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Ability of chloropicrin, Vorlex, or methylisothiocyante to prevent marine borer attack of Douglas fir piling
1989 - IRG/WP 4153
The preservative-treated shell around Douglas-fir piling is an excellent barrier to attack by marine borers; however, damage to this shell can permit marine borer attack. The feasibility of using fumigants to enhance piling performance was examined by exposing fumigant-treated Douglas-fir sections in marine waters off Newport, OR, or Port Hueneme, CA. The piling were inspected annually and increme...
M A Newbill, J J Morrell

Integrated protection of freshly sawn lumber using Bacillus subtilis and selected fungicide
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10235
Bioprotection against stain fungi has tremendous potential for reducing discoloration of freshly sawn wood while decreasing chemical consumption. Unfortunately, most bioprotectants appear to be unable to consistently perform under the array of conditions to which freshly sawn wood is exposed. While research is underway to understand the nature of the inconsistent performance, a more pragmatic appr...
M E Mankowski, M Anderson, J J Morrell

A non-pressure method of protection based on hurdle theory to control the spectrum of internal environmental factors which affect the decay of poles in soil contact
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20005
A field trial was conducted to establish whether superficial barrier linings on poles in soil contact could function as environmental hurdles against the growth of biological agents and thus provide preventative methodology to preclude premature failure of vineyard poles under flood-irrigation. Assessment after 52 weeks exposure to the prevailing conditions and sub-tropical environment showed that...
A A W Baecker

Performance of Paraserianthus falcataria treated with ACZA, ACQ, CC or CCA and exposed in Krishnapatnam harbour, India
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30382
Paraserianthus falcataria (=Albizia falcataria) treated to two retentions with ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA), ammoniacal copper quaternary (ACQ), ammoniacal copper citrate (CC) and chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was assessed over 34 months in a tropical marine waters at Krishnapatnam harbour on the east coast of India. ACZA treatment showed comparatively better resistance than CCA, ACQ a...
B Tarakanadha, K S Rao, J J Morrell

Relative tolerance of CCA by larvae and adults of the common shipworm, Bankia gouldi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4174
Southern pine sapwood "2 x 4´s" were created by bolting together four panels 13 mm thick by 89 mm wide by 457 mm long. The two outer laminates were untreated and the two inner laminates were each treated to different CCA retentions, ranging from 8.0 to 43.2 kg/m³. Test specimens were exposed from May to October in a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Larvae were unable to settle on and burrow into...
B R Johnson

The role of contact chemoreception in location of wood by the marine borer Limnoria (Isopoda)
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10157
This paper investigates the ability of Limnoria (Isopoda: Limnoriidae) to determine chemical differences in wood substrates, while in contact with the substrates. Test substrates were chosen on the basis of previous arguments concerning the chemical state of wood prior to Limnoria attack: microbial, ergosterol, metabolite, humic, extract and control (autoclaved) veneers were used as experimental s...
S M Henderson, S M Cragg

Mechanisms of Protection by NHA Against Fungal Decay
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10429
Treating wood with the water-borne sodium salt of N'-N-naphthaloylhydroxylamine (Na-NHA) protects wood against decay and termite damage. Initial testing indicated little or no inhibition of sapstain fungi, molds, or soft-rot fungi by Na-NHA, suggesting that the mechanism by which this compound protected wood was complex and not that of a broad-spectrum biocide. Previously, we (Green et...
F Green III, W Henry, T Schultz

Comparative natural resistance of eighty-two timber species to damage by marine borers at Goa (India)
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10139
Natural bioresistance of eighty-two species of Indian timbers to attack by marine wood-borers has been presented based on data collected from test panels exposed in Goa waters (west coast of India) for periods ranging from five to thirteen months. All the timber species, except Artocarpus gomeziana and Pterocarpus santalinus, were completely destroyed within a short period of three to six months. ...
L N Santhakumaran

