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Your search resulted in 778 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

A soil-less test of treated wood
1978 - IRG/WP 2105
The objective of this work is to devise an accelerated test for preservatives to be used in places away from soil contact. There may be compounds or mixtures which will protect wood or wood derived materials from decay in such articles as sash and doors, boardwalks, steps, laminated arches and the like, and possess properties that make them preferable to the heavy-duty preservatives used for poles...
E A Behr

Bioremediation of surfactant contaminated waste
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50070
The objective of this work was to determine the potential of fungi as agents for the bioremediation of wastes (particularly wood and soil) contaminated with quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs). Until now only bacteria have been investigated for this purpose. Tolerant strains of Gliocladium roseum and Verticillium bulbillosum were studied for their ability to degrade the following QACs: didecyldim...
J L Bürgel, J Dubois, J N R Ruddick

Influence of acidification on decay processes of CCB treated wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10514
The phenomenon of copper tolerance by brown rot fungal strains has been known for a long period but the complete mechanism of copper tolerance by these fungi is not understood yet. Copper tolerance has previously been linked to oxalic acid excreted by copper tolerant brown rot fungal strains. This acid reacts with copper in the wood to form an insoluble and therefore less toxic copper oxalate. The...
M Humar, S A Amartey, M Šentjurc, F Pohleven

An investigation of the factors influencing the rate of deterioration of timber samples due to microfungi in laboratory tests
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20116
An investigation was performed into the comparative performances of test 1 (vermiculite burial) and test 2 (soil burial) as described in ENV 807. Two test preservatives were used - copper naphthenate and propiconazole. Copper chromate was included as a reference preservative. The wood species used was beech (Fagus sylvatica). Test 1 was performed using both a mixed inoculation of the five stipulat...
I J Herring, D J Dickinson, S M Gray, J K Carey

Study of the degradation caused by micro-organisms in Pinus sp. waterlogged wood
1989 - IRG/WP 1411
So far, the different Centers are trying the restoration and the conservation of wood structures, coming from subaquatic archeological deposits, with interest from the historic - artistic point of view. The main objective of this paper has been the determination of the decay level of Pinus sp. wood coming from a roman ship (approximately 2000 years old), where we have analyzed their physical prope...
M T De Troya, M C Escorial, J Garcia, A Cabanas

Alkaline building materials and controlled moisture conditions as causes for dry rot Serpula lacrymans growing only in houses
1985 - IRG/WP 1272
Dry rot Serpula lacrymans ( Fr.) S.F. Gray is commonly found in houses, though never with certainly in nature, like other wood destroying fungi which grow both indoors and outdoors. In investigating series of dry rot instances it was shown that this fungus is always found in covered places, close to a moisture source, the distance being from 0 a maximum of 600 cm. Owing to the dry rot has been abl...
J Bech-Andersen

Identification of brown rot fungi on wood in above ground conditions by PCR, T-RFLP and sequencing
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10512
Fungi selected in test fields in Germany and Estonia and fungi (Coniophora puteana) cultivated on medium have been identified by the molecular methods PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), T-RFLP (Terminal Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism) and sequenced to species level. The samples from the German field test showed that the fruit body sample was a different fungus than from the mycelium sample....
U Råberg, N Högberg, C J Land

Failure of overhead power transmission and telecommunication poles in Tanzania: Causes, preventive and remedial measures
1988 - IRG/WP 3465
Unless measures are considered urgently to combat massive pole failures occuring in service, it is likely that wooden poles may soon become unpopular. Consequently, pole users may be forced to use costlier alternatives such as underground cables and concrete or steel poles. In trying to countercheck this trend, this paper names the main agents of pole failure, discusses different models of pole fa...
K K Murira

Growth of sapstain fungi in scots pine and the effect of timber ageing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10269
A trial was initiated to study the growth of known isolates of sapstain fungi in scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) which had been naturally aged or sterilised by autoclaving or irradiation. Sawlogs cut from commercial thinnings were reduced to billet size and the exposed ends were painted with a bituminous sealant to reduce moisture loss. Some billets were inoculated after autoclaving or gamma-irradia...
N J Strong, J F Webber, R A Eaton

