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Your search resulted in 306 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Gene expression analysis of a copper-tolerant brown rot fungus on MCQ-treated wood
2011 - IRG/WP 11-10748
Most brown rot fungi are copper-tolerant, which makes them difficult to control with copper-based wood preservatives like MCQ. To better understand what biological processes are regulated, we used our model species, Antrodia radiculosa, to examine expression of genes on MCQ-treated wood. Our hypothesis was genes that decreased copper bioavailability would be up-regulated early, when wood showed ...
J D Tang, A Perkins, S V Diehl

Comparative investigations between thermal and microwave assisted digestion as a novel tool for the chemical analysis of inorganic wood preservative components
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20461
The correct chemical impregnation of wood requires an internal as well as external quality control of the treated wood. The active is located in a solid matrix, therefore it is often difficult to analyse such material since most analytical procedures are based on liquid systems. Because of this quite a number of methods – like extraction or thermal digestion - were developed in order to transfer...
H Ahl, J Fromm, E Melcher

Methods of field data evaluation - time versus reliability
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20466
Field testing of wood and wood-based products is so far the most reliable way to get information on performance with respect to durability and expected service life. However, field trials are extremely time and cost consuming. The main objective of the present study was to investigate possible correlations between early stages of decay, preferably during the first 5 years, and the actual service l...
P Larsson Brelid, C Brischke, A O Rapp, M Hansson, M Westin, J Jermer, A Pilgård

Classification of wood materials using Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy and multivariate analysis
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20471
A distinction between preservative-treated wood and non-treated wood can be demonstrated by the combination of Fourier Transform-Near Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) and Multivariate Analysis (MVA). This technique is non-destructive, quick, easy to use and can be portable. The calibration models for different heavy metals are set up using principal component analysis (PCA) to classify species of t...
M A Bouslamti, M A Irle, C Belloncle, V Salvador, S Hulot, B Caron, E M Qannan

A comparative study and evaluation of methodologies used for determining wood preservative penetration
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20475
A series of methods for determining penetration of wood preservatives into the wood structure have been developed for either quality control (QC) or research and development purposes. QC methods range from monitoring the solution uptake, applying colour indicators or sampling specific wood samples followed by wood acid digestion/atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) or solvent extraction/chromatogr...
R Craciun, R Moeller, J Wittenzellner, T Jakob, J Habicht

Slice - Cut and Analyze Laser Microdissection (LMD): A method to produce sample material from modified wood for chemical quality analysis
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20478
Wood modification with its various systems is an established way to enhance a wood products’ service life in outdoor applications. Per definition, selected material properties are enhanced by means of modification without producing toxic substances or residues during service life and combustion afterwards. The systems of impregnation modification include a physical and often chemical alteration ...
K Zimmer, E Larnøy, A Treu, M Fongen

LOSP for glulam, when should the treatment be applied?
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30555
Treatment options for outdoor above-ground (H3) exposed glulam of Pinus radiata and P. elliottii were examined. Beams were treated with azole LOSP (containing a zinc tracer) aiming for retentions of 35-40 l/m3 or 70-80 l/m3. Treatment was conducted either before or after gluing. TBTN LOSP and CCA were included as comparative treatments. Test specimens for exposure were cut after treatment, while w...
L J Cookson

Copper Nanoparticles in Southern Pine Wood Treated with a Micronised Preservative: Nanodistribution of Copper in the Pit Membrane and Border of an Earlywood Bordered Pit
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30566
Copper nanoparticles can penetrate the cell walls of unlignified parenchyma cells in southern pine wood treated with a micronised wood preservative, but they are excluded from lignified tracheid walls. This paper extends these observations to include the cell wall layers of the bordered pit. Focused ion beam and ion milling were used to make an ultra-thin section of the cell wall layers of an earl...
H Matsunaga, Y Kataoka, M Kiguchi, P Evans

