was to seek out the existence of projects (past, present, or future) on soil decontamination in wood treatment plants. Indeed, such polluted soils may contain dioxins and various types of furans. The aim was to find out whether there existed one or more methods bringing into play biodegradation techniques using, for example, species of fungi, yeasts, bacte...
Zaremski, L Gastonguay, C Zaremski, S Morel, J Beauchene

Using hyperspectral imaging to detect and quantify mould and blue stain on coated and uncoated wood
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10822
Hyperspectral imaging has been applied on the surface of samples of coated and uncoated Norway spruce (Picea abies) as a new technique to detect and quantify growth of mould and blue stain fungi. Principal Component Analysis of the hyperspectral images resulted in a clear visualization of the fungi and the amount of mould coverage could be estimated. This indicates that NIR hyperspectral imaging c...
L Ross Gobakken, I Burud, A Flø, K Kvaal, T K Thiis

Molecular characterization and biodiversity of wood-decaying fungi in French Guiana
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10825
Fungi from tropical regions are currently under-represented in the classification system. Indeed, difficult access to tropical forests and irregular occurrence carpophores make it complicated to study fungus species in such environments, unlike in European zones where fungal diversity and taxonomy are better known. The purpose of this work was to enhance classification by integrating new data that...
A Zaremski, L Gastonguay, C Zaremski, J Beauchene

Identification of soft-rot fungi existed in the samples from the galley excavated at Yenikapi
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10833
The shipwrecks of the Middle Byzantine period were excavated during the construction of the Marmaray railway and metro station in Yenikapı between 2004 and 2012. This has become the largest investigations because of the size and the number of the shipwrecks and its associated artifacts. In the previous report, the electron micrographs of the samples revealed that a wide range in the degree of...
T Wada, C Köse, K Igarashi

The Chelator Mediated Fenton System in the Brown Rot Fungi: Details of the Mechanism, and Reasons Why it has Been Ineffective as a Biomimetic Treatment in some Biomass Applications – a Review
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10828
The chelator-mediated Fenton (CMF) reaction requires the action of two types of chelating compounds. The first chelator, oxalate, solubilizes and then sequesters iron, and the second chelator reduces iron. Iron reduction must be controlled near the fungal hyphae to prevent damaging Fenton chemistry from occurring in that location. Similarly, iron reduction must be promoted within the wood/plant ce...
B S Goodell, M Nakamura, J Jellison

Durability and Wood Protection for Historic Covered Bridges in the United States
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10829
A majority of the covered wooden bridges in United States were built in the mid -1800’s. These structures represent a unique cultural and technological heritage from that era. Over time, these bridges have been deteriorated by microorganisms and insects or damaged by acts of vandalism and arson. The National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation (NHCBP) Program sponsored by the Federal Highway Ad...
V W Yang, C A Clausen

Nondestructive Detection of Biodeterioration in Indonesian Traditional Wooden Construction of “Joglo”
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10834
To decide the repairing and reinforcement method for wooden constructions, it is necessary to get the enough and precise information on the status of the construction beforehand, especially the distribution and the degree of the biodeterioration, such as decay or insect attack (e.g. termite attack). In this study, damage of biodeterioration to teak wood used in Indonesian traditional wooden const...
Y Yanase, T Mori, T Yoshimura, Y P Prihatmaji, J Sulistyo, S Doi

Assessment of Scots pine sapwood susceptibility to moulds by determination of fungi growth and ergosterol content in infested wood
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20540
The susceptibility of wood to filamentous fungi (mould) attack is determine mainly by laboratory methods with descriptive grading of fungal growth on the surface of the wood specimens. It is a lot of different grading scale of fungi growth, but determination of the size of fungi growth is many times not easy, not clear and often difficult. Although the filamentous fungi are not included to microor...
A Fojutowski, A Koziróg, A Kropacz

Communities of mold fungi in moisture damaged building materials
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20542
The critical conditions needed for the development of mould and decay fungi have been modelled for different building materials. However, current knowledge of indoor microbes growing on building materials relies on culture-based methods and more advanced molecular biological techniques should be employed to study the complex microbial communities in building materials. In this paper molecular biol...
E Sohlberg, H Viitanen

