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Your search resulted in 993 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Comparison of laboratory tests and field experiments for the estimation of emissions from treated wood
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-6
The authorisation procedure for biocidal products according to the European Biocides Direc¬tive in¬cludes the assessment of possible environmental risks by the emission of ac¬tive ingre¬dients. This needs an input of data on the expected emissions of biocides into environmental com¬part¬ments. The procedures for the estimation of these emissions should be harmonised. La¬boratory test proceÂ...
U Schoknecht

Evaluation of the permeability of fast grown wood species
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40042
The low natural durability of certain species of wood, implies the need for applying a protecting treatment to increase its life in service. Because of this, a knowledge of the permeability properties of the wood is desired. In this work, a simple and reliable method to evaluate the wood permeability is presented. For that, we have been used fast grown species, with low natural durability, Poplar ...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete, E Sanchez, J E Garcia de los Rios, E L Rodríguez Trobajo

Limitations of the Pilodyn when assessing decay in graveyard test stakes
1982 - IRG/WP 2168
The following examination was designed to evaluate more precisely the usefulness of the Pilodyn for routine, objective assessments of the condition of field test stakes and to examine its limitations, particularly in respect to: 1.) The importance of variables other than extent of decay which may affect Pilodyn readings; 2.) Practicality of obtaining multiple readings in decayed and non-decayed re...
M E Hedley

Effect of test methodology on seed germination using filter paper and soil as substrates
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50029
Tomato, cucumber and grass seeds were used to examine the influence ot two wood preservatives, chromated copper arsenate (CCA type C) and ammoniacal copper quat (ACQ tvpe B) in seed germination studies. Two methodologies, using contaminated filter paper and contaminated soil as substrates, were investigated to generate the comparison results. The results from these studies suggest that the test su...
L Jin, A F Preston

Screening test methods with termites as first laboratory evaluation of new active substances for wood preservation
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10135
European test methods (EN) with termites have been compared with long-standing experience from screening test methods in the laboratory of Eberswalde. The results are discussed in terms on the possibility of using screening test methods as the first laboratory evaluation of new active substances in wood preservatives. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are considered. Only a small a...
W Unger

Deltamethrin effectiveness against subterranean termite attack on wood under natural conditions
1989 - IRG/WP 1407
On fighting subterranean termites on wood, out of ground contact, the synthetic pyrethroid Deltamethrin shows positive aspects such as its efficiency and low mammalian toxicity. To evaluate its performance in conditions very similar to those in service use, specimens of Pinus sp were treated with solutions of Deltamethrin diluted in "white spirits" at 0.005% (w/w) and 0.01% (w/w) and exposed in a ...
P A Zanotto

Soft rot test of copper/chrome/arsenic treated heartwood of three Malaysian timbers by the vermiculite-burial method. (+ correction document of 25 July 1990)
1990 - IRG/WP 2354
Heartwood of copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) treated kempas (Koompassia malaccensis), tualang (Koompassia excelsa) and keruing (Dipterocarpus spec.) was found to be susceptible to soft rot in recent pole surveys. Standardized heartwood blocks were impregnated with 0 to 6.3% (w/v) CCA and challenged to decay for twelve weeks by a mixed inocula of Chaetomium globosum, Glenospora graphii, Humicula grisea...
R-D Peek, A H H Wong

Chemical and biological investigations of double-vacuum treated windows after 7½ years in service
1985 - IRG/WP 3339
Earlier investigations of double-vacuum treated windows after five years in service have shown that tributyltin oxide (TBTO) degrades to di- and monobutyltin compounds and that the resistance of the wood against decay decreases. An investigation 2.5 years later of the same windows shows that the degradation of TBTO proceeds fast. After 7.5 years in service only 15-35% of the remaining organotin co...
M-L Edlund, J Jermer, B Henningsson, W Hintze

Field evaluation of anti-sapstain products
1987 - IRG/WP 3402
Product A based on methylenebisthiocyanate, product B based on methylenebisthiocyanate plus 2-thiocyanomethylthio-benzothiazole, product C based on 2-thiocyanomethilthio-benzothiazole and product D based on didecyl dimethil ammonium chloride plus 3-iodo-2 propynil butyl carbarnate were evaluated on Pinus radiata sawn timber as fungicides for sapstain and mould in the Sawmill Division of the Univer...
M C Rose, A Bedoya

