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Your search resulted in 977 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Effect of long-term immersion in fresh and salt water on mould growth on Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) wood
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10962
Wood exposed outdoors will eventually be degraded by fungi, depending on exposure and material characteristics. Numerous wooden constructions in the Røros municipality have existed since the 17th century, but wood used in recent repairs have decayed faster than expected. Before 1970 timber was mainly transported by log driving or rafting, and the logs were immersed in water for longer or shorter ...
M Sand Austigard, J Mattsson

Durability of Eucalyptus globulus floating structures mussels trough in marine environment against marine borers in the Atlantic coast of Spain
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10965
In Spain, since forever damages caused by marine borers are frequent in wood elements and wood structures located in sea water conditions. Galicia is a region located in the North West of Spanish, above Portugal, characterized by their typical estuaries, where since ancient times, the natural production of mussels from floating structures mussels trough. Since ever, wood species selected to build ...
D Lorenzo, M Touza, J Fernández-Golfin, A Lozano, J Benito

Profiling fungal degradation of Scots pine sapwood by short wave infrared hyperspectral image analysis
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20667
Hyperspectral image analysis of Scots pine sapwood wood affected by decay fungi has been carried out as part of a Ph.D. thesis within the project Remote Inspection of Wooden Utility Poles (RIWUP). In a lab experiment, Petri-dishes with Scots pine sapwood samples on malt agar medium were infected with two types of decay fungi, a brown rot and a white rot. The wood samples were scanned with a HySpe...
A Jochemsen, G Alfredsen, I Burud

New methods for estimating the volume of shipworm tunnels supported by image analysis
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20668
In marine environment, the main threat for wood is the bioerosion by woodborers, both peracarid crustaceans (such as gribbles Limnoria and pincher scuds Chelura) and bivalve molluscs (shipworms, Teredinidae). The damage caused by gribbles on wood structure is surficial and easy identifiable, whereas the damage caused by shipworms is internal, therefore not evident, inducing unexpected crashes wit...
I Guarneri, M Sigovini, E Keppel, D Tagliapietra

Resistance against marine borers: About the revision of EN 275 and the attempt for a new laboratory standard for Limnoria
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20669
Wood protection technology in the marine environment has changed over the last decades and will continue to do so. New active ingredients, newer formulations, and novel wood-based materials including physically- and chemically-modified wood, together with increasing concerns over environmental impacts of wood preservatives, urgently demand a major revision of EN 275 “Wood preservatives – Deter...
S Palanti, S Cragg, R Plarre

Physical barriers against marine borers based on synthetic polymers
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30754
Currently in Spain there are no chemical treatments that are really effective against attacks of marine bores in civil constructions within more or less permanent contact with seawater. On the other hand there are also no physical barriers that allow easy placement or execution, and much less offer a minimum guarantee of performance in the medium or long term. In fact, in these recent years there ...
A Lozano, D Lorenzo, M Alonso, J J del Coz, F Álvarez

Longterm Performance of Treated Timbers in Marine Exposures
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10969
The performance of preservative-treated or modified woods in marine exposures was evaluated at test sites in Newport, Oregon, USA and Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. All samples have exhibited excellent performance at the Newport, Oregon site, while attack was more aggressive at the sub-tropical Brisbane site. Acetylated wood as well as samples treated with 7.3% chromated copper arsenate (CCA-T...
M Konkler, A R Zahora, J Norton, J J Morrell

Durability of acetylated Radiata pine: Laboratory tests and performance in practice
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40899
Wood acetylation is an established process to enhance biological durability and dimensional stability of lower valuable wood species without the use of biocides. Acetylated Radiata pine (ACCOYA® wood) has been on the market for more than 10 years now, starting in 2007. Numerous lab tests have confirmed the high durability of acetylated Radiata pine. Here, additional data with four Radiata pine ...
K Jacobs, W Scheiding, B Weiß

Macro biological degradation of wood treated with sorbitol and citric acid – first results from marine environment and termite exposure
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40901
Most European wood species are rapidly and severely degraded in termite-infested areas and the marine environment. There is a need for new solutions, especially in the marine environment, since we lack wood preservatives approved for marine applications in Europe. Several wood modification systems show high resistance against both marine borers and subterranean termites. However, the existing comm...
A Treu, L Nunes, E Larnøy

