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Your search resulted in 610 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Hardwood field experiment: Progress report 1977-82
1982 - IRG/WP 3200
The international hardwood field experiment was planned in 1976 and set up in some 30 different sites around the world. The test stakes include 4 reference species common to each site and in most cases at least 2 species of local importance. It was hoped that a picture of performance of a range of economically important species would be built up and at the same time provide vital background inform...
D J Dickinson, J F Levy

Design of Field Trials for Evaluation of Antisapstain Products
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20263
Field trialing is an important phase of antisapstain product development and careful planning is required to ensure trial validity for predicting performance in the industrial situation. Experiences of trialing antisapstain products on lumber over a ten-year period are discussed in this paper. It is not mandatory to source "fresh " wood for trialing and useful information can be generated even...
F W Frazer, N R Edmonds, B J Nairn

Laboratory and field evaluations of a novel formulation, BAM as an anti-sapstain agent
1991 - IRG/WP 3639
A novel anti-sapstain formulation, BAM, consisting of 2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole (TCMTB) and methylene bis thiocyanate (MBT) was evaluated for ist anti-sapstain performance in the laboratory and in the field as well. BAM proved effective in controlling the growth of molds and a sapstaining fungus in the standardized Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA) tests. All the test fungi coul...
Y Nomura

Field test design for service life prediction of wooden components
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20308
Wood is predominantly degraded by organisms. Thus, compared to other building materials, service life of wooden material is influenced by many more factors, which are divided into direct and indirect factors. Climate, geographical position, and construction criteria count to the indirect decay factors. Besides material inherent properties (natural durability, wood preservatives), wood temperature...
A O Rapp, C Brischke

Field Liners™ prevent creosote migration from transmission poles to soil during service
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40067
A full scale trial utilised 150 12m Eucalyptus grandis transmission poles treated with standard retentions of creosote according to SABS Method 457. One hundred poles had Field Liners™ applied while 50 did not. The 150 poles were used to complete an electricity transmission line in Southern KwaZulu-Natal. After 18 months service, incremental cores were taken from 15 cm below the ground lines of ...
M R Behr, G D Shelver, A A W Baecker

In-ground field test of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood and heartwood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30336
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood and heartwood stakes treated with CCA-C and creosote were tested for one- year in a field plot in Bartın region in Turkey. Scots pine heartwood stakes had lower preservative retention than sapwood stakes. Bending strength of the stakes was decreased after impregnation and one-year field test. While the bending strength of untreated sapwood was 93....
H Sivrikaya, H Hafizoglu

A comparison between different accelerated test methods for the determination of the natural durability of wood
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20099
According to the European standard EN 350-1 the natural durability of wood is defined as: "the inherent resistance of wood to attack by wood destroying organisms". This standard also describes how, for certain hazard classes, the durability is determined. The two methods described in this standard are the kolleflask method (EN 113) and the field-stake-test method (EN 252). The EN 113 test gives re...
H Militz, S G L Michon, J E Polman, M Stevens

Performance trials of treated hardwood fences
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30281
This paper examines the performance of the traditional hardwood paling fence used in Australia, after preservative treatment. Unseasoned rails, palings and plinths of the low natural durability species Eucalyptus regnans (mountain ash) and E. obliqua (messmate) were treated with PEC (pigment emulsified creosote) or PROCCA (an oil emulsion of CCA). Treated posts of these species were also compared ...
L J Cookson D Scown, B Iskra

Performance of borate-treated sill plates (dodai) in a protected, above-ground field test in Japan
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30278
This document is supplemental to the previous IRG document (IRG/WP 2000-30239). An experiment to simulate the dodai (sill plate) of the Japanese houses was conducted at the termite field test site of the Wood Research Institute in Kagoshima, Japan where two economically important subterranean termite species [Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe)] are established. DOT...
K Tsunoda, A Adachi, A Byrne, P I Morris, J K Grace