Above Ground Field Evaluation and GC-MS Analysis of Naturally Durable Wood Species
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10764
Nine wood species are being evaluated in above ground field studies in Mississippi and Wisconsin. Candidate naturally durable wood (NDW) species are being rated at yearly intervals for resistance to decay, cupping, and checking. Field ratings after 12 months exposure are presented. To date, Paulownia tomentosa (PAW) and southern yellow pine (SYP) are least durable and cedars are the most durable i...
G T Kirker, A B Blodgett, S T Lebow, C A Clausen

Accessibility of Wood Cell Walls to Well-defined Platinum Nanoparticles
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20494
Copper nanoparticles are found in the walls of parenchyma cells in southern pine sapwood treated with a micronised wood preservative, but they are absent from tracheid walls. Hence, we hypothesized that small nanoparticles can penetrate the walls of unlignified parenchyma cells, but are excluded from lignified tracheid walls. This paper tests this hypothesis by treating pine sapwood with an aqueou...
H Matsunaga, Y Kataoka, M Kiguchi, P D Evans

Durability of timber products –Part 1: Inventory and evaluation of above ground data
2012 - IRG/WP12-20498
The material-inherent resistance of wood is one of the most important qualities influencing the durability of timber. Hence, it has also a major effect on the service life to be expected from a timber construction. In addition, design details and the respective climatic conditions determine durability and make it impossible to treat wood durability as an absolute value. Moreover, the reference mag...
C Brischke, L Meyer, G Alfredsen, M Humar, L Francis, P O Flæte, P Larsson Brelid

Tannin resin-boron associations: Leaching and biological resistance
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30587
The easy leaching of boron in wood preservation formulations has allowed to use this fungicide only for short term applications. The recently discovered adduct with flavonoids allows boron to resist longer periods of time within wood and consequently extend its life. Two different leaching treatments were compared and the fungal and termite decay was examined. The biological tests have shown extre...
G Tondi, S Wieland, N Lemenager, A Petutschnigg, A Pizzi, M-F Thevenon

KERUING and APITONG: A Timely Review of the Perfect Choice Wood Species for Crossarms and Brace Arms, Including Data on Copper Naphthenate Treatments
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40603
Apitong or the wood species more commonly known as Keruing is an important tropical hardwood known for its high strength to weight ratio and its reasonable durability and preservative treatability. This wood has been exported from managed permanent forest estates in Malaysia into the United States for over 4 decades for its widespread use in wooden utility industry brace arms and crossarms, yet cu...
A Wong, M Freeman

Chemical Analysis of Hydrothermally Treated Beech Wood in Buffered Mediums
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40604
Hydrothermal treatment of beech wood in buffered mediums was carried out to study the effect of different mediums of heat treatment on crystallinity index of treated specimens due to degradation of carbohydrates. Different mediums (water, buffer5, 7 and 8) and temperatures (160 and 180 °C) were used. ATR spectra focusing on indexes of carbohydrates degradation obtained and analyzed. Results showe...
A Talaei, A Karimi

Initial investigations into the spalting potential of Peruvian hardwoods
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10813
This study was performed to determine if several moderately-utilized Peruvian hardwoods had potential for spalting applications. We applied a modified decay jar methodology with six native Peruvian woods and three moulds, with a period of incubation of six weeks. Results showed that Nigrospora sphaerica and Marupa (Simarouba amara) resulted on the highest significant internal pigmentation (black),...
S M Vega Gutiérrez, S C Robinson

Analysis of decay progress anisotropy by X-ray computer tomography
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20501
Wood has a serious handicap as structural materials that it is vulnerable to decay by fungi. A weather exposed bridge has a possibility of an abrupt fall down, and wooden houses with heavily decayed structural members are easily destroyed by large earthquakes. To avoid such damages, a new predicting method on the decay progress in timber structures, and also its strength losing behavior along with...
K Maeda, M Ohta

