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Your search resulted in 6688 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Chemical composition, antitermite and antifungal activity of Dacryodes edulis oleoresin
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20653
Damages to wood structures and other cellulosic materials caused by wood destroying insects and fungi are estimated to several billions of dollars each year in the world. Among these, termites are considered as one of the most economically important pests for wooden structures. In the past, several wood protection chemicals like CCA, creosote, lindane or pentachlorophenol have been used. However, ...
W F Bedounguindzi, K Candelier, P E Engonga, Se Dumarcay, M-F Thevenon, P Gerardin

Exploring the use of X-ray micro CT as a tool for the monitoring of moisture production and mass loss during lab-based fungal degradation testing
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20654
Bio-based building materials, such as wood and wood-engineered products, are susceptible to degradation by decay fungi. In-depth knowledge on the intricate material-fungus relationship as well as performance data for many bio-based building materials are still lacking, and especially knowledge on how a material’s structure and moisture properties affect the degradation process is missing. Althou...
L De Ligne, J Van den Bulcke, A De Muynck, J M Baetens, B De Baets, L Van Hoorebeke, J Van Acker

Improvement of analytical methods of wood preservatives and its validation with collaborative testing
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20655
This discussion paper presents on-going collaborative test of analytical methods of wood preservatives according to the standardization process of Japan Agricultural Standard (JAS) by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center (FAMIC) in close cooperated organization with the MAFF, has wide range of tasks about inspections and anal...
T Miyauchi, K Yamamoto, N Shota, Y Akabori, M Ikeda, J Eisawa, K Kambara, T Osawa, C Igarashi, Y Baba, W Ohmura, M Shimizu, M Samejima

Hydroxyl accessibility - A brief review of deuterium exchange studies on modified wood
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20656
Wood modification imparts dimensional stability and decay resistance. The mechanism(s) by which this occurs are thought to be related to the bulking of the wood cell wall and subsequent moisture exclusion. Hence, quantification of accessible hydroxyl (OH) groups is of great interest when evaluating and increasing the understanding of the performance of modified wood. The aim of this study was to b...
G Beck, C Hill, G Alfredsen

Accumulation of copper in parenchyma cells in southern pine wood treated with micronized and amine-copper preservatives
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20657
Our previous research used X-ray micro-computed tomography to examine the micro-distribution of copper in southern pine wood treated with a micronized wood preservative (MCA) and an amine-copper preservative (ACQ). We found that copper in wood treated with MCA was mainly concentrated in fusiform rays (rays containing resin canals), and in vertical (axial) resin canals. A similar, although not iden...
D Feng, M L Turner, A Limaye, M A Knackstedt, P D Evans

Efficacy of microwave treatments against Pine Wood Nematode
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20658
The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle (PWN) is the causal agent of “Pine wilt disease” affecting coniferous forests, and since its detection in 1999 in Portugal, has obliged the European Union to take action to prevent its spread (Decision 2006/133/CE). One of the main measures applied is the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM No. 15 ...
L Robertson, M T Troya, F Llinares, J C Cabrero

Durability classification of preservative treated and modified wood
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20659
EN 350 (2016) allows formally to determine durability classes (DC) for wood products and wood-based materials, which was previously only possible for untreated wood in the form of natural durability. In a first study, the University of Goettingen carried out the durability classification of chemically modified (modified with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea, DMDHEU) and preservative-treate...
S Bollmus, L Bachle, C Brischke, H Militz

Performance of modified wood in service - multi-sensor data fusion and its multi-way analysis
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20660
Recent developments in the field of electronic sensors and analytics provide new opportunity for accurate characterization of materials often based on portable and non-destructive methods. By using several complementary techniques, the material description is precise and complete. The data provided by multiple equipment, however, are often not directly comparable due to different resolution, sensi...
A Sandak, J Sandak, M Cocchi

