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Your search resulted in 1061 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Building solid foundations to support market growth of preserved wood in the UK – treatment quality, product approval and the largest national field trial of preservative treated wood in 50 years
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30662
The Wood Protection Association (WPA) has just commissioned Britain’s largest ever durability trial of home grown timber, having contracted Building Research Establishment (BRE) to conduct a long term controlled field trial of sawn and pressure treated British Softwood posts at two sites with differing soil conditions. This large scale Field Trial is the last of an innovative and substantial thr...
E Suttie, G Ewbank

Potential of teak heartwood extractives as a natural preservative against Nasutitermes corniger termite
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30666
Most low durability timber are treated with waterborne preservatives consisting of metallic salts, however, these substances make the process expensive and are harmful to man and the environment, requiring cares with handling, dosing and leaks. Due to these facts, several researches have shown the use of natural substances, extracted from the wood of various naturally durable species, as potential...
V Fassina Brocco, J Benigno Paes, L Gonçalves da Costa, S Brazolin

The effect of preservative treatment on mechanical strength and structural integrity of wood
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30667
The use of wood for demanding construction applications is increasing in Europe. Wooden constructions are frequently designed of susceptible conifer wood, which is endangered by wood decay fungi in wet applications. Therefore in many cases treating wood with preservatives is unavoidable to ensure the desired service life. However, chemical treatment of wood can result in changes of its mechanical ...
M Humar, D Kržišnik, C Brischke

Biological Performance of Triadimefon in combination with Tebuconazole in laboratory and field tests
2015 - IRG/WP 30668
The usage of Triazole-combinations for wood preservatives is common practice in several countries. Especially the combination of Tebuconazole and Propiconazole is preferred for this application due to its broad spectrum of efficacy against wood destroying fungi. 1-(4-Chlorphenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-butanon, also known as Triadimefon provides a good efficacy against the wood destr...
P Meckler, T Jaetsch

Durability of Fence Posts of Four Wood Species After 20 Years in Field Test
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30670
In the past years, wood consumption from native forests has drastically reduced the availability of wood. Fast-growing species such as Pinus and Eucalyptus suitably impregnated with chemicals may show a service life equal or higher than hardwood with high natural durability. The field tests have been an alternative widely used to evaluate the durability of wood and the efficiency of preservatives....
A Florian da Costa, A C Salgado de Freitas, E Meneses Oliveira

Mould growth on spruce claddings and the effect of selected influencing factors after 4 years of outdoor testing
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30671
Norway spruce (Picea abies) is the most frequently chosen wood species as claddings in façades in Norway, and is used both coated and uncoated. The visual changes that occur during weathering can be colour changes, abrasion or wear, blistering, flaking, and even cracks in the wood or coating, but more often growth of mould and blue stain fungi is the main challenge. A field test with synchronous monitoring of relative humidity, air temperature, material temperature and wood moisture content in Norway spruce claddings has been performed in southern Norway as part of the ClimateLife project. Visual evaluation of blue stain and mould growth according to EN 927-3 was performed, and evaluation data after 46 months exposure is presented. The objectives were to study the effect of 1) environment, 2) cardinal direction and 3) colour of the coated surface on growth of blue stain and mould fungi and to study the variation in relative humidity, air temperature, wood moisture content and material temperature. After 46 months exposure, the red coating system had generally the lowest mould ratings and the uncoated claddings had the highest. Of the white coloured claddings the ones facing south had lower mould ratings than those facing north, but the opposite were found for red coloured claddings. The relative humidity was higher in front of claddings exposed northwards and in a shaded environment compared to an open environment against south. In an open environment red coloured claddings had the lowest wood moisture content and highest material temperature, and red coloured claddings against south had the highest maximum material temperature.
L Ross Gobakken, G I Vestøl

Development of a new characterization method to analyse Cypermethrin penetration in wood material by immunolabelling
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30674
The preservative efficacy of organic biocides is strongly related to their capacity of penetration and retention within wood tissues. The specific detection of the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin is currently obtained after extraction followed by chemical analysis by chromatography techniques. However visualizing the insecticide molecule within the wood structure requires specific probes toget...
S Tapin-Lingua, K Ruel, J-P Joseleau, D Messaoudi, O Fahy, M Jequel, M Petit-Conil

