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Your search resulted in 182 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Life Cycle Assessment Comparison of Treated Wood to Alternate Materials – Overview, Results and Lessons
2011 - IRG/WP 11-50282
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has proven useful in documenting the “green” benefits of various treated products compared to the commonly used alternates. To date, six LCA comparisons have been done or are nearing completion using ISO14040 and 14044 principles and data from US EPA databases. In almost all cases, the impact indicators for treated wood products show considerably smaller adverse e...
T Stephen, P E Smith, C R McIntyre

Glueline fungicides in veneer based engineered wood products - results from laboratory work for the H1.2 hazard class in New Zealand
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30593
The use of glueline insecticides in plywood and laminated veneer lumber is commonplace in several countries. However, few glueline fungicides are registered for commercial use with previous work suggesting that achieving control of decay from the glueline is very challenging. This paper summarises two tests completed on Pinus radiata plywood with a new glueline fungicide comprising the active in...
A Siraa, K Day, P Lobb

Durability of Furfurylated Wood – Results from Laboratory and Field Tests in the Ecobinders project
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40602
Within the EU project Ecobinders, laboratory tests were performed with furfurylated wood produced in semi-industrial scale in the factory of Kebony ASA. Field trials in Horizontal double layer decks and in-ground of transmission poles were also started. Four wood species, Southern yellow pine (SYP), maple, beech and aspen were treated to two treatment levels by using two impregnating liquids with ...
M Westin

Report on COST E37 Round Robin Tests – Comparison of results from laboratory and field tests
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20535
A round robin involving 15 European participants was set up in 2006. The round robin consists of both a field test according to the double layer test method and a laboratory test with two different preconditioning methods. When comparing EN 84 preconditioning (two weeks water leaching) with natural preconditioning (1 year in field, above ground) according to CEN/TS 15397, no significant difference...
M Westin, E Conti, J Creemers, P-O Flæte, A Gellerich, I Irbe, M Klamer, B Mazela, E Melcher, R Möller, L Nunes, S Palanti, L Reinprecht, E Suttie, H Viitanen

Methylene Chloride compared with white spirit as a treatment solvent for wood preservation – results from decay and termite studies
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30611
Non-aqueous solvents have a long history in the treatment of wood products in various parts of the world. The most familiar solvent treatment is the ‘light organic solvent preservative’ (LOSP) treatment based on low density solvents such as white sprit. Until recently white spirit was the only non-aqueous solvent approved for use in wood preservation in New Zealand. Australia also permitted...
A Siraa, P Lobb, C Molloy

40 year results from the largest preservative in-ground stake trial conducted in Australia
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30624
The final results from Australia’s largest preservative in-ground stake trial are listed. There were eight test sites, six in Australia and two in Papua New Guinea. The preservatives tested include low and high temperature creosotes, PCP and various water-borne preservatives including CCA and copper chromate. The main timbers examined were sawn Pinus radiata sapwood, sawn Eucalyptus regnans hear...
L J Cookson

Durability of alternatives to CCA-treated wood - Results from field tests after 11 years exposure
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30633
The present study was initiated as a consequence of restrictions against the use of CCA-type wood preservatives in Sweden in the 1990s. New copper-based formulations were introduced on the market and to some extent, also alternatives to preservative-treated wood, such as thermally and chemically modified and linseed oil treated wood as well as heartwood of non-tropical naturally durable wood s...
P Larsson Brelid, M-L Edlund

Moisture dynamics of wood and wood-based products – Results from an inter-laboratory test
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20539
In the frame of the European research project PerformWOOD in close liaison with the CEN task group TG EN 350 of CEN TC 38 WG 21 in total six research institutes teamed up and initiated an inter-lab trial (Round Robin) to investigate the suitability of different test methods to determine the wetting ability of wood. The moisture performance of wood and wood-based products has been recognized as key...
C Brischke, L Meyer, C Hesse, J Van Acker, I De Windt, J Van den Bulcke, E Conti, M Humar, H Viitanen, M Kutnik, L Malassenet

