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Your search resulted in 218 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Can CCA be substituted as reference preservative?
2018 - IRG/WP 18-20641
While field testing of wood protective formulations remains probably the best method to find out the effective preservative concentration, the use of chrome-copper arsenate (CCA) as reference becomes debatable due to environmental and legislative reasons. This emerges from the European standardization bodies who have discussed reference alternatives that can omit the use of CCA. The present debate...
N Terziev, M Jebrane, P Larsson Brelid, N Morsing, P-O Flaete, P Torniainen, J S Kim, G Daniel

Influence of different triazoles as co-biocides in wood preservatives on efficacy and the environmental impact
2018 - IRG/WP 18-50333
In this study we investigated the efficacy and impact on the environment of different co-biocide triazoles in wood preservatives. Four different formulations (all containing 9.5% Copper) contained individual and combinations of cyproconazole, tebuconazole, propiconazole as co-biocides. Four formulations were tested according to EN 113 and EN 84 (ageing) to determine the brv for each formulation. T...
M Klamer, T Jensen, S Bang-Achton, E Morsing

Pigment production by the spalting fungus Scytalidium ganodermophthorum and its industry potential
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10957
Scytalidium ganodermophthorum is best known as a pathogen of cultivated mushrooms, with infected cultures turning yellow in color. The fungus is also used in the art form known as ‘spalting’ to produce yellow, green, and purple colors in wood for decorative purposes. Wood colored by fungus in this manner has been traditionally used in the creation of fine art and woodworking since the 16th cen...
R C Van Court, P Vega Gutierrez, S C Robinson

Different levels of acetylation lead to groupwise upregulation of non-enzymatic wood degradation genes of Rhodonia placenta during initial brown-rot decay
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10958
Rhodonia placenta, often used as a model fungus to represent brown rot fungi, uses a two-stepped degradation mechanism to degrade wood. Regarding the overcoming of wood protection systems the initial degradation phase seems to be the crucial point. A new laboratory test enables the separation of the non-enzymatic oxidative and the enzymatic degradation phases, which has previously been proven chal...
M Kölle, R Ringman, A Pilgård

FTIR analysis of wood blocks decayed by brown-rot fungi
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10959
Calibration curves of the relative lignin contents in Cryptomeria japonica decayed by brown-rot fungi were developed with Infrared Spectroscopy and Klason technique. First, wood decay test was conducted using brown-rot fungi (Fomitopsis palusris, F. pinicola, Wolfiporia cocos, Gloeophyllum trabeum, and Neolentinus suffrutescens) and white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) was used as a comparison. ...
R Kondo, Y Horikawa, R Kose, M Yoshida

Update on the Distribution of Termites and other Wood-boring Insects in Europe
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10960
In Europe, most of the timber used in construction is made from softwood species that are poorly or not durable against wood-boring organisms (beetles, termites, decay fungi). Timber with a moisture content of less than 20% can be attacked and degraded by different species of insect whose larvae consume wood and significantly reduce its mechanical strength. The risk of attack by wood-boring insect...
M Kutnik, I Paulmer, D Ansard, M Montibus, C Lucas

Analysis of larval development and feeding of an Anobiid beetle using X-ray computed tomography
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10961
Priobium sp., an anobiid beetle, can attack wood used for historic constructions in Japan. Its life history and feeding biology, especially larval development and behavior, are poorly understood because the beetles are hidden inside wood most of the time. We used X-ray computed tomography (CT) to regularly scan wood blocks infested with the larvae of the Priobium sp. and observed the process of ...
H Watanabe, R Kigawa, Y Fujiwara, Y Fujii

Effect of long-term immersion in fresh and salt water on mould growth on Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) wood
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10962
Wood exposed outdoors will eventually be degraded by fungi, depending on exposure and material characteristics. Numerous wooden constructions in the Røros municipality have existed since the 17th century, but wood used in recent repairs have decayed faster than expected. Before 1970 timber was mainly transported by log driving or rafting, and the logs were immersed in water for longer or shorter ...
M Sand Austigard, J Mattsson

