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Your search resulted in 337 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Evaluation of field test data
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20594
The resistance against fungal decay and insect attack of wood can be highly variable, between boards and even within boards. The variability in durability is not always an issue, but for high demanding applications information about its reliability is required. This comprises the variability of outdoor performance. Durability testing in laboratory and outdoor exposures can provide a good basis to ...
F Bongers, C Brischke, J Van den Bulcke, W Gard, I De Windt, H Militz

Laboratory and Field evaluation on Resistance of Thiacloprid-treated Pine Species to Termites in Mexico
2016 - IRG/WP 16-30687
The usage of Neonicotinoids for wood preservatives is common practice in several countries. Especially the active ingredient Imidacloprid is well established for this application due to its high efficacy against termites. (2Z)-3-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-1,3-thiazolidin-2-ylidene-cyanamide, also known as Thiacloprid showed a good efficacy against Reticulitermes santonensis De Feytaud in efficacy ...
P Meckler, T Jaetsch, I Rodriguez

Evaluation of advanced tannin-boron preservative in unsterile soil-bed tests
2016 - IRG/WP 16-30693
In Europe, boron compounds are facing restrictions, and due to their natural solubility into water, the only way to keep using them for wood protection is to fix them into the wood, at very low level (Obanda et al. 2008). In the meantime, the idea of protecting wood with natural preservatives has been back into favour (Lotz and Hollaway 1988, Nakayama et al. 2001, Singh and Singh 2012). Tannin a ...
Jinbo Hu, Yiqiang Wu, Shanshan Chang, Guangming Yuan, G Tondi, M-F Thévenon

Evaluation of Commercially Available Polyurethane Resin to Develop Non-biocidal Wood Preservation Treatments
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40751
Evaluation of commercially available polyurethane (PU1 and PU2 and polyisocyanate (PNCO) to develop non-biocidal wood preservation treatments have been conducted. A simple method by vacuum impregnation of these resins into beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L) and pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) samples followed by varied curing process at ambient temperature, 103oC, and 200oC have been performed. Based ...
M Mubarok, Y Sudo Hadi, J Suryana, I W Darmawan, F Simon, S Dumarcay, C Gérardin, P Gérardin

Evaluation of the effects of different concentrations of Fipronil against Reticulitermes grassei (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae)
2016 - IRG/WP 16-30702
A laboratory evaluation of the effect of different concentrations of Termidor (fipronil at 9.09%) has been carried out. Six concentrations (10,000; 1,000; 100; 50; 10 and 5 ppm) have been tested in two different colony models imitating an open environment. After five days treatment, mortality data were collected. The three higher concentrations showed nearly 100% mortality. At 50 ppm the mortalit...
J R Carbonero-Pacheco, R Molero, M E Alcaide, J Diz, M Gaju

Evaluation of Particulate Materials as a Physical Barrier against Termites under Floor of Experiment House
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10900
In Japan, the damages by the subterranean termites (Coptotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes speratus) are more common. Recently the more attention is paid to the less- or non-chemical methods for termite control. As a non-chemical treatment, physical barriers using particles such as gravels were investigated in terms of environmental safety, cost effectiveness, and duration of performance, and t...
Y Yanase, Y Fujiwara, Y Fujii, T Mori, T Yoshimura, S Doi

Evaluation of surface cracks on wood – physical assessment versus subjective sensation
2017 - IRG/WP 17-20617
In the presented studies from the University of Goettingen (Study I) and the University of Hannover (Study II), the assessment of cracks with different methods and their acceptance in general as well as depending on different target groups are investigated. The aim was to determine which factors are relevant for a crack evaluation and which visual impression of a wooden surface is tolerable for co...
A Gellerich, C Brischke, L Emmerich, L Meyer-Veltrup, P Kaudewitz

Weathering protection of European hardwoods through double modification
2017 - IRG/WP 17-30715
Beech and poplar were thermally modified, treated with melamine resin and both treatments were combined. The weathering performance (cracks and general appearance) of modified beech and poplar was assessed in natural weathering and correlated to material properties such as work in bending (WB) and Brinell hardness. In addition, the equilibrium moisture content after exposure of 12 months and subse...
G Behr, A Gellerich, S Bollmus, H Militz

