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Your search resulted in 784 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The production of extracellular hydrogen peroxide by some brown-rot fungi
1990 - IRG/WP 1446
The role of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been discussed in the degradation of wood by wood-rotting fungi. The production of extracellular hydrogen peroxide was studied by detecting the oxidation of the chromogen 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) by H2O2 and horse radish peroxidase (HPR). ABTS and HPR were added to a solid wood based culture media. In this study ...
A-C Ritschkoff, L Paajanen, L Viikari

The effects of preservative treatment and exposure to wood degrading fungi on fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials used for structural wood reinforcement
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40204
Glass fiber reinforced phenolic (GFRP) composite materials are becoming increasingly accepted for use in the construction industry because they combine advantages of both wood and advanced polymeric materials. Addition of only 1-3% FRP in the tension zone, for example, can typically improve the strength of the hybrid system by 200%. As more applications are found for wood/FRP hybrids, (e.g. lamina...
C Tascioglu, B Goodell

A laboratory evaluation of tributyltin ethanesulphonate as an aqueous fungicide in wood preservation
1983 - IRG/WP 3229
Toxic limit data, using both leached and unleached wood test blocks, are reported for aqueous solutions of tributyltin ethanesulphonate against four Basidiomycete fungi, Poria placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Coriolus versicolor and Coniophora puteana. An in situ study of the tributyltin compound in Scots pine and ponderosa pine sapwood has been carried out, using the technique of 119mSn Mössbauer...
R Hill, P J Smith, J N R Ruddick, K W Sweatman

EPR observation of Mn(II) in decayed wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10443
Preliminary Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies of copper/chromium (CC) treated spruce wood, subjected to laboratory soil decay test showed increased intensities of Mn(II) EPR signal in partially decayed specimens. Several reasons might be responsible for this phenomenon: Mn(II) could originate from the wood after being released from the typical ligand binding, from reduction of other Mn...
M Petric, M Humar, P Kalan, F Pohleven, U Schoknecht, M Šentjurc

Enzymatic study of Ceratocystis sp., blue-stain fungi on Pinus nigra
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10315
One of the main problems that the forest exploitation industry has with Pinus nigra wood is the blue-stain fungi, whose causing agent is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this work has been to study, through enzymatic tests of the isolated cultures, if these fungi infect Pinus nigra in any specific way. After the incubations, isolates of Ceratocystis were obtained. These were cultured in a sali...
M T De Troya, F Rubio, D Muñoz-Mingarro, F Llinares, C Rodríguez-Borrajo, M Yuste, M J Pozuelo, J I Fernández-Golfín

Field study: Wood degradation pattern in buildings and utility poles in tropical climates of Nigeria
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1521
The paper is the result of five years field study of wood degradation patterns in three ecological forest zones (Guinea Savannah, Tropical rain forest and mangrove forest zones, respectively). It involved 800 residential buildings and 700 electric overhead transmission poles. The methodology used was a modified Eslyn (6) test. A high rate of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes attack especially on the ...
E O Onuorah

Subterranean termite foraging behaviour and the development of baiting methods used for termite control by the Division of Forest Products
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10058
Given the premise that alternatives to current subterranean termite control measures using organochlorine insecticides and arsenic trioxide have been actively researched by our Division for over ten years, emphasis on baiting methods in controlling these termites has been a major facet of our research. Recently, the new Australian Standard (AS 3660 -1993) was released which outlined the use of phy...
J R J French, J W Creffield, B M Ahmed

Fungal detoxification of organotin biocides
1985 - IRG/WP 1258
The ability of a range of wood decaying fungi to inactivate bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide (TnBTO) in the extracellular growth medium, in stationary liquid culture was determined. A distinction between the ability to tolerate the fungicide and to inactivate it was made: the white-rot organism Coriolus versicolor being the most efficient inactivator. In an attempt to determine the extracellular agents r...
P S Belford, D J Dickinson

