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Your search resulted in 6688 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Fungicidal properties of wood tar being a side product of pyrolysis of previously treated wood with preservatives
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30340
The objective of the paper was to estimate the limit of the fungicidal value of wood tar being a product of pyrolysis of wood previously treated with creosote oil or salt preservative of the CCB type. The effectiveness of wood tar in wood protection against fungi causing brown rot and soft rot was compared to the effectiveness of creosote oil (type WEI-B). Wood was impregnated with alcohol solutio...
B Mazela, M Kielczewski, W Grzeskowiak

Effect of origin and orientation of Radiata pine substrates on the development of fungal degrade
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30221
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of different radiata pine substrates on colonisation by sapstain fungi. Freshly-cut branch wood, stem wood and sawn lumber were used to prepare test samples with the largest wood surface area showing a transverse, radial or tangential face. Test samples were evaluated against sapstain fungi using a rapid laboratory antisapstain screening m...
B Kreber, D R Eden, C M Chittenden, B Carpenter, J G Van der Waals

Bibliographie sur les produits organiques en solvant pour la préservation du bois
1972 - IRG/WP 313
Le présent travail exécuté dans le cadre do la Section III du Groupe International de la Préservation du bois a pour but de rassembler, en vue d'éventuelles études plus approfondies sur le sujet ou sur l'un de ses aspects, les principales et relativement récentes références sur les produits de protection des bois en solvant, souvent appelés, et parfois improprement, pro...
H Alliot

Fixation of CCA preservatives in cocos-, oil- and rattan-palm
1986 - IRG/WP 3371
In previous tests with jubaea-palm almost no fixation of a CCA-preservative Type B could be achieved, consequently, further leaching tests were carried out with samples of 1 cocos-, 1 oil- and 2 rattan-palms from Malaysia. A good fixation of chromium and copper took place in cocos-palm after 4 weeks storage at 28°C. Nevertheless the fixation was slower than in pine-wood and demanded an elevated t...
H Willeitner, K Brandt

Pretreatment decay in air-seasoning Scots and Corsican pine poles in England
1989 - IRG/WP 1390
British grown Scots and Corsican pine poles were sampled for colonization by basidiomycetes after air-seasoning for 6 to 9, or 16 to 20 months. The amount of infection present in these poles was compared with that in poles which were imported from Finland. After 6 to 9 months seasoning, the British grown pine poles were heavily infected with Peniophora gigantea, Cylindrobasidium evolvens, Stereum ...
A R Zahora, D J Dickinson

BG- an easiest preservative paste and its effective diffusibility in timbers for indoors and outdoors uses
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30253
After application of a newly formulated paste "BG-1" on all surfaces of air-dried lumbers, the boron have been found diffused completely in permeable and impermeable hardwoods at the rate of 12 mm radial thickness per week. The new paste may be a solution to protect lumbers being used or to be used under cover where timber is susceptible to termite and borer attack. The new cost effective paste wa...
A K Lahiry

The efficacy of polymer/preservative treatments in soil-bed exposure
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3729
Southern pine was treated with CCA, CCB, sodium borax/boric acid, or disodiumoctaborate, alone or in combination with an acrylic polymer system containing a water repellent. Treated samples were subjected to an unsterile soil burial test. The addition of polymer reduced the weight loss in borontreated samples at the lower retentions but not at the higher retention. Results with borates indicate th...
R J Murphy, H M Barnes, S M Gray

Practical experiments with Boracol 10 Rh used as a fungicide in the repair process after attack by the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans)
1987 - IRG/WP 3458
The test is carried out in an old house in Nyhavn, Copenhagen. The roof and the walls close to were heavily attacked by dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) because damage to the zinc covering the frontspice were letting in water to the wood and wall construction. An attack by the dry rot fungus is more complicated to repair compared with other wood destroying fungi because beside the damage on wood...
J Bech-Andersen

