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Your search resulted in 460 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

A Novel Type of Multiple Cavity Attack in Wood Cell Walls of Heat-treated Timber Exposed in Seawater – Preliminary Observations
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10523
Samples of untreated and heat-treated Norway spruce and Douglas fir were submerged in Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth for 4 years at a depth of ca. 0.3 metres. The heat-treated samples had been prepared using the Plato process. Samples were initially assessed for the severity of marine borer damage and were then examined microscopically for evidence of microbial decay. Longitudinal and transverse wo...
R A Eaton, C Björdal, T Nilsson

Natural decay resistance of some lesser known /used timber species from the forests of Tanzania
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10557
In order to manage the Tropical forest in a sustainable manner and increase the resource base for their wood industries, many Tropical African timber producing countries including Tanzania are promoting the many lesser known/used timbers in their forests as alternative sources of wood to the over-exploited primary timber species. Four lesser known/utilized timber species from the forests of Tanzan...
S A Amartey, P R Gillah, R C Ishengoma, J Gabriel, D H Kitojo

Whitewood - An external joinery timber?
1975 - IRG/WP 253
The timber used traditionally for softwood joinery in the UK is redwood (Pinus sylvestris). In the past its ready availability in the desired sizes and quality and its durability in service encouraged little competition. However, the past decade has seen some erosion of this position, particularly through the increased proportion of sapwood in redwood supplies. Since the sapwood is less durable th...
J W W Morgan

Leaching of components from CCF treated timber in ground contact
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50108
In order to investigate the depletion of different CCF-salts during service small stakes (10*10*450mm³) were treated with five water-borne wood preservatives and after fixation brought into ground contact for several years. After failing some of the broken down stakes were used to determine the remaining concentration of relevant ions and their distribution in different segments of the stakes. A...
E Melcher

Methods of testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting sawn timber during storage and transport
1976 - IRG/WP 273
No international standard method for testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting fresh sawn timber exists. The methods used can be divided into three types: a) Rapid screening tests for finding chemicals effective against blue-stain and mould fungi. The chemicals are tested in agar medium, in pieces of filter paper or on small pieces of wood using pure cultures. b) Laboratory tests for evaluating ...
T Vihavainen

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 17: Report of fifth inspection (4 years) in Italy
1983 - IRG/WP 4103
The wood samples of Alstonia scholaris, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris were submerged in the sea at Follonica, Italy, in April 1977. Follonica, latitude 42°55' North and longitude 10°45' East, is situated on the Tyrrhenian coast. The recorded temperature varies from 13°C to 25°C, salinity 37-38% and pH about 8. The inspections were carried out after 6 months (10/1977), 12 ...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi

Protection of pine sawtimber and sawn timber against blue stain in Poland
1983 - IRG/WP 3193
The purpose of this paper is the synthesis of more important results of basic and applied research that have been grouped in the following problems: 1.: Fungi causing blue stain in the pine wood, occurring in Poland. 2.: Moisture content changes of pine sawtimber and sawn timber as the factor of blue stain producing fungi development. 3.: Effect of sapwood moisture content on the degree of wood st...
E Tarocinski, M H Zielinski

Wood preservation in Italy
1985 - IRG/WP 3354
The report summarizes the history of wood preservation in Italy up to the present time. Information on the Italian climate and the main hazards to timber are dealt with and the amounts of timber grown and imported and exported tabulated. The main commodities treated are poles and sleepers. The amounts of preservative used have been estimated and details listed of the 10 pressure plants in the coun...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi, R Cockcroft

Effects of boron formulation on specific timber types used in ships of historical importance
1991 - IRG/WP 3676
This paper reports results of preservative treatment and leaching experiments, using borax, polybor and boracol 20, on small wood blocks of English oak and American pitch pine heartwood. Earlier experiments on the performance of various biocides as possible additives to bilgewater to prevent fungal decay of shipping timbers had suggested that some formulations of boron might be associated with phy...
B King, G M Smith, J W Palfreyman, S McCutcheon

Survey of North American practice in conditioning forest products before preservative treatment
1972 - IRG/WP 308
Seasoning requirements for the wide range of forest products which are treated with preservatives and fire retardants must be capable of dealing with a very complex set of conditions which are summarized under a number of variables including type and hazard of end use, the most effective distribution of preservative, a wide range of cross sectional dimensions, the possibility of seasoning by a ran...
J Rak, T S McKnight

Wood preservation in Nigeria - Its increasing relevance, observed constraints and potential as a forest conservation option
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3732
The paper discusses the demand and supply of wood and wood products in Nigeria and points out that in view of the large population (88 million) and search for wood for housing and furniture, the demand exceeds supply. There is great shortage of industrial and domestic woods resulting in underutilization of installed machineries in forest industries and low profit margin. Under this prevailing cond...
M A Odeyinde, S C Ifebueme

A questionnaire survey to establish the perceptions of UK specifiers concerning the key material attributes of timer for use in marine and fresh water engineering
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10519
Engineers have a key role in making informed decisions on the type of materials to be used in the schemes they design and construct. Currently, in England and Wales, it is believed that some £500m per year is invested in flood and coastal defence engineering. There is a lack of centralised data in the UK holding information on timber for usage in fluvial and, particularly coastal engineering. A...
J R Williams, G S Sawyer, S M Cragg, J Simm

Silica treatments to protect timber from marine borers
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30270
Siliceous timbers such as turpentine (Syncarpia glomulifera) are highly resistant to certain marine borers. Attempts to mimic this resistance by chemical treatment however, have met with limited success. This paper describes the impregnation of Pinus radiata and eucalypt timber specimens with organo-silicate formulations. The treated timber gains a pattern of resistance to marine borers that appro...
D Scown, L J Cookson, K J McCarthy