Non-destructive stress wave measurement of decay and termite attack in experimental wood units
1986 - IRG/WP 2256
The purpose of this study was to determine if stress wave analysis could be used to monitor the degradation of wood specimens exposed to the brown-rot decay fungi (Gloeophyllum trabeum) and of wood specimens subjected to attack by subterranean termites. One hundred fifty 3/4 by 3/4 by 12 in. Southern pine specimens were used for exposure to brown-rot decay fungi and two hundred twenty-five 3/4 by ...
R F Pellerin, R C De Groot, G R Esenther

New conception for shortering the duration of fungitoxic test of wood preservatives. Part 2: Computer-assisted miniaturisation of wood specimens
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20052
The mass loss of wood used as a criterion in the standarised agar-block method of evaluation of toxic value of preservatives depends upon the relationship between volume of specimens, their outspread planes and ratio of areas of particular anatomic sections. Upon the computer-assisted mathematical basis the dimensions of miniaturized specimens which make 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 part of standarized ones ...
J Wazny, K J Krajewski

An evaluation of the efficacy of a chlorothalonil formulation and a chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos formulation in the field
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30005
Details on the treatment of Pinus radiata D. Don and Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. sapwood specimens to three retentions of each of two preservative formulations (chlorothalonil in oil; chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos in oil) and their installation below ground at three field test sites in Australia are given. Specimens were treated with each formulation to achieve 3.2, 6.4 and 12.8 kg/m³ of chlo...
J W Creffield, N Chew

Field trials of Sinesto B at some sawmills in Portugal
1989 - IRG/WP 3512
The efficacy of SINESTO B as antistain chemical for use in Portugal has been studied. The studies were done during the years 1987-1988 at several Portuguese sawmills in co-operation with the Instituto dos Produtos Florestais and the APCIM (Associacao Portuguesa de Comercio e Industria de Madeiras). SINESTO B was used in 5% and 8% concentrations. The storage time varied from 10 weeks to 6 months. I...
I A Linderborg

On the occurrence of Phialophora species in preservative treated wood in ground contact
1977 - IRG/WP 163
Phialophora is a fairly large genus comprising about thirty described species. They are widespread in very diverse environments, such as soil, sea water, wood and wood pulps. Some species are known as parasites on plants and animals, including man. Phialophora species were early known for their ability to produce blue stain in timber. Later it was discovered that several species were able to produ...
T Nilsson, B Henningsson

Evaluation of a new anti-sapstain formulation
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30035
A new anti-sapstain mixture, which consists of 2% IPBC (3-iodo-2-propynylbutyl carbamate) and 1.5% DCOI (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octylisothiazolin-3-one), was evaluated by three methods in the laboratory. A standardized test (JWPA standard 2) demonstrated that the new anti-sapstain formulation was highly effective in controlling growth of monocultures of five test fungi on wood substrate. When exposed to...
K Tsunoda, H Kumagai, M Sakurai

Field evaluation determining the toxic effect and diffusion properties of Impel, Improsol and TBTO-capsules in L-joints (spruce) for pretreatment application
1991 - IRG/WP 3641
Bonded joints (L-joints and T-joints) are especially at risk from water absorption (rain, condensation) over bare, unprotected radial wood surfaces (joggle joints). It is therefore quite certain that lasting protection against fungi attack cannot be guaranteed in the long term if the surface of coating is damaged. Therefore, in a field investigation, using L-joints (spruce) over a total period of ...
R Gründlinger, K Messner, O Janotta

The performance of metal-chromium-arsenic formulations after 32 to 38 years' in-ground exposure in Australia
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30240
Two trials of metal-chromium-arsenic preservatives were exposed in-ground in Australia. In Trial 1, Pinus radiata stakes treated with Boliden K.33, Boliden S.25, Celcure A, Tanalith C and Tanalith CA were installed at Sydney and Narrandera in 1961/1962. In Trial 2, P. radiata and Eucalyptus regnans sapwood were treated with Celcure A, Celcure A21-N, Celcure A 21-O and Tanalith CA (new) and install...
G C Johnson, J D Thornton, J Beesley

