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Your search resulted in 211 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Genetic Engineering in tree breeding
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10294
The genetic improvement of forest trees by classical breeding is a slow process in comparison with that of annual crops. Tree breeding however is of great importance and has led to trees with better growth characteristics and better disease resistance. An important wood characteristic which has been neglected in breeding programs is wood durability. The durability of the wood will determine for wh...
J Van Doorsselaere, H Beeckman, M Van Montagu, W Boerjan

Wood durability in the light of recent trends and research on the durability of building materials and components
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20195
Building-related research of today demonstrates a clear shift in focus from the design and production phases to usage and to the entire life time. A consequence is that the performance criteria of materials, components and of the entire building must be regarded over the life time rather than at the time of production or delivery. As one example can be mentioned the Building Construction Directive...
K Ödeen

Glued laminated poles - Progress report after 18 years' testing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20140
In 1979 a number of glued laminated poles treated with CCA and creosote were placed in a greenhouse at Uppsala, at the Simlångsdalen test field in southern Sweden and under a power line in Vuollerim in northern Sweden in order to study their resistance against biological degradation. The tests have shown that the best performance will be obtained if each laminate is first treated with a water-bo...
Ö Bergman, J Jermer

Effect of post-treatment processing on leachability of ACZA-treated douglas-fir lumber
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50109
The effect of post-treatment procedures that more rapidly precipitate copper, zinc, and arsenic in douglas-fir treated with ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA) on subsequent leaching resistance were investigated at two retentions (6.4 and 40 kg/m3). Total leaching was greater from boards treated to the higher retention. At both levels, copper was lost at the highest rate. Post-treatment process...
J J Morrell, C S Love, S Kumar, C M Freitag

Effects of the specimen position on fungal colonisation and wood decay by en 113 test fungi
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20136
For testing wood preservatives according to EN 113 it is common practice to plant the test blocks on neutral supports in order to prevent (1) a diffusion of chemicals into the agar medium and (2) an excessive moistening of the specimens. The procedure was employed in EN 350-1 for testing the natural durability of solid wood. It turned out to be of problematic nature because of the individual requ...
G Kleist, M-T Lenz, R-D Peek

In vivo growth study on two gymnosperms and four angiosperms for REB wood poles
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10246
Revealed that the highest growth rates and pole yield in two plantation sites in Bangladesh are significant with 2.06 cm/y in diameter, 0.97 m/y in height and 90% pole yield within 19y in Pinus caribaea; 1.96 cm/y, 0.91 m/y and 100% pole yield within 15y in Xylia dolabriformis; 1.88 cm/y, 0.91 m/y and 22% pole yield within 13y in Dipterocarpus turbinatus; 1.64 cm/y, 0.82 m/y and 28.75% pole within...
A K Lahiry

Proposal for a method aiming at the quantification of the impact of wood extraction in Life Cycle Assessment
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50113
Life Cycle Assessment has been accepted as an instrument for the assessment of the environmental impact of products. Characterisation factors for impact assessment of emissions from products have been established. To date no characterisation factor exists for the extraction of biotic resources, for example wood. Since the main disadvantage of using wood as a material lies in the extraction of reso...
P Esser, E Van der Voet

International standardisation: a hypothetical case study with stand-alone borate wood preservatives
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20147
The possibility of developing wood preservation standards with a global remit has a number of obvious advantages as well as far reaching ramifications, many of which are undefined as yet. The commercial implications of adopting international standards are clearly considerable, but equally, such a development is likely to focus attention on the conceptual differences in the way that different regio...
M W Schoeman, J D Lloyd

Uptake of copper by mycelium of wood decay fungi growing on copper S-substituted thioglycolate containing nutrient media
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10291
Mycelia of Trametes versicolor, Coniophora puteana and Poria monticola were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) media, containing various concentrations of copper N,N-dimethyldithiocarbamoylacetate (which may be regarded as a copper S-substituted thioglycolate). The tested copper compound revealed relatively low fungicidal activity. After 13-18 day growing period, we determined concentrations of a...
M Humar, M Petric, F Pohleven, P Kalan

Multiple-Phase Pressure (MPP) Process: One-stage CCA treatment and accelerated fixation process. 4. MPP compared with other processes for achieving acceptable treatment of radiata pine heartwood
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40115
Although radiata pine sapwood is very amenable to preservative treatment, it is often difficult to achieve the required standard for heartwood treatment. A preliminary investigation showed that to achieve the NZ Timber Preservation Council minimum penetration requirements for radiata pine heartwood using the Multiple-Phase Pressure (MPP) Process, a hydraulic pressure of at least 1250 kPa for 20 m...
K Nasheri, J A Drysdale, G Durbin, M E Hedley

Screening of fungal strains for wood extractive degradation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10254
Fungal strains were screened for their ability to degrade apolar extractives in wood from scots pine. The degradation of total wood extractives by 91 different strains was monitored in stationary batch assays incubated for 6 weeks. The results obtained show that the ability of wood-inhabiting fungi to utilize wood extractives varied greatly, even for different isolates of the same species. Fungal ...
J Dorado, M J Martinez-Inigo, T A van Beek, F W Claassen, J B P A Wijnberg, R Sierra-Alvarez

Experiences with environmental risk assessment within the Biocidal Products Directive
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-21
The Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC, the BPD) aims to authorize biocidal products based on risk assessment for both man and the environment. Active substances for wood preservation products and rodenticides were selected for the first list under the review program (Regulations EC 1896/2000 and EC 2032/2003) because several member states had experience with the evaluation and authorization of ...
P Blancquaert

