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Your search resulted in 175 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Supercritical fluid treatment: Effects on bending strength of white spruce heartwood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20008
The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on wood strength were evaluated using white spruce heartwood, a species known to be especially susceptible to collapse during exposure to higher pressures. The effects of pressures of 2000 or 3600 psig and temperatures of 40 or 80°C were evaluated using 30 or 60 minute exposure periods. No significant differences were noted in modulus of rupture or modu...
S M Smith, J J Morrell, E Sahle-Demessie, K L Levien

Effect of climate, species, preservative concentration and water repellent on leaching from CCA-treated lumber exposed above ground
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50178
Few studies have examined leaching of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) from treated wood in above ground exposures due to the assumption that leaching is less severe compared to wood in continuous contact with soil or water. However, a significant portion of CCA treated wood is used for above ground applications, exposing considerable volumes of the preservative to precipitation and potential leach...
J L Taylor, P A Cooper

Kerfing reduces checking in ACA-treated western white spruce poles
1988 - IRG/WP 3477
Western white spruce poles, pressure treated with pentachlorophenol and ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA) were installed in the Westham Island test site. The pentachlorophenol treated poles were unkerfed, while both unkerfed and kerfed ACA poles were placed in test. The checking and kerf width and depth were recorded at the time of installation. After ten years of weathering the checking characteri...
J N R Ruddick

Field evaluation of CCA movement in sap-displaced copper chrome arsenic treated softwood poles
1989 - IRG/WP 3539
Commercial sap-displaced UK grown Scots and Corsican pine, and Sitka and Norway spruce poles were exposed in a field site at Dundee, Scotland and radial distribution profiles of CCA monitored prior to implantation and after subsequent field exposure. Results show that groundline levels of all preservative elements were higher after 1 and 2 years field exposure compared with those recorded prior to...
S D Hainey, G M Smith, A Bruce, P D Evans, B King, H J Staines

Soil treatment tests with the three products of boric acid for the prevention of the hyphal growth of Serpula lacrymans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3693
Laboratory soil treatment tests were conducted for the evaluation of fungicidal or fungistatic effect of boric acid products against Serpula lacrymans. Boric acid products tested were the following three: a thickened boric acid solution in triethanolamine, boric acid-silica gel complex granules, and a nonwoven fabric laminated with a polypropylene film and coated with boric acid granules on one si...
S Doi, A Yamada, Y Mineki, M Mori

Study of the degradation caused by micro-organisms in Pinus sp. waterlogged wood
1989 - IRG/WP 1411
So far, the different Centers are trying the restoration and the conservation of wood structures, coming from subaquatic archeological deposits, with interest from the historic - artistic point of view. The main objective of this paper has been the determination of the decay level of Pinus sp. wood coming from a roman ship (approximately 2000 years old), where we have analyzed their physical prope...
M T De Troya, M C Escorial, J Garcia, A Cabanas

The improvement of wood durability by retification process
1993 - IRG/WP 93-40015
A material with new properties is obtained by retification process. It consists of a light pyrolysis of wood which becomes more stable and especially more resistant to fungal attack with few decrease of mechanical properties. Tests were carried out on three susceptible wood species (Poplar, Spruce, Fir) that are used in construction and are difficult to treat with wood preservatives. Retified wood...
D Dirol, R Guyonnet

Preservative treatment of wood by diffusion processes - Simulation of commercial treatment processes
1988 - IRG/WP 3498
Spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula) were preservative treated by diffusion with mixtures of copper sulphate and arsenic pentoxide. The preservative was fixed after a suitable diffusion storage period by soaking in ammonia solution. A high standard of treatment could be achieved in spruce sapwood. This was attributed to its low wood density, and high wood ...
P Vinden