Evaluating the performance of wood preservatives against fungi
1974 - IRG/WP 247
A compilation is made of results published by various workers for agar/block laboratory tests of the effectiveness of wood preservatives against 11 species of wood destroying Basidiomycetes and one species of soft rot fungus. Preservatives include creosote, boron, metal/arsenic mixtures, metallic naphthenates, chlorinated naphthalene, chlorinated phenols and tri-n-butyl tin oxide. The results are ...
R Cockcroft

CCFZ, a new type of water-borne wood preservative for vacuum pressure impregnation
1991 - IRG/WP 3643
By combination of CCF-Salt types with zinchexafluorosilicate a remarkable improvement of efficacy is achieved. In the same time the ecotoxicoligical data become more save. As well as the efficacy against wood-destroying organisms (Basidiomycetes, Soft rot and Long horn beetle) the basic data to evaluate the ecotoxicological behaviour of a CCFZ-Salt are described and compared with the properties of...
W Metzner, D Seepe, H-W Wegen

The preventive effectiveness of preservative treatments against wood-rotting fungi. Preliminary results
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2407
The efficacy of a range of preservative treatments in preventing colonisation by decay fungi has been assessed using a method developed at BRE and similar to that adopted by Working Group 9 of European Standards Committee CEN/TC 38. Assessment was made using baits inserted into the test blocks, in holes which had been drilled after treatment to within defined distances of the treated face exposed ...
J K Carey

Cation analysis of wood degraded by white and brown rot fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1552
Changes in the concentrations and composition of cations within wood colonized by the brown-rot fungi Postia placenta and Gloeophyllum trabeum and the white-rot fungi Trametes versicolor and Phanaerochaete chrysosporium were analyzed using plasma emission and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In degraded poplar wood significant decreases in pH and electrical resistance readings were observed as...
J Jellison, K C Smith, W T Shortle

List of fungi observed in avalanche barriers located in subalpine and alpine regions
1970 - IRG/WP 17
In the Subalpine region (Schilt-Stein; 1400-1500 m above sea level) the following fungi were observed: Basidiomycetes: Corticium alutaceum, Corticium ochraceum, Corticium sp., Collybia sp., Dacryomyces deliquescens, Exidia glandulosa, Lenzites abietina, Lenzites sepiaria, Lenzites trabea, Osmoporus odoratus, Peniophora pubera, Peniophora sp., Polystictus abietina, Poria placenta, Poria mucida, Po...
O Wälchli

A study of fungal biodeterioration in unseasoned, packaged hem-fir lumber
1978 - IRG/WP 2116
This study was undertaken to determine the extent of biodeterioration that could occur within British Columbia (BC) prior to the export of packaged Canadian Lumber Standard Hem-Fir (Tsuga heterophylla, Abies amabilis and small amounts of Abies grandis). By examining the anti-stain treatments received by the lumber and identifying and characterizing the organisms responsible for the biodeterioratio...
P W Perrin, A J Cserjesi

A biochemical explanation for the observed patterns of fungal decay in timber
1980 - IRG/WP 1111
Experiments designed to compare the degree of localization of the cellulase enzymes of some white, brown and soft rot organisms are described. The site and nature of binding of the enzymes is discussed. The technique is ellution of mycelium grown in liquid culture with a variety: of agents including acetate buffer, carboxymethyl cellulose solution, borate/glycerol buffer and urea. The mycelium was...
N B Green, D J Dickinson, J F Levy

Extracellular osmiophilic particles in connection with brown rot and white rot
1982 - IRG/WP 1157
The way of attack on Pine woodblocks of two brown-rot fungi (Fomitopsis pinicola, Coniophora puteana) differing in their cellulase activities, and one white-rot fungus (Trametes hirsuta) has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Even at early stages of decay, osmiophilic particles were found with all the fungi investigated. In the brown-rotted wood, the osmiophilic particles occur...
K Messner, H Stachelberger