The effect of of sorbitol on the decay of boric acid treated Scots pine
1991 - IRG/WP 1509
The tetra-hydroxy borate ion is known to undergo complexation with polyols of biological importance and probably protects treated timber by this action. The inhibitory effect of boric acid upon fungal growth and dehydrogenases has been shown to be prevented by the addition of certain polyols. This work was extended, with a study of the effects of a polyol on the performance of boric acid in treate...
J D Lloyd, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy

In search of excellence - A necessary challenge
1990 - IRG/WP 3567
Consumerism and environmentalism are gaining much influence. At national and E.C.-level the policy conducted is based on prevention of pollution through "sound" wood preservatives. Supposing that "environmental friendly" products do not exist it is understood that "sound" products have least effect on the environment during their whole life cycle. In the past only the effectiveness was paramount, ...
G Rustenburg

Preliminary evaluation of the answers to the 2nd IRG/WP-questionnaire on the state of pollution control in the field of wood preservation
1982 - IRG/WP 3209
This preliminary evaluation of the answers to the 2nd IRG/WP-Questionnaire only gives a general survey on those questionnaires which the author received until April 30th, 1982. Details, such as correlations between importance of wood preservation and pollution control, as well as a comparison of the answers with those to the first questionnaire (Doc. IRG/WP/369), could not be considered due to lac...
H Willeitner

Étude de l'impact d'un xénobiotique sur le milieu aquatique: Approche méthodologique
1990 - IRG/WP 3586
L'action de xénobiotiques sur les communautés vivantes des écosystèmes lénitiques a été abordée à des échelles spatiotemporelles différentes. Dépassant le niveau des tests monospécifiques, nous avons effectué des essais en laboratoire sur des microcosmes contenant des végétaux ( Lemna minor ) et des bactéries et également sur des bassins de quelque m³ contenant une gran...
G Blake, G Merlin

Leaching of Boron - more than 3 years of field exposure
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30143
The diffusibility of Boron in wood and thus the ability of its leaching is known since long. Nevertheless quantitative data on this process are only rarely available. To overcome this lack of information field exposure tests were started with beam-segments treated with pure boric acid and poles treated with CCB. In addition some of the beam-segments were surface-treated with a varnish to investiga...
A Peylo, H Willeitner

Fluoride movement through Douglas-fir and hem-fir lumber following dipping in potassium/ammonium bifluoride
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40040
The ability of ammonium and potassium fluoride to diffuse through Douglas-fir and hem-fir lumber was evaluated over a 90 day period. Boards were dipped in a solution containing 10% (by weight) of ammonium and potassium bifluoride, then stored under cover for 90 days. Samples removed 30, 60 and 90 days after treatment indicated that the fluoride was unable to completely penetrate the wood. Penetrat...
J J Morrell, C S Love

Make ready of a detection system for insect attack by acoustical method
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10183
A contract CRAFT of European research allowed to build a detector prototype able to diagnose on site the presence of Hylotrupes bajulus and termites, even during the first stages of infestation when no sign of activity is visible. Based on non destructive control technics, the device picks up the acoustical waves emitted by the insects in the wood fibers. The amplification and the filtering of the...
M Hyvernaud, F Wiest, M-M Serment, M Angulo, O Winkel

Soft rot fungi found in copper/chrome/arsenic treated hardwood power transmission poles in Queensland
1978 - IRG/WP 185
In Queensland the effective service life of copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) treated hardwood telegraph and power transmission poles is being dramatically shortened due to attack by soft rot decay fungi. The Australian Wood Preservation and Pole Industries are funding research into this serious soft rot problem involving C.S.I.R.O. and the University of Queensland. The C.S.I.R.O. is actively engaged wi...
L E Leightley

Sentry®), a new antisapstain formulation for protecting logs and lumber. - Part 1: advances in protection of New Zealand radiata pine logs
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30188
Until recently antisapstain formulations gave approximately 10 weeks protection to radiata pine logs and even within this time frame protection was often not consistent. Industry requires 20 weeks protection. The degree of protection sought by industry is in the order of 90-95%. For example, this equates to a maximum of 5 - 10% surface cover of sapstain in the first whole veneer produced from a pe...
R N Wakeling, D R Eden, C M Chittenden, J G Van der Waals, B Carpenter, I Dorset, R Kuluz, J Wakeman, T Price, B Nairn