Performance of naturally durable decks after 15 years of field exposure
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10963
A decking test of Canadian species considered to be naturally durable was inspected after 15 years of exposure at test sites in Ontario and British Columbia. Based on the materials used in this experiment, Douglas-fir and yellow cypress had the greatest decay resistance, followed by eastern white cedar and western redcedar, and then by western larch and tamarack. All materials tested were more dur...
R Stirling, D Wong

Durability of tropical species from Peru according to European Standards
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10964
Natural durability is defined as the intrinsic resistance of wood against the attack of destructive organisms. There are standardized methods to estimate a durability value. In Europe, the standard EN-350 is responsible for establishing the basic guidelines, as well as the necessary tests to determine this value, which is essential to know the degree of protection needed for the tested wood to ext...
J Valdivia, P Gómez, M T Troya, L Robertson, J A Martín, A Loayza

Durability of Eucalyptus globulus floating structures mussels trough in marine environment against marine borers in the Atlantic coast of Spain
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10965
In Spain, since forever damages caused by marine borers are frequent in wood elements and wood structures located in sea water conditions. Galicia is a region located in the North West of Spanish, above Portugal, characterized by their typical estuaries, where since ancient times, the natural production of mussels from floating structures mussels trough. Since ever, wood species selected to build ...
D Lorenzo, M Touza, J Fernández-Golfin, A Lozano, J Benito

Moisture and temperature conditions in an old, highly moisture-loaded timber building in the Røros municipality, Norway
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10966
A 150 years old log building near Røros, Norway, has been in active use as a cowshed since its erection. The animals are kept inside the cowshed all winter and this causes a situation of a high moisture load on the wooden floor, wooden walls and ceiling. Logging of temperature and humidity over one year shows that there are favourable levels of moisture in the wood and air for development of moul...
M Sand Austigard, J Mattsson

Observed and projected changes in the climate based decay hazard of timber in the United Kingdom
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20665
The risk of microbiological attack on wood is determined by both material and climatic factors and indeed the hazard for a component is based on its intrinsic durability and the conditions in which it is used. The use of wood and organic materials in construction is increasing but ultimately all these materials will be susceptible to microbiological attack. The Scheffer Climate index applies clima...
S F Curling, G A Ormondroyd

Performance of bio-based building materials – durability and moisture dynamics
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20666
When exposed to conditions favourable for decay, bio-based building materials can be susceptible to degradation. Their ability to withstand deterioration over time (performance) depends on the intrinsic or enhanced durability of the material as well as its wetting and drying behaviour. The effect of fungicidal components in wood is known since long. Other material characteristics, such as the mate...
L De Ligne, J Caes, S Omar, J Van den Bulcke, J M Baetens, B De Baets, J Van Acker

Profiling fungal degradation of Scots pine sapwood by short wave infrared hyperspectral image analysis
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20667
Hyperspectral image analysis of Scots pine sapwood wood affected by decay fungi has been carried out as part of a Ph.D. thesis within the project Remote Inspection of Wooden Utility Poles (RIWUP). In a lab experiment, Petri-dishes with Scots pine sapwood samples on malt agar medium were infected with two types of decay fungi, a brown rot and a white rot. The wood samples were scanned with a HySpe...
A Jochemsen, G Alfredsen, I Burud

New methods for estimating the volume of shipworm tunnels supported by image analysis
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20668
In marine environment, the main threat for wood is the bioerosion by woodborers, both peracarid crustaceans (such as gribbles Limnoria and pincher scuds Chelura) and bivalve molluscs (shipworms, Teredinidae). The damage caused by gribbles on wood structure is surficial and easy identifiable, whereas the damage caused by shipworms is internal, therefore not evident, inducing unexpected crashes wit...
I Guarneri, M Sigovini, E Keppel, D Tagliapietra