Statistical analysis of durability tests - Part 1: Principles of distribution fitting and application on laboratory tests
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20504
Service life prediction is an important topic in wood research, especially with regard to the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Both laboratory tests as well as in-service performance testing are therefore essential in combination with proper monitoring and analysis tools. A crucial concept is variability in testing and analysis, especially for a biological material such as wood. The larger ...
I De Windt, J Van den Bulcke, C Brischke, C R Welzbacher, A Gellerich, S Bollmus, M Humar,

A critical view on early indicators for above ground field performance of wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20509
Above ground field tests are quite often a balancing act between the provision of realistic test conditions, reliable statistics, and acceptable long test durations. Within this study we therefore reviewed 543 data sets from above ground field tests performed at 36 different test sites in 8 countries in Australia and Europe. The main objective was to investigate possible correlations between early...
C Brischke, L Meyer, G Alfredsen, P-O Flæte, L Francis, M Hansson, P Larsson Brelid, J Jermer

Image analysis for mould and sapstain detection on wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20519
Laboratory tests for mould growth on wood products are time consuming and rely on visual assessments of specimens utilizing subjective rating systems. Accelerated laboratory methods are needed that can provide rapid, quantitative assessment of mould and sapstain growth on solid and composite wood products. Image analysis of scanned spore imprints from southern pine or oriented strandboard (OSB) sp...
C A Clausen, V W Yang

Extraction and analysis of DNA from green and seasoned timber as basic methods for determination of wood species and origin
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20523
Against the background of the European timber trade regulation EUTR, commenced to law by March 2013, the determination of wood species and tracing of its origin is getting a great importance. A promising approach for establishing fast and reliable tracking systems for wood products is DNA analysis. A critical point is the extraction of analysable DNA from the wood and its lignified cell walls. Thu...
K Jacobs, H Mende, W Scheiding

Quantification of copper and chromium in field stakes after different exposure times: Remaining metal content and distribution
2013 - IRG/WP 13-50291
In order to determine the distribution of copper and chromium as well as their remaining concentration EN 252 specimens and thicker pine sapwood stakes (non standard format) were treated with a commercial CC salt in a vacuum pressure process. The stakes were installed in the test field of the Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg, in August 2010. In all cases three stakes were removed after 4, 8, 12...
T Liese, M Bahmani, E Melcher

Identification of soft-rot fungi existed in the samples from the galley excavated at Yenikapi
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10833
The shipwrecks of the Middle Byzantine period were excavated during the construction of the Marmaray railway and metro station in Yenikapı between 2004 and 2012. This has become the largest investigations because of the size and the number of the shipwrecks and its associated artifacts. In the previous report, the electron micrographs of the samples revealed that a wide range in the degree of...
T Wada, C Köse, K Igarashi

Microbial Community Analysis of Naturally Durable Wood in an Above Ground Field Test
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10826
This paper presents preliminary results of an above ground field test wherein eight naturally durable wood species were exposed concurrently at two sites in North America. Surface samples were taken at regular intervals from non-durable controls and compared to their more durable counterparts. Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism was performed to characterize the microbial (bacteria, ...
G T Kirker, S V Diehl, P K Lebow

Screening method to test efficacy of fumigants against fungi and preliminary data on the efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20551
Methyl bromide is being phased out and there is an urgent need to find a suitable replacement that is effective in reducing exotic pest establishments via trade in wood products. Efficacy data for established phytosanitary fumigants were mostly developed for arthropods and nematodes, and limited information exists for plant pathogens. Increased interest in developing a fast screening process for f...
A Uzunovic, A Mukherjee, R Mack, P Elder, S Myers

Statistical analysis of 40 years of preservative in-ground stake testing in Australia
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20552
Wood is widely recognized as a valuable material, yet the natural durability of some wood species limits its use for certain outdoor purposes. For decades, a wide range of methods and chemicals have been developed to increase the resistance of wood against degrading microorganisms and termites. Preservative treatment has a long and widespread tradition in wood protection. Proper testing of the eff...
J Van den Bulcke, L J Cookson, I De Windt, W Li, J Van Acker

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