Performance of resin-treated solid wood and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) under marine conditions
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10973
Wood is a traditional building material in the marine environment, where it is exposed to extremely harsh conditions. Most of the indigenous softwood and hardwood species in Europe are not durable against attack by marine organisms. Recently, wood modification has been considered as an alternative to protect non-durable wood species under use class (UC) 5 (EN 335, 2013) conditions. The present stu...
L Emmerich, C Brischke, S Bicke, H Militz

Assessing the risk of marine borer attack of the timber trestles and decay of timber above the intertidal zone of the Barmouth Viaduct
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10974
The Barmouth Viaduct is a Grade II* listed structure which carries the single track of the Dovey Junction to Pwllheli line and footway over the Mawddach estuary. It is in a marine environment where timber below the high tide mark is at most risk in Use Class 5 and all timber above in Use Class 3.2, permanently exposed to the risk of wetting. The structure consists of a timber trestle viaduct of ...
J R Williams

Validating a short-term laboratory method to assess the resistance of timber to biodegradation by marine wood-borers
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10975
Novel approaches to protecting wood in coastal and marine environments are needed as the use of traditional broad-spectrum biocides are now restricted. Wood is widely utilised in marine environments where it can be rapidly degraded by wood-boring organisms, causing billions of dollars of damage per annum. Biocidal compounds such as CCA and creosote have been popular treatments for timber products ...
L S Martin, J R Shipway, G P Malyon, S M Cragg

Experience Experience from over 20 years of field trials of resin treated wood – Marine borer resistance of MMF and DMDHEU modified wood
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10976
In 1999 a field test of Scots pine treated with MMF (Methylated Melamine Formaldehyde) resin and acetylated Scots pine post treated with MMF resin was started. Six years later a commissioned full NWPC test for BASF of Belmadur® (DMDHEU resin treated wood) was started at the same site. The testing, according to European Standard EN 275, was done in a bay by Kristineberg Marine Research Station o...
M Westin, P Larsson Brelid, A O Rapp, J Habicht

Effect of MVOC exposure on mycelial growth of wood rotting fungi
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10977
It is well known that wood rotting fungi produce microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) as metabolites. In our previous studies, we have found that some MVOCs produced by wood rotting fungi are common to fungal species tested in the studies, while others are specific to each species. Furthermore, it has been also shown that each wood rotting fungi do not always produce the same type of MVOCs...
S Horikawa, R Konuma, M Yoshida

Decomposition and metabolism of gaseous COS by wood rotting fungi
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10978
Previous studies on physiology of wood rotting fungi have mostly focused on the metabolisms of carbon and nitrogen sources. On the other hand, despite of the biological importance of minerals such as sulfur, our knowledge of their metabolic systems is limited. The sulfur source for wood-rotting fungi has been thought to be water-soluble sulfur compounds such as sulfate esters and cysteine, which a...
R Iizuka, O Iwao, Y Katayama, M Yoshida

The iron reduction by chemical components of wood blocks decayed by wood rotting fungi
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10979
Brown-rot fungi, a group of wood rotting fungi, is well known to be one of major microorganisms that cause the deterioration of wooden buildings in Japan and have been considered to use chelator-mediated Fenton (CMF) reaction in concert with hydrolytic and redox enzymes for degradation of wood cell wall. CMF can be described as a non-enzymatic degradation system that utilizes hydroxyl radicals pro...
R R Kondo, Y Horikawa, K Ando, B Goodell, M Yoshida

Marine borer resistance of various wood materials in Japan
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10983
Wood resistance against marine borer was intensively studied in the 1940s in Japan, but the research activities on the subject diminished afterward, as the use of wooden marine structures and ships decreased. Today, however, use of wood as a construction material is officially promoted for its environmental benefits. The author started to immerse some wood materials in the seawater pool at PARI ...
M Yamada

