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Laboratory termite testing of copper boron tebuconazole
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20192
The American Wood Preservers' Association laboratory choice and no choice termite test (AWPA E1-97) was performed on a formulation of copper azole, which is comprised of copper, boric acid, and tebuconazole. The formulation tested has a ratio of copper:boric acid:tebuconazole of 25:25:1. So as to examine the impact of leaching, the southern yellow pine wafers were treated with and without...
R F Fox, E A Pasek, J Patel

Laboratory evaluation of six commercial termiticides against subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30034
Small specimens of Heavea brasiliensis (10 x 10 x 20 mm³) were exposed to the laboratory colony of Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann for 4 months after dip- or brush-treatment with six commercially available emulsifiable termiticides (alpha-cypermethrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos and chlordane). Synthetic pyrethroids and chlorpyrifos were effective as well as 1% treatment of ch...
Y Sornnuwat, C Vongkaluang, T Yoshimura, K Tsunoda, M Takahashi

Tributyltin compounds in wood preservation: Health and safety aspects
1986 - IRG/WP 3396
The toxicity of organotin compounds of the general formula RnSnX(4-n) depends strongly on the type of organic substituent R and on the degree of substitution n. The residues X, not bound through a tin-carbon bond, are however of much smaller influence. Furthermore, there is evidence that hydrolysis of tributyltin esters will occur under environmental as well as under physiological conditions to TB...
H Schweinfurth, P Günzel, H A B Landsiedel, R Lang, R Reimann, C Schöbel, F Siegmund

Termite resistance of Malaysian and exotic woods with plantation potential: Field evaluation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10289
An in-ground resistance of selected Malaysian and exotic timbers to attack by a representative aggressive subterranean Coptotermes termite was evaluated as part of an on-going collaborative research between the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia and the University of Hawaii on termite control of building timbers under humid tropical conditions. A test site at FRIM, highly susceptible to the sub...
A H H Wong, J K Grace, L H Kirton

Field evaluation of CCA movement in sap-displaced copper chrome arsenic treated softwood poles
1989 - IRG/WP 3539
Commercial sap-displaced UK grown Scots and Corsican pine, and Sitka and Norway spruce poles were exposed in a field site at Dundee, Scotland and radial distribution profiles of CCA monitored prior to implantation and after subsequent field exposure. Results show that groundline levels of all preservative elements were higher after 1 and 2 years field exposure compared with those recorded prior to...
S D Hainey, G M Smith, A Bruce, P D Evans, B King, H J Staines

Evaluation of outdoor weathering performance of modified wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20296
Interlace treated, oil treated, silicon treated as well as untreated Scots pine samples have been exposed outdoors. For evaluating the samples on their long term performance an internal standard had been developed. Parameters to be determined were the uptake of liquid water (submersion test), weight variation during exposure, crack performance, surface roughness and colour change. This paper disc...
Y Schulte, S Donath, A Krause, H Militz

Field evaluation of the above-ground susceptibility of Pinus heartwood and untreated or treated sapwood to two species of Australian subterranean termites
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10147
Plantation-grown Pinus elliottii, Pinus caribaea and Pinus radiata specimens containing heartwood and untreated or preservative-treated sapwood were exposed above ground to the subterranean termites Coptotermes acinaciformis or Mastotermes darwiniensis near Sydney (NSW), Brisbane and Townsville (Qld), and Darwin (NT), using a variety of exposure techniques. Heartwood of Pinus elliottii and Pinus c...
M J Kennedy, J W Creffield, R H Eldridge, B C Peters

Laboratory evaluation of the termiticidal effectiveness of TanalithÒ 3485
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10109
The termiticidal effectiveness of the copper azole TANALITH 3485 was evaluated with the benchmark preservative TANALITH C in a laboratory bioassay using two species of subterranean termites, Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt and Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt). Retentions of TANALITH 3485 tested were 0.15, 0.24, 0.285 and 0.40% m/m Cu and for TANALITH C 0.025, 0.05, 0.08 and 0.095% m/m Cu. Un...
J W Creffield, J A Drysdale, N Chew, N-K Nguyen