Evaluation of timber bridges with special consideration of detail design
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40781
Since 1997 the use of wood in bridge construction has been increasingly criticized by the Hamburg federal state authority supposedly because of shortened service life due to decay. With regard to wood research, however, it is often suggested that use of timber is suitable for weathered structures as long as constructive protection measures will be observed. In order to unravel the reasons for the ...
K Robbers, J Fromm, E Melcher

Evaluation of coating applied in treated wood: experiences in Brazil
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40814
Weathering assays study the coating degradation caused by its exposure to the action of ultraviolet radiation, winds, heat and humidity. The use of test specimens in different arrangements and exposure angles is intended to reproduce various conditions in which a product can be used. The purpose of this paper is to present the efficacy of an oil-borne varnish applied on treated wood exposed to wea...
M F Natale, J M Vidal

Five-year evaluation of a field trial of Eucalyptus grandis poles treated with zinc and boron
2017 - IRG/WP 17-30721
Round Eucalyptus wood treatment in sequential stages with inorganic borates and metal salts (zinc sulfate and boric acid+borax) was studied; the aims were to form an insoluble precipitate of zinc borate inside wood and to reduce treatment costs by performing the first treatment by simple ascent and diffusion of the preservative, at the same time as it was sought to impregnate the heartwood. The se...
C Ibáñez, A Camargo, C Mantero, M Rabinovich

Evaluation of the Virulence of the Termite Species Occurring in the French Tropical Overseas Territories
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10913
The French tropical overseas territories are strongly affected by termites’ activity, which is especially devastating because the species encountered there are among the most virulent in the world. That is why in these regions it is particularly important that producers and users of wood-based products are provided with materials and preservative products whose durability and efficacy has been t...
M Kutnik, I Paulmier, J Vuillemin

Evaluation of the effect of zwitterionic buffers on termite gut protists
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10933
The thermal modification of wood is recognized as the most commercialized wood modification process. The treatment of wood at temperatures usually greater than 180 ºC results in a product with some properties enhanced (dimensional stability, durability, aesthetical colour) and some diminished (mechanical properties). The loss of mechanical strength is recognized as a limitation to the use of ther...
S Duarte, D Jones, L Nunes

Protocol of intervention against subterrranean termites in urban areas
2018 - RG/WP 18-20640
Subterranean termites are a problem of Mediterranean countries since their climatology favours their development. In Spain, termite attack is very important in cultural heritage and even in new construction, as they can cause serious damage to structural elements (pillars, beams, decks, etc.), carpentry (doors, windows, etc.) and wooden goods (furniture, paintings, libraries, etc.), causing not on...
J Galván, D Lorenzo, C Villagrá, L Robertson, R Viñambres, M T Troya

Visual appearance of unpainted wooden claddings during the first year of outdoor exposure: Evaluation of surface mould growth, lightness (L*) and wasp attack
2018 - IRG/WP 18-40841
This study addresses changes in visual appearance of unpainted wood materials exposed outdoors. Specimens of Norway spruce (Picea abies) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), aspen (Populus tremula), acetylated Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) and DMDHEU-modified Scots pine sapwood were exposed facing south in Ås, Norway for 60 weeks. During this period, surface mould growth development and wasp attack were...
S Karlsen Lie, L Ross Gobakken, G I Vestøl, O Høibø

CCA wood preservative: Trust with destiny
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30731
This paper traces the history of Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) and its current status in India and worldwide. CCA was invented as ASCU at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun in 1933 by Dr. Sonti Kamesam. Although its efficacy was doubted by the British colonial rulers resulting in several hiccups at home, the patent rights were purchased by US Bell Telephone Co. and it was adopted by the US woo...
S Kumar

Thermal performance and fire safety properties of traditional circumferential log-cabin walls
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40872
The paper describes the experiment of fire resistance of a circumferential log-cabin wall fragment using various structural modification of the gap between two log members. The influence of the gap structural modification on the criterion of fire resistance E (envelop integrity) and I (insulation) is evaluated. The evaluating criteria are represented by the development of temperatures measured in ...
S Jochim, L Makovicka Osvaldova, M Zachar, Z Danihelova