Non agricultural biocide directive. Practical proposals of implementation in the case where biocides are wood preservatives
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-24
This project of non-agricultural biocide directive has currently an extremely wide scope of pre-marketing authorization of substances and preparations used in numerous applications, other than agricultural. Elaborated on the 86/414/EEC model of the phytopharmaceutical product directive, the "NAB" draft directive aims to cover situations as different as plant or wood protection: in the case of plan...
G Ozanne

Utilisation of carbohydrates by stain fungi in agar culture
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10248
Stain fungi are often defined by their ability to utilise the starch and free sugars found in ray parenchyma cells, and their inability to utilise other wood constituents. However, several species of stain fungi produce bore holes in wood cell walls. This suggests that enzymatic activity capable of degrading structural polysaccharides and/or lignin is associated with the growth of the appressorium...
J Snow, P Vinden, S M Read

Recycling of CCA treated wood in the US
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-08
The production of CCA treated wood has increased dramatically in recent years. Previous estimates of the volume of treated wood to be removed were based on the assumed service life of the material, generally 20 to 25 years. This study based on a survey of contractors installing treated decks, determined that the actual service life of these decks is much shorter than their assumed functional servi...
J McQueen, J Stevens, D P Kamdem

Aquatic toxicity research of structural materials
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50114
Continuing from preliminary results reported on the aquatic toxicity of some tropical hardwoods under high hazard conditions, a more comprehensive research study is set-up in order to assess the environmental toxicology of various structural materials in water applications. Hazard class 4 preservative treated wood is tested for its toxic response on a battery of aquatic test organisms, next to con...
G M F Van Eetvelde, S De Geyter, P Marchal, M Stevens

A review of the current status of the estimation of emissions from preserved wood and their use in the environmental risk assessment of wood preservatives under the Biocidal Products Directive
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-7
A review and update of the status of the issues concerning the estimation of emissions from preserved wood (e.g. amendments to the proposed ‘OECD Guidelines’), and the environmental risk assessment of wood preservatives under the Biocidal Products Directive (e.g. compartmental sizes, emissate ecotoxicity testing)....
E F Baines

Leaching of components from CCF treated timber in ground contact
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50108
In order to investigate the depletion of different CCF-salts during service small stakes (10*10*450mm³) were treated with five water-borne wood preservatives and after fixation brought into ground contact for several years. After failing some of the broken down stakes were used to determine the remaining concentration of relevant ions and their distribution in different segments of the stakes. A...
E Melcher

CCA removal from treated wood by chemical, mechanical and microbial processing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-26
Most preservative-treated wood produced and consumed in the U.S. is treated with toxic inorganic compounds containing copper, chromium, and arsenic. Because chromated copper arsenate (CCA) is fixed to the wood, treated wood has not been considered toxic or hazardous and is currently landfilled. Increasing public concern about environmental contamination from treated wood combined with increasing q...
C A Clausen, R L Smith

Electrodialytic remediation of a soil from a wood preservation industry polluted by CCA
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-14
Soil contamination is often found at wood preservation sites due to spills, dripping of excess preservatives and deposition of sludge associated with dissolved salts of copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA). The electrodialytic process is a promising heavy metal soil remediation technique. It is based on a combination of the electrokinetic movement of ions in soil with the principle of electrodialysi...
A B Ribeiro, A Villumsen, G Bech-Nielsen, A Réfega, J Vieira e Silva

Assessment of the biocontrol potential of a Trichoderma viride isolate in a field trial
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10252
A field trial has been set up near Dundee, to assess the biological control potential of a Trichoderma viride isolate T60. This isolate has been shown in laboratory tests to be particularly effective in protecting wood against certain basidiomycete decay fungi. Wood was treated with T60 spores using vacuum-pressure impregnation in a pilot preservation plant. Scots pine and Sitka spruce stakes wer...
H F Brown, A Bruce

A new process for in situ polymerization of vinyl monomers in wood to delay boron leaching
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40110
Efforts were accelerated on effective use of boron compounds in wood preservation owing to their environmentally safe characteristics and relatively low costs in addition to their well-known high bioactivity and fire resistant properties. Although having these unique favorable properties, they are readily leachable from treated wood at humid conditions. Therefore, they had limited market for exter...
M K Yalinkilic, W Dwianto, Y Imamura, M Takahashi

Detection of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10245
Isolates of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans and the wild merulius S. himantioides were investigated by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analyses (ARDRA) of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS). The technique uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the variable region of the ITS between the conserved 18S and 28S genes of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The ITS region of all isolates of Serpula lacrymans and S. himantioides was successfully amplified. The length of the amplified product was about 630 bp. Subsequent double digest of the ITS with the restriction endonucleases Haelli and Taql separated the closely related fungi by species-specific fragments. Thus, ARDRA-ITS proved to be suited for the detection of the dry rot fungus.
O Schmidt, U Moreth

Effect of soil chemistry and physical properties on wood preservative leaching
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50111
When treated wood is placed in contact with soil, complicated mass transfer and chemical reactions occur which causes the preservative components to leach from the wood. There are several factors that are known to affect the amount of chemical leached from wood. These are properties of the preservative and carrier, preservative retention, degree of fixation, exposure time, grain orientation, surfa...
Joan-Hao Wang, D D Nicholas, L S Sites, D E Pettry

Conforming to European standards on preservative treatment
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20150
New European standards require that specifications for the preservative treatment of timber are written in terms of the penetration and retention of preservative within the treated commodity that result from the treatment process. In order to check compliance with this type of specification, suitable methods of quantitative analysis must be available. This paper presents the results of a study by ...
E D Suttie, R J Orsler

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