Dynamics of fungi colonization on the surface of Scots pine wood during natural weathering in different European climate zones
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10984
Wood The presence of fungi leads to biomaterial decay and/or changes in aesthetical appeal. The start of fungi colonization as well as the following growth on wood are primarily influenced by four factors: ambient temperature, moisture history of the object, access to oxygen, and intrinsic properties of the exposed wood, considered here as a source of nutrients for microorganisms. A prevalence of ...
F Poohphajai, O Myronycheva, O Karlsson, L Rautkari, J Sandak, A Sandak

Changes in topochemistry and mechanical properties of Beech (Fagus orientalis L.) by natural fungus infestation
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10986
Beech is one of the major hardwood species in Europe. It is, however, highly susceptible to fungal attack both in the fresh state and during the storage. Understanding the alteration in chemical and mechanical properties of beech wood during the initial degradation state can lead to improved raw material utilization. Therefore, UV-microspectrophotometer (UMSP) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatog...
H Sivrikaya, M Rehbein, F Divos, S Adamopoulos, R Hosseinpourpia

In Vitro Growth of the Basidiomycetes Physisporinus vitreus strains in various conditions in comparison with some white rot fungi
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10987
The paper has preliminary test results to select Pysisporinus vitreus fungal strains for further experiments in a large research project on copper tolerance of P. vitreus by chemotropic test, choice test, and agar plate toxicity tests and determination of the effect of various ions on oxalic acid secretion by these white rot fungi. In the project, it is also aimed to run fungal decay tests to dete...
E E Soytürk, S N Kartal

Chemical composition of agarwood of Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomte induced by Basidiomycetes from French Guiana
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10988
Aquilaria trees subjected to stress induce the formation of a transformed wood named agarwood. The formation of agarwood is a plant defense mechanism that occur in complex interactions with environmental microorganisms. Agarwood chemical compounds are mainly chromones and oxygenated sesquiterpenes such as eudesmol, agarospirol, jinkoh-eremol and valerianol, which are valued in perfumery. Its deriv...
C Zaremski, M Ducousso, C Andary, G Michaloud, C Menut, A Zaremski, N Amusant

Results of the resistance of acetylated wood against marine borers at three Italian sites after five years of sea immersion
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10994
The aim of this research was the determination of resistance of acetylated wood against marine decay in use class 5 (EN 335) in temperate sea waters. The resistance of acetylated Pinus radiata (radiate pine) in solid and medium density fibreboard (MDF) panels is compared with that of the untreated Scots pine, radiata pine and other untreated wood of European species such as Fagus sylvatica (Europe...
S Palanti, F Stefani, M Andrenacci, M Faimali, I Guarneri, M Sigovini, D Tagliapietra

Protection of Venetian pilings from marine borers
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10995
This keynote paper describes piling typology, i.e. Aids to navigation, Mooring and berthing and Pileworks. Furthermore, it describes damages to pilings and public tests on alternative materials and protection. Final remarks: Today, all the pole types admitted by the Memorandum of Understanding can be seen in the lagoon. Plastic poles are common for the mooring of small boats and as stilts in some...
D Tagliapietra

Efficiency of three resin fractions from Aucoumea Klaineana Pierre, Canarium schweinfurthii Engl and Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H. J. Lam from Gabon combined with Tebuconazole as wood preservatives
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10998
Pure resins from Aucoumea Klaineana, Canarium schweinfurthii and Dacryodes edulis were harvested and then hydro-distilled to obtain essential oils and purified resins fractions. Due to the potential leaching and volatility hazards of the compounds that constitute these fractions, resins and essential oils were combined with tebuconazole to produce both antifungal and anti-termite wood preservative...
W F Bedounguindzi, K Candelier, P Edou Engonga, S Dumarcay, M-F Thevenon, P Gerardin

Evaluation of ecotoxicological effects of different coniferous wood treatments on two marine bioindicator species
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10999
Coniferous wood panels (Picea abies) were treated with two concentrations of copper-based impregnating agent to increase its durability in marine and brackish environment. In order to assess the environmental compatibility of the treatments a laboratory experiment was conducted with two marine invertebrate species: bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis and a gastropod Steromphala albida. The bioindica...
T Marčeta, N Nesto, I Guarneri, D Tagliapietra, V Moschino

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