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Your search resulted in 464 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Susceptibility of painted wood to discolouring fungi - influence of binder, solvent and surfactant
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3714
Previous studies have shown that the basic composition of paints, without fungicide addition, can significantly contribute to the varying microbial susceptibility of painted wood. Previously, non-weathered water-borne acrylic paints applied to wood without a primer were shown to be more susceptible to mould attack than solvent-borne alkyd paints. The present study was initiated to reveal if this d...
J Bjurman, C Herder

The selected properties of Scots pine wood blue-stained by fungus Cladosporium herbarum
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10484
The fungi causing primary blue-stain of wood may change wood properties especially when acting in mixture of few fungi species. There were been undertaken investigation to clear the influence of pure culture of one fungus species on selected physical and mechanical properties of Scots pine wood. The twin samples of fresh cut Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) were exposed into pure culture o...
A Fojutowski

Comparison between two laboratory test methods for determining the effectiveness on wood preservatives against blue stain in fresh wood
1987 - IRG/WP 2289
Most of the work done on determination of the effectiveness of new formulae for treating fresh wood against blue stain have been focussed on their use in the manufacture of saw timber. This work explains two laboratory methods, one which simulates the working and climatological conditions of factories making packages for fruit and vegetables in the Spanish Levante, showing that contamination of wo...
A M Navarrete, M T De Troya

Targeted inhibition of wood decay (Using everything but the kitchen sink)
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10203
Low molecular weight oxidative decay agents have been implicated in the degradation of wood by brown-rot decay as evidenced by chemical analysis of brown-rotted wood and detection of oxalic acid and hydroxy radicals. Fenton chemistry (H2O2 / Fe++) is often proposed as the mechanism for generating hydroxy radicals. Previous authors have shown iron to enhance the brown-rot hydrolysis of wood, while ...
F Green III, T A Kuster, T L Highley

Evaluation of chlorothalonil for stain and mould control on lumber
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3713
Chlorothalonil is a commercially important fungicide with many industrial and agricultural applications. It has a very low mammalian toxicity and is considered to be an environmentally benign material. This paper describes the laboratory evaluation of chlorothalonil as a wood antisapstain treatment. Chlorothalonil was tested as three formulation types - an emulsifiable concentrate (EC), a water-ba...
P E Laks, T L Woods, D L Richter

The biological effectiveness of wood modified with heptadecenylsuccinic anhydride against two brown rot fungi: Coniophora puteana and Gloeophyllum trabeum
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3705
A modified soil block test was carried out using wood samples reacted with heptadecenylsuccinic anhydride (ASA). This modification gave good resistance to decay brought about by the brown rot fungi Coniophora puteana and Gloeophyllum trabeum during the twelve week exposure period. Results indicated that there was a good correlation between increased loading of modifying reagent and an increase in ...
C Codd, W B Banks, J A Cornfield, G R Williams

Utilization of coconut timber from north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Part 1: Durability
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30044
Coconut timber from non-productive plantations is a byproduct of an agricultural crop and, by the same token, constitutes a renewable resource which may serve as a complement to or, at least in part, as a substitute for traditional timbers in local markets. Its more extensive utilization is expected to contribute to the conservation of tropical rain forests. Export of coconut timber and/or wood pr...
R-D Peek

Blue stain in service on wood surface coatings. Part 1: The nutritional requirements of Aureobasidium pullulans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1556
The nutritional requirements of Aureobasidium pullulans was examined with regard to nutrient sources that are potentially available in fresh and weathered wood. The study was designed to determine how far wood cell wall components need to be broken down during weathering before they provide a useful nutrient source for Aureobasidium pullulans. Various carbon sources were tested, with eight differe...
P R Sharpe, D J Dickinson

Settlement of fouling organisms on CCA-treated Scots pine in the marine environment
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50094
As part of an EU project to investigate the effects of CCA loading on non-target marine fouling animals, exposure panels of Scots pine treated to 12, 24 and 48 kgm-3 CCA and untreated controls were submerged at seven coastal sites (Portsmouth, UK: Kristineberg, Sweden: La Tremblade (2 sites), France: Ria Formosa, Portugal: Sagres, Portugal: Athens, Greece). Inspections were made at 6 and 12 months...
C J Brown, R A Eaton

