Your search resulted in 27 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Using X-ray scattering to elucidate the mechanisms behind the moisture and fungal decay resistance of epoxybutene modified wood
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40854
Chemical modification of the hydroxyl groups of wood can improve the properties of wood by providing moisture and biological resistance, as well as dimensional stability. Southern pine solid wood was chemically modified to various weight percentage gains (WPG) with epoxybutene (EpB, 8%-38% WPG). After modification, specimens were extracted with a toluene: ethanol (2:1) solution for 2 hours or wate...
R E Ibach, N Plaza
How the biochemical activities of polyphenols may be effective for the protection of wood deterioration by termites?
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30789
In spite of the remarkable mechanical characteristics of wood for building construction and furniture industry, this material is prone to biodeterioration by xylophagous organisms. This compromises its durability and performances during storage and services, and results in considerable economical losses estimated by the billions. Protection against fungi, termites and other wood biodegrading organ...
J-P Joseleau, D Messaoudi, K Ruel