Controlling marine borer attack of timber piles with plastic wraps
1981 - IRG/WP 479
Plastic films 20 to 40 mils thick have been used for many years to wrap creosoted timber piles in service to protect them from attack by marine borers. As long as the wrap remains undamaged, this procedure provides complete protection to the pile. Properly applied, wraps generally provide protection for 25 yeara or longer. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene (PE) films are specially formulat...
F Steiger, G Horeczko

Settlement of fouling organisms on CCA-treated Scots pine in the marine environment
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50094
As part of an EU project to investigate the effects of CCA loading on non-target marine fouling animals, exposure panels of Scots pine treated to 12, 24 and 48 kgm-3 CCA and untreated controls were submerged at seven coastal sites (Portsmouth, UK: Kristineberg, Sweden: La Tremblade (2 sites), France: Ria Formosa, Portugal: Sagres, Portugal: Athens, Greece). Inspections were made at 6 and 12 months...
C J Brown, R A Eaton

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 3: Report of first inspection of samples at Lae, Papua New Guinea
1978 - IRG/WP 446
Samples for the international marine test were placed on frames numbered I to VII. Frames numbered VII of both CCA and CCB trials are being stored dry in the laboratory at F.P.R. & D.C. Frames I to VI of both trials were suspended in the sea at Lae Harbour (Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea) on 6th December 1977. The first inspection of the CCA trial was carried out on 8th June 1978, at which ...
S M Cragg, C R Levy

Role of wood preservation in bioconservation and protection of environment
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50082
In order to meet a revolutionary task of bioconservation and protection of environment through preservation of less important and nondurable timbers from tropical zones, 170 timber species from Bangladesh were screened. Air-dried (12% MC) 170 different species of timbers, full cell pressure impregnated with 5% CCB solution revealed satisfactory treatability of all timbers for long-term indoor uses...
A K Lahiry

Destruction of two tropical timbers by marine borers and micro-organisms in Goa waters (India)
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4176
The paper deals with the pattern of microbial attack in relation to marine borer damage of test panels of African rosewood and Brazilian jackwood exposed in Goa waters (Western India) for a period of seven months. The degradation of wood cell walls in both the timber samples occurred due to infestation of soft-rot fungi and tunnelling bacteria. African rosewood, which was severely damaged by tered...
L N Santhakumaran, A P Singh

Lab and field test results for wood treated with polymeric alkylphenol polysulfide
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30268
A new wood preservative based on polymeric alkyphenol polysulfide (PXTS-A) is being evaluated in a series of laboratory and field tests and the results continue to show promise. A modified formulation (PXTS-B), which contains additives to reduce the viscosity, is being evaluated along with the original formulation. Soil block decay tests comparing PXTS-B with CCA-C indicate that PXTS-B is equally ...
J Goswami, A Abramson, R Buff, D D Nicholas, T Schultz

A bioassay for appraising preservative protection of wood above ground
1978 - IRG/WP 2124
A bioassay, using the mold fungus Aspergillus niger, gave results that were correlated with amounts of pentachlorophenol and tributyltin oxide in pine sapwood treated with solutions ranging in strength from 0.016 or below to 5%. Limited bioassay estimates of penta in commercially treated millwork corresponded to estimates by lime ignition. The assay fungus exhibited somewhat greater tolerance of t...
T C Scheffer, L Gollob

Observations on the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-borers with special reference to the West Coast
1981 - IRG/WP 468
The paper highlights the economic importance of the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-destroying agencies. The annual loss involved is to the extent of over 94 million rupees. Thirty-nine spectes and one variety of woodborer have so far been recorded from India, of which Bankia campanellata, Bankia carinata, Bankia rochi, Dicyathifer manni, Lyrodus pedicellatus, Teredo clappi, T...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain

