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Performance of non-incised CCA-treated hem-fir decking
1993 - IRG/WP 93-40004
The question of what preservative penetration will provide an acceptable service life for treated wood in residential above-ground applications is topical in North American standards committees. Non-incised CCA-treated nominal 2 x 4 inch² hem-fir decking with penetrations close to the proposed CSA O80 2 decking standard of 80% over 5 mm, has remained without decay after 10 years exposure in south...
P I Morris, J N R Ruddick

Above-ground field tests undertaken in New Zealand
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20063
In addition to "standard" L-joints, above-ground test material exposed at the NZ FRI test site includes treated and untreated decking units, Y-joints, fence battens and weatherboards either with or without additional protection from surface coatings. The latter tests bridge the gap between "model" test assemblies, such as L-joints, and services tests. Most tests are of preservative-treated radiata...
M E Hedley, D R Page, J B Foster, B E Patterson

Comparative performance of several ammoniacal copper preservative systems
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30151
The efficacy of several ammoniacal copper-based wood preservative systems was evaluated in this study. The selection of potential co-biocides was based on the results of an agar plate test. Following this, the most promising systems were evaluated in a standard field stake test. Good correlation was found between the agar plate and field stake test results. Of the preservative systems tested, copp...
D D Nicholas, T Schultz

The environmental chemistry of chromium: Science vs. U.S. law
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50014
The cooperation which existed among chromium chemical producers, industrial health laboratories, and governmet agencies was destroyed after 1970 by the advent of environmental activism and regulatory legislation. As prewar plants had been found to pose a serious cancer risk, this fact was the basis of EPA regulations, especially during the term of Joe Califano in HEW under Jimmy Carter. However, a...
W H Hartford

Further thoughts on standard principles of testing termiticides and/or wood preservatives
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1530
At the last annual meeting in Kyoto, Japan, there was a special session devoted to the standard principles of testing termiticides. There was definitely a perceived need by researchers and industry for some guidelines that spell out basic procedures required for any methodology in testing termiticidal formulations anywhere in the world. In the testing of new potential active ingredients, considera...
J R J French

A new technique for testing decay resistance of framing lumber
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20247
Model house frame units (two studs, top and bottom plates and a central “dwang”) were constructed using short (500-600 mm) lengths of framing timber. Constructed frames were impregnated with water using a mild pressure schedule to raise the initial moisture content to 35-40 % mc. The back face of each unit was then covered with black polyethylene. Two locations at the stud/dwang and stud/botto...
M E Hedley, D Page, B E Patterson

The compatability of tributyltin fungicides and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides as wood preservatives
1987 - IRG/WP 3414
The stability of three synthetic pyrethroids, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and permethrin, to selected tributyltin compounds, Bu3SnX {where X = OSnBu3, Cl, 02CC6H5, O2C (Naphthenyl), OSO2Et}, (Bu3SnO)3PO and {NBu4} {Bu3SnCl2}, in toluene solution was investigated by infra-red spectroscopy over a six month period. It was found that only (Bu3Sn)2O reacted with the pyrethroids and that their order of r...
S J Blunden, R Hill

A study on the pressure impregnation of Eucalyptus globulus fence posts with CCA preservatives. Part 1
1988 - IRG/WP 3470
This paper describes the impregnation with CCA preservatives by full-cell process of Eucalyptus globulus fence-posts. Several treatments were made for different times of initial vacuum and treating pressure, with fence-posts from two coppice plantations (1st and 2nd rotations), assembled into three diameter classes: small, medium, large. The results concerning the absorption and lateral penetratio...
D De Sousa Castro Reimão, L Nunes

The implementation of restrictions on the use of arsenic and chromium based wood preservatives in Sweden
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50062
In 1992 the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate introduced restrictions on the use of wood treated with arsenic and/or chromium based wood preservatives. Such wood is now in principle only allowed for use in ground contact or in water. These restrictions have had considerable influence on the use of wood preservatives for sawn timber for the Swedish domestic market. Thus only 35% of the preser...
J Jermer, M-L Edlund, K Nilsson