Performance based specification of wood – Introducing project CLICKdesign
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20661
This paper introduces the new ForestValue research project CLICKdesign – delivering fingertip knowledge to enable service life performance specification of wood. This European consortium is working on the primary innovation to move from the complex, fragmented and general to the easy-to-use, consolidated and specific by provision of an accessible digital tool for specifiers. Competing materials ...
E Suttie, C Brischke, E Frühwald Hansson, S Fortino, J Sandak, M Kutnik, G Alfredsen, C Lucas, R Stirling

Impact of water holding capacity and moisture content of soil substrates on the moisture content of wood in terrestrial microcosms
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20662
Terrestrial microcosms (TMC) are frequently used for testing the durability of wood and wood-based materials as well as the protective effectiveness of wood preservatives. In contrary to experiments in soil ecology sciences, the experimental set-up is usually rather simple. However, for service life prediction of wood exposed in ground, it is of immanent interest to better understand the different...
C Brischke, F L Wegener

Service life planning of wooden structures: Mathematical prediction models versus professional experience
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20663
During the last 15 years, enormous efforts have been made in developing models for predicting the service life of wooden structures and components. Currently, a framework of how exposure, dimension, design details and the material-intrinsic and the ability to take up and release water can be linked to model the moisture risk in wood products is in principle available. The aim of this study was to...
C Brischke, J Niklewski, M Humar, G Alfredsen

Development of accelerated decay test for CLT using a fungus grown on agar medium
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20664
CLT is a large-scale wooden board which consists of several layers of sawn lumber stacked in altering directions. Therefore, a lot of large cross sections appear on all narrow faces of CLT. As water penetrates easily into timber from cross section, wooden material whose cross section is exposed to water in in a usage environment is susceptible to deterioration by organisms. Wood deterioration orga...
T Miyauchi, K Kambara, W Ohmura, T Mori, H Matsunaga, N Hattori

CCA wood preservative: Trust with destiny
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30731
This paper traces the history of Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) and its current status in India and worldwide. CCA was invented as ASCU at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun in 1933 by Dr. Sonti Kamesam. Although its efficacy was doubted by the British colonial rulers resulting in several hiccups at home, the patent rights were purchased by US Bell Telephone Co. and it was adopted by the US woo...
S Kumar

Biocidic effect of nano metal fluorides against brown-rot fungi
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30732
Metal fluoride nanoparticles are promising because of their low water solubility, which reduces the need for fixatives required in widely used active ingredients in wood preservatives such as copper and boron. The effectiveness of nano metal fluorides was compared to sodium fluoride treated wood samples. Wood specimens treated with homo-dispersed sols of MgF2 and CaF2 were tested against brown-rot...
S M Usmani, K Klutzny, I Stephan, E Kemnitz

Application of nano metal fluorides against termites
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30733
Recent research has shown that fluorides such as NaF have potential as a wood preservative against termite attack (Pan and Wang, 2015). However, NaF has high leaching susceptibility because of its solubility (40 g/l ) which can reduce its efficacy over long term. Metal fluoride nanoparticles such as MgF2 and CaF2 present a viable alternative to water soluble fluoride-based wood preservatives as th...
S M Usmani, K Klutzny, Y de Laval, R Plarre, D McMahon, I Stephan, T Hübert, E Kemnitz

Facile in-situ growth of Ag-TiO2 nanoparticles on polydopamine modified bamboo with excellent mildew-proofing
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30734
Bamboo with good mechanical properties, fast growth rate and low growth cost is one of very utilitarian structural material from forest resources only less important than wood. But it is especially easy to mildew during outdoor service resulting in appearance mould scattering and corrosion. In this work, a facile method was developed to increased mildew-proofinging capability of bamboo. Mussel-ins...
J Hu, Z Lu, G Liu, S Chang, Y Liu, X Li

Protecting Sustainable Wood Infrastructure ̶ Improving the Performance of Poles, Piles, Ties & Timbers with Dual Treatments
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30735
Wood is by far the best structural material in terms of environmental impact, as shown by a number of LCA studies. This environmental impact superiority can be improved if the longevity of the commodity is extended. The main durability concern in large cross-section treated materials is the susceptibility of the heartwood to decay, as it is not typically treatable using traditional methods. This ...
J Lloyd, A Taylor, C Brischke, N Irby, M Manning