Production, function and neutralization of oxalic acid produced by the dry rot fungus and other brown rot fungi
1987 - IRG/WP 1330
The formation of oxalic acid by the wood-destroying fungi causing brown rot, is found to be the key which by hydrolysing the hemicellulose brings the cellulose in the tracheid wall in contact with the cellulase enzymes and yeld watersoluble sugars leaving only a lignin skeleton. To control the pH in the substrate the excess oxalic acid is precipitated to water insoluble calcium oxalate by the dry ...
J Bech-Andersen

The durability of wood polymer composites against fungi and insects
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40161
New materials such as wood polymer composites are used more in France. These materials are obtained by mixing wood and thermoplastics in different ratios. These kind of material must be considered as new materials and some characteristics such as durability must be evaluated for outdoor applications. On the other hand, some recycled fibers from wood waste could be used as raw materials. Some woodp...
G Labat, I Le Bayon, J Gerard, F Amin

Development and Implementation of a DNA – RFLP Database for Wood Decay and Wood Associated Fungi
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10527
We are developing Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequence databases for wood decay basidiomycetes and other fungi associated with wood. These databases currently house information for 39 fungal species consisting of 9 brown-rot basidiomycetes, 12 white rot basidiomycetes, 1 soft rot, 1 stain fungi, and 16 molds or other ascomycetes or imperfe...
S V Diehl, T C McElroy, M L Prewitt

Nondestructive assessment of biodegradation in southern pine sapwood exposed to attack by natural populations of decay fungi and subterranean termites
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20042
Field methods for evaluating decay resistance of experimentally treated materials lack a means for quantitative measurement of residual strength. Quantitative relationships between speed of impact-induced waves travelling parallel to the grain and residual compressive strength have been demonstrated in softwood attacked by brown rot-decay fungi, but the effects of termites have not been documented...
R C De Groot, R J Ross, W Nelson

Validation of the sapstain danger index
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10333
The Sapstain Danger Index (SDI) is a model that is used to indicate sites in the New Zealand forest where felled logs are more prone to sapstain, specifically it should indicate how soon after felling of a log should it be treated for sapstain. The validation of SDI has the goal to identify whether the SDI can be used to predict sapstain development and to eventually minimise loss of value of logs...
P A Cooper, S Downs, R l Farrell

Hydrolysis of bordered pits during colonization of conifers by brown-rot fungi
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10103
Brown-rot decay results in rapid reduction in degree of polymerization (DP) of holocellulose with concomitant strength loss (MOR) without removing lignin. Development of new methods of wood protection will require focusing on early events in the sequence of depolymerization. Bordered pit membranes (sapwood) represent a readily available source of non-lignified carbohydrate, ie. pectin and cellulos...
F Green III, J L Tschernitz, T A Kuster, T L Highley

The involvement of extracellular substances for the generation of hydroxyl radical during wood degradation by white-rot fungi
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10218
The activities of one-electron oxidation, hydroxyl radical generation, and phenol oxidase during the incubation of cultures of four white-rot fungi containing either glucose or wood were periodically measured. Further, their degradation activities against wood were examined during the course of cultivation. The generation of hydroxyl radical was correlated to the activity of wood degradation and i...
H Tanaka, S Itakura, A Enoki

Wood preservation in Brazil
1984 - IRG/WP 3321
The report gives statistics on the wood products industries, the forest products exported, the production of treated sleepers, poles, crossarms, fence posts and other wood products in Brazil for the years 1977 to 1981. The total numbers of vacuum/pressure plants, through the years 1902 to 1984, indicate that from 1960 there has been a steady increase in treatment requirements. Most of the plants a...
M S Cavalcante, R Cockcroft

Effects of the specimen position on fungal colonisation and wood decay by en 113 test fungi
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20136
For testing wood preservatives according to EN 113 it is common practice to plant the test blocks on neutral supports in order to prevent (1) a diffusion of chemicals into the agar medium and (2) an excessive moistening of the specimens. The procedure was employed in EN 350-1 for testing the natural durability of solid wood. It turned out to be of problematic nature because of the individual requ...
G Kleist, M-T Lenz, R-D Peek

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