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Your search resulted in 127 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Evaluation of the insecticidal efficacy of deltamethrin and the fungicidal efficacy of its association with TCMTB + MBT in the field of wood preservation
1986 - IRG/WP 1289 E
Deltamethrin possesses many advantages for the insecticidal protection of wood: relatively low toxicity, very reduced evaporation, very prolonged retention in the wood, very slight leaching after having penetrated the wood, and absence of odour. Its association with other active agents or solvents is being studied with regard to chemical compatibility. Compatibility studies have proved positive fo...
J S Duguet

Preliminary testing of an improvised wood preservative mixture applied against dry wood beetles
1986 - IRG/WP 1308
An improvised wood preservative mixture was preliminarily tested in situ against some dry wood beetles which had infested structural timbers in a semi-finished building. The results obtained should encourage further research towards mobilizing/improvising locally available resources in the face of scarce standard wood preservatives, against the background of a dilemma in wood utilization in the de...
M O Akanbi, E M Bayode, A A Alabi, J Gbadebo

The relationship between blue-stain and bark beetles
1971 - IRG/WP 19
The attack of bark beetles on standing or in newly-felled stems provides special growth conditions to wood-inhabiting fungi. In the wood attacked by bark beetles, a specific and rich fungus flora is found, and from these fungi the economically important group of blueing fungi has been more thoroughly investigated. These fungi live on nutritive substances present in the cells, especially in the med...
A Käärik

On the species problem in Nicobium castaneum (Col., Anobiidae)
1975 - IRG/WP 134
Nicobium castaneum (Oliv.) is one of the most important wood and book worms of the Mediterranean area (eg Portugal) and South Russian. It also occurs in the USA and Japan. A previous paper (Cymorek 1972) left open the question: is Nicobium castaneum one or two species? Nicobium castaneum is currently regarded as forming two varieties or sub-species - sub-specific taxa which are rarely well defined...
S Cymorek

Anobium punctatum De Geer (Coleoptera Anobiidae)
1980 - IRG/WP 1103
Anobium punctatum de Geer (1) est un Coléoptère qui appartient au sous-ordre des Teredilia et à la famille des Anobiidae. Cet insecte a été décrit pour la première fois par Charles de Geer, entomologiste Suédois dans ses "Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des insectes" parues en 1774, sous le nom vulgaire de Vrillette pointillée et en latin " Ptinus (punctatus) griseo fuscus". ...
M-M Serment

List of insects intercepted in imported timbers in Italy
1983 - IRG/WP 1217
The list here reported has been derived from an investigation that the Wood Research Institute in Florence has been carrying out for some years, chiefly in sawmills, in order to verify the presence of wood insects in timbers coming from Europe, Africa, Asia, America (North, Central and South). Italy imports a great lot of timbers; during 1980, 1,320,000 m³ of logs and 495,000 m³ of sawnwoods hav...
A Gambetta

Wood attacking insects in urban areas in Sao Paulo State - Brazil
1985 - IRG/WP 1267
From 1974 to 1984 the investigators of Wood Division (IPT) inspected, for insect attack, more than 1,500 buildings of several kinds: commercial, residencial and historical buildings, houses and industries. In all cases, IPT was asked to give advices on control and erradication. During that time three papers concerning this problem were published (Cavalcante, 1976; De Lelis, 1978; Zanotto & Can...
P A Zanotto, M D Canedo, D A T Lelis

A new type of biocide suitable for use in different fields of wood preservation
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30014
A new type of polymeric biocides was developed containing quaternary ammonium and boron ester groups as active structure elements, to overcome the disadvantages of AAC's in wood preservation use and to utilise their good performance due to a broad efficacy against fungi on the other hand. The new biocides called polymeric betains have been tested in laboratory and field tests and especial...
V Barth, H Härtner

The durability of wood polymer composites against fungi and insects
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40161
New materials such as wood polymer composites are used more in France. These materials are obtained by mixing wood and thermoplastics in different ratios. These kind of material must be considered as new materials and some characteristics such as durability must be evaluated for outdoor applications. On the other hand, some recycled fibers from wood waste could be used as raw materials. Some woodp...
G Labat, I Le Bayon, J Gerard, F Amin

Wood preservation in Southern Africa
1984 - IRG/WP 3320
This report deals with the status of wood preservation in the countries of Southern Africa, namely Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. It includes some data on the timber production from the forests of these countries, as well as detailing the state of the timber products industries in South Africa which is the dominant country in the field in the sub-cont...
A Pizzi, W E Conradie, R Cockcroft

Borates as wood preserving compounds: The status of research in the United States
1989 - IRG/WP 3542
This paper describes the extensive, on-going cooperative research effort among government and university research laboratories and industry to fully evaluate the potential for borates as wood preservatives in the United States. Research is discussed in terms of laboratory evaluations, field testing and mill trials, pilot plant pressure treatment studies, and remedial treatments. Future research pl...
H M Barnes, T L Amburgey, L H Williams, J J Morrell

A note on the occurrence of Ametastegia glabrata (Fallén) in motorway fencing
1976 - IRG/WP 375
During a recent survey of motorway fencing in England, evidence of insect damage caused by one of the species of saw fly Ametastegia glabrata (Fallén) was found in a very small percentage (1.7 per cent) of CCA and creosote-treated posts. The observation is perhaps of more academic than of practical importance, but if control is desired, contact insecticide treatment of posts or selective weed-kil...
R Cockcroft, R W Berry

