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Your search resulted in 204 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The role of chitinase in bioprotectant activity against staining fungi
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10175
Chitin is an important structural component of the hyphae of many wood staining fungi and its disruption can lead to dramatic declines in their growth. A number of bioprotectants have been shown to produce chitinases in liquid cultures, but the role of these enzymes in bioprotection remains poorly understood. The levels of these enzymes was studied by inoculating ponderosa pine sapwood wafers with...
J Liu, J J Morrell

Field evaluation of alternative antisapstain chemicals
1982 - IRG/WP 3198
Seven alternative antisapstain formulations containing four different active ingredients were field tested during the summer and fall of 1981. The test was designed to evaluate the potential long term effectiveness of PQ-8 (Chapman Chemical Co.) containing copper-8-quinolinolate, Busan 30 (Buckman Laboratories) containing 2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole, BL2398 (Buckman Laboratories) containi...
D V Plackett

Biological control of internal decay in Scots pine poles: A seven year experiment
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1529
The interactions between key fungi were monitored, by non-destructive and destructive sampling methods, during the course of an experiment on the effectiveness of Scytalidium sp. and Trichoderma spp. for eliminating established infections of Lentinus lepideus (Fr. ex Fr.) Fr. in creosoted Pinus sylvestris poles. Although extensively isolated at the beginning and end of the experiment, Trichoderma ...
P I Morris, D J Dickinson, B Calver

Growth inhibitory effects on blue-stain fungi of applied electricity fields
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10167
Exploratory laboratory experiments on the effects of electricity on two blue stain fungi Aureobasidium pullulans and Ceratocystis piceae on wood revealed that a potential gradient of 1 V/cm corresponding to a current of 15 mA (DC), applied without interruption during a 2 week experimental period, leads to an inhibition of the growth of these fungi. Germination is somewhat more sensitive than mycel...
J Bjurman

A new factory applied preservative treatment for joinery
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40246
Conventional pre-treatment processes involve the principle of applying preservatives to the external surfaces of wood to achieve the necessary penetration and retention of the chemicals although the heartwood remains difficult to treat. The present development involves the production of internal reservoirs within new joinery components, which are subsequently filled with a specially developed g...
I M Robertson, W Beauford

Testing blue stain fungicides for joinery timber in combination with natural weathering
1976 - IRG/WP 268
Joinery timber in outside use becomes affected by blue-stain after a short time of exposure. This is especially the case with pine sapwood treated with unpigmented lacquer, but also with other timber species as well as different types of surface treatment. According to the basic investigations of BUTIN this is due to special types of blue-stain fungi, called "Lack-bläue" (lacquer blue-stain), in ...
H Willeitner

Internal pressure development within Oriented Strand Board during supercritical fluid impregnation
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40175
Supercritical fluids (SCF) offer an attractive alternative to conventional treatment processes for delivering material into wood, but there are many unanswered questions concerning the technology. One major concern is the potential for the development of excessive pressure gradients in the wood that might exceed the material properties and lead to crushing or other pressure-induced damage. Previou...
G Oberdorfer, P E Humphrey, R J Leichti, J J Morrell

Fumigation of red beech in New Zealand for prevention of graystain
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10343
The discoloration of sapwood of red beech (Nothofagus fusca) after drying has been an ongoing problem which may lower value of material for certain applications (such as flooring) by as much as 50%. The dark gray stain noted after the drying and planing of lumber is not prevented by fungicide dips, and is most likely similar to the enzyme-mediated stain noted in a variety of commercial hardwoods. ...
E L Schmidt, B Kreber

Development of bluestain in commercially harvested logs in Britain
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10150
In Britain, mechanised harvesting of conifer forestry crops is now the preferred method of felling where terrain and access allows. However, use of mechanised harvesters can lead to excessive debarking, loosening of the bark and wood splintering with, on average, about a third of the bark removed from the more severely damaged logs. More bark has also been observed to be lost from logs harvested e...
A Uzunovic, J F Webber, D J Dickinson

Utilisation of carbohydrates by stain fungi in agar culture
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10248
Stain fungi are often defined by their ability to utilise the starch and free sugars found in ray parenchyma cells, and their inability to utilise other wood constituents. However, several species of stain fungi produce bore holes in wood cell walls. This suggests that enzymatic activity capable of degrading structural polysaccharides and/or lignin is associated with the growth of the appressorium...
J Snow, P Vinden, S M Read

Comparative study of blue stain resistance of various types of wood stains after artificial and natural weathering
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2411
For the determination of the protective effectiveness of a preservative treatment against blue stain in service, artificial weathering has been proposed as an alternative for the natural weathering period of 6 months in the European standard EN 152. Research on a range of products and on complete finishing systems for external joinery was conducted during 1986-1990. It revealed that the decisions ...
J Van Acker, M Stevens, M Nys

The effect of moisture content on the electrical resistance of timber as detected by a pulsed current reistance meter (Shigometer)
1984 - IRG/WP 2212
The literature concerning the use of the Shigometer® for detecting decay in standing trees and wood poles is reviewed and the differences of opinion over the effect of timber moisture content on electrical resistance are highlighted. A simple experiment designed to test this effect is described and the implications of the results for testing poles in service are discussed. There was a large diffe...
P I Morris, D J Dickinson

The study of blue stain found in coniferous timber in SR Slovenia (Yugoslavia)
1983 - IRG/WP 1177
The report concerns the problems connected with blue stain in coniferous timbers stored in warehouses at wood-processing plants in SR Slovenia (Yugoslavia). The amounts of spruce-wood (Picea abies Karst.) found to have been infected with blue stain have been measured and some of the fungi causing the stain have been identified and their biology studied. It was found that the percentage of spruce-w...
R Benko