Screening method to test efficacy of fumigants against fungi and preliminary data on the efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20551
Methyl bromide is being phased out and there is an urgent need to find a suitable replacement that is effective in reducing exotic pest establishments via trade in wood products. Efficacy data for established phytosanitary fumigants were mostly developed for arthropods and nematodes, and limited information exists for plant pathogens. Increased interest in developing a fast screening process for f...
A Uzunovic, A Mukherjee, R Mack, P Elder, S Myers

Effectiveness of Copper Indicators in Treated Wood Exposed to Copper Tolerant Fungi
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20554
Wood treated with a copper based wood preservative will typically turn a green color. While the depth of copper penetration can be readily discerned from the green color of the copper it is standard practice in research and commercial treating plants to make use of a color reagent such as Chrome Azurol S, Rubeanic acid or PAN indicator to reveal the penetration more clearly. When copper treat...
L Jin, K Brown, A Zahora, K Archer

Resistance to Decay Fungi of Scots Pine Impregnated with Natural and Chemical Preservatives
2014 - IRG/WP 14-30650
In this study, heart-wood and sap-wood specimens of the Scots pine which is naturally grown in Turkey were treated with natural (valex) and some chemical preservatives such as CCA - C (Copper / Chrome / Arsenic), CBA - A (Copper / Boron / Azole). The wood protective efficacies of these preservatives were investigated by means of fungi decay test (EN 113). As a result of the study it was found t...
S Yildiz, U B Şimşek

The resistance of Accoya® and Tricoya® to attack by wood-destroying fungi and termites
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40658
The resistance of high acetyl WPG solid timber (Accoya®) and medium density fibreboard (Tricoya®) to attack by wood-destroying fungi and termites was investigated under both laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory decay studies were conducted in Australia and New Zealand. Field studies were conducted in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and USA. The results of the laboratory and field ...
J Alexander, J Hague, F Bongers, Y Imamura, M Roberts

Biological durability of natural fibre reinforced composites
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40681
Composite materials reinforced with wood or non-wood natural fibres have the potential to be a lighter and lower-cost alternative construction material. Until better availability and properties and a lower cost price of degradable polymers makes their use more prevalent, the application of natural fibre reinforcements in synthetic polymers is an intermediate step towards products that are complete...
N Defoirdt, I De Windt, J Van den Bulcke, J Van Acker

Influence of the moon phase on durability against wood decay fungi of Larix kaempferi and Pseudotsuga menziesii wood species
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10836
The analysis of the natural durability of wood is essential when establishing the level of protection required, depending on the designated end use of timber. On the other hand, there is a popular belief based on the influence of the moon phase in felling timber, recommending the waning moon as the optimum for felling trees. In fact, some companies now offer among their products, sawn timber felle...
M T Troya, M Conde, M J Barriola, F Llinares, V Dorronsoro

The role of hydrophobins in surface growth by the Blue Stain fungi Aureobasidium pullulans
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10837
Hydrophobins are small proteins found exclusively in filamentous fungi. These proteins are able to assemble spontaneously into amphiphilic monolayers at hydrophobic–hydrophilic interfaces. Hydrophobins have a diverse role, e.g. allowing the fungi to break through interfaces during aerial hyphae formation, sporulation, fruit body production and cell penetration. In this ongoing study, we are look...
J Stenbæk, L Riber, J Blæsbjerg Nielsen, C Møller Hansen, B Jensen

Investigations on the durability of several Congo basin wood species
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10840
The sawdust of ten wood species was studied to assess their natural resistance to decay. The extractives and lignin contents were primarily determined (between 2.7-16.0% and 26.8-35.9% respectively) to give an overview of the chemical distribution. Then, a phytochemical screening (colorimetric methods) characterized the different chemical functional groups in all extracts studied. Antioxidant act...
S Mounguengui, J-B Tchinda Saha, M Kor Ndikontar, S Dumarçay, C Attéké, D Perrin, E Gelhaye,

Effects of UV Radiation on Melanization and Growth of Fungi Isolated from Weathered Wood Surfaces
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10842
This research tests the hypothesis that fungi isolated from weathered wood will respond to elevated levels of UV radiation by increasing their melanin production. To test this hypothesis, we measured the melanin production and mycelial color of Aureobasidium pullulans and Cladosporium cladosporioides, before and after the fungi were grown under artificial UV, visible light and complete darkness. T...
V A Hernández, P D Evans