Some comments on durability testing of WPC according to EN 15534-1
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40695
The standard EN 15534-1 (2014) gives advice for broad characterization of WPC materials and products. It contains instructions for test procedures concerning different properties e.g. mechanical properties, thermal properties, as well as durability. In this paper some WPC materials from the market were tested for their resistance against brown rot. Furthermore, the water uptake and bending prope...
S Bollmus, A Gellerich, H Militz

Characterization of biofilm formation on wood treated with vegetable oils by color-based image interpretation method
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40697
The protection of wood in order to extend its service life is an important issue nowadays. As an alternative to traditional wood coatings biofilms can be used. It is a living protective coating for the wood surface against UV and bio-degradation that has the ability to recover from local damage, such as cracks. This paper presents preliminary results of biofilm formation from an 8-month’s fie...
K Filippovych, H Huinink, L van der Ven, O C G Adan

How does the test methodology influence the outcome of durability testing of thermally modified wood
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40699
Thermally modified wood is commercially available on the European market since many years. Today, many production units with various production capacities and different modification processes exist. Industrial scale wood heat treatment processes, under the trade name of ThermoWood were developed in Finland. ThermoWood has two standard treatment classes with different target properties, namely Ther...
A Gellerich, S Bollmus, H Militz

Termite and insect resistance of acetylated wood
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40703
The benefits from acetylation of wood to enhance resistance against fungal decay and dimensional stability have been known for many years. Since 2007 Accsys Technologies has been commercially producing Accoya® wood that is based on acetylation of radiata pine. A number of studies on the resistance of acetylated wood to attack by wood destroying termites have been conducted, but there is no common...
F Bongers, M Kutnik, I Paulmier, J Alexander, H Militz

Experimental Measurements of Fire Retardants on Plywood at Fire Test
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40709
The use and development of wood composite materials increased in the past few years. However, in Brazil there are some restrictions on these products regarding their use, since it could be considered a potential risk at a fire situation. Thus, becomes evident the need for researches aiming to fit these in safety standards. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of two new fire retardant produc...
G C A Martins, L A Marcolin, J M Vidal, C Calil Jr

Shells of Coconut and their Durability against Termite Attack
2015 - IRG 15-10853
All tropical and subtropical areas of the Earth are inhabited by termites. In climates with moderate temperatures, they occur less frequently. Especially wood and non-wood materials that grows in tropical areas and used there in timber constructions and woodworking, wood durability and protection against termites should be researched. This paper reports findings from an experimental “AW011” la...
M Dass, A H H Wong, W Unger

Laboratory evaluations of woods from Pakistan and their extractives against Postia placenta and Trametes versicolor
2016 - M Mankowski, B Hassan, A Bishell, G Kirker
Natural durable wood species are those which exhibit innate tolerance to wood decay organisms such as fungi and termites. The goal of this study was to evaluate 4 wood species (Dalbergia sissoo, Cedrus deodara, Morus alba and Pinus roxburghii) from Pakistan in order to determine their resistance to both a model brown (Postia placenta) and white (Trametes versicolor) rot fungus compared to a durabl...
M Mankowski, B Hassan, A Bishell, G Kirker

Moisture induced risk and fungal development in various field test set-ups in and above ground
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20577
A high number of studies on the decay performance of wood in outdoor exposure have been conducted in the past. However, no testing methodology for wooden components exposed above ground reflecting the variety of different loads has been established so far. Many test protocols were modified in different ways throughout the years and results were often published in an encoded or incomplete way. This...
L Meyer-Veltrup, C Brischke

Variation in moisture content in field trials according to use class 3.2 conditions
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20580
Different test methods to determine the durability of wood in use class 3 (EN 335:2013) are available. Fungal degradation of wood requires liquid water. Different Standards (EN 335-1:2006; DIN 68 800:2011) specify the risk for decay with moisture content (mc) of above 20%. EN 335 (2013) does not specify moisture content but rather defined limited wetting conditions (use class 3.1) or prolonged wet...
S Bollmus, A Gellerich, H Militz

