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Your search resulted in 1061 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Performance of Borate-Treated Wood Against Reticulitermes flavipes in Above-Ground Protected Conditions
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30309
Termites cause economically significant damage in Canada only in a few localized areas. However, one of those is in Canada’s largest city, Toronto, Ontario. In 1996, a test was set up of borate-treated lumber above ground, protected from rain but exposed to subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) in Kincardine Ontario. The material included western hemlock and amabilis fir lumber trea...
P I Morris, J K Grace, K Tsunoda, A Byrne

Evaluation of polymeric alkylphenol polysulfide as a new wood preservative compound
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30251
At the 30 th IRG meeting held in Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany, we reported on a Polymeric Alkylphenol Polysulfide (PXTS) which shows potential as a new non-leachable, environmentally compatible wood preservative compound exhibiting excellent biocidal efficacy. Comparative soil-block test results showed that PXTS was twice as effective as Creosote when evaluated against both white- and brown-rot fun...
J Goswami, A Abramson, R Buff, D D Nicholas

An aquaria test of the natural resistance against marine borers of some commercial timbers available in Australia
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10145
The natural resistance of the heartwood of 22 different timbers grown or commercially available in Australia was examined. Radiata pine sapwood both untreated, and treated with 5.4 kg/m³ CCA salt, was included for comparison. Small timber blocks were exposed for one year in tanks containing either Limnoria tripunctata or Lyrodus pedicellatus. Four softwood species tested were heavily attacked and...
L J Cookson

Hardwood Field Experiment: Progress Report 1977-1986
1986 - IRG/WP 3391
The international hardwood field experiment was planned in l976 and set up in same 30 different sites around the world. The test stakes include 4 reference species common to each site and in most cases at least 2 species of local importance. It was hoped that a picture of performance of a range of economically important species would be built up and at the same time provide vital background inform...
D J Dickinson, S M Gray

The new method of detecting decay in poles
1984 - IRG/WP 2229
In 1982 the Swedish Telecoms Administration in corporation with the Swedish Dog Training Centre started to investigate the possibility of using dogs for detecting decay in poles. At present two German Sheppheards and two Labrador Retrievers are in operation and the results have up to now well fulfilled our expectations. The following results have been obtained: 1.) The dogs can with high reliabili...
A Ammer, B Svedberg

Comparison of various types of bait containers designed to aggregate large numbers of foraging subterranean termites from natural populations in below-ground mound colonies
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10116
At Walpeup in the semi-arid mallee country of north-west Victoria (350 km from Melbourne), there are several indigenous subterranean termite species, none of which build above-ground mound colonies but build their colonies below-ground and/or in trees. This paper describes a baiting experiment in which three types of bait containers were compared in their ability to aggregate large numbers of fora...
J R J French, B M Ahmed

Leaching from field test stakes. Part 2: The distribution in and leaching from different parts of test stakes
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50026
Field test stakes treated with Boliden K33 (copper, chromium and arsenic) and Cuprinol Tryck (CT86) (copper and N-alkylbenzyldimethylammoniumchloride) respectively were exposed in ground contact at two different test fields in Sweden and rejected due to decay after 2 to 28 years. Stakes treated with the same preservatives were also exposed during 7 years above ground. The test stakes have been ana...
F G Evans, B Nossen, M-L Edlund

Stake test with ammoniacal copper in combination with different agents started in 1962
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30130
In 1962 a stake test was started with ammoniacal copper in combination with chromium, arsenic, pentachlorophenol, boron, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, pyridine and tannin. Different concentrations of the copper component were used as well as the added agents. For each concentration and test site, ten stakes of Pinus sylvestris L. sapwood were treated. The stakes were set out at two te...
B Häger, Ö Bergman

Fungitoxic effect of the quaternary ammonium compounds wood preservatives against the Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30138
Results of investigation on fungitoxic value of the three formulations of wood preservatives based on the quaternary ammonium compounds (lauryldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, lauryldimethylbenzylammonium bromide, alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride) in relation to the surface wood colouring (moulds) and soft-rot fungi have been presented. The agar-plate (screening) and agar-wood plate for mouldi...
J Wazny, P Rudniewski