Field trials results of preservative treated ground contact stake conducted in Korea
2014 - IRG/WP 14-30640
The field trials results from Korea preservative treated ground contact stake are reported. There was two site which was in southern area(Anmeon) and east area (Jungsun) of Korea. The CUAZ, CCA and CBHDO preservatives were use in this study. The sapwood of Japanese red pine stake was treated with these preservatives according to Korea standard method and then installed in 2003. Every year the insp...
Dong Won Son, Won Jung Hwang, Hyun-mi Lee, Dong-heub Lee, Sang-bum Park

Copper and chromium leaching from wood impregnated with chromium-copper containing preservatives: Results of different studies
2014 - IRG/WP 14-50300
Copper and chromium based wood preservatives remained one of the most important ingredients for wood protection solutions for protection of wood in demanding applications all-over the world. Leaching of heavy metals from treated wood is important from two different aspects; firstly from performance point of view, and secondly from environmental issues. However, the importance of these studies is i...
M Humar, N Thaler, E Melcher

Above ground field testing: results of experiments in Brazil after one year
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30660
After the development of new products they need to be field-tested to assess their efficacy under diverse conditions of climate, comparing them with a preservative with proven efficacy. In some testing sites, decay occurs very slowly. The solution would be to bring these tests to locations that are conducive to biodeterioration, like tropical climates. Tropical sites provide higher temperature and...
M F Natale, J M Vidal

Durability of reaction to fire performance of FRT wood products in different end use applications – Methods and results
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40705
Fire retardant treatments (FRT) may considerably improve the reaction to fire properties of wood-based products and the highest fire classifications for combustible products can be reached, but the maintained reaction to fire performance e. g. in exterior applications needs to be addressed in order to form a basis for new and reliable wood products with improved fire performance. A European Techn...
B Östman, L Tsantaridis

Decay of wood in outdoor above ground applications: Preview of results on the effect of climate and species in Spain
2017 - IRG/WP 17-20600
Within the framework of the Project BIA-42434R titled ‘Evaluation of the functional performance of wood in outdoor above ground applications’, seven trials containing seven pieces of sawn wood measuring 750x100x20mm3, belonging to seven different wood species (Scots pine, Radiata pine, Laricio pine, sweet chestnut, eucalyptus, Thermo-treated radiata pine and Spruce), were exposed to unprotecte...
J I Fernández-Golfin Seco, M Conde García, M R Diez Barra, M Conde García, L Acuña Rello, E Torres Álvarez, E Perea Alonso, M T Troya

Marine Borer Resistance of Acetylated and Furfurylated Wood – Results from up to 16 years of Field Exposure
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40756
Furfurylated and acetylated Scots pine sapwood has been tested since 1999 in a marine field with high marine borer activity. In 2004, two test groups with acetylated southern yellow pine (product later known as Perennial Wood™) were put out and over the whole test period differently furfurylated wood (later marketed as Kebony®) test groups have been started. Furthermore, some combinations of mo...
M Westin, P Larsson Brelid, T Nilsson, A O Rapp, J P Dickerson, S Lande, S Cragg

10 year Report on COST E37 Round Robin Tests – Comparison of results from laboratory and field tests
2017 - IRG/WP 17-30718
A round robin involving 15 European participants was set up in 2006. The round robin consisted of both a field test according to the double layer test method and a laboratory test with two different preconditioning methods. The laboratory test results were reported in an earlier IRG paper (IRG/WP13-20535) but are included also in this paper in order to facilitate the comparison with the field test...
M Westin, E Conti, J Creemers, P-O Flæte, A Gellerich, I Irbe, M Klamer, E Melcher, R Moeller, L Nunes, S Palanti, L Reinprecht, E Suttie, H Viitanen

COST FP 1303 Cooperative Performance Test – Results after two years outdoor exposure
2017 - IRG/WP 17-20620
COST Action FP 1303 ‘Performance of Bio-Based Building Materials’ started in October 2013 and an ambitious program was set up for four years. Among this a collaborative field test was planned. The idea of the cooperative performance test was to distribute a fairly simple test set up to as many places in Europe as possible in order to collect performance data reflecting the full range of climat...
B Lesar, M Humar, C Brischke, L Meyer-Veltrup, D Jones, N Thaler, J M Abascal, G Alfredsen, B Brunnhuber, E Grodås, M Irle, J Kers, M Klamer, K-C Mahnert, E Melcher, S Palanti, M Noël, E Suttie, N Pfabigan, M Touza

