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Chemical compounds from Eperua falcata and Eperua grandiflora heartwood and their biological activities against wood destroying fungus (Coriolus versicolor)
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30373
The chemistry analysis of the compounds present in dichloromethane and ethanolic fraction as well as bioassays enables to understand the durability differences of Eperua falcata and Eperua grandiflora. The principal distinction between these two species is the acidic subfraction of diterpenoic extract, which is antifungic in Eperua falcata when tested in in-vitro conditions. This study also enable...
N Amusant, C Moretti, B Richard, E Prost, J M Nuzillard, M-F Thévenon

About the relations between the natural durability of some tropical species and their extractives content
1983 - IRG/WP 1208
G R Y Déon

Methodology challenges in developing a transfer of natural durability from sawmill residues, illustrated by experiences with white cypress (Callitris glaucophylla)
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20203
The transfer of durability-conferring extractives from durable to non-durable wood has been accomplished often, but usually as an educational exercise rather than as a commercially oriented process. In the latter environment, many factors previously overlooked become vitally important. How to study them, in the absence of well-developed methodology and given the shorter timeframes being demanded b...
M J Kennedy, M A Powell

Efficacy of some extractives from Pinus heartwood for protection of Pinus radiata sapwood against biodeterioration. Part 1: Fungal decay
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30072
Chemical compounds thought to contribute to the natural durability of heartwood of Pinus spp. were either chemically synthesised in the laboratory or extracted from the heartwood of Pinus elliottii or Pinus caribaea. These compounds included the stilbenes, pinosylvin and its mono- and di-methyl ethers, and the flavonoids, pinobanksin and pinocembrin. Small blocks of Pinus radiata sapwood were impr...
M J Kennedy, J A Drysdale, J Brown

The chemical analysis and biological evaluation of wood extractives as potential timber preservatives
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30090
Work involved the biological performance of water and organic solvent soluble extractives of four naturally durable wood species, namely; Matumi, Tamboti, Sneezewood and the Turpentine tree. These timber species are known to be naturally durable against termites and fungi (±25 to 35 years). The extractives were evaluated against termites and fungi using impregnated pine pencil stakes in field tes...
P Turner, D Conradie

UV-microspectrophotometry of lignin and accessory compounds in wood cell walls of conifers
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20171
The distribution of lignin in the cell wall of conifer tracheids was determined by UV-VIS microspectro-photometer. Wood sections of one micron thickness were measured between the wavelength 240 and 700 nm. Spectral analyses revealed that the conifer lignin associated with the tracheid secondary wall and middle lamella is composed of guiacylpropane units which exhibit a characteristic UV absorption...
G Kleist, G Koch, J Bauch

The influence of the natural extractives of opepe (Nauclea diderrichii) and African padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) timbers on their durability
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30098
Many timbers contain chemical extractives that undoubtedly play a key role in the timber's natural durability. Opepe (Nauclea diderrichii) and padauk (Pterocarpus sp.) are both very durable timbers (class 1), yet they are described as being moderately permeable. This suggests the presence of biocidal chemicals within these timbers, rather than simple blocking agents. Initial trials on the...
E D Suttie, R J Orsler

Natural Durability of Tropical Species – Variations and Prospects
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10568
The tropical timber resources of the world play an unequivocal role in economic development of both the tropical timber producing and importing regions. This paper describes natural durability as an important and preferred wood quality of tropical species of the world with emphasis on Malaysian hardwoods, the link between various aspects of tropical hardwood durability, hardwood utilization and bi...
A H H Wong, Yoon Soo Kim, A P Singh, Wang Choon Ling

Termite resistance of Malaysian and exotic woods with plantation potential: Laboratory evaluation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10280
The resistance of selected Malaysian woods to attack by the representative aggressive subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) was evaluated in four-week, no-choice laboratory tests. This is part of an ongoing effort between the Forest Research Institute Malaysia and the University of Hawaii to document the termite resistance of Malaysian timber species of po...
J K Grace, A A H Wong, C H M Tome