Multicomponent biocide systems protect wood from decay fungi, mold fungi, and termites for interior applications
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30333
Concerns about indoor air quality due to mold growth have increased dramatically in the United States. In the absence of proper moisture management, fungicides need to be developed for indoor use to control mold establishment. An ideal fungicide for prevention of indoor mold growth on wood-based materials needs to specifically prevent spore germination and provide long-term protection under condit...
C A Clausen,V W Yang

Field tests with Antiblue and Biocide TT for the prevention of sapstain and mould fungi on Pinus elliottii timber
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3682
Freshly cut and sawn Pinus elliottii timber was dipped in four concentrations of Antiblue (active ingredient sodium pentachlorophenate) and Biucide TT (local substitute), at four immersion times and stacked in the open at Chisengu sawmill. Five weeks later, the timber was assessed for the incidence and intensity of stain and mould. The results showed that Antiblue was the better chemical providing...
A J Masuka

Effect of nutrient regimes, temperature, pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of selected bioprotectants against wood staining fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1551
The effect of nutrient regimes, incubation temperature, media pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of four potential bioprotectants (Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas cepacia, Bacillus subtilis, and Trichoderma harzianum) against wood staining fungi were evaluated using small ponderosa pine samples over a four week period. Incubation at 32°C resulted in slight increases in the degree of...
J J Morrell, C M Secton

Efficacy of copper:propiconazole and copper:citrate systems in ground contact exposure at a site with copper tolerant fungi
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30305
Southern yellow pine (SYP) sapwood field stakes were treated with copper alone (ammoniacal copper carbonate, ACC) at four levels, or three levels of copper (1.6, 3.2, or 6.4 kgm-3, as CuO), air-dried, then re-treated with propiconazole in a light organic solvent at 0.07, 0.3, or 0.7 kgm-3 retentions. In a separate study, SYP field stakes were treated with three levels of ACC to give 6.7, 13.4 or ...
D D Nicholas, T Schultz

Cytoplasmic and extracellular localization of manganese II dependent peroxidase(s) in white rot fungi during degradation of woody materials
1989 - IRG/WP 1416
The manner by which lignin is degraded in-situ in natural substrates by white rot fungi still remains a controversial issue particularly the distribution and role(s) played by lignin degrading enzymes (i.e. manganese II peroxidase and lignin peroxidase). In the present study, use was made of anti-manganese II peroxidase and immunolabelling techniques in conjunction with transmission electron micro...
G F Daniel, B Pettersson, T Nilsson, J Volc

A bioassay to determine preservative retention in hardwoods and southern pines
1982 - IRG/WP 2183
In this paper the author discusses and suggests a new method of evaluating preservative retention in treated woods by means of bioassays. Twelve North American species were tested with different retention levels of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) preservatives. The results observed in this work show that among other fungi, Aspergillus niger responds to both preservatives, w...
J C Moreschi

Fungal siderophores and their rôle in wood biodegradation
1990 - IRG/WP 1442
Iron and other metals such as manganese, play an important role in the metabolic functions of fungi that cause wood deterioration. These transition metals are also found in, or associated with, the extracellular fungal enzymes shown to be directly involved in the decay process. Recently our research group was able to show that siderophores (low molecular weight biological chelators) are produced b...
J Jellison, B Goodell, F Fekete, V Chandhoke

Preservation of wood-based panels against fungi and insects and and testing its efficiency
1976 - IRG/WP 270
Wood-based panel products which are made of susceptible wood species may be destroyed by fungi under wet conditions and by termites. The glues do not provide sufficient protection unless very high concentrations are applied. Particle boards and fibre boards are not susceptible to beetle infestation, although some species may attack plywood. Various types of preservatives provide sufficient protect...
G Becker, M Gersonde