Effects of pre-harvest girdling on selected properties of red pine, red maple and Eastern larch
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40137
Trees of three species - tamarack (Larix laricina), soft maple (Acer rubrum) and red pine (Pinus resinosa) - were girdled immediately below the crown,one to two years before felling. The wood from these trees was compared with wood taken from un-girdled control trees felled at the same. Sapwood and heartwood, from the controls, and from above and below the girdle of treated trees, were examined fo...
A Taylor, P A Cooper

Selecting fumigants for treatment of internal decay in wood
1986 - IRG/WP 3370
A number of potential fumigants were screened with respect to their toxicity to decay fungi, (Poria carbonica, and Lentinus lepideus) and their sorption characteristics on Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) wood. Wafers of infected wood were exposed to different fumigant concentrations for various times then cultured to determine viability. The lethal concentration X time (ct) factor...
P A Cooper

Mycoparasitism by some white rot fungi on blue stain fungi in culture
1986 - IRG/WP 1304
When studying biological control of blue stain an interesting phenomenon of parasitism by some white rot fungi on blue stain fungi has been encountered. The majority of the 22 tested white rot fungi act parasitically upon blue stain fungi. The most interesting species among them is Bjerkandera adusta (Willd. ex Fr.) Karst., causing almost complete or complete decoloration of the hyphae of the blue...
R Benko, B Henningsson

Pretreatment decay in poles of Pinus sylvestris
1987 - IRG/WP 1329
Storage damage by blue stain and decay in poles before impregnation has been increasingly observed during recent years and there have been reports that salt-impregnated poles today are of lower quality because of incipient decay being increasingly common. The attacks may have started at the time of cutting and then continued during the period of seasoning at the plant, which could be as long as tw...
H Lundström, M-L Edlund

Examination of power poles by computerized tomography
1980 - IRG/WP 2142
The technique known as computed axial tomography (CAT or CT) has become widely known because of the success it has achieved in medical imaging and diagnostics. It has now been used to give non-destructive crosssectional pictures of a variety of industrial objects, including wooden power poles, with a spatial resolution of about 1 mm (0.04 in.). It is obvious the benefits that would be derived from...
J A Taylor, I L Morgan, H Ellinger

Methods of testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting sawn timber during storage and transport
1976 - IRG/WP 273
No international standard method for testing anti-stain chemicals for protecting fresh sawn timber exists. The methods used can be divided into three types: a) Rapid screening tests for finding chemicals effective against blue-stain and mould fungi. The chemicals are tested in agar medium, in pieces of filter paper or on small pieces of wood using pure cultures. b) Laboratory tests for evaluating ...
T Vihavainen

Wood cement composites using spent CCA treated wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-50126
The feasibility of using spent or out-of-service CCA treated wood as a component of wood/cement composites was evaluated. Cold pressed wood particle cement boards were made using CCA treated particles from a red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) pole removed from service and from untreated red pine wood from a new pole. Boards were manufactured using a range of wood to cement ratios and water to cement r...
Chen Huang, P A Cooper

Detection of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10245
Isolates of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans and the wild merulius S. himantioides were investigated by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analyses (ARDRA) of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS). The technique uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the variable region of the ITS between the conserved 18S and 28S genes of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The ITS region of all isolates of Serpula lacrymans and S. himantioides was successfully amplified. The length of the amplified product was about 630 bp. Subsequent double digest of the ITS with the restriction endonucleases Haelli and Taql separated the closely related fungi by species-specific fragments. Thus, ARDRA-ITS proved to be suited for the detection of the dry rot fungus.
O Schmidt, U Moreth

Analysis of the degradation of carbohydrates by blue-stain fungi
1990 - IRG/WP 1457
The topic of the degradative ability of blue-stain fungi literature is not clear. Many authors support the idea that those fungi don't have enzymatic capability to decay the wall of the ligneous cells. However, others have found some decay activity. In this study, we have attempted to analyze which wall cells soluble carbohydrates are metabolized by some blue-stain fungi, found in Spain. ...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete, E Relano

Comparison of bluestain fungi growing in vitro and in vivo
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10149
Both moulds and bluestain fungi cause serious economic losses for forestry and timber processing industries and much research is aimed at finding environmentally and economically acceptable methods of control. It is especially important to study the growth of these fungi in freshly cut wood, which has been unaltered by drying or sterilisation, and which therefore resembles the substratum they woul...
A Uzunovic, J F Webber, D J Dickinson

Protection of pine sawtimber and sawn timber against blue stain in Poland
1983 - IRG/WP 3193
The purpose of this paper is the synthesis of more important results of basic and applied research that have been grouped in the following problems: 1.: Fungi causing blue stain in the pine wood, occurring in Poland. 2.: Moisture content changes of pine sawtimber and sawn timber as the factor of blue stain producing fungi development. 3.: Effect of sapwood moisture content on the degree of wood st...
E Tarocinski, M H Zielinski

Sawmill Evaluation of a Bioprotectant against Moulds, Stain and Decay on Green Lumber
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10460
Moulds, stain and decay cause serious problems on wood utilization. Though a growing volume of wood is kiln-dried, the market for green exports remains significant, and environment-friendly wood protection is required to replace traditional chemicals. As a solution to this problem, Forintek Canada Corp. developed a bioprotectant for protecting logs and green lumber from moulds, stain and decay, wh...
Dian-Qing Yang, M Gignac, M-C Bisson

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