Laboratory studies on control of sapstain and mold on unseasoned wood by bacteria
1991 - IRG/WP 1493
A malt-agar and nonagar laboratory test was used to evaluate the efficacy of bacterial preparations as biological control agents against several sapwood-inhabiting fungi. Both nonsterilized and filter sterilized bacteria preparations prevented attack by the sapwood-inhabiting fungi. Streptomyces rimosus was the most effective bacteria, giving good protection, with a 1-hr soak in a filter-sterilize...
T L Highley, R Benko, S C Croan

Premature failure of CCA treated vineyard posts from brown rot
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10016
A survey of CCA (AWPA Type C) treated posts used as grape vine trellis supports, to determine the extent and type of decay was carried out at a terraced vineyard in the Hawkes Bay region of the North Island of New Zealand. Of 357 posts examined out of a total of 970 in the vineyard, 47% had moderate to severe decay or had failed, 20% had established decay, 10% had a trace of decay and 23% had no s...
R N Wakeling, A P Singh

Relationship between degradation of wood, cellulose or lignin-related compounds and production of hydroxyl radical or accumulation of oxalic acid in cultures of brown-rot fungi
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10062
The degradation activities of brown rot fungi against wood, cellulose, and lignin-related compounds were measured in cultures containing glucose or wood as a carbon source. Also the activities of one-electron oxidation and hydroxyl radical production and the amount of oxalic acid present in the cultures were measured. The degradation activities of the fungi against wood, crystalline cellulose and ...
S Itakura, T Hirano, H Tanaka, A Enoki

Lab and field test results for wood treated with polymeric alkylphenol polysulfide
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30268
A new wood preservative based on polymeric alkyphenol polysulfide (PXTS-A) is being evaluated in a series of laboratory and field tests and the results continue to show promise. A modified formulation (PXTS-B), which contains additives to reduce the viscosity, is being evaluated along with the original formulation. Soil block decay tests comparing PXTS-B with CCA-C indicate that PXTS-B is equally ...
J Goswami, A Abramson, R Buff, D D Nicholas, T Schultz

Influence of acidification on decay processes of CCB treated wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10514
The phenomenon of copper tolerance by brown rot fungal strains has been known for a long period but the complete mechanism of copper tolerance by these fungi is not understood yet. Copper tolerance has previously been linked to oxalic acid excreted by copper tolerant brown rot fungal strains. This acid reacts with copper in the wood to form an insoluble and therefore less toxic copper oxalate. The...
M Humar, S A Amartey, M Šentjurc, F Pohleven

Effectiveness of some microbiocides against the development of molds and sapstain in Pinus elliottii
1981 - IRG/WP 3169
Eleven commercial biocidal formulations were tested in the field to determine their effectiveness in protecting logs and lumber of Pinus elliottii sapwood from sap stain and molds. Among these formulations 2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole showed the best performance in controlling both types of fungi. Potassium N-hydroxymethyl-N-methyl dithiocarbamate and the mixture potassium N-methyl dithio...
S Milano

Durability aspects of (hydro)thermal treated wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40160
Samples of several wood species were treated in a two steps process, subsequently hydrothermal and dry heat-treated, by the so-called PLATO-process and analysed for their resistance against fungal attack. Both PLATO-treated and dry heat-treated specimen were prepared and analysed, in order to study the influence of moisture during hydrothermal treatment of wood. The resistance against all of the s...
B F Tjeerdsma, M Stevens, H Militz

The role of oxidation in wood degradation by brown-rot fung
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1562
Brown-rot fungi are suggested to degrade cellulose by oxidation with hydrogen radicalsformed eg. in the conversion of hydrogen peroxide in the Fenton type reactions. The stuctural changes in the holocellulose in wood induced by Fenton's reaction on wood components are very similar to those caused by brown-rot fungi. In this work the effect of the Fenton reaction on wood components was stu...
A-C Ritschkoff, J Pere, J Buchert, L Viikari