Quantification des émanations de substances dans l'air ambiant a partir des bois traités
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-27
Pesticides on wood for the purpose of its protection may evaporate. Eventual toxicity of such emanations justifies risk assessment procedures for indoor air in building. This document describes bench scale tests based on the technique of chambers developped by CTBA/BIOTEC to determine the amount of pesticides and associated substances released to the ambient air. Results obtained with various pest...
H Sageot, M Lamour

Enzymatic study of Ceratocystis sp., blue-stain fungi on Pinus nigra
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10315
One of the main problems that the forest exploitation industry has with Pinus nigra wood is the blue-stain fungi, whose causing agent is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this work has been to study, through enzymatic tests of the isolated cultures, if these fungi infect Pinus nigra in any specific way. After the incubations, isolates of Ceratocystis were obtained. These were cultured in a sali...
M T De Troya, F Rubio, D Muñoz-Mingarro, F Llinares, C Rodríguez-Borrajo, M Yuste, M J Pozuelo, J I Fernández-Golfín

Detection of increased metal cations after wood decay using Chromeazurol-S
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20112
Chromeazurol-S (CAS) is a dye used for the spectrophotometric determination of metals, mainly aluminum (Al), berillium (Be) and copper (Cu). CAS has been widely used for determining the penetration of copper containing preservatives like CCA (AWPA A3-96). Additional uses include: i) detection of utility pole decay (Esyln, 1979), ii) a chemical spot test for aluminum in wood (Kukachka and Miller, 1...
F Green III, U Srinivasan, R B Miller

Subterranean termite foraging behaviour and the development of baiting methods used for termite control by the Division of Forest Products
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10058
Given the premise that alternatives to current subterranean termite control measures using organochlorine insecticides and arsenic trioxide have been actively researched by our Division for over ten years, emphasis on baiting methods in controlling these termites has been a major facet of our research. Recently, the new Australian Standard (AS 3660 -1993) was released which outlined the use of phy...
J R J French, J W Creffield, B M Ahmed

CCFZ, a new type of water-borne wood preservative for vacuum pressure impregnation
1991 - IRG/WP 3643
By combination of CCF-Salt types with zinchexafluorosilicate a remarkable improvement of efficacy is achieved. In the same time the ecotoxicoligical data become more save. As well as the efficacy against wood-destroying organisms (Basidiomycetes, Soft rot and Long horn beetle) the basic data to evaluate the ecotoxicological behaviour of a CCFZ-Salt are described and compared with the properties of...
W Metzner, D Seepe, H-W Wegen

Effect of test site location on in-ground preservative performance after 6 years
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20231
Pinus radiata test stakes were treated with 4.1 kg/m3 of CCA and Fagus sylvatica with 6.1 kg/m3 of CCA. Both wood species were also treated with a copper plus triazole preservative (3 kg/m3 of copper) and chlorothalonil plus chlorpyriphos in oil (4.8 kg/m3 chlorothalonil). Furthermore, P. radiata was treated with ammoniacal copper plus a quaternary ammonium compound (2.6 kg/m3 copper) and a 60/40 ...
R N Wakeling

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 11: Report of fourth inspection (3 years) in Italy
1981 - IRG/WP 471
The wood samples of Alstonia scholaris, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris were submerged in the sea at Follonica, Italy, in Apri1 1977. Follonica, latitude 42°55' North and longitude 10°45' East, is situated on the Tyrrhenian coast. The recorded temperature varies from 13°C td 25°C, salinity 37- 38%. and pH about 8. The inspections were carried out after 6 months (10/1977), 1...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi

Methods for the assessment of wood preservative movement in soil
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-08
This paper presents preliminary results from a series of experiments constructed to provide laboratory data for the evaluation of the leaching of wood preservatives into and through soil. The experiments included: i) measurement of the adsorption of preservatives by soil; ii) determination of the concentration gradient of preservatives in soil following percolation of preservative solution through...
G E Holland, R J Orsler