Bundle tests - Simple alternatives to standard above ground field test methods
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20581
Within this study we applied different new above ground test set ups to untreated Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) which are frequently used as reference or control species in wood durability field tests. The overall aim of this study was to find a simple alternative method to the few standardized above ground field test methods, such as the L-joint a...
C Brischke, L Meyer-Veltrup

Evaluation of field test data
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20594
The resistance against fungal decay and insect attack of wood can be highly variable, between boards and even within boards. The variability in durability is not always an issue, but for high demanding applications information about its reliability is required. This comprises the variability of outdoor performance. Durability testing in laboratory and outdoor exposures can provide a good basis to ...
F Bongers, C Brischke, J Van den Bulcke, W Gard, I De Windt, H Militz

Anti-Fungal Activity on Some Wood extracts as a Wood Protectant
2016 - IRG/WP 16-30684
In this study, six different wood barks were used, where obtained bark extracts were blended with potato-agar in order to investigate their antifungal properties. To determine the inhibition effectiveness of extractives, two different fungi; Coniophera puteana and Trametes versicolor were selected. Fungal activity was carefully observed for the duration of seven days. Following biological testing,...
Ö Özgenç, S Durmaz

Screening of fastener resistance in contact with untreated wood using different test designs
2016 - IRG/WP 16-30686
The performance of fasteners in wooden constructions is an important aspect especially regarding corrosion resistance. In an early stage corrosion of fasteners in untreated timber becomes often visible as a discoloration on the surface of the timber resulting in bad appearance of the product followed by complaints. In order to develop an accelerated test for the assessment of fastener performance ...
E Melcher, S Wolf, U Cera

Resistance of heat treated Ash wood under steam pressure: rot fungi, soil micro-organisms and termites
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40724
Thermal modification processes have been developed to increase the biological durability and dimensional stability of wood. The aim of this paper was to study the influence of ThermoWood® treatment intensity on wood decay resistance improvement against soil-inhabiting micro-organisms, brown/white rots and termite’s exposures. All of the tests were carried out in the laboratory with two differen...
K Candelier, S Hannouz, M-F Thévenon, D Guibal, P Gérardin, M Pétrissans, R Collet

The durability of natural and thermomodified black poplar wood and Scots pine sapwood after two years of external exposition
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40730
Natural biological durability of many European wood species is considered to be relatively small, particularly in a ground contact conditions. This is due to the exposure of the wood to the range of biological and atmospheric destructive factors. This may to limit the scope of application of the wood of these species, particularly in construction. The biocides are often used for wood protection in...
A Fojutowski, A Kropacz, A Noskowiak

Variation in coating hardness during the EN 927-6 weathering test: influence of pigmentation
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40739
The objective of the SERVOWOOD project is to develop and establish European Standards that will facilitate the prediction of service life for exterior wood coatings. Within this project an extensive round robin exercise has been carried out by five partners to establish the repeatability and reproducibility of the EN 927-6 artificial weathering test. This round robin included the exposure of the I...
L Podgorski, L Malassenet, C Reynaud

Durability of Thermally Modified Engineered Wood Products
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40745
In this study, rated plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), laminated strand lumber (LSL), and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) were thermally modified as a post-treatment at 140 °C, 150 °C, 160 °C, 170 °C, and 180 °C using a closed, pressurized treatment method. Eastern larch OSB manufactured from heartwood and sapwood was also thermally modified as a post-treatment at 160 °C and 180°C. All ...
H M Barnes, M D Aro, A Rowlen

Marine Borer Resistance of Acetylated and Furfurylated Wood – Results from up to 16 years of Field Exposure
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40756
Furfurylated and acetylated Scots pine sapwood has been tested since 1999 in a marine field with high marine borer activity. In 2004, two test groups with acetylated southern yellow pine (product later known as Perennial Wood™) were put out and over the whole test period differently furfurylated wood (later marketed as Kebony®) test groups have been started. Furthermore, some combinations of mo...
M Westin, P Larsson Brelid, T Nilsson, A O Rapp, J P Dickerson, S Lande, S Cragg

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