Cell wall microdistribution of chloropicrin and methylisothiocyanate in treated spruce
1989 - IRG/WP 3548
Chloropicrin and methylisothiocyanate (MIT) residues were observed using SEM/EDXA and TEM/EDXA in treated spruce wafers that had been exposed to the vapors of the two fumigant preservatives. Chlorinated residues from chloropicrin were found throughout the wood cell wall, even in acetone extracted material. The residues were most heavily concentrated in extractive materials in the rays, but unlike ...
G F Daniel, B Goodell

Persistance of active ingredients in treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-20
Disposing of chemically protected waste wood implies the distinction between surface and pressure treatment. Considering that barked round-wood merely contains, after 7 months open storage, less than 30 g per ton of bark or 25 mg per ton of sapwood, depending on the type of insecticide, the bark or sapwood shavings may be incinerated normally, according to less severe legal prescriptions than for ...
E Graf, P Manser, S Rezzonico, B Zgraggen

Investigations of the treatability of various commercially significant Turkish timbers
1976 - IRG/WP 370 E
Timbers which naturally deteriorate quickly can only be used commercially when their life is increased by the use of chemical treatments. The treatment of the timber can only be planned on a regular basis when the treatability of the wood is known. The purpose of the experiments was therefore to determine to what extent the various types of wood could be sufficiently impregnated. The question of t...
R Ilhan

Färbeverfahren zur Unterscheidung von Holzzonen mit unterschiedlichem Absorptionsvermögen, insbesondere bei Fichtenholz (Picea abies Karst.). [Staining method for distinguishing zones of wood with different absorption behaviour, particularly in spruce (Picea abies Karst.)]
1980 - IRG/WP 3163
A simple regressive staining method for crosscut wood surfaces is described. Phloroglucinol-hydrochloric acid serves as stain; flowing water and a solution of sodium carbonate are used for development and fixation of a picture showing the differences of absorption. Hydrophobic zones and, contrary to this, zones with a high water content can also be shown. Comparing green spruce wood before and dur...
S Cymorek

Accelerated diffusion treatment of sawn Sitka spruce grown in the UK
1986 - IRG/WP 3395
The treatment of 'green' sapwood and heartwood of Sitka spruce by diffusion methods was investigated. Steam/dip treatment processes gave increased solution uptakes and depths of penetration of copper in comparison with a simple dip treatment. Further investigation is required to reduce diffusion gradients with copper based formulations and to improve the penetration of '...
R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

Intraspecific variability of durability of Wapa courbaril (Eperua grandiflora) against Antrodia sp. and Coriolus versicolor: effect of radial and height position in the stem
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10531
The variation of a lesser-used species, Eperua grandiflora attacked by brown and white rot has been examined. Trees of this specie showed differences in their behaviour against the type of rot used and also showed evidence of intra and inter tree variation. The “tree” effect is very significant concerning natural resistance. In the same way, there is variation of durability observed according ...
N Amusant, J Beauchêne, M Fournier

Sawn timber of fir (Abies alba Mill.) - Treatability and usability for the Hazard Classes 3 and 4
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40147
Within a national research project, tests on the treatability on sawn timber of fir (Abies alba Mill.) in oscillation pressure, vacuum pressure and double-vacuum processes have been worked out with 95 trunks taken from 3 different altitude levels (up to a height of 590 metres, 600 to 990 metres and over 1000 metres) and from 4 different regions of Switzerland. As the treatability of round wood can...
E Graf, T Bör

Window test. Direct testing of wood resistance to decay: A study of its fitness, its reliability and its accelerating factor
1984 - IRG/WP 2219
This is the results of an experiment using the window-test specimens, exposing the specimens to three different types of testing procedure: 1. Natural infestation in the open air; 2. Artificial infestation and exposure in the open air; 3. Artificial infestation in a green-house. The results show good similiraties of the three parallel tests in term of decay, and assess the reliability of the windo...
G R Y Déon, L N Trong

Influence of surface coating on the leachability of boric acid and bifluorides from spruce wood
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50050
In the Netherlands, window joinery made from non-durable timber species (spruce) are widely protected with preservative rods. These rods contain non-fixing wood preservatives (e.g. bifluorides or boric acid). This reseach was performed to show the possible influence of a coating system to hinder the leaching of the active ingredients. The results of the leaching tests show, that bifluorides and ev...
W J Homan, H Militz