Laboratory evaluation of metallic naphthenates as wood preservatives
1991 - IRG/WP 3654
Fungicidal and termiticidal efficacy of copper and zinc naphthenates was appraised according to Japanese standardized laboratory testing methods. Copper and zinc naphthenates succeeded in protecting wood from decay fungi at retentions of 0.5 and 1.0 kg/m³ as metal, respectively. [JIS A 9302 (1976)] when they were applied to vacuum/soak impregnation [JIS A 9301 (1976)]. With respect to the fungici...
K Tsunoda, M Sakurai

Observations on the effect of two preservatives on settlement and development of the marine wood-borer Martesia striata L
1983 - IRG/WP 498
Small heartwood specimens of three tropical hardwoods namely kusia or opepe (Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild) Merrill), emire or idigbo (Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev.) and subaha or abura (Mitragyna stipulose (D.C.) O. Kuntze) were treated with either creosote (BSS 144 type) or a copper-chrome-arsenic preservative and submerged in the sea at Tema, Ghana. They were regularly cleaned of fouling and obs...
J E Barnacle, F F K Ampong

Longterm monitoring of termite activity on multiple feeding sites: a laboratory method intended for the determination of attractant/repellent properties of wood preservatives and baits
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20225
A method is introduced allowing the continuous monitoring of the activity of a small laboratory termite- colony at 8 different feeding sites simultaneously. The test assembly consists of a small central polycarbonate-tube containing a colonie of Reticulitermes santonensis (de Feytaud) beeing connected with 8 external feeding sites by small glass-capillaries. The termites passing through the glass ...
M Pallaske, E Graf, H Takiuchi

Essais de collage de bois traités pour la réalisation d'éléments de charpente lamellées. (+ abstract dated September 1971, Influence du traitement de préservation sur le collage d'éléments de charpente lamellés collés et efficacité vis-a-vis de larves néonates)
1971 - IRG/WP 203
Le but du travail est de vérifier les propriétés générales d'une poutre lamellée collée après traitement des éléments la composant au moyen de formulations insecticides et fongicides commerciales à solvant clair dans les conditions les plus usuelles de fabrication. Les essences utilisées ont été: Epicéa - Pin sylvestre - Sapin de Douglas en planches rabotées de 80 cm de lo...
J Guillemain-Thévenot

Some factors affecting the treatability of spruce roundwood with ammoniacal preservative solutions
1976 - IRG/WP 371
Permeable wood species for use in preservative-treated commodities are becoming depleted in Canada. Spruce can be a convenient replacement for them from local resources provided it can be treated to levels adequate for protection of commodities in ground contact. Basically, two approaches were taken to improve treatability of difficult-to-penetrate softwood species; first, to improve the permeabil...
J Rak

Environmentally benign biological wood preservatives by Streptomyces rimosus, SC-36
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10196
Microbiocides obtained from mutant culture Streptomyces rimosus SC-36 were evaluated for their abilities to inhibit the growth of brown-rot, soft-rot, white-rot, and sapstain fungi on wood. The test fungi were the brown-rot fungi Antrodia carbonica, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Neolentinus lepideus, and Postia placenta; soft-rot fungi Chaetomium globosum, Paecilomyces variotti, Phialocephala dimorphospor...
S C Croan

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 1: Treatment of reference samples
1977 - IRG/WP 426
It was agreed in Wildhaus on 15 May 1976 that preparations for the test detailed in Document No: IRG/WP/414 should commence immediately, but that initially only two water-borne preservatives should be used - a copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) and a copper/chrome/boron (CCB) formulation respectively. PRL, England (R Cockcroft) would be responsible for supplying samples of the reference timbers treated w...
R Cockcroft, T B Dearling, W O Schulz, H V Borck