Laboratory evaluation of water repellents as antisapstain treatment additives
1986 - IRG/WP 3382
Water repellent formulations consisting of five paraffin wax emulsions, three polyethylene wax emulsions, two polybutadiene resin emulsions, a polyester emulsion, and a ß-pinene polymer emulsion were subjected to water repellency tests on radiata pine sapwood. With one exception, the parafin wax emulsions were more effective water repellents than the alternative formulations and one of the paraff...
D V Plackett, C M Chittenden

Exposure of preservative treated wood to terrestrial microcosms, pure cultures of fungi and in the field
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20114
Small stakes (5x10x100 mm3) of treated and untreated Pinus sylvestris sapwood were exposed in terrestrial microcosms with different soils, two taken from test fields in Sweden, one soil from a conifer forest and one garden compost soil. Stakes of the same size were also exposed to pure cultures of the brown and white rot fungi, Postia placenta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. After exposure, weigh...
M-L Edlund

Co-operative research project on L-joint testing. Sampling after 4 years exposure
1987 - IRG/WP 2274
In September 1983, Document No: IRG/WP/2208 was distributed giving guidance on sampling after 8 months exposure and including tables on which to record the test results. Similarly in September 1984, Document No: IRG/WP/2233 was distributed concerning sampling after 18 months exposure. No major problems have been notified to Princes Risborough Laboratory concerning the sampling method. It is theref...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

Changes in some important mechanical and physical properties of untreated and treated mining timber after exposure to the conditions of a colliery
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20082
Each of salt treated and untreated mining timber (wedge) pairs with 5x15 cm² cross-section and 155 cm length prepared from Scots pine, Bornmüller's fir and oriental beech was cut in the small standard test specimens to determine changes in some important mechanical and physical properties, 13 month after exposure to the conditions of Kozlu Hard Coal Mines in the depth of 52 m. Thus, the...
A Bobat

Field test of wood preservatives with Nasutitermes rippertii RAMBUR in Cuba
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10181
A field test of wood preservatives was carried out with Nasutitermes rippertii RAMBUR in the vicinity of the Material Testing Centre „Alexander von Humboldt" in Santiago de las Vegas/ Havana (Cuba) for 12 and 24 months. Test specimens of Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Fagus sylvatica L. with dimensions of 25 x 25 x 490 mm³ were arranged vertically or horizontally in a circle o...
W Unger

Changes of EPR spectra of wood, impregnated with copper based preservatives, during exposure to Antrodia vaillantii
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10355
Spruce wood (Picea abies) samples were impregnated with two different aqueous solutions: copper(II) octanoate with ethanolamine or copper(II) sulfate (cCu = 1,0 x 10-2 mol/l). Impregnated and unimpregnated test pieces were exposed to wood rotting fungus Antrodia vaillantii. Some strains of this fungus are known as copper tolerant. After four weeks of exposure to A. vaillantii, we could not detect ...
M Humar, M Petric, F Pohleven, M Å entjurc

Evaluation of a laboratory soft rot test on basis of weight loss and residual strength
1989 - IRG/WP 2336
Based on the principles of different previously reported experimental procedures dealing with laboratory soft rot testing, a study was conducted on treated poplar and beech. Preservatives used were CCA, CCF, AAC, Azaconazole and TCMTB. Treated samples were exposed for three months in a vermiculite substrate to Chaetomium globosum. Evaluation was based on absolute mass loss, percentage weight loss ...
W Verbeke, J Van Acker, M Stevens

Chemically modified tannin and tannin-copper complexes as preservatives for wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30271
The efficacy of Mimosa tannin, chemically modified tannin, and tannin-copper complexes as wood preservatives was studied. When the tannin-ammonia-CuCl2 solutions were impregnated into wood specimens in a one-step procedure, a large quantity of the tannin-copper complex was fixed in the specimens. Little of the complex was leached from specimens by a weathering treatment, and these specimens showed...
H Yamaguchi

The movement of iron into field test stakes
1987 - IRG/WP 2284
Failed and sacrificial stakes recovered from the Westham Island field test site were examined for their iron content. Varying amounts were recorded, which were greatest in the failed stakes. The possible role of the iron taken up by the below ground portion of the stakes, in accelerating the decay process and/or the preservative leaching is under investigation. The reaction of the iron with the ch...
J N R Ruddick, P I Morris

Testing blue stain fungicides for joinery timber in combination with natural weathering
1976 - IRG/WP 268
Joinery timber in outside use becomes affected by blue-stain after a short time of exposure. This is especially the case with pine sapwood treated with unpigmented lacquer, but also with other timber species as well as different types of surface treatment. According to the basic investigations of BUTIN this is due to special types of blue-stain fungi, called "Lack-bläue" (lacquer blue-stain), in ...
H Willeitner