Use of resin obtained from Italian guayule crops for wood preservation purposes: some preliminary results
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30736
The potential of guayule (Partenium argentatum Gray) as a source of anti-termite, anti-fungal and insect repellent products to be used in wood preservation, has been largely explored in the past. The fact that such products are obtained as byproducts in the process of natural rubber extraction from this plant, thus increasing the profit of the process, together with the ability of this crop to gr...
S Palanti, E Conti, M Russo, F Stefani, C Querci

Identification of Antifungal Compounds in Konjac Flying Powder and Assessment against Wood Decay Fungi
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30737
The antifungal activity of konjac (Amorphophallus rivieri) flying powder (a by-product produced during mechanical processing of konjac flour) ethanol extract was evaluated against wood decay fungi in culture. Compounds associated with antifungal activity in the extracts were isolated and purified by silica gel column chromatography. The antifungal active fractions were identified by ultra-high-per...
Z Bi, F Yang, Y Lei, J J Morrell, L Yan

COPPER NAPHTHENATE: A Product for All Seasons: Protecting the Americas’ Infrastructure for Over 100 Years and Potential for Expanded Usage in Europe
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30738
This paper is a brief review of the history and use of the wood preservative Copper Naphthenate, with a focus on use patterns within the USA and opportunities for expansion in Europe and Canada. This paper reviews how copper naphthenate has performed to preserve and protect cellulosic and wooden items essential to critical infrastructure, and why it is the ideal choice for use in the replacement o...
M H Freeman, J A Brient, M Manning

Boron dual-treatments for Douglas-fir utility poles: Tracking boron migration over time
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30739
The potential for using boron pressure-treatment prior to over-treatment with conventional, heavy-duty wood preservatives to limit internal decay in-service was investigated in two field tests on Douglas-fir utility poles. Pole sections were pressure-treated with disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) and then over-treated with either pentachlorophenol or copper naphthenate in oil. Alternatively, ...
J Cappellazzi, M J Konkler, J J Morrell

Relative efficacy of various oxine copper formulations against brown-rot fungi
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30741
This paper investigates the relative resistance of three different oxine copper formulations (oil-borne, water-borne, water-borne with pH-adjustment) as a preservative treatment for wood against brown-rot fungi. Impregnated southern pine sapwood cubes were exposed to R. placenta and G. trabeum cultures in a soil-block test. After eight weeks, the weight losses of the cubes were examined in relatio...
M Petruch, J Lloyd, A Taylor

Performance of field cut preservatives above-ground and in ground contact exposures
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30742
Field cut preservatives are needed to protect cut ends and drill holes that expose the untreated interior of preserved wood. A series of field cut preservatives were assessed in ground contact and above-ground exposures. After 10 years in ground contact exposure, all of the untreated controls had failed or exhibited very advanced decay. In contrast, the copper naphthenate (2% Cu in mineral spirits...
R Stirling, D Wong

Alternative fumigants to Methyl Bromide for wood products: Review of the development and preliminary tests of Ethane Dinitrile (EDN) in Canada
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30743
This paper reviews recent developments and updates in the search for alternative fumigants to ozone-depleting methyl bromide, for wood products fumigation. The absence of alternative treatments may result in significant market disruption if further restrictions on methyl bromide are imposed. This paper reviews key challenges and key attributes of an ideal fumigant and also the status of standardis...
A Uzunovic

Chemical Analysis of Southern Pine Pole Stubs Sixty Months Following Treatment with a Methylisothiocyanate-Based Solid Fumigant Stick
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30740
Methylisothiocyanate-based fumigants have been commercially used in the United States for over 35 years to control internal decay in utility poles and other wooden structures with little technological advancement. The most recently commercialized methylisothiocyanate-based fumigant is chemically known as dazomet. Dazomet is a free-flowing powder or granule that decomposes in the presence of mois...
D J Herdman, T Pope, R R Browning

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