Chemical composition and performances of slow pyrolysis by-product from sugarcane bagasse for wood protection
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30752
Pyrolysis distillate or bio-oil, a by-product of biomasses’ slow pyrolysis in the char-making process, has been traditionally used as bio-pesticides by Asian farmers. Due to its large composition of bio-active chemicals, bio-oil obtained from various biomass has become of interest in many applications, including wood protectants. This study aims to characterize the chemical composition of bio-oi...
F D Boer, M-F Thévenon, J-M Commandre, M Fournier

Monitoring of wood preservatives exposed to weathering: Extraction and analysis methods of organic biocides from treated wood and collected rain runoff
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30753
Weathering is the cause of numerous damages for outdoor joineries. Protection of wood using a preservative treatment covered with a coating is a process widely used to limit these damages. However, biocides from preservative treated wood are prone to degradation and leaching, having a direct influence on the joinery service life. This document deals with extraction and analytical methods for bioci...
O Ouali, K Le Ménach, E Raphalen, L Podgorski, S Legay, H Budzinski

Physical barriers against marine borers based on synthetic polymers
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30754
Currently in Spain there are no chemical treatments that are really effective against attacks of marine bores in civil constructions within more or less permanent contact with seawater. On the other hand there are also no physical barriers that allow easy placement or execution, and much less offer a minimum guarantee of performance in the medium or long term. In fact, in these recent years there ...
A Lozano, D Lorenzo, M Alonso, J J del Coz, F Álvarez

Yellow birch fire-protection using polyelectrolytes complexes
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30755
Fire protection has been a major challenge in wood construction for many years. The demand for high-performance, environmentally friendly treatments respecting the physical and chemical characteristics of the material has been accentuated in recent years. Halogenated fire-retardant (FR) compounds were commonly used from the 70’s for their low-cost and high efficiency. They are able to form radic...
M Soula, F Samyn, S Duquesne, V Landry

Water interactions in wood polyesterified with sorbitol and citric acid
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40888
Polyesterifcation of wood with sorbitol and citric acid seems to be a promising chemical wood modification technique that is both low-cost and produced from bio-based chemicals. An interesting aspect of the modification is the interaction of water with the polyesterified wood since the relationship with moisture appears to be unique compared to other wood modification systems. This communication p...
G Beck, A Treu, E Larnøy

Studying amount, location and state of water in modified wood at moisture levels relevant for fungal degradation
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40889
Water is an essential parameter for fungal degradation of wood, but degradation primarily occurs at high moisture levels at water potential in the range of -4 to -0.1 MPa, which corresponds to 97-99.9% relative humidity. At these moisture levels, water is present in the wood structure both in and outside of cell walls. The majority of previous studies on the interaction between wood and water for ...
M Fredriksson, E Engelund Thybring, Ramunas Digaitis

Limiting Polysaccharide Motion Protects Wood From Decay
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40890
It is well known that chemical modifications to improve decay resistance also reduce the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of wood. The mechanism of this action, however, has been the subject of much debate. Several groups have suggested that decay resistance is a result of lower diffusion rates of fungal degradation agents through the wood cell wall. A recent paper explained the fundamental prin...
C G Hunt, S L Zelinka, J E Jakes

Investigations into the use of Maleic Anhydride/Sodium Hypophosphite as a Wood Modification Process
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40891
The formation of crosslinked bonds between wood constituents is believed to be an effective way to stabilize wood against wet conditions. The possibility to use maleic anhydride (MA) combined with sodium hypophosphite (SHP) as crosslinking agents was studied, using Scots pine sapwood and a model compound. The modified wood showed weight gain and bulking effect after treatment and subsequent Soxhle...
I Kim, D Jones, O Karlsson, D Sandberg, O N Antzutkin, F Ullah Shah

Elucidation of reactive sites of wood modified with acetic anhydride: Insights from density functional theory calculations
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40892
Density functional theory (DFT) was employed to investigate the interaction of cellulose and lignin with acetic anhydride for explaining the wood modification process. Atoms in molecules (AIM) and reduced density gradient (RDG) along with non-covalent interaction (NCI) plots were used to analyse the intermolecular bonding characteristics. Cellulose was modelled with a cellobiose unit (dimer of glu...
V Ponnuchamy, A Sandak, J Sandak, R Herrera Diaz

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