Experiences with environmental risk assessment within the Biocidal Products Directive
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-21
The Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC, the BPD) aims to authorize biocidal products based on risk assessment for both man and the environment. Active substances for wood preservation products and rodenticides were selected for the first list under the review program (Regulations EC 1896/2000 and EC 2032/2003) because several member states had experience with the evaluation and authorization of ...
P Blancquaert

Soft-rot testing. Memo to CEN
1983 - IRG/WP 2206 A
1. Development of a single test procedure to assess performance of preservatives against soft rot fungi is an ideal that cannot be realised at present, if results are to be both reproducible between laboratories and pertinent to the practical requirements of individual countries. 2. Consensus opinion amongst members of Sub Group I - Soft rot tests, of Working Group II - Fundamentals of Testing, of the IRG, is that the immediate needs of CEN would be best answered by: (a) a code of recommended practice, (b) a multiplicity of test procedures, and (c) a degree of flexibility in test procedures. 3. The code of recommended practice should recognise the need for: (a) a pure culture, synthetic medium (sand or vermiculite + nutrients), single wood species test to be adopted by all laboratories as a common reference point of testing, (b) mixed inoculum and/or unsterile soil laboratory or fungus cellar tests which account for local variations in the fungal flora, (c) incorporation of a range of wood species where applicable (i.e. where mixed hardwoods comprise the main resource), (d) provision of local internal standards of known performance under field conditions, (e) incorporation of leaching procedures other than standard methods with deionized water (e.g. mild acid, milk alkali, ionic solutions of various salts) where applicable to local exposure conditions, (f) precise definition of the criteria used for establishing toxic thresholds (mass loss, strength loss, microscopic examination). 4. Initial screening tests should remain the province of the individual research worker. 5. The code of recommended practice should have the sole purpose of establishing provisional retention levels for subsequent confirmation by field trial. 6. IRG should list and approve test procedures considered adequate to establish toxic thresholds for preservatives against soft rot fungi. 7. It should be clearly understood that when using a series of test techniques, it is inevitable that a range of toxic thresholds will be obtained for the same preservative. 8. Guidelines should be drawn up for interpretation of test data for subsequent transformation to provisional retention levels. 9. Adoption of the broad principles outlines above is recognition of the dynamic nature of toxic thresholds. The additional information obtained by a more flexible, and complex, approach to testing may make interpretation more difficult but should provide data from which response of preservatives to varying biological and environmental hazards can be more realistically assessed. 10. It is recommended that CEN adopt, in principle, the basic philosophy of testing outlined above and move towards formulation of a Working Document in collaboration with IRG
J A Butcher, D J Dickinson

Copper tolerance of various Antrodia vaillantii isolates
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10406
Copper based preservatives have been extensively used in the field of wood preservation. However, several brown-rot fungi to be tolerant to copper and consequently, efficacy of copper based wood preservatives may not be sufficient. Copper tolerance is especially by some fungi that are closely aligned to or included in genus Antrodia. The highest copper tolerance was found at some strains of wood r...
F Pohleven, A Malnaric, M Humar, C Tavzes

Methods to determine the efficacy of three water repellent additives in waterborne preservatives
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30142
The paper describes the methods used to determine the efficacy of three different water repellent additives in waterborne preservatives. The wooden samples used are pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) that are treated with 9 different waterborne preservatives in retention for hazard class 3 (above ground commodities). There are two sample sizes exposed, cladding boards (19 x 148 mm) w...
F G Evans, B Nossen, K M Jenssen, L R Wilhelmsen, G Fuglum

Le pin: Matériau à contact alimentaire [Pine wood as a material for food contact]
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-01
Monoterpenes emitted to air from woods of pine (Pinus nigra, Pinus laricio, Pinus pinaster and Pinus sylvestris) were determined on the one hand by static analysis and by other hand by sampling on the Tenax adsorbent, followed by analysis using thermal desorption, both being combined with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection. The major monoterpenes were alpha-pinene and 3-c...
A Waymel, M Lamour, G Labat

A field evaluation of modified and unmodified alkylammonium compounds
1987 - IRG/WP 3436
Laboratory soil block studies of alkylammonium compounds (AAC's) at Forintek and other research establishments have shown that they can prevent decay by standard wood-destroying fungi. Their performance in field tests, however, has been disappointing. Following investigation of possible causes for this poor field performance, stakes treated with modified AAC's were installed at W...
J N R Ruddick

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