The natural durability of five Indonesian timber species against marine borers - A field test in Indonesia
1981 - IRG/WP 474
This paper presents results of a natural durability field test using five species of Indonesian timbers against marine borers. An attempt is also made to assess any difference in durability between the lower and upper part of the trunks. Results of marine fungal identification, soft-rot assessment, and marine-borer assessment of CCA-treated test blocks will be reported in separate papers...
Suhirman, R A Eaton

Method of embedding and staining of wood after biological testing to support the identification of decay type
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20131
A method for preparing wood for microscopic analysis after decay testing is described, with special regard to a novel fast simultaneous staining, which helps to identify different types of decay. The novel staining process is explained as well as the embedding of heavily decayed samples in polyethylene glycol (PEG) and picking up of sections by transparent adhesive tape. Special feature of the int...
A O Rapp

Field fencepost tests of several species treated with water-borne preservatives by rural methods
1986 - IRG/WP 3385 E
Fencepost field results in ground-contact treated by rural methods: immersion-diffusion and sap displacement by evaporation are analyzed. Copper-chrome-arsenic and copper-fluor-chrome preservatives were used in two concentrations. The wooden species studied were: Pinus pinaster, Eucalyptus globulus and Quercus rubra. For each of the test units decay index evolution was analyzed after five years ex...
M V Baonza Merino

IRG test of preservative-treated hardwoods with particular reference to soft rot. Report on condition of specimens installed in Victoria, Australia
1984 - IRG/WP 3318
Over a third of the treated stakes involved in this test have been mechanically damaged. As many of these stakes broke off at or near groundline they could not be reinstalled. So they have been removed from the study despite most exhibiting little or no decay. Because of the mechanical damage to a substantial number of the treated stakes, we propose to terminate the CSIRO part of this study after ...
G C Johnson, J D Thornton

International comparison of three field methods for assessing the in-ground resistance of preservative-treated and untreated wood to termites and fungal decay – Summary of observations after five years
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20261
Results are presented from a five-year study conducted in five locations in Australia, Thailand and the USA. Three methods of exposure were assessed (below-ground, graveyard and ground contact) for evaluating the in-ground termite and decay resistance of Pinus radiata D. Don sapwood stakes that had been vacuum pressure impregnated with CCA (Type C) and ACQ (Type D) each at two nominal retentions (...
M Lenz, J W Creffield, T A Evans, B M Kard, C Vongkaluang, Y Sornnuwat, A F Preston

Leaching of copper-chrome-arsenic treated timber: Simulated rainfall testing
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50074
Six kiln dried radiata pine sapwood packs of timber were preservative treated with copper-chrome-arsenic preservative using a modified Bethell treatment schedule. The packs were then subjected to simulated rain leaching at specified periods after treatment. Higher chromium leachate was obtained when higher volumes of simulated rainfall were applied. Lower chromium leachate was obtained for timber ...
S Walley, P R S Cobham, P Vinden

Co-operative studies on determining toxic values against wood-destroying basidiomycetes: Progress report to April 1990
1990 - IRG/WP 2357
This document reports progress on the co-operative study between nine laboratories, set up following the proposals contained in Document IPG/WP/2316 (1988). Results have been received from eight laboratories. Toxic values data have been established successfully for the test fungus Coniophora puteana with soil, malt agar and vermiculite methods and with the test fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum and Poria...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 22: Report on the conditions of specimens at Sekondi, Ghana after 60 months
1986 - IRG/WP 4123
The results of the third inspection of CCA and CCB treated test panels exposed at Sekondi, Ghana in June 1980 are presented. None of the panels still in test, i.e. panels of Pinus sylvestris treated with CCA at 3 and 10%, Alstonia scholaris treated with CCA at 10%, Fagus sylvatica treated with CCA at 10%, and Erythrophleum ivorense and Mitragyna stipulosa both treated with CCB at 10%, shows any ex...
F F K Ampong, N Asare-Nyadu

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