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Your search resulted in 388 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Termite resistance of Malaysian and exotic woods with plantation potential: Laboratory evaluation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10280
The resistance of selected Malaysian woods to attack by the representative aggressive subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) was evaluated in four-week, no-choice laboratory tests. This is part of an ongoing effort between the Forest Research Institute Malaysia and the University of Hawaii to document the termite resistance of Malaysian timber species of po...
J K Grace, A A H Wong, C H M Tome

BRE Experience in monitoring decay in out-of-ground exposure trials
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20077
The outdoor field trial has always been regarded as the ultimate test of performance for assessing the effectiveness of a wood preservative. For this reason, the Building Research Establishment (BRE) has invested much effort in such trials over many years. Emphasis in early trials was on ground contact tests which were the basis both for assessing the likely performance of a preservative in protec...
J K Carey, R J Orsler

Laboratory induction of pupation and emergence in Anobium punctatum (Deg) (Col Anobiidae)
1973 - IRG/WP 219
The reluctance of Anobium punctatum to pupate and emerge outside its normal summer emergence period has led to attempts to induce pupation by artificial manipulation of the temperature conditions at which larvae are held. Infested hazel (Corylus avellana) twigs were subjected to temperature schedules which simulated some aspects of a spring climate. It was found that 40 days of a diurnal temperatu...
R W Berry

L-joint trials: Part 2: The relationship between colonisation by decay fungi and long-term performance
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20251
Many of the L-joint trials conducted at BRE were assessed during the early stages to establish the rate of colonisation by fungi, principally basidiomycetes. At that time, a system of assessment incorporating colonisation studies was proposed for inclusion within the European Standard EN 330 but was rejected for the final version of the standard. The long-term trials associated with the colonisa...
J K Carey

Ability of chitosans to limit wood decay under laboratory conditions.
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30339
Chitosans have recently been explored for controlling a number of plant pathogenic fungi and have shown some promise for controlling stain fungi on wood. The potential for using chitosans either alone or in combination with copper sulfate to protect wood from fungal decay was explored using maple veneers. Chitosan treatment reduce weight losses caused by two brown rot and one white rot fungi, howe...
M Maoz, J J Morrell

Which fungi should be included in the laboratory evaluation of anti-stain chemicals?
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20236
Test fungi for efficacy tests of anti-stain formulations were selected based on the assumptions that test fungi should be fungicide-tolerant antagonists and fungi resistant to both fungicides and fungicide- tolerant antagonists, and such fungi should be re-isolated from treated samples with the highest fungicidal concentration used for laboratory evaluation of fungicides. This paper discusses the ...
Hyung-Jun Kim, Jae-Jin Kim, Gyu-Hyeok Kim

Accelerated laboratory testing of preservatives on 13 North American wood species
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30201
The ability of selected water and solvent based biocides to protect wood against fungal attack was evaluated on 13 North American wood species using 7 decay fungi in a modified soil block test. Most preservatives were capable of providing protection at their recommended above ground and soil contact use levels. Many decay fungi caused substantial weight losses on blocks treated with chlorothalonil...
J J Morrell, C M Freitag

Unsuitability of the limiting dose as a criterion for assessing the toxicity of preservatives to wood-destroying fungi
1974 - IRG/WP 243
In the majority of methods for investigating preservatives for wood-destroying fungi their toxicity is assessed by determining what is called the "limiting dose". This normally denotes a range of preservative solution concentrations or retentions of dry preservative in the timber, the lower value serving to indicate the amount of preservative at which is observed the expected effect, e.g. the grow...
D A Belenkov

Marine trials with ammoniacal wood preservatives
1980 - IRG/WP 423
Ammoniacal wood preservatives have been known for many years and are considered among the best water-borne systems for protecting wood in ground contact. In recent years attention has been increasingly focussed on these preservatives because of their ability to penetrate difficult-to-treat species better than most other fixed water-borne preservatives. This is particularly important for example, i...
M A Hulme, D P Ostaff

Establishing standard principles for laboratory bioassays of termiticides with subterranean termites - progress, problems and prospects
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10013
Laboratory bioassays of termiticides, including wood preservatives, aim to give an indication of the likely concentrations effective in preventing damage to timber products and other materials in the field. In laboratory bioassays field conditions should be simulated as closely as possible. With a wide range of procedures in use around the world it may often be difficult to compare results between...
M Lenz, J W Creffield, Zhong Yun-hong, L R Miller

Laboratory screening to determine the preventive effectiveness against blue stain fungi and moulds
1991 - IRG/WP 3677
This paper reports results of preservative treatment and leaching experiments, using borax, polybor and boracol 20, on small wood blocks of English oak and American pitch pine heartwood. Earlier experiments on the performance of various biocides as possible additives to bilgewater to prevent fungal decay of shipping timbers had suggested that some formulations of boron might be associated with phy...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete

How predictive are laboratory experiments for assessing the effects of chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSI) on field colonies of terrnites? - A comparison of laboratory and field data from Australian mound-building species of termit
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10143
A singular advantage of using mound building species of termite is their directly accessible nest. This allows evaluation of control methods by accurate assessment of the effects at the colony level. The mound building species Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Nasutitermes exitiosus (Hill) were used to test the CSI, hexaflumuron, in laboratory and field trials. Laboratory results showed tha...
M Lenz, P V Gleeson, L R Miller, H M Abbey

Options for termite management using the insect pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10142
The insect pathogenic hyphomycete fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin is promising as a biological insecticide for many species of subterranean termites. In Australia, a survey of termite mounds and feeding sites using a selective medium showed that this fungus is widespread but rarely causes mortality of termites under natural conditions. One isolate, codenamed FI610, has been se...
R J Milner, J A Staples, M Lenz