Identification of brown rot fungi on wood in above ground conditions by PCR, T-RFLP and sequencing
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10512
Fungi selected in test fields in Germany and Estonia and fungi (Coniophora puteana) cultivated on medium have been identified by the molecular methods PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), T-RFLP (Terminal Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism) and sequenced to species level. The samples from the German field test showed that the fruit body sample was a different fungus than from the mycelium sample....
U Råberg, N Högberg, C J Land

Relative merits of laboratory and field tests for assessing wood decay resistance
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20009
Laboratory and field trials have long been employed for assessing natural durability of a variety of wood species, but there is a continuing debate concerning the relative merits of approach. While laboratory tests provide carefully controlled conditions for decay, they are often criticized for being too artificial to produce meaningful results. Conversely, field trials often vary widely between t...
T C Scheffer, J J Morrell

Preliminary studies of the performance of iron chelators as inhibitors of brown rot (Coniophora puteana) attack
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10185
This paper describes experiments to examine the proposal that the presence of iron is essential for brown rot fungi to utilize hydroxyl radicals remote from the hyphae as a means of converting the wood into a food source. reliminary test results are presented from trials using three different iron chelators impregnated into Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood blocks. Their relative effects on th...
E D Suttie, R J Orsler, P M Wood

Wood kiln drying. Simple process of material treament or soft method of preservation? (Le séchage arificiel du bois. Simple opération de traitement du metériau ou méthode douce de préservation?)
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-14
Among the processes enabling to extend wood durability, kiln drying can be considered as a treatment and soft preservation method. Dry woods are naturally durable provided they are not subject to important retaking of the moisture. Drying thanks to the application of temperatures from 50 to120°C enable to execute a thermic treatment which kills grubs and mushrooms to ensure a sterilization that c...
F More-Chevalier

Differences in pH, electrical resistance, cation composition and NIR spectra of red spruce wood during early stages of brown rot degradation
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10449
Red spruce sapwood was exposed to degradation by the brown rot fungi Coniophora puteana, Postia placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Serpula lacrymans for 0, 1, 2 or 3 weeks using a modified soil block assay design. Average weight losses over time ranged from 0-8.9% during this time period. Detectable changes in pH, electrical resistance and cation compostion were observed in the wood as early as 1 ...
J Jellison, S Kelley, B Goodell, D Hui, A Ostrofsky

Adequate preservative treatment of kiln dried Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium for tropical and subtropical wood poles
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40075
The Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium round timbers kiln-dried at EMC and full cell pressure treated with CCA-C ensured requisite penetration and adequate dry retention (30 kg/m³ or 4% w/w). The sufficient inherent strength, seasoning property, treatability of sapwood and heartwood equivalent to 44% of radius, natural durability of heartwood, and field investigation on service performan...
A K Lahiry

Micromorphology of decay in Keruing heartwood by the basidiomycetes Phellinus contiguus and Dacrymyces stillatus
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10454
This study aimed to characterise the micromorphology of fungal decay in a wooden handrailing in an above ground exposure at the Thames embankment in London. Keruing heartwood (Dipterocarpus spp.) was determined as the construction timber and the two basidiomycetes Phellinus contiguus and Dacrymyces stillatus identified as main decay organisms. Their decay patterns within Keruing heartwood were...
G Kleist, M Ray, R J Murphy

Sapstain development on Jack pine logs in Eastern Canada
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10358
During 1998-99, a study was initiated to investigate the influence of seasons, log types and storage time on the sapstain development on jack pine logs at two sites in Eastern Canada. Jack pine trees (Pinus banksiana) were harvested into whole-tree and cut-to-length logs in spring and in autumn. Sapstain development was examined in these logs at 2 to 4 week intervals after felling. The mean stain ...
Dian-Qing Yang, R Beauregard

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