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The effect of different concentrations of polesaver rods on the survival of selected decay fungi in liquid culture
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30166
An in-vitro method was developed to determine the effect of solutions of Polesaver Rods on the survival of selected decay fungi. Polesaver Rods are a diffusing preservative treatment containing fluorine and boron designed for the internal remedial treatment of power poles. Two white-rot fungi, Perenniporia tephropora and Trametes versicolor, and two brown-rot fungi, Polyporus verecundus and Gloeo...
M A Powell, T Deldot, C McEvoy

Biological resistance of aldehyde-treated wood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40018
Biological resistance of wood treated with aldehyde cross-linking agents such as glyoxal, glutaraldehyde and dimethylol dihydroxy ethyleneurea (DMDHEU) were investigated. Sapwood blocks of Japanese cedar and Japanese beech, measuring 20 x 20 x 10 mm³ (T x R x L), were vacuum-impregnated at room temperature with 5-25% of aldehyde solutions. Blocks were kept in the solution for 1 week to gain the o...
S Yusuf, Y Imamura, M Takahashi, K Minato

Commercial potential of the four-cycle method for the impregnation of green beech sleepers in Yugoslavia
1975 - IRG/WP 347
This paper was presented to the Conference on Wood Protection held in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) in 1973. The paper was based partially on the report prepared by J. Struhar and G. F. Franciosi, who were appointed in 1972 as FAO consultants to demonstrate the new impregnation process for green beech sleepers in Yugoslavia. The so-called 4-cycle method was developed at the State Forest Research Institute...
N Vidovic

Industrial wood preservation in Kenya. Present status – future prospects
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30385
Although some 50 years old, industrial wood preservation in Kenya does not appear to have technically, scientifically, and commercially evolved and contributed to significantly extend service lives of timbers, protect health and the environment, and curb unnecessary over-exploitation of forests. The population of the country has increased by 530% over the past 50 years; regular excisions have red...
R Venkatasamy

Laboratory evaluation of metallic naphthenates as wood preservatives
1991 - IRG/WP 3654
Fungicidal and termiticidal efficacy of copper and zinc naphthenates was appraised according to Japanese standardized laboratory testing methods. Copper and zinc naphthenates succeeded in protecting wood from decay fungi at retentions of 0.5 and 1.0 kg/m³ as metal, respectively. [JIS A 9302 (1976)] when they were applied to vacuum/soak impregnation [JIS A 9301 (1976)]. With respect to the fungici...
K Tsunoda, M Sakurai

Preliminary studies of the decay mechanism of some brown-rot fungi
1989 - IRG/WP 1402
The importance of the enzymatic degradation of hemicellulose and cellulose by brown-rot fungi is still under discussion. Endo-ß-1,4-xylanase and endoglucanase activities of Coniophora puteana and Poria placenta cultures were measured by the increase in reducing groups. Enzymes were produced in liquid and solid sawdust based culture media. Enzyme activities were measured in two, four and eight wee...
A-C Ritschkoff, H Viitanen

Biological detoxification processes - A check list for assessments
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50120
The number of scientific publications on the biological purification of preservative treated wood implies that the biological treatment of wood wastes becomes more and more important. But an information about a successful industrial application is almost missing in all cases. Therefore the applicability of the proposed purification processes is often uncertain. The feasability of such a biological...
H Leithoff, R-D Peek

Protection of rubberwood with modified creosote
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30165
Creosote is a renowned wood preservative but has certain disadvantages like obnoxius odour and colour, with its unpaintability and bleeding from wood surface may create environmental hazards. An effort has been made to isolate chemical fractions from creosote to obtain clean odourless preservative formulations by subjecting to steam distillation (SVC). Rubberwood treated with SVC and tested for it...
H C Nagaveni, H S Ananthapadmanabha, G Vijayalakshmi, M N Sharma, K H Shankaranarayana