The evaluation of a survey of dry rot damages in Japan
1983 - IRG/WP 1179
The damage of wooden houses from Serpula lacrymans has increased in Japan, particularly in the northern area, Hokkaido Prefecture (See Figure 1). The weather conditions in Asahikawa have been recorded. The data obtained from the survey carried out over the five years from 1975 to 1980 were previously reported to the 5th International Biodeterioration Symposium which was held in Aberdeen, Scotland ...
S Doi

Improvement in dimensional stability against water of the main Spanish timbers impregnated with water repellent organic protectors
1988 - IRG/WP 3468
The study reported the increase of dimensional stability against water of the main Spanish timbers, both broadleaved and coniferous, after impregnation in the autoclave with organic protector, with contains 33.3% water repellent waxes and resins. The proposed Spanish standard, U.N.E. n° 56541 is used, where dimensional stability of the impregnated wood is expressed as a% of that of the non-impreg...
J A Rodríguez Barreal

Assessing the bioresistance conferred to solid wood by chemical modification
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40099
The chemical modification of wood using straight chain alkyl anhydrides can considerably enhance its durability. This paper presents an assessment of the effectiveness of these modifiers in improving the biological resistance of a susceptible softwood when exposed to four different basidiomycete fungi, soft rots and the larvae of the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus). It was clear that so...
E D Suttie, C A S Hill, D Jones, R J Orsler

Soft rot decay in CCA treated eucalypts in Queensland - A comment
1986 - IRG/WP 1301
A survey has been completed concerned with the distribution and severity of groundline soft rot decay in the CCA treated sapwood of eucalypt poles in Queensland. The survey encountered some 1000 poles of which 55% were slightly, 28% moderately and 17% severely decayed. Soft rot decay was more severe in urban than rural locations. Embedment of poles in concrete resulted in severe soft rot. No signi...
L E Leightley

Environmental consequences of various materials in utility poles - A life cycle analysis
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3726
A model for environmental life cycle analysis, LCA, has been created to compare environmental impact from transmission poles, made alternatively of concrete, steel, aluminium and pine wood treated with CCA type B or creosote. The main pollution sources and energy use are included in the LCA. One pole size, 12 meters long, is presented in the study, a so called "45 kV" pole. Poles of different mate...
M Erlandsson, K Ödeen, M-L Edlund

Decay resistance of Siberian larch wood against brown rot fungus. - Part 3. The variation between plus trees and their grafted clones
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10350
The aim of the study was to estimate the variation in the decay resistance of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) wood using mature plus trees and their grafted clones. Samples were collected with an increment core borer from 11 original plus trees and their 25-year-old grafted seed orchard clones. A typical brown rot fungus, Coniophora puteana (Schum. ex Fr.) Karst. (BAM Ebw. 15), was used as ...
H Viitanen, L Paajanen, M Venäläinen, A Harju, P Velling

Inhibitory effects of leachates from Scots pine wood on germination of some wood rotting fungi
1986 - IRG/WP 1282
Leachates from sapwood of Pinus sylvestris inhibited or reduced the germination of basidiospores of the wood decay fungi tested. The fungi were selected among those preferentially colonizing hardwood or softwood, representatives for brown rot and white rot fungi, early basidiomycete colonizers and late basidiomycete colonizers in above-ground parts of pine as well as fungi found in high frequencie...
J Bjurman

Mould growth at lumber surfaces of pine after kiln and air drying
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40033
Distribution of water soluble substances in green wood and later redistribution during drying is of importance for the colonisation of wood by microorganisms. According to literature the availability of nitrogenous materials is probably a major limiting factor to the microbial colonisation of wood. King et al. (1974) and Oxley et al. (1976) have shown correlation between surface nutrient concentra...
N Terziev, J Bjurman, J B Boutelje

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