Durability of five wood species against Coriolus versicolor
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1578
The durability of following five wood species Zelkova carpinifolia, Ulmus glabra, Carpinus betulus, Acer trauvetteri and Pterocarya fraxinifolia were studied against Coriolus versicolor under laboratory conditions according to DIN 52176 standards. Zelkova caprinifolia shows a reduction in weight of 2.19%, Ulmus glabra 41.69%, Carpinus betulus 45.64%, Acer trauvetteri 53.05%, and Pterocarya fraxini...
S M Kazemi

Combustion properties of Alder wood treated with some new environment friendly natural extractives. Part 1. Effect of Natural Tannins on the Combustion Properties
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40234
Powders of the brutia pine bark, sumach leaves, acorn, gall-nut and boric acid and borax which are known as potential environment friendly wood preservatives were impregnated according to ASTM D 1413-88 in order to determine their combustion properties. A commercial treatment compound, Tanalith-CBC, was also used for comparison. The results indicated that the natural extractives did not have an...
Ü C Yildiz, A Temiz, E D Gezer, S Yildiz

Natural durability transfer from sawmill residues of white cypress (Callitris glaucophylla). - Part 1: Optimisation of the extraction conditions
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30238
As the first phase of a large project aimed at recovering 'waste' durability components from sawmill residues of Callitris glaucophylla, several solvents and extraction methods were evaluated, initially in the laboratory and then at pilot industrial scale. Extracts were compared by crude total dissolved solids content, by chemical analysis using GC-MS and LC-MS, and by laboratory...
M J Kennedy, Hui Jiang, L M Stephens

Natural durability transfer from sawmill residues of white cypress (Callitris glaucophylla). - Part 4: Analysis of extracts and treated wood for active components
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20215
In order to facilitate the commercial implementation of a large project aimed at recovering 'waste' durability components from sawmill residues of Callitris glaucophylla, it has been essential to develop analytical methodology for the important bioactive components of the heartwood extract. This methodology will be used 1) to standardise the activity of successive production batc...
Hui Jiang, M J Kennedy, L M Stephens

Variation in natural durability of British grown Douglas fir ((Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Part II. Effect of extractive contents and taxifolin
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10446
The previous paper (Part I: Effect of density and growth rate) described the variation in natural durability of 4 Douglas fir (DF) seed origins (Darrington, J. Landing, Naselle and Hawkinsville) in a pure culture decay test and fungal cellar test. The pure culture tests were performed against two brown rot fungi (Coniophora puteana and Postia placenta). In the fungal cellar test soft rot was the p...
S Akhter, M D C Hale

Possible durability transfer from durable to non durable wood species. The study case of teak wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10392
Teakwood is well known for its excellent natural durability, mostly due to its high proportion of extracts. Amongst these extracts, quinones, and more precisely some naphtoquinones (such as lapachol) and anthraquinones (such as tectoquinone) appear to play a crucial role in the resistance to wood decay organisms. At a laboratory scale, sawdust from malaysian teak heartwood has been extracted under...
M-F Thévenon, C Roussel, J-P Haluk

The influence of extractives on the natural durability of selected Ghanaian hardwoods
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10530
A study of the durability of Nauclea diderrichii, Nesogordonia papaverifera, Corynanthe pachyceras and Glyphaea brevis in laboratory and field tests showed the first three species performed well against a range of fungi and termites. Sapwood of C. pachyceras also performed well against these biodeteriogens. The role of extractives in conferring natural durability was assessed. Total extractive con...
C Antwi-Boasiako, A J Pitman, J Barnett

Screening of fungal strains for wood extractive degradation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10254
Fungal strains were screened for their ability to degrade apolar extractives in wood from scots pine. The degradation of total wood extractives by 91 different strains was monitored in stationary batch assays incubated for 6 weeks. The results obtained show that the ability of wood-inhabiting fungi to utilize wood extractives varied greatly, even for different isolates of the same species. Fungal ...
J Dorado, M J Martinez-Inigo, T A van Beek, F W Claassen, J B P A Wijnberg, R Sierra-Alvarez