Influencia de la impregnación con soluciones tánicas en la estabilidad dimensional de la madera de Pinus pinaster Ait. procedente de España
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3686
En virtud de la importancia que presenta la madera de Pinus pinaster Ait. en el sector constructivo español, se ha sometido a esta a tratamientos en autoclave con distintas soluciones tánicas naturales y artificiales a fin de estudiar su incidencia en la estabilidad dimensional frente a exposiciones exteriores. En el estudio se pone de manifiesto el efecto creado por el tratamiento protector en ...
J A Rodríguez Barreal, J Cubillo Jordan de Urries, L Garcia Esteban

Observations on the effect of two preservatives on settlement and development of the marine wood-borer Martesia striata L
1983 - IRG/WP 498
Small heartwood specimens of three tropical hardwoods namely kusia or opepe (Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild) Merrill), emire or idigbo (Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev.) and subaha or abura (Mitragyna stipulose (D.C.) O. Kuntze) were treated with either creosote (BSS 144 type) or a copper-chrome-arsenic preservative and submerged in the sea at Tema, Ghana. They were regularly cleaned of fouling and obs...
J E Barnacle, F F K Ampong

A prototypical needle-incisor for refractory timber
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40041
A needle-incisor was manufactured for trial. This machine has an incising mechanism that a set of needles held by a rotary plate incises timber which is moved toward the front simultaneously, and then another set of needles incises a new part of the timber. Timber is incised by recycling the process. Timber incised of 4400 incisons/m² with the depth of 56 mm by 2.8 mm-diameter needles on all the ...
A Yakuwa, H Endoh, M Mori, S Doi

Electrodialytic remediation of CCA-treated wood in larger scale
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-20
A pilot plant for the electrodialytic remediation of CCA-treated waste wood has been developed and tested at the Technical University of Denmark. Results from two experiments with different amount of wood chips are presented here. Prior to the electrodialytic remediation the wood was soaked in oxalic acid and phosphoric acid. The main purpose of soaking is to remove the most available fraction fir...
I V Christensen, L M Ottosen, A J Pedersen

Longterm monitoring of termite activity on multiple feeding sites: a laboratory method intended for the determination of attractant/repellent properties of wood preservatives and baits
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20225
A method is introduced allowing the continuous monitoring of the activity of a small laboratory termite- colony at 8 different feeding sites simultaneously. The test assembly consists of a small central polycarbonate-tube containing a colonie of Reticulitermes santonensis (de Feytaud) beeing connected with 8 external feeding sites by small glass-capillaries. The termites passing through the glass ...
M Pallaske, E Graf, H Takiuchi

Marine exposure assessment of the natural resistance of a number of lesser known species of tropical hardwoods to teredinid and limnoriid borers
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10520
Naturally durable species of timber are used as an alternative to preservative treated timber for marine structures, but many species have not been evaluated for their potential for use in this environment. EN 275 specifies a 5-year test period - too long a period for screening tests to be economically viable. In this study, candidate timber species were selected for testing in the sea on the basi...
J R Williams, S M Cragg, L M S Borges, J D Icely

The degradation of wood surfaces by water
1984 - IRG/WP 3289
Thin radial/longitudinal sections (~100 µ) of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) and lime (Tilia vulgaris), were exposed to deionised water over the temperature range 25-65°C. Losses in wet tensile strength and toughness occurred rapidly at temperatures from about 50°C upwards. After about 2 months' exposure pine lost some 10-30% of its tensile strength and 20-60% of its toughness. For lime...
W B Banks, P D Evans

Comparative study on leaching of CCA from treated timber: Modelling of emission data
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50027
Results of a comparative study on leaching of CCA from treated timber are reported. The study aims at investigating the applicability of prestandard leaching test methods for modelling purposes. Prestandards used are the European standard proposed by CEN/TC38/WG11 and NEN 7345 (Dutch prestandard for building materials). Parameters of study are type of fixation, wood species (pine - spruce), specim...
G M F Van Eetvelde, M Stevens, L Van der Mijnsbrugge

Essais de collage de bois traités pour la réalisation d'éléments de charpente lamellées. (+ abstract dated September 1971, Influence du traitement de préservation sur le collage d'éléments de charpente lamellés collés et efficacité vis-a-vis de larves néonates)
1971 - IRG/WP 203
Le but du travail est de vérifier les propriétés générales d'une poutre lamellée collée après traitement des éléments la composant au moyen de formulations insecticides et fongicides commerciales à solvant clair dans les conditions les plus usuelles de fabrication. Les essences utilisées ont été: Epicéa - Pin sylvestre - Sapin de Douglas en planches rabotées de 80 cm de lo...
J Guillemain-Thévenot