Resistance of borate-treated lumber to subterranean termites in the field
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10255
Borate-treated wood samples were tested for their resistance against subterranean termites in the field. Wood samples (10.5x10.5x40cm3) of western hemlock were pressure impregnated with disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) and didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC), and assigned into two groups on the basis of boron contents:high retention (1.5-2.2%BAE) and low retention(O.7~1.3%BAE). Eight rep...
K Tsunoda, A Adachi, T Yoshimura, A Byrne, P I Morris, J K Grace

Resistance of acetylated wood to biological degradation. Evaluation of field test
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30139
Acetylated wood samples were tested in ground contact (stake test) at two test fields, one in Simlångsdalen, Sweden, and one in Viikki, Finland, according to European standard EN 252. The test samples were inspected annually and their condition was compared with that of untreated controls and of samples treated with two reference CCA preservatives. The use of untreated controls and preservative t...
P Larsson Brelid, R Simonson, Ö Bergman

Detection and estimation of Hylotrupes bajulus L. wood damages by ultrasonics
1990 - IRG/WP 2350
To evaluate the validity of the ultrasonic application in the detection and evaluation of wood damages produced by Hylotrupes bajulus L. larvae, some laboratory tests were made with small wood samples. The pulse through transmission method was used. The transit time of ultrasonic pulses in transversal sections, radial and tangential, of the samples was measured. The increment of the transit time o...
G Prieto

Evaluation of teak sawdayst Tectona grandis L Fil as a potential source to obtain a natural wood preservative in Colombia
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30356
Plantation Teak (Tectona grandis L. Fil) has been tested as a possible source of natural wood preservatives due to the known excellent durability of old-growth teak wood. Field tests (ground proximity termite and above ground simulated decking exposures) were established in Colombia in April 2003 at two different test sites with different climates (Tropical Dry and Rain forest). Teak heartwood ex...
A Castillo, Y Cabrera, A F Preston, R Morris

Recent development in North American industrial wood preservation plants
1988 - IRG/WP 3467
After remaining static for many years there have been a number of changes in plant design and treating cycles in recent years. This has been particularly true in the USA where few restrictions are placed on plant treating cycles by specifications; since only results type specifications are used. It is also important to realize that the AWPA Specifications for Southern Yellow Pine only call for tre...
J F Bridges

The evaluation of the effectiveness of wood preservatives by means of IUFRO's method for field tests with wooden stakes
1985 - IRG/WP 3348
Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus saligna stakes treated with CCA-A, CCA-C, CCB, Cashew Nut Shell Oil and Benzotar solutions were exposed in seven test sites in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. After five years of exposure, between oil-borne preservatives Benzotar show better performance than CNSL (cashew nut shell liquid), and within waterborne preservatives the performance of CCB is not so good as that of ...
G A C Lopez, A M F Oliveira, E S Lepage

Evaluation of the biocide diffusion from treated wood in indoor air. Bibliographic study
1990 - IRG/WP 3584
Within the frame of the risk assessment of the wood preservation products for the Health, the treated wood risk particularly when it is installed in dwellings becomes most important. The European directive "Building materials" (89/106/CEE) mentions the basic requirements with the buildings must comply. Annexe l states in particular that "the building must be conceived and built in order not to bec...
A Pichard

Laboratory Evaluation of the Formosan Subterranean Termite Resistance of Borate-treated Rubberwood Chipboard
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30359
Both no-choice and two-choice 4-week AWPA laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the resistance of borate-treated rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) chipboard prepared from a commercial mill run, against the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus. Boric acid (technical granular) was incorporated into the boards during manufacture to achieve loadings of 1.0% or 1.1% boric acid equiv...
A H H Wong, J K Grace