Diffusion treatment of gauged radiata pine timber using "Boracol 20"
1987 - IRG/WP 3437
Green gauged 100 x 50 mm radiata pine timber was preservative treated by brush application of "Boracol 20" followed by diffusion storage. Preservative retention analyses indicated that retention requirements in the core could be achieved within a six week diffusion period, thus representing a time saving of 25% over conventional boron treatment of rough-sawn radiata pine. Similar treatment of kiln...
D R Page, P Vinden, S Retter

A comparison of shower test results from CCF, CCZF, CCB and Cu-quat treated timber
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50054
The shower test quantifies the amount of specific preservative components which leach from treated timber under simulated open storage conditions. The test method measures leaching from both organic and inorganic salt treated timber. Shower tests of CCF, CCZF, CCB and Cu-quat treated timber which have been performed over the last 5 years by TNO are reviewed and compared. Leached components are qua...
M J Boonstra, A J Pendlebury, P Esser

Survey of practical methods for conditioning of forest products before preservative treatment
1971 - IRG/WP 39
The seasoning of forest products is undertaken for a wide range of end uses and is becoming increasingly required for applications and building construction and secondary manufacturing industries. A wide range of applications of new technology and specifically required seasoning schedules is being actively developed for such requirements, but less attention has been given to the means by which woo...
J Rak, T S McKnight

Blue stain in timber in service. Progress review of Sub-group collaborative tests - 1981/82
1982 - IRG/WP 2178
Following from the discussions after reporting Document IRG/WP/2146 at the Meeting in Sarajevo, 1981, it was decided that 1.) more precise definition was needed of the artificial weathering schedules used in the work - participants to re-check Table 8 and send further details or amendments to Dr Bravery; 2.) a further test employing a wider range of chemicals was necessary using a smaller range of...
A F Bravery, D J Dickinson

Hole delimination inside round timber via ultrasonic techniques
1990 - IRG/WP 2358
A fast and economic circular scanning method to localize and evaluate holes inside round timber is presented. This method consists in measuring transit times of the ultrasonic wave by fixing the transmitter probe in the perimeter of the sample, then moving the receiver probe every ten degrees until completion of the circle. The scanning is done with a cheap and light instrument. Tests are made wit...
G Prieto, A Fernández Cancio

Decay resistance of coconut and rubber woods. Alternative wood species from Ghana
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10596
With the expanding local and world wide demand for tropical timbers, there is increased interest in the suitability of lesser–used timber species as alternatives for the forest based industries in order to ensure sustainable forest management. In the forests of Ghana, there are quite a number of timber species that are lesser known and have not been adequately used due to the absence of informat...
S Amartey, M Humar, B Donkor, F Pohleven

Manual for inspection of waterborne preservative treated timber products
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20322
This paper deals with inspection procedures of waterborne preservative treated timber products. A research study supported by past experience, knowledge and training on relevant issues and consultation of relevant bulletins and standards revealed a concise widespread guideline for the inspection of waterborne preservative treated timber products. Through this paper different types of templates on ...
A K Lahiry

Predicting the decay resistance of timber above-ground: 1. Climate effects
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20330
Despite the benefits of using timber as a building product, it is disadvantaged by current Australian Standard durability classifications which lack the sensitivity desired by engineers and architects. To address the need for more sensitive timber service-life information in Australia, an above-ground durability research program was established in 1987. One focus of research is the relationship be...
L P Francis, J Norton

Re-sealing cut ends of envelope-treated softwood framing timber to protect against damage by the Australian subterranean termite Coptotermes acinaciformis: A revisitation
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20335
The claim that Australian Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) do not appear to initiate damage on timber from the end grain, thereby negating the need for treating exposed cut ends of softwood framing material (35 ? 90 mm) which has a repellent Tanalith? T envelope, was further investigated. Specimens of commercial Pinus radiata D.Don framing timber (untreated) and Pinus elliottii Englem. (untrea...
B C Peters, M Lenz, J W Creffield

High-energy multiple impact (HEMI)-test – Part 1: A new tool for quality control of thermally modified timber
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20346
Thermal modification processes improve durability and dimensional stability of wood, but the strength properties, especially the dynamic ones, are compromised and need to be considered with respect to industrial quality control. Results from standard dynamic strength testing, such as impact bending tests, suffer from high variability, and therefore require a high number of replicates. To overcome ...
C Brischke, A O Rapp, C R Welzbacher

Preliminary screening of a boron based wood preservative for biological efficacy (fungicidal) in treated timber
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30396
The resistance of Pinus radiata D.Don sapwood blocks, treated with a boron based preservative, to attack by five wood destroying fungi (Fomitopsis lilacino-gilva, Coniophora olivacea, Gloeophyllum abietinum (boron resistant), Serpula lacrymans and Perenniporia tephropora) was investigated. A phenyl pyrazole termiticide (fipronil) was also incorporated into the formulation to examine if its presen...
S R Przewloka, J A Hann, P Vinden

The Development of a novel method to preserve reeds using an environmentally friendly timber preservative and a unique engineering design.
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40335
Reeds are used in the construction of bush lodges in Northern Kwa- Zulu Natal, South Africa. Fungal, insect and ultra-violet damage to these reeds is posing a severe problem. Within a space of two years, the reeds are attacked and have to be subsequently replaced; a time consuming and costly exercise. A novel method has been used to successfully preserve these reeds with an environmentally friendl...
K Govender, K G Moodley

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