Preventive effectiveness of petrol derivatives against blue-stain fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3716
A possible application of fractions obtained on petrol pyrolysis is their use as a wood preservative against wood-decay and sap-stain fungi. From two of these fractions were prepared three different products (ST, STL and SST). The aim of this work has been the possibility of utilizing these products in the treatment of wood used for external joinery, determining their effectiveness against blue-st...
A M Navarrete, M T De Troya, E Sanchez, A Guijarro

Application of roller-pressing method to the novel liquid impregnation treatment of green timber
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40198
A transverse compression technique enabled us to impregnate liquid into green timber through replacement of the free water in the timber with a treatment liquid without any critical physical damage to the timber by the roller-pressing method. The roller-pressing is supposed to remove free water the cell cavities and to concurrently introduce the treatment solution into green timber in the treatmen...
M Inoue, K Adachi, K Tsunoda, Y Imamura, S Kawai

Butt-end incising to improve penetration and retention of CCA in Eucalyptus saligna telegraph poles in Kenya: Preliminary results
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40243
Incising to improve penetration and retention of Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) in the butt end of Eucalyptus saligna telegraph poles was investigated. Debarked, seasoned (15% MC) butt-end samples from full size telegraph poles were incised using four patterns of incisions, sealed at the top or small diameter end, and pressure treated, together with un-incised samples, with CCA-C (3.0% oxide typ...
R Venkatasamy

An attempt to develop a direct and reliable method for testing the preventive action of preservation treatments of wood against fungal decay
1980 - IRG/WP 2139
In wood preservation there are two classical ways for assessing the reliability of preventive treatments against wood decay: the laboratory tests in which the various parameters are evaluated independently and the field tests or service tests in which those parameters are acting together in the natural environment. One has always tried to build bridges between the two types of experiments and to e...
M Fougerousse

Glulaminated poles - Progress report after 7 years' testing
1987 - IRG/WP 3444
In 1979 a number of glulaminated poles with various preservative treatments were placed in a greenhouse at Uppsala, at the Simlångsdalen test field in southern Sweden and under a power line just south of the Arctic circle in order to study their resistance against biological degradation. The tests have shown that the comparatively best performance will be obtained if each lamination is treated wi...
J Jermer, Ö Bergman

Soft rot decay of Belian (Eusideroxylon zwageri) wood
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10119
The heartwood of Belian (Eusideroxylon zwageri), an East Malaysian timber species, is naturally durable due to its certain unique anatomical features and high content of extractives. The timber can tolerate years of exposure to hazardous conditions in ground contact and other situations without any significant loss in its strength. A few Belian transmission poles sampled from one locality in Saraw...
A H H Wong, A P Singh

The growth and behaviour of Australian isolates of dry rot fungi, mainly Serpula lacrymans (Schum. ex Fr.) S.F. Gray. A comparision with the world literature
1983 - IRG/WP 1190
In Australia Serpula lacrymans occupies a rather unique environment, being restricted to growth within basal regions of buildings containing masonry. Its rate of timber attack in these situations appears to be far faster than that experienced in other parts of the world. Therefore the question arises as to how Australian isolates (particularly 16508 which has become a "standard" test fungus for so...
J D Thornton, O Collett

Bemerkungen zu Oligomerus ptilinoides (Wollaston), (Col., Anobiidae): Über Lebensbeziehungen, Merkmale, Verbreitung und Einschleppungen nördlich der Alpe
1978 - IRG/WP 187
Oligomerus ptilinoides occurs in the Mediterranian and Black-sea area, in North-Africa and Asia minor as an important pest causing severe damage to dry wood. By travelling, by the movement of people from south to north, the species tends to establish north the alps. Bad attacks were observed recently in museums. An account is given on taxanomy, the pattern of attack and biological details....
S Cymorek

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