Imports of African logs, do they harbor wood-decaying alien fungi and bacteria that could become a potential threat at temperate latitudes? – First results
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10904
In this project we investigate the potential threat of alien wood-decaying fungal and bacterial species imported to Germany with logs from African countries. In a first approach we analysed fungal species on imported logs by identification of fruit bodies by DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions ITS1 and ITS2. First results revealed the existence of at least one alien fun...
J Trautner, M Höpken, E Melcher

Transfer of research results on the performance of wood and wood-based composites in outdoor applications into praxis
2018 - IRG/WP 18-20634
Forest-based industries have the potential to become an engine for a sustainable and competitive bioeconomy in Danube region. To reach this goal FORESDA projects was proposed. Main aim of respective project is transforming the traditional forest-based areas into innovative, modern and sustainable manufacturing areas; develop innovation-friendly ecosystems aiming to significantly improving and reco...
B Lesar, J Gričar, D Kržišnik, M Humar

Above-ground testing methods – review of Rotorua, New Zealand test site results after ten years
2018 - RG/WP 18-20642
A series of seven different types of above ground durability tests were initially conducted over four years to determine which type of tests would give the fastest, most consistent results. Five types of test; ground proximity, two types of decking, flat panels and double layer, were reassessed after ten years. Exposure conditions varied between tests with ground proximity producing close to groun...
D Page, T Singh

Glueline fungicides in veneer based engineered wood products – updated results from laboratory work for the H1.2 hazard class in New Zealand
2018 - IRG/WP 18-30726
Results from New Zealand H1.2 ‘bin’ trials containing plywood glueline treated with triadimefon and cyproconazole were reported in 2012 (IRG/WP 12-30593). One of these trials has continued to the present day (2108) and updated results of this trial are reported. The triadimefon and cyproconazole glueline treatment continues to compare with, or outperform, the reference preservative used, bei...
A Siraa, K Day, B Kibby

Identifying the fungal community on western redcedar (Thuja plicata) wood in field tests above and in ground contact exposure: preliminary results
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10939
Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) is a high value species in the Canadian forest industry due in large part to the natural durability of its heartwood. Western redcedar heartwood contains extractives that are inhibitory to the growth of many fungi responsible for decay. In order to gain insights into which extractives are important in long term durability, and which fungi are important to decay of ...
A Dale, S Kus, R Stirling

Performance of untreated timbers in above ground decking tests: Preliminary results from an international collaborative trial
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10940
The ability to accurately predict wood decay risks under varying environmental conditions has long been of interest to timber users. Accurate predictions are difficult owing to the myriad of variables associated with the decay process including wood species, wood inhabiting organisms, timber building element design and environmental conditions. Despite these difficulties, decay predictions have be...
L P Francis, J Norton, E Melcher, A H H Wong, J Kok Lai, M Klamer, M J Konkler, J J. Morrell

Use of resin obtained from Italian guayule crops for wood preservation purposes: some preliminary results
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30736
The potential of guayule (Partenium argentatum Gray) as a source of anti-termite, anti-fungal and insect repellent products to be used in wood preservation, has been largely explored in the past. The fact that such products are obtained as byproducts in the process of natural rubber extraction from this plant, thus increasing the profit of the process, together with the ability of this crop to gr...
S Palanti, E Conti, M Russo, F Stefani, C Querci

Macro biological degradation of wood treated with sorbitol and citric acid – first results from marine environment and termite exposure
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40901
Most European wood species are rapidly and severely degraded in termite-infested areas and the marine environment. There is a need for new solutions, especially in the marine environment, since we lack wood preservatives approved for marine applications in Europe. Several wood modification systems show high resistance against both marine borers and subterranean termites. However, the existing comm...
A Treu, L Nunes, E Larnøy

Results of the resistance of acetylated wood against marine borers at three Italian sites after five years of sea immersion
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10994
The aim of this research was the determination of resistance of acetylated wood against marine decay in use class 5 (EN 335) in temperate sea waters. The resistance of acetylated Pinus radiata (radiate pine) in solid and medium density fibreboard (MDF) panels is compared with that of the untreated Scots pine, radiata pine and other untreated wood of European species such as Fagus sylvatica (Europe...
S Palanti, F Stefani, M Andrenacci, M Faimali, I Guarneri, M Sigovini, D Tagliapietra

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