Short-term protection of palm wood against moulds and decay fungi by environment-friendly organic acids
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10843
Felled palm trunks are susceptible to fungi as long as their moisture content is above fibre saturation. During this period, it has to be protected against moulds and decay fungi. The study tested environmental-friendly organic acids for their protecting efficiency. Small samples of Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) wood were treated with weak organic acids and subse...
M Bahmani, O Schmidt

Glutathione transferases and wood extracts
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10845
Wood rotting fungi have developed an efficient detoxification system allowing them to be well adapted to their way of life, these fungi generating and encountering potential toxic compounds during wood degradation. Belonging to this detoxification network, glutathione transferases are particularly extended in these fungi and their presence could reflect the chemical environments encountered by the...
A Deroy, F Saiag, Z Kebbi-Benkeder, N Touahri, M Morel-Rouhier, F Colin, S Dumarcay, P Gérardin,

Colonization of treated and untreated decking materials by bacteria, fungi and algae quantified by qPCR
2015 - IRG/WP 15-20568
The use of durable wood species for wood decking in outdoor applications, e.g. garden terrace (use class 3) is gaining more and more interest on the part of consumers and architects. To get detailed information on the practical use of deckings, a project was started in 2010. In total 71 different decking materials (0.03 m²) were installed and evaluated over 30 months. Beside other parameters, the...
E Stoyanova, B Schmöllerl, A Steitz, N Pfabigan, R Gründlinger

Interaction between Aspergillus niger fungus and other filamentous fungi on salt-agar medium and their growth on natural wood and wood treated with fungicide
2015 - IRG/WP 15-20569
Aspergillus niger (An) is very often used alone or in mixture with other filamentous fungi of the genus in testing biocides in disinfection procedures, safety, hygiene, medical fields as well as for testing resistance of wood and wood-based materials to moulds. Softwood species as well as hardwood are overgrown with An fungus very easily, causing drop of mainly the aesthetic value of wood product....
A Fojutowski, A Kropacz, A Koziróg

Factors Affecting Performance of Preserved Wood Decking Against Decay Fungi
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30663
Decking is the largest market for residential preserved wood in the United States. Preserved decking must be resistant to colonization by decay fungi initiating from spores, and occasionally from mycelia due to elevated soil levels or adjacent untreated wood. The most vulnerable parts of a preserved wood deck are untreated, or under-treated, wood that becomes exposed by field cuts and checking. Fi...
R Stirling, P I Morris

Mould growth on spruce claddings and the effect of selected influencing factors after 4 years of outdoor testing
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30671
Norway spruce (Picea abies) is the most frequently chosen wood species as claddings in façades in Norway, and is used both coated and uncoated. The visual changes that occur during weathering can be colour changes, abrasion or wear, blistering, flaking, and even cracks in the wood or coating, but more often growth of mould and blue stain fungi is the main challenge. A field test with synchronous monitoring of relative humidity, air temperature, material temperature and wood moisture content in Norway spruce claddings has been performed in southern Norway as part of the ClimateLife project. Visual evaluation of blue stain and mould growth according to EN 927-3 was performed, and evaluation data after 46 months exposure is presented. The objectives were to study the effect of 1) environment, 2) cardinal direction and 3) colour of the coated surface on growth of blue stain and mould fungi and to study the variation in relative humidity, air temperature, wood moisture content and material temperature. After 46 months exposure, the red coating system had generally the lowest mould ratings and the uncoated claddings had the highest. Of the white coloured claddings the ones facing south had lower mould ratings than those facing north, but the opposite were found for red coloured claddings. The relative humidity was higher in front of claddings exposed northwards and in a shaded environment compared to an open environment against south. In an open environment red coloured claddings had the lowest wood moisture content and highest material temperature, and red coloured claddings against south had the highest maximum material temperature.
L Ross Gobakken, G I Vestøl

Search for an anti-sapstain treatment for fresh radiata pine wood in compliance with European BPD norms: Field Tests
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30673
In response to the impending restrictions on the use of pesticide active ingredients developed to control the staining of fresh wood, as a result of regulation issued in 2009 by the European Union, a project was proposed to test an alternative anti-sapstain treatment that meets both the European restrictions and the performance required for an export-quality radiata pine fresh wood treatment. A se...
P Montes C, T Hanke W

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