Laboratory Evaluation and Field Trial of Chlorothalonil and Copper-based Preservatives and Leaching Performance of Copper in Copper Treated Wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30279
Soil block test and field trial of some Chinese plantation wood species pine and poplar treated with chlorothalonil formulations and copper-based preservatives such as ACQ-B and copper citrate (CC) were conducted. The results of soil block test indicated that chlorothalonil formulations and ACQ-B as well as CC are very effective for controlling the 2 fungi species Corious versicolor and Poria plac...
Mingliang Jiang, Ping Wang, Chungen Piao, Zhaobang Li, Quan Lu, Lei Liu

Evaluation of copperised Cashew nut shell liquid and Neem oil as wood preservatives
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30368
An effort has been made to develop eco-friendly wood preservatives using naturally available plant by-products with less toxicity. Copper was incorporated into Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) and Neem seed oil. Rubber wood samples were treated with these solutions employing dipping and pressure techniques in 3 different levels. These samples have been evaluated to find out the effectiveness as wood...
D Venmalar, H C Nagaveni

Evaluation of the insecticidal efficacy of deltamethrin and the fungicidal efficacy of its association with TCMTB + MBT in the field of wood preservation
1986 - IRG/WP 1289 E
Deltamethrin possesses many advantages for the insecticidal protection of wood: relatively low toxicity, very reduced evaporation, very prolonged retention in the wood, very slight leaching after having penetrated the wood, and absence of odour. Its association with other active agents or solvents is being studied with regard to chemical compatibility. Compatibility studies have proved positive fo...
J S Duguet

Proposal for a simple methodology for the evaluation of the preventive effectiveness of protectors applied in superficial treatments against basidiomycetes fungi
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20167
Due to the considerable effect that the relation between the lateral surface and the volume of wood blocks has on superficial treatments, this work has attempted to determine the ideal size which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of a preservative in the shortest possible time. Three wood blocks of different dimensions were tested. In addition, as it is necessary to neutralise the effect of the...
M T De Troya, A Navarrete, F Rubio, M Yuste, C Rodríguez-Borrajo, D Muñoz-Mingarro, F Llinares

Evaluation of tropical wood by-products as a potential source for termite control products
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10408
Termites damaging in houses represent an ever growing threat in Europe, where the phenomenon has accelerated during the last ten years, as well as in the tropics, where infestations are permanent. To fight against this plague, the current methods used, through injection of organochloric or organophosphorized products into the timber structures and walls, are belonging to the past due to the toxici...
A Zaremski, S Robert, J-L Clement, D Fouquet

The evaluation of a survey of dry rot damages in Japan
1983 - IRG/WP 1179
The damage of wooden houses from Serpula lacrymans has increased in Japan, particularly in the northern area, Hokkaido Prefecture (See Figure 1). The weather conditions in Asahikawa have been recorded. The data obtained from the survey carried out over the five years from 1975 to 1980 were previously reported to the 5th International Biodeterioration Symposium which was held in Aberdeen, Scotland ...
S Doi

Dura-Treet II, a water dispersible pentachlorophenol
1980 - IRG/WP 3165
During the past several decades, penta petroleum wood treating has become increasingly popular. Penta is an effective chemical compound against wood organisms causing decay and rot, is safe to handle, also clean and easy to use. In terms of preservative cost, it has been and remains by far the least expensive of the three major preservatives. However, when the cost of petroleum carrier is added, t...
D B Hatcher

Mercury porosimetric evaluation of the impregnability of wood
1985 - IRG/WP 2234
Mercury porosimetric measurements for specimens of a given length can not be used to evaluate the treatability of wood. The reason is that the permeability for low permeable woods deviates from Darcy's law with the specimen length. This paper presents a method of evaluation which respects this phenomenon in indicating not only pore size but also a factor describing the pore size as a func...
J P Hösli

Evaluation of the natural durability and ultrasonic method for decay detection of some european hardwood and softwood species
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10537
This paper presents the first part of an investigation on the natural durability of mixed plywood made of durable and non durable plies from the following selected timbers : Cedrus atlantica, Cupressus sempervirens, Castanea sativa, Populus sp. I 214 and Fagus sylvatica. In order to carry out this study, the natural durability of the massive wood used to manufacture the plywood panels was asses...
F Faraji, M-F Thévenon, B Thibaut

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