L-joint trials: Part 3: Relative performance of a range of preservative products
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30292
Long-term trials using the L-joints described in BS EN 330 and AWPA Standard E9-97 have been in progress at BRE since 1982. This paper records the current assessments of decay of L-joints in trials started between 1982 and 1994 with treatments applied to both Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea sp.). Data are provided on a range of active ingredients including TnBTO, PCP, a...
J K Carey

Effect of treating process on efficacy of CCA in a laboratory decay test
1990 - IRG/WP 3628
Test samples of Pinus radiata sapwood measuring 40x40x500 mm³ were treated with a range of concentrations of the copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) formulation "Tanalith C" using Rueping (empty cell), Lowry (empty cell) and Bethell (full cell) treatment processes. Samples were then reduced to 40x40x7 mm³ test blocks and exposed to the decay fungus Coniophora puteana using an agar/block technique. Repl...
M E Hedley, K Nasheri, J G Van der Waals

Potential toxicants for controlling soft rot in preservative treated hardwoods. Part 1: Laboratory screening tests using a filter paper technique
1977 - IRG/WP 290
Thirty-one miscellaneous formulations have been screened using a filter paper assay technique, for their efficacy in controlling the growth of Chaetomium globosum, Cephalosporium acremonium, and a mixed inoculum of finely ground soft-rotted wood obtained from preservative treated transmission poles. The formulations consisted of various organic compounds and inorganic preparations made from differ...
H Greaves

A study of the colonization of wood blocks in a laboratory unsterile soil test
1988 - IRG/WP 2318
CCA treated and untreated beech blocks were exposed to a defined horticultural loam using the method proposed for the collaborative soft rot test in the soft rot sub-group of Working Group Two. At intervals during the incubation wood samples were removed and fungal isolations were made using selective media. Fungi were identified and tested for their cellulolytic ability and their decay capacity i...
M T De Troya, S M Gray, D J Dickinson

Laboratory bioassays with termites – The importance of termite biology
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10550
Subterranean termites are frequently used in bioassays to asses the effectiveness of insecticides or the resistance of materials. Termites which appear to be vigorous with high inherent levels of activity are often relied upon, yet at the end of the experiments survival may be very unsatisfactory, even in the favourable environment of controls. Consequently, results from such bioassays may be mean...
M Lenz

Steam/hold/APM boron treatment - Treatability trials with green gauged radiata pine
1987 - IRG/WP 3439
Freshly sawn 100 x 50 mm radiata pine was green gauged, steam conditioned and preservative treated with a mixture of borax and boric acid using a modified Alternating Pressure Method (APM) treatment schedule. A 12 hour holding period between steam conditioning and treatment resulted in the necessary moisture loss and moisture re-distribution to facilitate treatment to NZ Timber Preservation Author...
P Vinden

Comparing the resistance of a number of lesser known species of tropical hardwoods to the marine borer Limnoria using a short term laboratory assay
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10500
Naturally durable species of timber are used as an alternative to preservative treated timber for marine structures, but many species have not been evaluated for their potential for use in this environment. EN 275 specifies a 5-year test period - too long a period for screening tests to be economically viable. In this study, durability was assessed by measuring the production of faecal pellets by ...
L M S Borges, S M Cragg, J R Williams

Copper storage in the digestive caecae of Limnoria tripunctata and Limnoria quadripunctata (Crustacea: Isopoda) tunnelling in CCA treated and untreated wood in laboratory cultures
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10257
Digestive tract tissues of Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis and Limnoria tripunctata Menzies, tunnelling untreated and CCA treated Scot's pine sapwood under laboratory conditions were examined using X-ray microanalysis and transmission electron microscopy. Populations of both Limnoria species tunnelling treated and untreated wood stored copper within their digestive caecae in the form of ...
C Wykes, A J Pitman, S M Cragg

Laboratory aquaria evaluation of CDDC (copper dimethyldithiocarbamate) against marine borers
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10262
The performance of CDDC (copper dimethyldithiocarbamate) and CCA (copper chrome arsenic) treated timber blocks was examined in a 1.5 year aquaria bioassay against the marine borers Limnoria tripunctata Menzies and Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages). Three timbers, southern yellow pine (SYP), Pinus radiata D. Don and Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell were treated with CDDC to retentions of 16, 32, 48 and...
L J Cookson, C R McIntyre, D Scown

A laboratory technique to measure the performance of preservative treated hardwoods in ground contact
1982 - IRG/WP 2172
A laboratory technique to measure the performance of preservative treated timber in ground contact is described. It uses partially sealed blocks of timber which are treated, leached and sawn into small stakelets for soil exposure in a fungal cellar. Performance is monitored by the loss of static bending strength with time, and a simple apparatus for measuring the deflection of a stakelet under a l...
E F Baines

Estimation of oral toxicity of boron as a bait toxicant and the trophallactic effects between individual members of termite colonies.
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10495
In recent years, because of the favourable environmental characteristics of boron, researchers in the wood preservation industries have refocussed on the use of boron as a major wood preservative against wood-destroying insects. Currently the greatest use of boron compounds is in remedial treatments. Boron has been found to have slow-acting toxicity against subterranean termites. Because of thi...
B M Ahmed

The use of propionic acid to prevent Pinus patula biodeterioration during outside chip storage in Zululand
1989 - IRG/WP 3531
Pinus patula SCHIEDE ET DEPPE IN SCHLD. ET CHAM. is susceptible to biodeterioration during outside chip storage (OCS), reducing pulp quality and tear and burst indices of resulting paper. Accelerated laboratory trials showed that chips treated with 2% (w/v) propionic acid and stored for 17 weeks, produced pulp of quality indistinguishable from fresh untreated chips. Pulp tests during field trials ...
S Ismail, E J Smith, A A W Baecker

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