Evaluation of chemical densification of three hardwood species through in-situ electron beam polymerization
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40893
Hardwoods are the most suitable species for wood flooring for their appearance as well as their hardness. Yet, improving hardness can provide substantial benefit for the wood flooring market. Chemical densification of wood and in-situ polymerization through electron beam technology was chosen to increase hardness of three hardwoods (Yellow birch (YB) (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.), Sugar maple (SM...
J Triquet, P Blanchet, V Landry

Application of diverse hyperspectral imaging systems for evaluation of heritage objects
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10971
Advanced imaging techniques are able to non-invasively characterize, monitor and evaluate the impact of conservation treatments on cultural heritage (CH) objects. In this specific field, hyperspectral imaging (HI) allows non-destructive characterization of materials by identifying and characterizing colouring agents, binders and protective coatings as constituents of an object’s original constru...
J Sandak, A Sandak, L Legan, K Retko, M Kavčič, J Kosel, F Poohphajai, R Herrera Diaz, V Ponnuchamy, N Sajinčič, Č Tavzes, P Ropret

Evaluation of decay and energy properties from thermally modified biomasses during fungal deterioration by NIR-spectrometry
2021 - IRG/WP 21-40922
This study is focused on the prediction of fungal weight loss (WL) and high heating value (HHV) from raw and torrefied waste lignocellulosic feedstocks, according to their exposure duration to wood-destroying fungi, using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and chemometrics models. Sugarcane bagasse, coffee husk, eucalyptus and pine shavings were torrefied at 290 °C in a screw reactor, during 5, 7...
B de Freitas Homem de Faria, P Santana Barbosa, J Valente Roque, A de Cassia Oliveira Carneiro, P Rousset, K Candelier, R F Teofilo

Evaluation of weathering and termite resistance of the Myoung-oil as a Korean traditional coating agent
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10996
This study investigated the applicability of Myoung-oil (MO) as an eco-friendly preservative of Korean wooden cultural properties and buildings. Wood test specimens painted with various concentrations of MO were exposed in the external environment. Then color change and wettability of the wood surface were evaluated and compared depending on the exposure time. As a result of exposure for 12 months...
S-M Yoon, Y Park, W-S Jeon, H-M Lee, J-G Park, K Dal Nam, W-J Hwang

Evaluation of ecotoxicological effects of different coniferous wood treatments on two marine bioindicator species
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10999
Coniferous wood panels (Picea abies) were treated with two concentrations of copper-based impregnating agent to increase its durability in marine and brackish environment. In order to assess the environmental compatibility of the treatments a laboratory experiment was conducted with two marine invertebrate species: bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis and a gastropod Steromphala albida. The bioindica...
T Marčeta, N Nesto, I Guarneri, D Tagliapietra, V Moschino

Application of an Ultrasound-based Instrument to Evaluate Condition of Drywood Termite Infested Timber Components
2022 - IRG/WP 22-11000
The characteristics of ultrasound waves propagation from non-destructive ultrasound-based instrument on drywood termite infested wooden components were investigated. Features of wave propagation such as time-of-flight, velocity, and peak energy on three orthogonal wooden plane (longitudinal, radial, and transversal) were studied. The wooden components used on this study came from a traditional woo...
S Fauziyyah, L Karlinasari, D Nandika, R Wimmer

Evaluation of Decay Resistance of Copper-based Preservatives Treated-Wood exposed to different field test sites in Korea
2022 - IRG/WP 22-20679
In Korea, preservative treated wood is required to have a stamp on the surface which contains information such as wood species, use categories, and the company that treated the wood. Such stamping is necessary to safely and appropriately use the treated wood. Since majority of treated wood is being used outdoor environment, the treated wood must have efficacy against wood decay fungi or termite. I...
W-J Hwang, S-M Yoon, Y Park, Y-S Choi, H-M Lee, J-W Kim

Evaluation of the physical properties of heat-treated native Peruvian woods for their application as coverings in buildings located in in arid, semi-warm and humid climates
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40943
Wood is a material that has properties suitable for its use in construction: as a structural component, cladding or decorative element, however, it is necessary to have knowledge of its physical, mechanical and thermal properties in order to have a logical criterion when applying it. It is known that wood has hygroscopic properties, so it tends to absorb the relative humidity of the natural enviro...
K Ayala Castro, A Loayza Argüelles, V J Pilco Mamani

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