Field and greenhouse testing of window joinery of pine and spruce treated with LOSP
1991 - IRG/WP 3658
Norwegian window frame components of full size were double vacuum-treated with TBTN and TBTO, and connected as 'L-joints' and subsequently coated with stains. The corner sections were exposed (out of ground contact) both in field (temperated coastal climate, Taastrup, Denmark) and in a greenhouse (Uppsala, Sweden). The window frame L-joints of spruce (Picea abies Karst.) - treate...
F G Evans, B Henningsson, E Borsholt

Water-Borne Copper Naphthenate: An Emerging Wood Preservative
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30280
Waterborne copper naphthenate (WB Cu-N) was used to treat southern yellow pine (Pinus spp) and red maple (Acer rubrum) stakes. The treated stakes were exposed in test sites located in Florida, Michigan and Mississippi for 3 to 6 years. Copper Chromium Arsenate (CCA), Ammoniacal Copper Quat (ACQ) and Oil-borne Copper Naphthenate (OB Cu-N) were also used to treat some stakes for comparison. Results...
P Nzokou, D P Kamdem, M H Freeman

Laboratory and field trials of novel antisapstain formulations
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30146
This document covers the results of laboratory and field trials of combinations of fungicides formulated using a patented technology (PCT NZ 96/00143). A 3 week laboratory trial that uses radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) branch discs as a substrate was used to determine which combinations possessed a suitable spectrum of fungitoxicity against key sapstain, mould and decay fungi. In particular f...
R N Wakeling, P N Maynard, D R Eden, C M Chittenden, B Carpenter

Subterranean termite attack potential in field test sites: assessment methods and field characterization
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10472
To assess subterranean termite attack potential in the field and seasonal variations, trials were set up in each of two managed silvicultural plantations, of Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus pinaster, respectively. Termite occupancy in lying dead wood was evaluated by an adaptation of the line-intersection method, and attack potential in soil was assessed by a system of stakes inserted into the groun...
T Nobre, L Nunes, L Brinca, D E Bignell

Collaborative field trial out-of-ground contact
1982 - IRG/WP 2179
At the 12th meeting of the IRG in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia it was decided after considerable discussion that the best way to proceed with the work of the subgroup was to centre it around a co-operative field trial based on the L-joint test detailed in IRG/WP/2157. At the same time it was agreed that interested laboratories would also conduct their own methods, particularly the German planner test and ...
D J Dickinson, A F Bravery, J K Carey

Field testing of nootkatone and tetrahydronootkatone wood treatments against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30308
A component of Alaskan yellow cedar, citrus oil, and vetiver oil, nootkatone, and its derivative, tetrahydronootkatone, were tested for their potential as wood treatments against Coptotermes formosanus. Wood treatments dipped in 1% and 5% nootkatone and tetrahydronootkatone in ethanol or vacuum impregnated (5% only) were tested in a natural setting using termite infested bald cypress trees along t...
K E Nix, G Henderson, R Laine

Water-borne DNBP wood preservatives - Preparation and performance
1987 - IRG/WP 3407
Three waterborne wide-spectrum ground-contact DNBP (2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol) wood preservative formulations and their performance are presented. Two are double-treatment formulations in which insolubilization and precipitation of the preservative is attained by salt formation or by formation of a water insoluble Cu/NH3/DNBP complex of formula [DNBP]2 [Cu(NH3)2]2 the clarified structure of wh...
W E Conradie, A Pizzi

Surface retentions of PCP, TCMTB and MTC obtained during a field trial of antisapstain formulations
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20002
Formulations containing NaPCP or TCMTB and MTC were included as reference products in a recent field trial of antisapstain formulations in Queensland. Retentions of these actives on the surface of treated sawn Pinus elliottii were monitored by ultrasonic solvent extraction of excised samples and analytical determination by high performance liquid chromatography. Distribution of actives with depth ...
D E Ferlazzo, M D Needham, M J Kennedy

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