Resistance of six timber species, treated with CCA and CCB, against marine borer attack in Goa waters (India)
1991 - IRG/WP 4166
Panels of Lagerstroemia speciosa, Toona ciliata, Olea dioica, Pinus insignis, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius and Borassus flabellifer, pressure-treated with a 6.6% solution of Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) and 6% solution of Copper-Chrome-Boric (CCB), were exposed along with untreated controls, in triplicate, in Goa waters to, assess their resistance to damage by marine borers. The control panels were all...
L N Santhakumaran, R V Krishnan

A collaborative test to determine the efficacy of polyurethane coatings on wood samples in the marine environment. 3rd Interim Report
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10046
The results of al long-term marine trial to assess the protective effect of polyurethane coatings on wood samples exposed at different sites around the world are reported. The condition of samples exposed in the sea for up to 88 months was generally sound, although instances of marine borer infestation were reported at two sites. At one site, mechanical damage of a non-biological nature is believe...
R A Eaton

Occurrence of wood-boring pholads in Kochi harbour waters (south-west coast of India)
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4175
The paper reports the occurrence of four species of wood-boring pholads (Pholadidae: Martesiinae), namely Martesia (Martesia) striata (Linnaeus), Martesia (Martesia) fragilis Verrill and Bush. Martesia (Particoma) nairi Turner and Santhakumaran and Lignopholas fluminalis (Blanford), in the Kochi back-waters, south-west coast of India. Of these Martesia nairi and Lignopholas fluminalis are now reco...
L N Santhakumaran, M V Rao

Chitosan for wood protection - state of the art
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30378
The aim of this paper was to give a state of the art description of chitosan as a wood protecting agent. Chitosan is a metal free natural compound derived from crustacean shells and is under evaluation as an environmentally benign wood protecting agent. Information from journals states that chitosan may act both fungistatically and at higher concentrations, as fungitoxic, but the mode of action is...
M Eikenes, G Alfredsen, E Larnøy, H Militz, B Kreber, C Chittenden

Research on wood protection at the Princes Risborough Laboratory 1975 & 1976
1977 - IRG/WP 3109
This paper is the latest of a 2-yearly series presenting a summarised account of the Laboratory's work in wood preservatives and related fields. The topics dealt with include: environmental studies on the usage of copper-chrome-arsenic and organic solvent preservatives; development of National and International Standards; recent developments in the preservation of external doors and windo...
J M Baker, R A Laidlaw, E R Miller, J G Savory

Protection of buildings, other structures and materials in ground contact from attack by subterranean termites with a physical barrier - a fine mesh of high grade stainless stee
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10014
A new type of physical barrier for the prevention of attack by subterranean termites on buildings, other structures and materials in ground contact - a fine mesh of highalloy (originally 304, now 316) stainless steel - has recently been developed and patented worldwide by industry in Australia. The termite resistance of the material was assessed by CSIRO in laboratory and field trials. In the labo...
M Lenz, S Runko

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 14: Report of sixth inspection (60 months) in Australia
1983 - IRG/WP 499
The IRG/COIPM International Marine Test was installed at Goat Island, Sydney Harbour, in December, 1977. The results of inspections made at 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 months have previously been reported. This document records the data obtained on the 16.12.82, i.e. after 60 months exposure, at which time only 4 of the test frames remained in test. The surface water temperature at the time of inspection...
L J Cookson, J E Barnacle

Wood decay of Pinus sylvestris L. and Fagus sylvatica L. by marine fungi. Part 2
1991 - IRG/WP 1471
The water-logged wood conservation requires a good knowledge of the wood decay organims which produce the degradation. Previous conducted studies (ESCORIAL, TROYA, GARCIA DE LOS RIOS, 1990) have shown that the incubation times normally used for in vitro laboratory tests are not sufficients for a significant wood degradation. This has been the reason why the aim of this work was the study of such d...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete, M C Escorial

Biological control of wood decay
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1531
This paper provides a general discussion of the principles underlying the concept of using biological control agents for the protection of wooden materials from decay. The rationale for the current upsurge in interest in biological control is discussed and a critical appraisal of the technology compared with the use of chemical wood preservatives is included. The advantages and limitations associa...
A Bruce

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