A preliminary assessment of the penetration into wood achieved by bodied mayonnaise emulsion wood preservatives
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3725
Five different commercial formulations of bodied mayonnaise emulsions were applied to samples of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood as recommended by the manufacturers. Penetration and loading characteristics were determined by measuring the distribution profiles of the active ingredients after various intervals of time. The changes in the general appearance of the emulsions on the surface of t...
G E Holland, R J Orsler

Towards harmonisation of regional approaches for an International Standard for the approval of wood preservatives
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20122
Recent proposals from the European Standards body (CEN) for an ISO Standard on wood preservatives has initiated debate on whether there is any prospect of an acceptable common approach among ISO member countries, to a harmonised framework of hazard classes, with agreed supporting biological tests, leading to a unified rationale for demonstrating compliance with minimum performance standards for sp...
A F Preston, A F Bravery

In situ timber treatments by spraying. Distribution of preservative in wood
1991 - IRG/WP 3678
This study was carried out in order to make the Pest Control Operators able to achieve correct treatments and enhance their efficacy. It was carried out in two steps: 1) in laboratory, to learn the influence of various parameters like spraying pressure, use of repeated applications, distance from nozzle to wood; 2) in situ on roof timber of five buildings. In this case, the applications of the pre...
C Defoin, G Dupont, M Lamour, H Sageot, M-M Serment

Comparison of the effects of borate, germanate and tellurate on fungal growth and wood decay
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1533
The tetra-hydroxy borate ion is known to undergo complexation with polyols and has been shown to inhibit dehydrogenase enzymes in this way. It has been previously suggested that this complexation is responsible for the inhibition of fungal growth and the protection of boron treated timber. Other ions that have the ability to complex with polyols have also been shown to inhibit dehydrogenase activi...
J D Lloyd, D J Dickinson

Field testing of alkylammonium wood preservatives
1983 - IRG/WP 3248
The field test performance of five alkylammonium wood preservatives is described. The relative effectiveness of three unmodified formulations was determined by calculation of a Performance Index. Of the three, didecyldimethylammonium chloride was found to be superior to octyldecyldimethylammonium chloride, and both were more effective than alkyltrimethylammonium chloride. However, none were consid...
J N R Ruddick

Inorganic preservatives in wood dust - Cause of nasal cancer?
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50085
Since 1985 dust particles from beech and oak trees have been classified by the Senate Commission of the German Research Council (DFG) as being ,,working materials which are definitely carcinogenic to humans". All other wood dusts, including those from softwoods, are classified as being materials ,,with reasonable suspicion of carcinogenic potential". The carcinogenic principle of action continues ...
A O Rapp, K Brandt, R-D Peek, U Schmitt

Serpula lacrymans, The Dry Rot Fungus and its Tolerance towards Copper-based Wood Preservatives
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10555
Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen : Fries) Schröter, the dry rot fungus, is considered the most economically important wood decay fungus in temperate regions of the world i.e. northern Europe, Japan and Australia. Previously copper based wood preservatives were the most commonly used preservatives for pressure treatment of wood for building constructions. Because of a suspicion about tolerance toward cop...
A C Steenkjær Hastrup, F Green III, C A Clausen, B Jensen

Comparison of three methods for assessing the in-ground termite resistance of treated timber, durable timber and plastics at sites in Australia, USA and Thailand - First results
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20132
The in-ground resistance of materials to attack by subterranean termites is most commonly assessed with one form or another of the conventional graveyard method, despite the significant shortcomings of this method. In Australia, an alternative method, in which all samples of test materials are placed below-ground, has been in use for more than 10 years. The method provides reliable exposure of sam...
M Lenz, A F Preston, J W Creffield, K J Archer, B M Kard, C Vongkaluang, Y Sornnuwat

A method for the preliminary assessment of timbers for their treatability with preservatives under pressure
1977 - IRG/WP 3100
President Maurice Fougerousse has provided the following references to a IUFRO report, published in English, French and German, which may be of interest to IRG members: 'A method for the preliminary assessment of timbers for their treatability with preservatives under pressure', PANS Vol 23, No 2, 153 158, June 1977. 'Une methode d'evaluation preliminaire de l...
M Fougerousse

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