Northern oak wood and its damages in Iran
1988 - IRG/WP 1377
The Northern oak species of Iran designated Quercus castaneaefolia C.A.M. is distributed widely in caspian littoral. In natural conditions (healthy) has favourable quality and it is used mostly in rural construtions, sleepers, parquets, cross arms for electric and communication poles, it is used also indoor and window construction, benches and finally veneer. This wood in the case of sleepers and ...
D Parsapajouh, P Niloufari

Protection of freshly felled timber against attack by bark boring insects
1981 - IRG/WP 1143
This report describes two experiments with the insecticide formulation Perigen, which contains the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin. At 0.2% w/v active ingredient individual logs were protected against bark boring beetles for 18 weeks. At 0.3% w/v active ingredients Perigen gave similar protection against insect attack to stacks of recently felled unbarked pine logs. This protection was at least eq...
J Dominik, P R Skidmore

Major insects attacking timber used for building purposes and a practical approach for their control
1990 - IRG/WP 1449
Lignocellulosic materials like wood, bamboos, palmyra palms, reeds, leaves and grasses have been the oldest materials used by human beings. Although with the rapid pace of industrialisation, specially in several western countries, wood began to be replaced with alternative materials like cement, steel etc. yet its use has not vanished even in highly developed countries. Some of the reasons for thi...
V R Sonti, B Chatterjee

The effect of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides on post-treatment emergence of Anobium punctatum
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1568
Data is presented from trials in which wood specimens, treated with a range of remedial insecticidal formulations, were aged in a roof void for 5 years and then tested for emergence of adult Anobium punctatum. The technique used followed that described in IRG/WP/2175. The results from formulations containing synthetic pyrethroids are compared with those from formulations containing the chlorinated...
R W Berry

On the possibilities of the use of juvenile hormone in wood protection
1976 - IRG/WP 363
The annual world-wide extent of losses caused by wood-destroying insects in timber in buildings and timberyards is very difficult to estimate. In general exact values are only known in cases of claims for damages from insurance companies or in litigation. At present the best known wood destroying insects in Switzerland are the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) and the common furniture bee...
P Tscholl

Wood injurers found at wood processing plants in SR Sloveni
1981 - IRG/WP 1140
This report describes the stating of damages on wood and taking stock of wood injurers found in the warehouses of wood processing plants in SR Slovenia. The results of this research show that in the process of manufacture vast quantities of spruce-wood, pine-wood, beech wood, oak-wood, and poplar-wood are exposed to numerous injurers, both fungi and insects. The reasons for such a state lie in con...
R Benko

Conservation of Nypa fruticans and Indigenous Timber Species of Sundarban Mangrove Forest of Bangladesh by Using Preservative Treatment.
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40297
This report describes the possibilities and benefits of preservative treatment of some Bangladeshi wood species. It is concluded that: Heartwood of Sundri is not easily treatable. The treating schedule of 14.1 kg/cm² pressure and eight hours treatment period may be used for treating sundry logs. During the treatment of Sundri wood must not mix with other species. Other timber species such as Gew...
G N M Ilias

Observations on the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-borers with special reference to the West Coast
1981 - IRG/WP 472
The paper highlights the economic importance of the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-destroying agencies. The annual loss involved is to the extent of over 94 million rupees. Thirty-nine spectes and one variety of woodborer have so far been recorded from India, of which Bankia campanellata, Bankia carinata, Bankia rochi, Dicyathifer manni, Lyrodus pedicellatus, Teredo clappi, T...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain

Lindane and permethrin tolerances of different strains of Lyctus brunneus Steph
1986 - IRG/WP 1278
The question about the reproducibility of test data from contact insecticide tests with Lyctus brunneus has been asked within the IRG. Three laboratories decided to interchange their insects and to carry out a comparative test according to the EMPA screening method. In order to get enough animals for the test the three strains had to be grown during three generations in each of the laboratories. D...
E Graf, B Lanz

FAROX, a novel insect growth regulator for use against wood-boring insects
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30080
The active ingredient in FAROX - fenoxycarb - is a novel insect growth regulator for preventive use against wood-boring insects (Hylotrupes, Anobium and Lyctus). FAROX has the same biological effect as a natural insect growth factor produced by the insect itself. FAROX is tailor-made for insect control; it attacks at the points where the insect should normally be changing its form and blocks these...
A R Valcke

A study on insect pests and preservation of fire-damaged timbers in Da Xing An Ling forest region
1991 - IRG/WP 1499
Investigated insect pest of timbers of Da Xing An Ling forest region by means of sampling inspection. Meanwhile we had researched insects pest situation, regularity occurred and biological nature for fire damaged timbers attacked in the log yard. The results showed that the mainly insect species are small black-marmorated longicorn (Monochamus sutor L). We had eagaged in various small tests of tim...
Lu Wenda, Li Jian, Shao Jing Wen, Liu Yixing, Cui Yongzhi

Risk of extension of Hylotrupes bajulus attack in glued laminated timber
1977 - IRG/WP 278
Although efficient work-methods and maintenance procedures, which prevent the wood from becoming damp and are therefore successful in considerably reducing and even in excluding the risks of decay, such methods are ineffective in eliminating the risks of infestation and destruction of timber by the House Longhorn Beetle, Hylotrupes bajulus, the chief enemy of softwood timber structures. The possib...
M-M Serment

A novel technique for comparative toxicity studies of potential insecticidal wood preservatives
1983 - IRG/WP 2198
For some years now a device has been under development at the New Zealand Forest Research Institute, the purpose of which is to study the effects of sub-lethal amounts of stomach poisons (but also of fumigants and contact active materials) on the co-ordinative abilities of a cerambycid larva. This insect is Prionoplus reticularis - indigenous to New Zealand its larvae feed in decaying logs and are...
D J Cross

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