Microbial decay in an extremely durable Malaysian hardwood Belian (Eusideroxylon zwageri) - an overview
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10216
The heartwood of Belian (Eusideroxylon zwageri) is highly regarded among the naturally durable Malaysian hardwoods, and is therefore a choice timber for soilcontact use in the humid tropics such as untreated telecommunication poles, fence posts and railway sleepers. The high microbial resistance of the wood is evidenced by the mere superficial degradation observed in some pole samples after 20 yea...
A H H Wong, A P Singh

Current status of AAC preservatives in New Zealand
1980 - IRG/WP 3141
Two types of alkylammonium compounds (AAC) have been approved as commercially acceptable wood preservatives by the NZ Timber Preservation Authority (TPA). They are alkyldimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride and alkyldimethylamine acetate, both of which must contain either (a) 70% alkyl chains of C12 + C14 and less than 10% of any other individual chain length, or (b) 85% alkyl chains of C12 + C14 with ...
J A Butcher

Synergistic combination of an antioxidant and wood preservative: a preliminary study
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30172
We previously proposed that extractives in highly durable angiosperm heartwood may protect wood against white-rot fungal colonization and subsequent degradation by a dual mechanism: extractives have some fungicidal activity and are also free radical scavengers (antioxidants) and thus interfere with the fungal free radical degradative mechanisms. We tested this hypothesis using the commercial bioci...
T Schultz, D D Nicholas, J Minn, K D McMurtrey, T H Fisher

Regulation of hyphal sheath formation iron-chelator production by the brown rot fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum and Postia placenta
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10074
Hyphal sheath formation and iron-chelator production by liquid cultures of the brown rot fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum and Postia placenta were monitored over time. The effects of incubation at various temperatures, pH's and concentrations of iron, manganese and nitrogen were determined. Hyphal sheath production was observed microscopically and quantified with JAVA video analysis. The hyphal...
Y Chen, J Jellison

Efficacy of fumigants in the eradication of decay fungi implanted in southern pine timbers
1986 - IRG/WP 3365
Southern pine timbers (15.2 cm x 15.2 cm x 4.26 m) were fumigated at midlength to evaluate the effectiveness of the fumigants chloropicrin, Vapam, Diazomet, Busan 40, Vanicide 51, Vanicide TH, sodium bisulfite, and ethanolamine in eradication of decay fungi. The fumigants were introduced into 2.54 cm holes which were closed immediately with rubber stoppers. Movement and persistence of lethal conce...
T L Highley, W E Eslyn

The Copper Tolerance of Mycelium vs. Spores for Two Brown Rot Fungi
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10422
The copper tolerance of two brown rot fungi, Gloeophyllum sepiarium and Oligoporus placentus, has been tested using both mycelia and basidiospores as inoculum sources. Mycelial growth of O. placentus on agar medium was shown to be much more tolerant to copper (as copper sulfate) than that of G. sepiarium. However, there was no difference in copper tolerance of basidiospores between the two specie...
S Choi, J N R Ruddick, P I Morris

Window test. Direct testing of wood resistance to decay: A study of its fitness, its reliability and its accelerating factor
1984 - IRG/WP 2219
This is the results of an experiment using the window-test specimens, exposing the specimens to three different types of testing procedure: 1. Natural infestation in the open air; 2. Artificial infestation and exposure in the open air; 3. Artificial infestation in a green-house. The results show good similiraties of the three parallel tests in term of decay, and assess the reliability of the windo...
G R Y Déon, L N Trong

Nasutitermes exitiosus and wood-rotting fungi in Eucalyptus regnans, E. acmenioides, E. wandoo, and E. marginata: force-feeding, laboratory study
1985 - IRG/WP 1231
Under a force-feeding regime, the termitid Nasutitermes exitiosus was fed on four eucalypt timbers infested with several fungal species to investigate the influence of such fungus-infested timbers on mass of wood lost, termite biomass, fat content and water content. The results showed that wood mass losses were markedly affected by species of fungi and timber. The interaction of fungi and timbers ...
D B A Ruyooka

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