Preliminary investigation on the natural durability of Guayule (Parthenium argentatum)-based wood products
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40154
Conventional preservatives used to protect wood from insect and microbial damages are presently of major concern to human health and the environment. Finding alternative and economical preservatives has not been successful. Previous studies have shown that the resinous material extracted from the guayule plant (Parthenium argentatum, Gray) has both insect- and microbial-resistant properties. Unfor...
F S Nakayama, P Chow, D S Bajwa, J A Youngquist, J H Muehl, A M Krzysik

Ability of heartwood extractives to inhibit the growth of a bacterial symbiont of Teredo navalis
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10369
Shipworms are important destroyers of wood in the marine environment, and wood users have long sought methods for preventing or limiting their attack. While heavy -duty wood preservatives are highly effective against these organisms, there is increasing concern about risks to non-target organisms. This has resulted in a gradual shift away from broadly toxic materials to either alternative material...
C S Love, A R Sipe, S C Cary, J J Morrell

Biocidal property of the phenolic fraction of ethanol extractives of Hopea parviflora heartwood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30003
Natural resistance of some species of timber to fungal decay and insect damage (particularly termite) is ascribed toxic nature and quantity of certain chemical substances present in the cell wall of heartwood. These chemical substances generally known to be Phenolic and Polyphenolic compounds (Rao 1982). Earlier investigations on extractives were mainly in relation to resistance of timber to decay...
R V Krishnan, K S Theagarajan, H S Ananthapadmanabha, M Nagaraja Sharma, V V Prabhu, H C Nagaveni

Susceptibility of heartwood of three Pinus species to attack by the subterranean termite Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt)
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20026
Heartwood of plantation-grown Pinus elliottii (slash pine), Pinus caribaea (Caribbean pine) and Pinus radiata (radiata pine) was obtained from a range of locations throughout Australia and New Zealand for use in a field bioassey with subterranean termites. Timber stock was analysed for a number of stilbene and flavonoid heartwood extractive components which could contribute to variation in suscept...
M J Kennedy, L L Dixon, B C Peters

Evaluation of extractives from African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.) for protection of non decay resistant species
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10419
The development of a wood preservative made up of natural extracts is a potentially attractive prospect for the wood preservation industry. In this study, organic solvents were used to remove extractives from African padauk wood samples. The solvent was removed by rotoevaporation, and the total content of the viscous extracts determined to be 54.4mg/ml. The toxicity of various extracts concentrat...
P Nzokou, D P Kamdem

Natural durability of tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch)
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10277
Eastern larch or tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch) lumber from New Brunswick, Canada was evaluated for heartwood natural durability according to ASTM D2017-81. The natural durability of tamarack heartwood exposed to two brown rot fungi, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Postia placenta was low and generally inferior to that of the heartwood of spruce (Picea sp.) and white pine (Pinus strobus L.) a...
U Srinivasan, A Taylor, P A Cooper

The Influence of Extractives on Western Redcedar’s Equilibrium Moisture Content
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40331
The high natural durability of western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn) heartwood is often attributed to the presence of the thujaplicins, which are toxic to fungi. However, sound, twenty-five year old western redcedar shakes and shingles were found to contain only traces of the thujaplicins, but significant quantities of plicatic acid (which is only weakly toxic to fungi). This suggests that factors...
R Stirling, P I Morris

Methods for Determining the Role of Extractives in the Natural Durability of Western Redcedar Heartwood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20356
The durability of western redcedar heartwood is influenced by a number of different extractives operating by different mechanisms. In order to guide a systematic isolation of extractives with high fungal toxicity, a micro-bioassay has been developed for measuring the fungal toxicity of extractive fractions. Two additional assays quantify the anti-radical and metal chelating properties of cedar ext...
R Stirling, C R Daniels, J E Clark, P I Morris

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