Effects of Prior Establishment of Trichoderma harzianum on Ophiostoma picea Growth in Freshly Sawn Douglas-fir Sapwood
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10476
Trichoderma harzianum has been shown to be an effective biocontrol agent against a number of wood inhabiting fungi under laboratory conditions, but this fungus has performed poorly in field trials. Understanding the interactions between biocontrol agents and their intended targets in wood may provide important clues for developing improved approaches to biocontrol, potentially reducing our relianc...
Ying Xiao, J J Morrell, L M Ciuffetti

Soft-rot in Tabebuia sp. wood used in water cooling tower: identification and degradation capacity of the fungi
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10253
Tabebuia sp. (ipe), a native Brazilian wood, is considered of high natural resistance to decaying fungi, and has been used in harsh environments, as cooling towers. Fifty-one fungi, belonging to mitosporic fungi group (Fungi Imperfecti), were isolated from deteriorated Tabebuia sp. wood samples, collected from the mist eliminator and packing of a cooling tower in operation for about 23 years. The ...
S Brazolin, M Tomazello, I H Schoenlein-Crusius

Mercury porosimetric evaluation of the impregnability of wood
1985 - IRG/WP 2234
Mercury porosimetric measurements for specimens of a given length can not be used to evaluate the treatability of wood. The reason is that the permeability for low permeable woods deviates from Darcy's law with the specimen length. This paper presents a method of evaluation which respects this phenomenon in indicating not only pore size but also a factor describing the pore size as a func...
J P Hösli

Ammoniacal wood preservatives for use in non-pressure treatment of spruce and aspen poplar. Part 2
1984 - IRG/WP 3274
A series of thermal diffusion treatments were carried out on unseasoned white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) lumber and air dry aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx.) timbers using an ammoniacal copper arsenate wood preservative. Under the specific conditions described, certain charges of lumber met the present Canadian Standards Association Wood Preservation Committee's requireme...
C D Ralph, J K Shields

Antisapstain field trials of NeXgen in New Zealand
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30145
This document covers the results of summer and winter log trials of NeXgen, an antisapstain formulation containing methylene bis thiocyanate plus chlorothalonil. Log billets (20 - 25cm diameter) were stripped of bark using a commercial maul debarker and antisapstain treated within 8 hours of felling by dip application. Billets were stored in a pole barn and assessed for internal sapstain and decay...
R N Wakeling, T L Woods, D R Eden, C M Chittenden, B Carpenter

Effect of species composition of preservative-treated Douglas fir plywood on its decay resistance
1978 - IRG/WP 2114
Plywood is now commonly used for constructional purposes in environmental situations where decay by wood-destroying fungi can be a considerable risk. However there seems to be a lack of understanding of the relative durability of plywood, both untreated and when treated with wood preservatives. Part of the reason for this situation has been the difficulty of carrying out laboratory decay tests on ...
R S Smith, P Balcaen

Evidence for actinomycete degradation of wood cell walls
1990 - IRG/WP 1444
Several unique patterns of degradation occurring in wood cell walls have been observed in wooden stakes inserted in unsterile soil in the laboratory. Some of the patterns have also been observed in coniferous wood taken from forest floors. All the observed attack types occur within wood cell walls, mainly within the S2 layer. Attack is characterised by channels of varying diameter or small fusifor...
T Nilsson, G F Daniel, S L Bardage

Evaluation of bending strength by non-destructive methods of Ezomatzu with white pocket rot
1991 - IRG/WP 2371
The possibility of application of three non-destructive methods was examined for evaluation of bending strength of ezomatsu (Picea jezoensis CARR.) with white pocket rot. As non-destructive methods, the measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation time, impact-induced stress wave propagation time and penetration depth of pin of "PILODYN Wood Tester" were applied to compare with visual evaluation of...
T Tanaka

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